Being haunted by a glitch
- One on One
- Group
- Dice
- Quests
(A role play i was working on toyhouse but i might as well finish here also)
"the space of reality and time is a fragile thing, weaving through without end the uncountable number of worlds that have their own unique time which creatures that humans are myth peacefully living in their own timeline as they were unknown to humans but they didn't know humans either, yet what would happen if time and space had a little fluke, these two worlds becoming interchain that were never meant to be together.
suddenly whimsical areas had appeared showing up the world mix in with just after you would see every day walking down the street, the creatures becoming into humans which was an effect of them being in this timeline only able to harness energy when they're in their homelands, appearing as any other human so none were ever alarm, bringing on hectic and chaos as some creatures want to coexist with humans, yet there was many ones that wanted to do the opposite and destroy humanity and take over their land, but everyone in these creatures has a little special thing as they all could affect a human to transform into one of their own, sure when weren't around any magical energy they were simple humans but as soon as they were, there bodies would painfully transform with bones snapping and twisting with this being the moment they learned their no longer human at all.
bringing down chaos with the humans some wanted to be one yet some didn't, there being one said wanted to coexist with these creatures also but then there was one that wanted to hunt them in cold blood, humans popping up with magical capabilities if there were blessed, yet it was a double edged sword as not everyone was blessed and these people sometimes out of spite, would attempt to murder them also or simply doing heinous crimes on them, bringing on the debate if they were human or not as some believed that they weren't but some believed that they were.
then there were people that managed to tame the strait-up magical animal creatures along with their own but couldn't tame those ones as long it was meant to be a domestic species, but didn't even work on regular animals in the first place, as these crystals also popped up as when a human showed a crystal it to a magical animal soon began absorbing the creature in and concealing it but can be summoned out by simply throwing the crystal into the air as the creature bursts out of it, turning back into a crystal once the creature can no longer fight.
some using their monsters for good and some using it for bad, some wanting peace and some morning peer chaos, people getting affected as all they have to do is give a mere scratch or bite as long as the enters the bloodstream, no one knows when this is going to end or if it ever ends and if it's going to bring good or if everything is screwed!"
let's start off that this will be a term roleplay as if you're no longer interested or simply want to leave please let me know, there will also be no gold for say as you make your characters gold but there will be a semi-conclusion, i find role plays the most fun when it comes to stories but giving people options on what routes they want to take, so to give everyone a chance and it doesn't go too fast everyone must wait an hour before posting, i am horrible at times so i may intentionally break this rule if i do spam this shit out of me and i won't be offended, this is also open for all skill levels as i've been role playing since high school!
please know i use voice to text so there might be some words that slip off the cracks and i try my best to catch them all before i post, but some might as as soon as i notice i fix them after post, please note this is my first time making the role play on here so i don't know how to make forms fancy and crud!
you can't have anything fantasy without the essence of an element itself, granted they're going to be pretty generic but these are the ones that make the most sense to me, all of theme will have a nickname making it easier to identify with humans which are:
-Leafstriders~(Nanture/Grass and no it has nothing to do with the bug)
-Quakewecker-(Eerth or hint the ground type in pokemon)
-Featherdancers-(Wind or Air)
-Unnaturalcrossers~(Ghost, spirit, poltergeist, demon anything that has to do with the paranormal)
-Guardian essence of the land-
there's each pacific area of that acts like a town and a homeland for the following types, run with town folks but also people who are a little bit more higher, more importantly this is where the large energy crystal is held that holds every single bit of the essence itself, leading there to be a king and queen who are purposely meant to rule the town but also guard the crystal even with their own life on the line, each one having types that they are friendly with but once that they are not friendly with or semi-friendly.
"Paradise Springs"
A relaxing place that doesn't seem to ever run out of fresh clean water and one of the few only places where the water isn't pollution nor will it ever be, due to the crystal as if any pollution as any trash or dirty water will simply be reverted to fresh clean without any nasty drop left, the town itself having a law as anyone who dare pollution in any way will face severe punishment, it there scares home as they needed to survive and would face a high risk of extinction, due to actual clean and pure freshwater being so rare, the townsfolk and anyone who lived here taking it very seriously as even if you dropped a little cup you will be taken to whatever punishment they deem fit.
there friends with the grass type due to them also needing them to survive and thrive, feeling a strong connection as they also had various of plants and food in their sandy oasis, there are also friends with the light type due to how light simply glimmers in the water, they are semi-friends with air and earth due to wind storms causing massive damage for them and how earth played an important role but due not the biggest fan when the earth moves and shakes due to another potential damage, they are not friendly with the fire, lightning, and poison for understandable reasons as fire would burn and destroy everything, electrocution especially in the waters causes significant harm and even deaths if it's powerful enough, poison because well they kill the plants and also pollution.
