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Community Feb25 Valentines Letters


Bitter and Sweet, do not eat.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
Valentine’s Letters Writing Event

Just like last year we'll be doing our Valentines letters! Love, admiration, and heartfelt words take center stage in this special event! Whether your character is a secret admirer, a rival with an unexpected soft side, or a dear friend deserving of appreciation, this is your chance to put those emotions into words. Or, if you'd prefer, step outside the story and send a heartfelt message to a fellow writer who has inspired you.

How It Works:
Participants may write a letter in one of two ways:

In-Character (IC): A love letter, a confession, a playful tease, or even an anonymous note. It could be a message of longing, gratitude, or even something left unsaid until now.
Out-of-Character (OOC): A letter of appreciation to another writer, a message about a character you admire, or a lighthearted Valentine’s greeting to the community.

Letter Format:
To keep things organized, please follow this simple template when submitting your letter:

Letter Recipient: [The person or character receiving the letter]
Sender: [The person or character sending the letter]
Letter Type: OOC/IC?
Letter: [Your message]

Go ahead and post your letters here in this thread.
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Letter Recipient: Everyone in IH
Sender: Beann
Letter Type: OOC
Letter: Hi guys! I just wanted to express my appreciation to all of y'all. Although I recently joined, everyone has been so friendly and inviting, and I'm always happy to chat in the server because of it. I hope to be a part of IH for years to come.

Letter Recipient: Faynorae Faynorae Aniel
Sender: Aureliana
Letter Type: IC

Greetings angelic man,

I am writing to you to extend my friendship. While the amounts of pink you wear is a bit of an eyesore, you somehow make it work. Should you ever need anything to be burned and set ablaze for whatever reason, know that I will gladly come to your aid.

- Aureliana

Letter Recipient: Kikimura Kikimura Brandy
Sender: Aureliana
Letter Type: IC

Tall cat lady,

Thank you for your assistance with the elusive orange cat. It would have been better if you were able to catch it while catching Aniel but as unpredictable as fire is, so are the feline variety.

I hope that isn't offensive. I'm talking about the feline animals, not the beast folk such as yourself. However, it would seem both groups enjoy fish so maybe you and the cat are similar?

I will stop writing before I dig myself a deeper hole.

- Aureliana
Type: IC | Love Letter
Sender: Kalina
Recipient: Scylla RavenSong RavenSong
Canon Status: Will be hidden in Scylla's belongings at the end of Oll's End.
Dear Sweetheart,

It seems you found my letter~ With how chaotic things can get, I figured I'd sneak one into your bag, rather than risk forgetting to apologise.

You see, I'm not entirely sure what marriage is all about, but it seemed asking about it was upsetting to you. My apologies about that. I'll ask some of the others about how it's supposed to go and I'll abstain from bringing it up again in the meantime.

On another note, I'd never expect that so many people would end up joining in with us. We're really building an actual Coven now, aren't we? Once Ibby takes over Oll's End altogether, we'll have the coolest hide-out with the greatest people to hide away with!

That said, I should warn you. I'll likely be getting in trouble again in the near future. I've heard rumours about vampire activity in the Kingdom and I'm hoping to go investigate it. I still want to figure out who turned me into one.

In other words, we should have all the fun we can, before it's back to serious business, no? You said something about wanting to be drank from until you fainted? Is that offer still on the table? Conquering Pocket Dimensions for our future Queen Iberis is pretty thirst-inducing~ In more ways than one.

Let me know when you found this and when you're ready to have a talk... or some fun!


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Type: IC | Love Letter
Sender: Deliverance
Recipient: Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Canon Status: Sent somewhere before the World's event, yet after the events of I Summon Thee!. Got lost in the mail until now.
Dear Ninelle,

This may seem rather out of place. It honestly is. However, one of my classmates insisted he would share his notes on research into the Abyss with me, which would further my research into the Ethereal. Yet he insisted that I first take another class with him. Some sort of poetry thing.

Whilst I would normally believe this to be utterly nonsensical, a waste of time, a waste of paper and a waste of intellectual ability, it somehow doesn't feel as wasteful when I think about dedicating it to you. I hope you don't think of it as odd, as I decided to actually sent it to you.

Frostbrought Love,

The cold, the dark and desolate,
A frozen time to contemplate,
A plague, so gnarled, so twisted,
A hero that enlisted

My arrival one in solitude
With only research to conclude,
Your arrival on frosty air,
A simple presence without flair,

Your questions for understanding,
My goals unfit for comprehending,
Words of mine were short and few,
You slept on flowers like the dew.

The scenery broke, we fell to ice,
My life it was, that you had saved,
Memories it were, that you engraved,
Working together, you advice

We travelled through the dark
You were the light, you were the spark
An odd sense of comfort, left in mind
Cold and danger, yet memories kind

How is it, I often ask,
That I fondly remember such a task?
The answer, I finally found,
For it was this mission that had us bound

No frost, no falls, no plague, no foe,
No cold, no danger, no pain, no woe,
None of the above, nothing thereof,
Can undo this Frostbrougth love.​
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Letter Recipient: Everyone in IH
Sender: Kitty
Letter Type: OOC
Letter: Everyone, I love you all so so so so so much and appreciate everything you do for me, regardless of my rampant inactivity as of late. wish you the best!~
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation (and perhaps the start of more).
Sender: Ceylan
Recipient: Siegfried Faynorae Faynorae
Canon Status: Put in Siegfrieds Silk Drawstring Bag sometime after they left Refara's Sound.
Dear Siegfried,

As it is difficult for me to gather my thoughts and express myself through conversation at times, I decided to sit down and write everything that's been going through my mind down onto the paper of this letter instead.

You see, it occurred to me that, over the span of just a few weeks, your presence has become most familiar. Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday, when we met on those winding roads in the See. Other times it feels like we've known one another for ages.

It still surprises me, at times, that you would hold someone so simple as myself in such high regards. Similar, it surprises me that you would find my company worth keeping for such an extended amount of time. Few have stayed by my side for as long as you have, yet I find myself wanting to ask you to continue doing so regardless.

How odd, it is, for me to harbour such selfish feelings. For I know that you house talents that might be far beyond what is needed to aid someone as simple as myself. Yet I strongly wish for you to keep on doing so regardless.

Perhaps, if I were to dedicate my life fully to strengthen all that is good in the world and to combat all that is evil, would I be allowed this one luxury of asking you to remain by my side and aid me through it? It is a question that has been clouding my mind for the past few days.

Perhaps, gods willing, we shall find an answer. Perhaps, even, if the gods are willing, We will find answers to questions we did not even think to ask. For they often work in mysterious ways. Perhaps, your presence itself, is the result of one such deity, as I truly feel blessed by it.

Thank you, then, for your aid. Now and in the future to come.

With regards,

Type: Reply
Sender: Aniel Valentino
Recipient: Aureliana Beann Beann
Letter Type: In Character
a/n: pretend all the i's are dotted with hearts. Couldn't find a font that was both in cursive and had hearts on the i's instead of dots.

Carissima Aureliana
It is my greatest wish this finds you well and healthy.

I will gladly take that hand which extends to me your friendship, afterall, one can never once have enough friends. I hope we become closer in the future and, if you ever feel yourself in peril regarding love, I am myself an expert! I am well versed in the hearts of men & women alike and all the people am sort of a matchmaker—an angel of love or a cupid if you will.

I admit, pink is not my favourite colour. It's too girly It has too many feminine connotations and comes off as too innocent for my liking, although I am glad that you find I pull it off. Rather, I know that I pull off anything. even if my current apparel makes me look like some sort of harlot. Someone as handsome as myself can make the drabbest of rags look like haute couture! If I were a few heads taller, I would be a model of incredible standing, would you not agree? Well, anyway, I fancy black & red o'er pink, white & red.

I will never have any reason for you to burn anything of me as you have already incinerated what is most important to me. The moment I laid eyes upon you, my heart melted like the wax of candle-flame♡

Cor cordium
Aniel Valentino
Recipient for the reward: Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer

Letter Recipient: Elvario Elvario | Zahrah Fiore
Sender: Maxxob Maxxob | Erich Zann
Letter Type: IC

Dear happiness researcher, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Zahrah Fiore, I hope this letter finds you well.

I'm contacting you through this ancient method of communication to praise your actions during Ms. Giovanna, the one with uncontrollable hormones and adept of bosom-induced asphyxiation, request for us.
I also have not forgotten our mutual idea for research, including new hormones and possibly even the more meticulous study of happiness. With our joint efforts, I'm sure we will be able to make all organic and inorganic individuals 'horny'. I'm eager to continue our research, even if it isn't directly related to my field.