"Crimson Flare"
A harsh and cruel place that never stops raining ash and never seen a clear sky in there life here other than smoky clothes with smoke flowing in the air in there life here other than smoky clothes with smoke flowing in the air of the hard rock ground with charcoal trees as far as the eye can see, the only quote nature thing you would see is wide variety from sharpen to flat rocks with some having encased magma in them that can be seen flowing through but will not hurt you due it well being contain and you can see through it with a case over it, there are multiple signs warning of areas that are straight up pits of boiling lava as for the fire type see as a delicacy but for most it a one-way trip to the shadow realm where you go to sleep and never wake up. unable to be punished unintentional or intentional if someone fell in because well you can't really punish a pool of lava and bones are seen here like it's every other tuesday, anything that lives here don't have to worry about anyone trying to take anything from them due for most this is a deathtrap and no one wants a deathtrap, leading this place to essentially be a free for all even if you sign up for it or not and one of the only places that don't have laws so nothing is punishable.
they are friends with the air type, light type, dark and earth type as the reason why their friends with so many types as these type played an important part of the land that they walk on, earth because it has supplied the rocks lightning because it can supply fire itself fire is usually seen as an evil thing so then becoming friends with the dark was a match made in heaven, air because it carries everything else through the air like aches and smoke and such. there semi friends with the light type because death is an actually their goal leading them they have a neutral stance on whatever happens with the dark and light, they disagree with the dark's opinion that fire exists only make deaths but also agrees with the light as they know that their goal is not actually to cause deaths were there fires, making them actually semi friends with poison as death is a big part. despite popular depiction they're not actually against the water and ice types due to them being a universal threat to there land, there are only one that they're not so friendly which is the grass type due to them unable to see eye and eye.
"Willow Whispers"
A place you can take a single step or look any other direction to see a variety of known and unknown plants filling every nook and cranny it can find, this land being the largest out of all from the fields with flowers and not flowers and the so much open space as every being that resides here it's very particular where any building structures place do to them wanting to have open space but space for the plants that grow in peace, anything built here is a naturally built from human material just from nature itself as thanks to the crystal energy these plants live eternal life and will never die from normal means, but still need water as they will appear dead when they're not so they still need their precious water with this place also having variety of areas with clean water themselves, making them have a unbreakable bond with the water type with them sharing their water to make sure they never run out so they're not using too much. this makes even the slightest tampering or destruction of nature to be one of the most serious laws here with them making the most serious punishments compared to anywhere else, once you have harmed nature they will never forgive you and they can perfectly see someone live and die in front of them, here is no hope of talking yourself out of it once you've been seen as you shall face their holy wrath, so it's best to stay on there good side and never touch their little nature in a harming way.
understandably they are friends with the waters and are best friends with the earth type seeing how the two were intertwined from the moment they existed and also having a good relationship with the light type but are also friends with the dark type bleeding them to be a true neutralise with water also having the same stance as dark thank to them, there semi friends with ice due to them tolerating knowing that it's the nature of cycle as well as the wind type as they only have a problem when windstorms come and cause a whole mess for them, they are not friendly with fire and lightning times due to them having the ability to burn their land down and poison type for the same reason just not with fire.