Yours truly, Ally of Lykra the Champion, Technological Eccentric, member of the board of directors in the Tinkerer's Triage™, Erich Zann
Type: IC | Reply
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Erich Zann Maxxob Maxxob
Canon Status: Sent in character during this mission.
Esteemed Ally of Lykra the Champion, Technological Eccentric, member of the board of directors in the Tinkerer's Triage™; dear Erich Zann,

Thank you for writing me! It's possibly the first time ever someone sent me a letter that wasn't a reply! That's like, totally awesome and cool and good for happiness!

Continuing our research will be amazing! The world will be off so much better when we can make more people 'horny' for sure! All the happiness hormones for the win! Whoo!

Isn't this ancient method of communicating charming though? I think it is good for happiness, especially this time of year!

How have you been doing? I met some fancy noble lady in the east Empire and gave a concert there! It was great! I also met a nice old lady in a city called Red Haven! She made me food out of cotton so that I could eat it! Now the Tiny Turtle in my stomach has cotton food to accompany it! Isn't that great? I did think I gained some weight though. Do you think I should try get the cotton food out again? I don't think I can process it like organics would. Perhaps I'd need to reach down my throat for it? Does your research cover such topics?

Anyhow, I'm looking totally forwards to seeing you again! Right after I'm done here with my mission and buy a castle! I heard rebuilding old buildings is good for happiness, so I'm going to try buy and rebuild castle ruins and rebuild my outpost! You should come visit one day!

Your faithfully, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy and Happiness Researcher!

Love, Zahrah Fiore!
Type: IC | Love Letter
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Tiefy Etymarchen Etymarchen
Canon Status: Sent in character during this mission.
Dearest Tiefy!

To say I've missed you would be an understatement, as I feel like I've missed you more than double the average missing a person can miss someone!

There was a concert I wanted to go to, but the main start of it ended up vanishing, so I had to replace her. It went pretty well, but it's a shame you weren't there!

Then I went to explore some ruins with a big blue cow lady. She was very horny. Just like the shirtless man that was with us. There was also a man that was very technological and smart. He just sent me a letter that he's still planning to harvest happiness hormones with me! We can make everyone happy with those!

Also, I ended up eating a Tiny Turtle during that, to keep it safe in my stomach. Do you think I should take it out? Did you ever eat something that just sat in your stomach? Do you think things are happy in our stomachs?

Anyhow, I then met a nice lady and gave a concert for her and her this man in the East Empire! I think it went great and was lots of fun.

Then I went to a city called Red Haven and met another nice lady that made me cotton food! I definitely gained weight though. Do you know how to loose weight? I can't really take it out or burn off calories.

Right now, I'm on a mission with the beasties! In the northern place. I forgot the name at the moment. There's also a really cool looking red woman and a nice doggo here.

What have you been doing? Are you still hanging out with the red girl and the Haltrials? Give them my regards of you do! I'd love to come visit again soon!

Oh, oh! I'm also building up my outpost ruins and I'm trying to get some castle ruins. Rebuilding old properties is said to be good for happiness. Did you know that? Do you want to come live in one? You could be the queen of the castle! That'd be fun, I think, right?

Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world,

Letter recipient: Mr.Wolfman (Hideki) ( Moonberry Moonberry )
Sender: Griffin
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Mr.Wolf!

I hope this letter finds you and I didn’t screw up anything and that you are still in Kuridan. Did I ever tell you my name? I can’t remember. But! We were stuck fighting that pig demon thing together. My name is either Griffin or Aurora and you might recognize me for my wings. I was also the first to volunteer for the fight. Back then I realized you were quite the smart wolf but I didn’t piece together that you might be a man in a wolf’s body. I think the Fae’s name was Eilredareth? I hope I didn’t butcher that spelling but you broke a vase/artifact of hers and got turned into a wolf. And you spoke about a place called Japan, and I suspect it's you because you match the description way too well, and if I am wrong and you are a wolf that can’t understand this letter I am going to feel like an IDIOT. Anyways… anyway need to calm down. My mind is racing again. You’d think after participating in fights and protecting people I’d stay level-headed but it seems the longer I stay put the higher stress tends to increase and it is difficult to stay still.