"Clifftop Breeze"
A special place where it doesn't connect to the ground and slowly floats above the ground peacefully using the large crystals magic to separate lands as this massive Island could be seen up in the sky where they have chosen to make their mark that is impossible to reach as long as you're a creature with wings are incapable fight or use the magic, if you don't then you're out of luck and have to find some method of fight, with this Island used to actually be a bunch of small islands that were mended together to make one massive one over time that was large enough to build a whole society on. known for chilling relaxation but also known to bring a little chaos with it making an unbalanced citizenship as some would go to insane members to simply keep their peace or to keep the chaos running, unlucky for them they have the same mentality with their law of murder as you will be greatly punished and there was still as many normal citizens who want to live their life due not worry about the unexpected chaos that comes from a floating island or the piece that comes with it. they do have a special spot for visitors that came through different means like airplanes or helicopters but another important part is a high insane amount of patrol, there job as falling and plummeting to your death being real risk is to save them from death clutches and bring them back to land, being are to be no actual case due to the mountain and numbers for someone that actually has fallen to death (yet), if you interfere or bother them enough where they can't do there job this is actually a pretty serious crime and can bring on some hefty punishment for simply doing such a thing, especially if the person who interferes cause a person to die leading down to be charged with murder that will face the penalty of death to feel the same thing they did.
these types understandably have more enemies than friends, being unfriendly to fire, poison, ice, and lightning only being friends with the earth, light, and the grass type, this is due to them facing many dangers from lightning storms, the fire type when the wind would bring flammable little bit causing spreading fires, the poison causing threat to the plants but also the natural grown fruit and veggies to die or become poisonous themself causing them having to learn a spell to detect poison so accidental death by poisoning has become much more slim, the snow blizzard causing massive trouble and always leaving some sense of destruction. they are friends with a light type due to their light being needed for them to live when it comes to food or such but neutral when it comes between dark and light, the earth because without them they wouldn't even have a habitat to survive and live, the grass type playing a large part in their survivability, they don't have any semi friends due to them being neutral to all typing neither loving or hating them.
"Shockwave Rebel"
Sometimes mistaken for lightning but this is actually the earth-type lands where they share a mix of qualities with other lands, with a vast amount of nature's green and also waterfalls and such so there is some unmistakable similarities but they do have some things that make them distinctly different, having much more highlands and even mountains with multitudes of cliffs and simply highland compared to the rest, they also have a multitude of caves holding precious materials as it's a mystery with everyone that you come out with, never being consistent so this town was built by a multiple of materials and just a mix and match together, leaving no leftovers as to rule here is you must find a use for everything and it's frown upon to have leftovers going to waste. they're pretty tame with ther laws and most of them are stereotypical but they show no mercy if you harm nature became to get greedy taking everything you find so there's no room left for others, this town being built with sharing with each other so it's pretty serious here, but it is rare for them to go as far as death as they don't want nasty blood staining their pretty precious rocks, this be one of the few towns where you will get punished a lot but you don't have to fear death.
they have much more friends than enemies even on a semi level, they're friends with grass, water, fire, and ice, due to them all playing a special role these lands creation for the very types of creatures to live there and being able to survive and not survive, there friends with ice as they enjoy how the water freezes and how nice it looks and appreciate the beauty as they have no semi friend or enemies, they're also neutral and don't either love or hate.
"Cracklestorm Valley"
A wide open place was the grass always being a dead yellow as very little plant sorry able to live and survive here causing all the trees to be dead and barren but not from lightning strikes, this place being filled with lightning rods to redirect and absorb the energy into the ground to prevent the body stacking up when the storm is never-ending and always going, leading to this actually being more safe than the firelands due to the chance of electrocution actually being pretty slim thanks to this, sadly there's barely anything here if you venture out into the open, as the things you will only see is dead grass, dead trees and many rocks and boulders with the only place of interest being the town itself. unable to grow any fruits and veggies here as they have no choice but to use greenhouses which comes with the positive and negatives but they really don't have much of a choice, causing a lot of the creatures who live here causing the creatures here to grown a little bit spiteful towards the places that have the blessing of mother nature's greenery, so this place was known for thefts and sabotage due to the lot of creatures here going to places because havoc and and intent to destroy and take away something that they have, this leads to place to have no law similar to the firelands, so best to proceed with caution as you're gonna go for a wild ride if you didn't ask for it or not.
they are friends with the fire type due to them having a special connection of them being able to create fire lightning as well as dark and will always choose darkness side over lights when it comes to debates, only because the fire type is friends with the dark and them respecting the fire types vary greatly, every single other type sees them as theat due to them wanting to destroy any resources and any parts of any lands elements itself, the only reason why they haven't gone into a world war with the other types that would meet their doom due to how many types are against them because they play an important part in nature so they have no choice but they keep the hooligans.