But, let me introduce myself properly now? The name I went by at the time was Griffin. But now I use that name and the name ‘Aurora’. And I am going to confess because to me it sounded like you came from another world too…

I died. Well, that isn’t the best way to start a story. But the ink is already freezing over and drying as we speak. I originally came from a place called Earth, I was a sixteen-year-old girl named ‘Aurora’ who came from a country called ‘America’. And I think you came from Earth as well. Japan sounds familiar to me. Anyway, when I was fourteen I got diagnosed with cancer, died, and woke up in this body.

Now I am going to prepare to send this and stop writing before it gets too long. But I at least got that off my chest, maybe if my assumptions are right I can tell you what I’ve been up to recently…


Letter recipient: Aedrianna/Hikari ( Moonberry Moonberry )
Sender: Griffin
Letter type: IC
Welp, between working in Rotia and everything I decided it best I write some of the history of ‘Aedrianna Belmonte’ down as best as I could and can. I don’t know anything but any information on your new life is better than none right? Aedrianna Belmonte was the daughter of an alchemist and merchant named Thaddeus Belmonte she grew up in the country Kuridan which has a predominantly beast population. You may refer to Demetrius and half of Rotia who are animal people as beastkin if you haven’t pieced together what they are. Aedrianna and I met when going into a bug nest, she wasn’t experienced in combat so I kept her as safe as best as I could. We became good friends during that and penpals. Of which I’ll leave the copies of the letters she/you have sent to me in this letter through the mail… I think you may find them of benefit.

And I look forward to aiding your navigation of this world and understanding it more. It's surprisingly…satisfying. Being the person for someone else that you didn’t have. I woke up in this body without a guide, and here I am guiding a new (?) soul around this world. I hope Rotia hasn’t scared you too much though! You did wake up in the 2nd worst place to be in this world…you should be lucky you didn’t wake up in the 1st continent that isn’t meant to sound rude. There are only monsters over there and sending anyone with 0 experience is a death sentence. I’m glad to have found you and that I was able to make sure you are okay.


Letter recipient: Kota ( SixSense SixSense )
Sender: Griffin
Letter type: IC

Dear, Absolute fucking idiot.

WHY DID YOU ACCEPT THE JOB WITH A LITERAL BOMB? And then I learned you died a second time. I’M SURPRISED YOUR SOUL STAYED IN THIS WORLD. You’re my friend, you are like a brother I DON’T LIKE HEARING YOU DIED. I wish I could’ve helped and kept you safe. Perhaps it was a failure on my end for not being there. Or perhaps you got too confident with the bugs or weren't careful enough with the bombs. When we meet again I’ll be resisting the urge to wrap you up in makeshift sorta bubble wrap. DO NOT help with explosions EVER AGAIN.

Congratulations on becoming the champion of Holy Water for the Fae See.


On a side note, I’ve been in Rotia if this letter reaches you perhaps I can give you more details.

— Griffin

Letter recipient: Ōkami ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi )
Sender: Griffin
Letter type: IC
Dear, Ōkami.

Thank you for not dying again. Yes, I am still bitter with Kota over it. We are going to have to keep him from messing with stuff in Widersia and the Duchy. Anyway, you didn’t die and you did great helping out from what I heard, and even got a new sword! You also became the Champion of Light? THAT’S AMAZING IMAGINE HOW MANY ENEMIES YOU’LL GET TO SLAUGHTER. Well at least from our conversations you like to fight and kill but I could very well be corrected!

I’ve been stuck in back and forth between Rotia and Roran so unfortunately I couldn’t aid in the war more like I wanted. I’m glad to hear a treaty was made and that it has officially ended though, I guess I feel divided now Rotia is dealing with a steady increase of monster attacks as the freeze nears and I wanna protect as many people as possible but I can’t be in multiple places at once.

I’ve also come to terms with my identity. I don’t mind being perceived as a boy or a girl anymore…and it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. I’m neither technically anyway… and you can either call me ‘Griffin’ or ‘Aurora’ whatever you feel is best for you, no idea if I said that last time.

So give me the details, AND UPDATES on the group so far are there any new members to Yukan’s group? Also, wrap Kota and Yukan in extra layers of armor for me.

— Griffin

Letter recipient: Yukan ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece )
Sender: Griffin
Letter type: IC
Dear, another idiot who died but at least he didn’t fucking die twice.