"Bloodshed Swamps"
A land that never had a single history of war due to them being able to kill any nature and any living flesh without breaking a sweat as this place will be forever tainted in blood not the type itself you might as well not even try to fight for your life because it will always and failure, but not all hope is lost if someone has a spell or an item or a place that can cure a toxin as every other type has a medical facility specializing in antidotes for that stuff to give out, but if you don't then you're fight is forever feeble as long as you're so lucky for someone to find you in time. the only plants that grow here is ones that are poisonous themselves as well as thorns and vines that can ingest poison, leading to the poison types developing a immunity when there are the poison themself leaving there to not ever be a carnivore one leading to them adapting to survive on only plants, they were also forced as they didn't want to but other types wouldn't shut up about them not placing signs everywhere, as instead of fire pits the pits were filled with toxic liquid, this place has no walls and their won't ever be laws because they like it that way, for most the bloodshed word would be dare to not be spoken but for them that was essentially their life, as this place is scattered with blood and there always be blood as they can't step 2.5 feet without finding it, coming to terms that they will always live in a blood scattered land of the world.
they're only friend and the one they will always pick the side on is the dark type, they're only friend and the one they will always pick the side on is the dark type as all other types fear them but the type itself is a being neutral and doesn't actually want to poison the world to death as it is ingrained in there is society to respect under lands as this is the only crime you can meet, if they ever found out that one has began to disrespect and destroy their land, then punishment was dealt with ever they deemed fit.
"Hellhound Despair"
A eerie and grim place that always in internal night leaving the air to always be cold and chilly and having such a unfriendly tone to it that would cause the most cowardly of types to go into a panic and flea instantly and every living thing constantly having to be on edge in this twisted land, due to the crimes being flipped there's anything that could be seen as criminal is allowed and anything that's nice is punishable, corpses being common site as anyone can be murdered or attempted murder in a blink of an eye with no warning even if you let your guard down for a second, this place being built with a russian roulette mindset so it was a living game of russian roulette, as it didn't matter if you were friends, family, relatives, as they shall not be spared or no one will be spared as any pleading is fable and no need to waste your breath. Surprisingly the town itself was rather pretty and well-built being lace in efficient metal and pretty silver with scatters of shards of crystals to add little extra flair to whatever they were building, compared to the twisted dark forest outside with mist always seeming to never disappear and looks like you're going to be gone and disappeared without a trace, with all the food, water, and materials coming from the land itself even if it looks like it wouldn't provide nothing, many dark and maze like caves scattered about that you can venture on into but at the own risk of your precious life.
they are friends with fire due to them able to relating to the frustrations that it could be seen and has label as evil, the only other one being poisoned due to them being able to understand what they're going through as everyone else is neutral about them, due to them usually minding their own business and simply doing their own thing, they are hell bent on destroying anything that is light and one of the two only lands that have initiated more war than anywhere else due to this, if a creature or living being is a dark and a light type then they are free to choose which one as their secondary type that their hellbent on destroying will be notified and will be treated as same as everyone else.
"Iciclelance Frost"
Being covered in internal snows and blizzards causing never lively living plants to never grow and will always die a cold painful death and the only thing you'll be able to find nature-wise is trees and some frozen-over water and of course snow, as really the only thing that can survive here is the type themselves says the countless forms of deaths is pretty unpreventable, frostbite, drowning, solid ice smashing into you either crushing your bones or impale if you are unlucky with icicles, but one thing that it never fails on beauty as the town takes advantage of the ice and intertwines ice with building structure to make a charming and beautiful combination between the two, you can really see many spectacular sites here made from nature but is called proceed at your own risk of death for obvious reasons. they do have special places as there is inn for travelers for such and very good medical faculties that was specifically made for travelers that people bought in that were on the ropes of death and have a chance to regain their life, these inn also having fireplaces heaters a lot of things to provide heat, it's a gambling place as you're not fully lost cause and there are signs intentionally directing you to the city, but you have to hope that your body or someone else finds you before you say hi to the dirt and go into the ground, thankfully as for this very reason they constantly have patrol scouting to bring in ones and need first aid asap, as under the rough coolness of ice they were known to be one of the most friendly and welcoming anyone in as everyone here was treated as family and they lived by the motto no one is left behind.
ice is friends with light and always takes their side due to the light reflecting beautifully in the ice and snow, there simi friends with grass but more so the grass is semi about them due to the ice killing plants and such, they don't have any enemies as they don't bother most and most don't bother with them.