I’m sorry about the language Yukan. You are my friend, my Ally, and have been a Leader figure and I care about you very much. But you aren’t spared from the lecture that comes from deep within my soul and gears. Now you are like the rest of us who have died and come back. So I suppose my focus is, How do you feel currently? Alterations or unfamiliarity with the new body is quite jarring. I’m glad you didn’t get sent to Earth haha you might’ve gone through a confusion that put my confusion to shame. I hope you are adjusting well enough and congratulations on becoming the Champion of Fire.

Now that it is said…



Letter recipient: Demeter ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi )
Sender: Keircey
Letter type: IC
How’ve you been Demeter? Have you been shooting constructs with vines or whatever since we’ve last seen each other? Either way, if you remember me then I suppose I should talk to you about what’s been happening. That is what these letters are for after all.

I’ve been busy dealing with my ‘Siblings’ with some new friends I’ve made. I am looking to be dealing with my creator soon enough and once that happens I can accomplish my purpose without him following me. And risking others. I think you would like one of the new friends I made. Her name is Yufi.

Maybe we can meet up eventually when I am done dealing with ‘family’ drama.

Letter recipient: Noelle ( Tellussoil Tellussoil )
Sender: Keircey
Letter type: IC
Dear, Noelle

I am Probably the last person you ever want to hear from after what happened in Kuridian. But I wanted to assure you what happened back then I never forgot. I hope, if we ever meet again that no trouble should follow and no one gets hurt or executed.

As I stated before I am being hunted down by my creator. And unfortunately, that alone has brought a world of trouble.

I am working towards resolving that, with some new friends I made. This also involves fighting with my ‘siblings’ A bit. Weirdly enough, unfortunately. But I hope to fix it all so no more people are endangered.

I’m sorry that the guy got executed, I’m sorry people got hurt, I am sorry I couldn’t say this all face to face.

I know you hate me. And I can’t fix what happened back then.

But I can work towards getting rid of the source of the problem so those I meet in the future won’t get hurt just by being associated.

I’m sorry.

Hopefully, if we ever meet again I can mend things.

I’m sorry, and I can’t say it enough.

-- Keircey

Letter recipient: Kuro ( Lolory Lolory
Sender: Keircey
Letter type: IC
Dear, Kuro

You may have left the party, but I still thank you very much for helping some in me and Yufi’s familial whatever messes. Some people really aren’t born lucky, are they? I think you would’ve liked the studio despite all of it. It was mostly games. Roy always liked his mini-games and puzzles. Though he did send in the big guns towards the end.

During it all two people fainted, unfortunately, guess not everyone truly is suited for helping in this kind of work. But it is what it is.

When we first met we argued, then we worked together and bonded and now we are…sort of friends? I wouldn’t call us enemies that is for sure. I know you tolerate me at least.

Maybe when everything is all said and done we can meet again.

— Keircey

Letter recipient: Yufi ( Megilagor Megilagor )
Sender: Keircey
Letter type: IC
Dear, Yufi

Thank you for helping me thus far. Even if you are doing it because it is beneficial for you I am still more grateful than you know. Before recently my experience with people outside in the world and those I met was bad. I even made some people hate me because of the fact I was chased down or didn’t understand ‘death’ well enough.

I’m glad to have made some friends on the outside after being stuck in a whirlwind of familial problems since I was made. When everything is over we’ve burnt those ties I do believe it is a cause for a celebration no? After all once this is all over we can meet new people without THEM hunting any new friends down and causing harm.

— Keircey

Letter recipient: Koralia ( Maxxob Maxxob )
Sender: Keircey
Letter type: IC

Dear, Koralia

I wanted to say thank you for helping me thus far, with you know my siblings the things Diago has set up, and all of that so far even when there’s more I hope you’ll stick to the end, maybe you’ll even get Diago’s…oh what is it called. I think Organics call them ‘Livers’?

Either way, You have permission to give him a similar fate to Cyrus I suppose, even though it is still kinda weird in my eyes at least they can’t come back and hurt people after that.

Anyway, once this is all over should it all succeed I do think we need to celebrate this feat. And you know what that means? FOOOOD. Maybe we could get you some live food too.


Letter recipient: Noelle ( Tellussoil Tellussoil )
Sender: Cheshire
Letter type: IC
I want to thank you for helping me with the ritual, you’ve been the most positive person I’ve met in a while. It is a good thing to see especially after being surrounded by death. Maybe sometime in the future, I can teach you, Sylvan!

Maybe eventually I can introduce you and the Sprites to Peat. Though I’d have to be careful she is easily overwhelmed and has a bad experience with others.

So, I’m glad I can call you a friend and it was nice meeting you!

— Cheshire

Letter recipient: Haru ( heartspan heartspan )
Sender: Cheshire
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Haru

Things may have just started, but you seem like a decent dude. However, I am curious about how much you might care about the Chearon. Here’s why and it involves The war…

I died in the supply camp because someone set it on fire. It seems odd to me because neither The Chearon nor The Otezian Empire benefited from the war. It broke out pointlessly,

I suspect a third party and invite you to join me and investigating the site. Though if it's above your pay grade I understand.

— Cheshire

Letter recipient: Marcus ( Maverick Six Maverick Six )
Sender: Cheshire
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Mr Banecroft

My name is Cheshire Charmel. And you may not know me. And the nature of this letter may be seen as strange, as I am a Chearon citizen. I was one of the people helping in the supply camp, It took me a bit but I managed to get some names of those who were trying to help exterminate the hive. Of which yours was one of them.
You seem loyal to the Otezian Empire, as I am for The Chearon. Two countries with a fragile relationship as we speak. I’ll cut to the chase.

I suspect a third party was involved.

See the camp was lit aflame, yet people within the camp regardless of being from The Otezian Empire or The Chearon were far too busy to have set that fire. And in the end, this war broke out for naught. Neither side gained much importance besides the birth of a new enemy. I suspect a third party was egging it on, which is why I plan to investigate it.

This is why I take the risk, for my country, I invite you to join me in the Investigation.

Would you like to join me and see if our countries were being played for fools?

-Cheshire Charmel.

Letter recipient: Alden ( Jay Cee Jay Cee )
Sender: Cheshire
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Alden

I want to thank you for your aid with the ritual, it involves your request of yours involving magic to reverse aging. I wanted to let you know that I’ll be busy with an investigation but after that investigation, I offer my aid to help you with it.

I don’t handle stuff partially and shrug it off. Magic is a serious thing.

As a thank you for helping me when available and you I hope to help you set the course for this ritual. And lend a hand.


Letter recipient: Winrey ( Lolory Lolory )
Sender: Cheshire
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Winrey!

We haven’t spoken since the circus and a lot has happened and changed. With the war over maybe some things didn’t get mentioned directly after the Circus because chaos ensued.

Anyway, I’m a dad now.

That sounds bad. Let me explain. It's a joke! Sorta. I still have custody of Peat, the Dryad you saw me healing at the Circus and she has grown quite attached to me..I feel like a dad.

Uh oh! Yeah, I died. Yeah, that happened. And I came back to life got turned into a monster and currently working on a ritual to right that I hope fixes it.

Hahaha..life am I right? So bizarre…

Also, I swear to god if I find Umbra fucker I wanna kill him. Sneaking into military supply camps… STIRRING UP TROUBLE

Anyway, Lots of stuff happened might be best if we meet up and I catch you up on everything in person….Eventually

— Cheshire.

Letter recipient: Julius ( SixSense SixSense )
Sender: Eriedeth
Letter type: IC
Greetings, My childhood thorn in the side.

Been a while, and I am anxious about this meeting we are going to have with the Widersia Merchants Guild! It will determine the fate of our company in its earlier stages I hope we can all make the right choice,

Aside from that nothing much has happened on my end, been ironing out our prototypes. So the big question I suppose is how you’ve been?

Also I have no idea what happened with Pierre. He just disappeared do you know anything?

— Eriedeth Pip

Letter recipient: Erich ( Maxxob Maxxob )
Sender: Eriedeth
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Erich Zaan

Hello my enthusiastic friend, how are you faring in recent times? I hope you haven’t broken into any more workshops. Truly, and with how things have been. Well seems like we might have our work cut out for us if things go well. How do you think we’ll be able to handle the meeting?

— Eriedeth Pip

Letter recipient: Leiana ( NeramoDJI NeramoDJI )
Sender: Eriedeth
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Leiana

Feels like it's been a while. But I also feel like I’ve been suffocating because the weight of the upcoming meeting seems to be a bit much. Maybe I am overthinking, or maybe I am not thinking about it enough, we'll just see how it goes.

How’ve you been? I feel like now is the perfect time to check in on things. Your bottle hasn’t been stolen again while you were asleep right? I hope not!

Letter recipient: Regula ( Elvario Elvario )
Sender: Eriedeth
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Lady Caelia

I don’t know if you remember me from the fair, but I came with my business partners. My name is Eriedeth Pip, one of the founders of the ‘Tinkerers Triage’ in Widersia.