"the space of reality and time is a fragile thing, weaving through without end the uncountable number of worlds that have their own unique time which creatures that humans are myth peacefully living in their own timeline as they were unknown to humans but they didn't know humans either, yet what would happen if time and space had a little fluke, these two worlds becoming interchain that were never meant to be together.
suddenly whimsical areas had appeared showing up the world mix in with just after you would see every day walking down the street, the creatures becoming into humans which was an effect of them being in this timeline only able to harness energy when they're in their homelands, appearing as any other human so none were ever alarm, bringing on hectic and chaos as some creatures want to coexist with humans, yet there was many ones that wanted to do the opposite and destroy humanity and take over their land, but everyone in these creatures has a little special thing as they all could affect a human to transform into one of their own, sure when weren't around any magical energy they were simple humans but as soon as they were, there bodies would painfully transform with bones snapping and twisting with this being the moment they learned their no longer human at all.
bringing down chaos with the humans some wanted to be one yet some didn't, there being one said wanted to coexist with these creatures also but then there was one that wanted to hunt them in cold blood, humans popping up with magical capabilities if there were blessed, yet it was a double edged sword as not everyone was blessed and these people sometimes out of spite, would attempt to murder them also or simply doing heinous crimes on them, bringing on the debate if they were human or not as some believed that they weren't but some believed that they were.
then there were people that managed to tame the strait-up magical animal creatures along with their own but couldn't tame those ones as long it was meant to be a domestic species, but didn't even work on regular animals in the first place, as these crystals also popped up as when a human showed a crystal it to a magical animal soon began absorbing the creature in and concealing it but can be summoned out by simply throwing the crystal into the air as the creature bursts out of it, turning back into a crystal once the creature can no longer fight.
some using their monsters for good and some using it for bad, some wanting peace and some morning peer chaos, people getting affected as all they have to do is give a mere scratch or bite as long as the enters the bloodstream, no one knows when this is going to end or if it ever ends and if it's going to bring good or if everything is screwed!"
let's start off that this will be a term roleplay as if you're no longer interested or simply want to leave please let me know, there will also be no gold for say as you make your characters gold but there will be a semi-conclusion, i find role plays the most fun when it comes to stories but giving people options on what routes they want to take, so to give everyone a chance and it doesn't go too fast everyone must wait an hour before posting, i am horrible at times so i may intentionally break this rule if i do spam this shit out of me and i won't be offended, this is also open for all skill levels as i've been role playing since high school!
please know i use voice to text so there might be some words that slip off the cracks and i try my best to catch them all before i post, but some might as as soon as i notice i fix them after post, please note this is my first time making the role play on here so i don't know how to make forms fancy and crud!
you can't have anything fantasy without the essence of an element itself, granted they're going to be pretty generic but these are the ones that make the most sense to me, all of theme will have a nickname making it easier to identify with humans which are:
-Leafstriders~(Nanture/Grass and no it has nothing to do with the bug)
-Quakewecker-(Eerth or hint the ground type in pokemon)
-Featherdancers-(Wind or Air)
-Unnaturalcrossers~(Ghost, spirit, poltergeist, demon anything that has to do with the paranormal)
-Guardian essence of the land-
there's each pacific area of that acts like a town and a homeland for the following types, run with town folks but also people who are a little bit more higher, more importantly this is where the large energy crystal is held that holds every single bit of the essence itself, leading there to be a king and queen who are purposely meant to rule the town but also guard the crystal even with their own life on the line, each one having types that they are friendly with but once that they are not friendly with or semi-friendly.
"Paradise Springs"
A relaxing place that doesn't seem to ever run out of fresh clean water and one of the few only places where the water isn't pollution nor will it ever be, due to the crystal as if any pollution as any trash or dirty water will simply be reverted to fresh clean without any nasty drop left, the town itself having a law as anyone who dare pollution in any way will face severe punishment, it there scares home as they needed to survive and would face a high risk of extinction, due to actual clean and pure freshwater being so rare, the townsfolk and anyone who lived here taking it very seriously as even if you dropped a little cup you will be taken to whatever punishment they deem fit.
there friends with the grass type due to them also needing them to survive and thrive, feeling a strong connection as they also had various of plants and food in their sandy oasis, there are also friends with the light type due to how light simply glimmers in the water, they are semi-friends with air and earth due to wind storms causing massive damage for them and how earth played an important role but due not the biggest fan when the earth moves and shakes due to another potential damage, they are not friendly with the fire, lightning, and poison for understandable reasons as fire would burn and destroy everything, electrocution especially in the waters causes significant harm and even deaths if it's powerful enough, poison because well they kill the plants and also pollution.