Which is one thing. We are now officially a company.

Another is that, we have an upcoming meeting soon with the Merchants guild in our country, this is an update on that. We may be able to help sometime after the meeting with your barony’s water issue.

—Eriedeth Pip

Letter recipient: Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )
Sender: Eriedeth
Letter type: IC
Greetings, Kuro

How have things been? This past year? I know it's been chalk full of a lot of things happening! Have you found yourself yet another mystery? Made any new friends since we last heard from each other?

Let me tell you about my life currently. I moved back to my home country Widersia. I reunited with my Best Childhood Frienemy named Julius. Got to see Pierre..even if he did disappear sometime after, made some new friends Named Erich and Leiana and we founded a tinkering company named ‘The Tinkerers Triage’.

We have a business meeting coming up and I’ve been terribly anxious.

How’ve you been?

—Eriedeth pip
Letter Recipient: Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur" Faynorae Faynorae
Ul Dyril
Letter Type: IC

Written to a dear maiden who, what I had come to understand, a lot of people loved and valued for them and their work

It's not like I'd know if this letter will somehow magically reach you wherever you might be. Different worlds and different magical species and all their deities and whatnot, but here I am writing out this... in quite frankly, a colour of ink I'd never go out of my way to use except this feels like a deserving circumstance.

Look, it's not like this is formal or anything, and there's probably a million others out there who would love to send you a last message, for what I've heard, things might have not turned out so fortunate for you. But, I still respected the things you did for the public and general masses, and your work, and for whatever reason I did still keep one of those 'Fan' badges just for the sake of it. It's a collector's item, right? I mean, got it from meeting the Maiden herself.

But anyway, there's a lot of people who are upset about your premature departure, and I'm sure Zahrah and other close friends'll probably struggle with the news. I wouldn't imagine how to possibly save you or bring you back, but I thought I'd be part of the one percent who sends you a random letter and... I don't know, somehow finds its' way across the cosmos to you.

I mean, there's got to be some higher being out there who took notice of all you did, maybe you really are just out there relaxing and basking in the success of your life. Maybe you're like me, you've ended up in some other world, and there's a whole new realm of possibilities there, entire new civilizations of people to spread love and cheer for. Either way, I'm sending this to hope that wherever you do actually end up, you'll find further happiness and success there. I'm probably the worst person for this, I'm not exactly... attached in ways other people might, or have known you well enough to understand what to say. But, from someone who pretty much knew nothing about you, except for that one time we met and I was in a concert with you and Zahrah, thanks for your efforts.

Hopefully if I get a place set up in this world, maybe I'll find a way to... I don't know, help remind people of the world you wanted to make, or even help continue your legacy. If I could perform once, maybe I could do it again, I'm sure Zahrah would be interested in that kind of thing too.

Well, that's all I have to say. Maybe if something comes up, I'll send you another. People probably imagine having pen-pals with a deceased person is insane, but sometimes people need to be a little bit insane for the benefit of the world. Thanks for your grace and presence, I'm sure this world won't ever forget you. And if it tries to, I'm sure I or someone else will make sure that doesn't happen.

Rest in Peace Queen, I hope you find all the Love and Happiness you've ever wanted somewhere far across the cosmos.

- Ul Dyril, future Queen of Nyrael
Letter Recipient: Virgil SixSense SixSense
Sender: Secret Admirer (Aureliana)
Letter Type: IC

Baron Virgil Mortier Novalume,

I hope this letter finds you well but I must admit writing it feels like stepping into the heat of a very unpredictable flame. You see, there’s something about you that’s caught my attention in a way that I can’t quite extinguish—like a spark that lingers long after the match is struck.

You have a certain warmth about you, a glow that lights up any room you enter. It’s not an overpowering blaze, but more like a steady ember that draws people in without them even realizing. Your presence certainly adds a bit of heat to the air, and I can’t help but admire that.

Perhaps I’m being a bit too forward, but I simply wanted to share that there’s something about your demeanor that kindles a quiet fascination in me. It’s not an overwhelming fire, but more like the comforting crackle of a fire burning on a cold evening underneath the bright moon—fascinating and hard to ignore.

I’ll end this letter here before my words become a blazing inferno, though I’m sure the flicker of my curiosity will remain. Perhaps one day, I’ll get the chance to share more with you—until then, consider this just a small spark of admiration.