"Crimson Flare"
A harsh and cruel place that never stops raining ash and never seen a clear sky in there life here other than smoky clothes with smoke flowing in the air in there life here other than smoky clothes with smoke flowing in the air of the hard rock ground with charcoal trees as far as the eye can see, the only quote nature thing you would see is wide variety from sharpen to flat rocks with some having encased magma in them that can be seen flowing through but will not hurt you due it well being contain and you can see through it with a case over it, there are multiple signs warning of areas that are straight up pits of boiling lava as for the fire type see as a delicacy but for most it a one-way trip to the shadow realm where you go to sleep and never wake up. unable to be punished unintentional or intentional if someone fell in because well you can't really punish a pool of lava and bones are seen here like it's every other tuesday, anything that lives here don't have to worry about anyone trying to take anything from them due for most this is a deathtrap and no one wants a deathtrap, leading this place to essentially be a free for all even if you sign up for it or not and one of the only places that don't have laws so nothing is punishable.
they are friends with the air type, light type, dark and earth type as the reason why their friends with so many types as these type played an important part of the land that they walk on, earth because it has supplied the rocks lightning because it can supply fire itself fire is usually seen as an evil thing so then becoming friends with the dark was a match made in heaven, air because it carries everything else through the air like aches and smoke and such. there semi friends with the light type because death is an actually their goal leading them they have a neutral stance on whatever happens with the dark and light, they disagree with the dark's opinion that fire exists only make deaths but also agrees with the light as they know that their goal is not actually to cause deaths were there fires, making them actually semi friends with poison as death is a big part. despite popular depiction they're not actually against the water and ice types due to them being a universal threat to there land, there are only one that they're not so friendly which is the grass type due to them unable to see eye and eye.
"Willow Whispers"
A place you can take a single step or look any other direction to see a variety of known and unknown plants filling every nook and cranny it can find, this land being the largest out of all from the fields with flowers and not flowers and the so much open space as every being that resides here it's very particular where any building structures place do to them wanting to have open space but space for the plants that grow in peace, anything built here is a naturally built from human material just from nature itself as thanks to the crystal energy these plants live eternal life and will never die from normal means, but still need water as they will appear dead when they're not so they still need their precious water with this place also having variety of areas with clean water themselves, making them have a unbreakable bond with the water type with them sharing their water to make sure they never run out so they're not using too much. this makes even the slightest tampering or destruction of nature to be one of the most serious laws here with them making the most serious punishments compared to anywhere else, once you have harmed nature they will never forgive you and they can perfectly see someone live and die in front of them, here is no hope of talking yourself out of it once you've been seen as you shall face their holy wrath, so it's best to stay on there good side and never touch their little nature in a harming way.
understandably they are friends with the waters and are best friends with the earth type seeing how the two were intertwined from the moment they existed and also having a good relationship with the light type but are also friends with the dark type bleeding them to be a true neutralise with water also having the same stance as dark thank to them, there semi friends with ice due to them tolerating knowing that it's the nature of cycle as well as the wind type as they only have a problem when windstorms come and cause a whole mess for them, they are not friendly with fire and lightning times due to them having the ability to burn their land down and poison type for the same reason just not with fire.
"Clifftop Breeze"
A special place where it doesn't connect to the ground and slowly floats above the ground peacefully using the large crystals magic to separate lands as this massive Island could be seen up in the sky where they have chosen to make their mark that is impossible to reach as long as you're a creature with wings are incapable fight or use the magic, if you don't then you're out of luck and have to find some method of fight, with this Island used to actually be a bunch of small islands that were mended together to make one massive one over time that was large enough to build a whole society on. known for chilling relaxation but also known to bring a little chaos with it making an unbalanced citizenship as some would go to insane members to simply keep their peace or to keep the chaos running, unlucky for them they have the same mentality with their law of murder as you will be greatly punished and there was still as many normal citizens who want to live their life due not worry about the unexpected chaos that comes from a floating island or the piece that comes with it. they do have a special spot for visitors that came through different means like airplanes or helicopters but another important part is a high insane amount of patrol, there job as falling and plummeting to your death being real risk is to save them from death clutches and bring them back to land, being are to be no actual case due to the mountain and numbers for someone that actually has fallen to death (yet), if you interfere or bother them enough where they can't do there job this is actually a pretty serious crime and can bring on some hefty punishment for simply doing such a thing, especially if the person who interferes cause a person to die leading down to be charged with murder that will face the penalty of death to feel the same thing they did.
these types understandably have more enemies than friends, being unfriendly to fire, poison, ice, and lightning only being friends with the earth, light, and the grass type, this is due to them facing many dangers from lightning storms, the fire type when the wind would bring flammable little bit causing spreading fires, the poison causing threat to the plants but also the natural grown fruit and veggies to die or become poisonous themself causing them having to learn a spell to detect poison so accidental death by poisoning has become much more slim, the snow blizzard causing massive trouble and always leaving some sense of destruction. they are friends with a light type due to their light being needed for them to live when it comes to food or such but neutral when it comes between dark and light, the earth because without them they wouldn't even have a habitat to survive and live, the grass type playing a large part in their survivability, they don't have any semi friends due to them being neutral to all typing neither loving or hating them.
"Shockwave Rebel"
Sometimes mistaken for lightning but this is actually the earth-type lands where they share a mix of qualities with other lands, with a vast amount of nature's green and also waterfalls and such so there is some unmistakable similarities but they do have some things that make them distinctly different, having much more highlands and even mountains with multitudes of cliffs and simply highland compared to the rest, they also have a multitude of caves holding precious materials as it's a mystery with everyone that you come out with, never being consistent so this town was built by a multiple of materials and just a mix and match together, leaving no leftovers as to rule here is you must find a use for everything and it's frown upon to have leftovers going to waste. they're pretty tame with ther laws and most of them are stereotypical but they show no mercy if you harm nature became to get greedy taking everything you find so there's no room left for others, this town being built with sharing with each other so it's pretty serious here, but it is rare for them to go as far as death as they don't want nasty blood staining their pretty precious rocks, this be one of the few towns where you will get punished a lot but you don't have to fear death.
they have much more friends than enemies even on a semi level, they're friends with grass, water, fire, and ice, due to them all playing a special role these lands creation for the very types of creatures to live there and being able to survive and not survive, there friends with ice as they enjoy how the water freezes and how nice it looks and appreciate the beauty as they have no semi friend or enemies, they're also neutral and don't either love or hate.
"Cracklestorm Valley"
A wide open place was the grass always being a dead yellow as very little plant sorry able to live and survive here causing all the trees to be dead and barren but not from lightning strikes, this place being filled with lightning rods to redirect and absorb the energy into the ground to prevent the body stacking up when the storm is never-ending and always going, leading to this actually being more safe than the firelands due to the chance of electrocution actually being pretty slim thanks to this, sadly there's barely anything here if you venture out into the open, as the things you will only see is dead grass, dead trees and many rocks and boulders with the only place of interest being the town itself. unable to grow any fruits and veggies here as they have no choice but to use greenhouses which comes with the positive and negatives but they really don't have much of a choice, causing a lot of the creatures who live here causing the creatures here to grown a little bit spiteful towards the places that have the blessing of mother nature's greenery, so this place was known for thefts and sabotage due to the lot of creatures here going to places because havoc and and intent to destroy and take away something that they have, this leads to place to have no law similar to the firelands, so best to proceed with caution as you're gonna go for a wild ride if you didn't ask for it or not.
they are friends with the fire type due to them having a special connection of them being able to create fire lightning as well as dark and will always choose darkness side over lights when it comes to debates, only because the fire type is friends with the dark and them respecting the fire types vary greatly, every single other type sees them as theat due to them wanting to destroy any resources and any parts of any lands elements itself, the only reason why they haven't gone into a world war with the other types that would meet their doom due to how many types are against them because they play an important part in nature so they have no choice but they keep the hooligans.
"Bloodshed Swamps"
A land that never had a single history of war due to them being able to kill any nature and any living flesh without breaking a sweat as this place will be forever tainted in blood not the type itself you might as well not even try to fight for your life because it will always and failure, but not all hope is lost if someone has a spell or an item or a place that can cure a toxin as every other type has a medical facility specializing in antidotes for that stuff to give out, but if you don't then you're fight is forever feeble as long as you're so lucky for someone to find you in time. the only plants that grow here is ones that are poisonous themselves as well as thorns and vines that can ingest poison, leading to the poison types developing a immunity when there are the poison themself leaving there to not ever be a carnivore one leading to them adapting to survive on only plants, they were also forced as they didn't want to but other types wouldn't shut up about them not placing signs everywhere, as instead of fire pits the pits were filled with toxic liquid, this place has no walls and their won't ever be laws because they like it that way, for most the bloodshed word would be dare to not be spoken but for them that was essentially their life, as this place is scattered with blood and there always be blood as they can't step 2.5 feet without finding it, coming to terms that they will always live in a blood scattered land of the world.
they're only friend and the one they will always pick the side on is the dark type, they're only friend and the one they will always pick the side on is the dark type as all other types fear them but the type itself is a being neutral and doesn't actually want to poison the world to death as it is ingrained in there is society to respect under lands as this is the only crime you can meet, if they ever found out that one has began to disrespect and destroy their land, then punishment was dealt with ever they deemed fit.
"Hellhound Despair"
A eerie and grim place that always in internal night leaving the air to always be cold and chilly and having such a unfriendly tone to it that would cause the most cowardly of types to go into a panic and flea instantly and every living thing constantly having to be on edge in this twisted land, due to the crimes being flipped there's anything that could be seen as criminal is allowed and anything that's nice is punishable, corpses being common site as anyone can be murdered or attempted murder in a blink of an eye with no warning even if you let your guard down for a second, this place being built with a russian roulette mindset so it was a living game of russian roulette, as it didn't matter if you were friends, family, relatives, as they shall not be spared or no one will be spared as any pleading is fable and no need to waste your breath. Surprisingly the town itself was rather pretty and well-built being lace in efficient metal and pretty silver with scatters of shards of crystals to add little extra flair to whatever they were building, compared to the twisted dark forest outside with mist always seeming to never disappear and looks like you're going to be gone and disappeared without a trace, with all the food, water, and materials coming from the land itself even if it looks like it wouldn't provide nothing, many dark and maze like caves scattered about that you can venture on into but at the own risk of your precious life.
they are friends with fire due to them able to relating to the frustrations that it could be seen and has label as evil, the only other one being poisoned due to them being able to understand what they're going through as everyone else is neutral about them, due to them usually minding their own business and simply doing their own thing, they are hell bent on destroying anything that is light and one of the two only lands that have initiated more war than anywhere else due to this, if a creature or living being is a dark and a light type then they are free to choose which one as their secondary type that their hellbent on destroying will be notified and will be treated as same as everyone else.
"Iciclelance Frost"
Being covered in internal snows and blizzards causing never lively living plants to never grow and will always die a cold painful death and the only thing you'll be able to find nature-wise is trees and some frozen-over water and of course snow, as really the only thing that can survive here is the type themselves says the countless forms of deaths is pretty unpreventable, frostbite, drowning, solid ice smashing into you either crushing your bones or impale if you are unlucky with icicles, but one thing that it never fails on beauty as the town takes advantage of the ice and intertwines ice with building structure to make a charming and beautiful combination between the two, you can really see many spectacular sites here made from nature but is called proceed at your own risk of death for obvious reasons. they do have special places as there is inn for travelers for such and very good medical faculties that was specifically made for travelers that people bought in that were on the ropes of death and have a chance to regain their life, these inn also having fireplaces heaters a lot of things to provide heat, it's a gambling place as you're not fully lost cause and there are signs intentionally directing you to the city, but you have to hope that your body or someone else finds you before you say hi to the dirt and go into the ground, thankfully as for this very reason they constantly have patrol scouting to bring in ones and need first aid asap, as under the rough coolness of ice they were known to be one of the most friendly and welcoming anyone in as everyone here was treated as family and they lived by the motto no one is left behind.
ice is friends with light and always takes their side due to the light reflecting beautifully in the ice and snow, there simi friends with grass but more so the grass is semi about them due to the ice killing plants and such, they don't have any enemies as they don't bother most and most don't bother with them.