In secret admiration,

The Ascending Flame.
Letter Recipient: Kiercey ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
Sender: Kuro
Letter Type: IC

My Dearest Kiercey,

It's been AGES since I've gotten a letter from anyone, let alone a friend! After we split ways, I've been doing more odd jobs here and there, but I'm happy you at least figured everything out in the end. The studio being full of nothing but games does sound exciting...but I'm actually planning a trip out of Azuran City soon, so I'm sure I'll have fun on my own when that time comes around. Even though we may have butted heads in the beginning, I've forgiven you for your past transgressions. After all, it's normal for people to underestimate my genius and greatness! I'm just so amazing, it just takes time for other people to really "get me", you know? Glad to see you've seen the light!

Once I become a proper noble and lord, I'll create a fan-club and you can be the first member! See ya around, we'll probably cross paths again eventually!


Letter Recipient: Eriedeth ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
Sender: Kuro
Letter Type: IC

Dearest Eriedeth,

I hope this letter finds you in good health! It's been a while since we've crossed paths on the adventuring trail, but I haven't forgotten about you at all! As a Lord, it's hard to find time for leisure, but you should know I'm headed out of Azuran City soon for a short while to discover more about myself. This past year, I've helped many people with similar mysteries, and have found myself making more acquaintances than before! One could even say I've garnered fans! But enough prattling on about me, it's uncouth for a noble to only talk about themselves after all. I'm glad to see you're doing well, and that you've returned home to meet old friends. And creating a business is no easy task, but I'm sure someone as capable as you can handle it! You have my full support, Miss Eriedeth!

Who knows, maybe one day your business will be so successful that you'll reach the same noble status I have? It's nice to have high aspirations at least!

Yours truly,
Lord Kuro Nekomata

Recipient: Cheshire ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
Sender: Winrey
Letter type: IC

Hello. I've never received mail before. It's a new experience for me, so I apologize if its sent incorrectly to you. Not much has really changed for me, which I find to be somewhat annoying. I've been working on a private project for a year now, and I am no closer to completing my goal. I need to study Alchemy more and learn about the creation of life process. However, it's not completely terrible. My parents have decided this year they'd like to give me more freedom...but it comes with a cost. I have to...help people with their funerary rites so that I can become a proper Deacon. It's slow going, and I can't say that I like helping people, but I am getting better all the same.

I'm glad the Dryad you are taking care of is still around. Be sure to properly nurture her. And if you don't take care of her, consider sending the body to me, since Dryad parts are incredibly rare to find, and I could use them for my Alchemical experiements. Parenting is hard to say the least, but you seem to enjoy the work. So congratulations.

I know the man you're talking about, by the way.
Umbra Blackwell, I knew him a long, long time ago. He's not nearly as harmless as he seems. For your sake, and that poor Dryad you consider family...I'd keep my distance. Revenge against him isn't worth it in the long run.

Here's to a new year, maybe we'll cross paths some other time. It was nice working with a fellow healer for once...I'm normally the only healer around in my adventuring parties.


Letter Recipient: Zeke NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Sender: Elvyra
Letter Type: IC

I know we said we'd split ways after the job was done, but I got a little sentimental thinking about old heists, and you and your gang crossed my mind. So, I decided to write to you. You're a hard man to track down though. Finding this address was pain in the ass enough. All that aside, how have you been? Did you spend all the money from the Goldpot in one place yet? I certainly haven't, but finding a score like that again has been pretty rough.

It's not easy trying to run a whole city, especially not one like Clockhaven. If I come across any other big earnings, I'll be sure to let you and your crew know too. We made a good team, and I could use more manpower for jobs like the Goldpot.

Keep in touch,
Elvyra Highwater
Letter Recipient: PRETTYBIRDIE Elvario Elvario
GUNHILD!! (Miyuki for the most part)
Letter Type: IC

Hello, Regula! I hope this letter finds you well, and that you're not busy. It's me, Miyuki, writing this letter, but I'm just sending this picture Gunhild drew that she really wanted to give to you. I went out on a small trip and ended up finding her a nice box of crayons and thought it'd keep her mind entertained, and now she wanted to draw little pictures of all of her friends to give to them as gifts. I couldn't ever have the heart to deny her such a thing, so I'm sending you this image, and I'd hope that you could perhaps send a letter back I could read her. That is, if she won't be seeing you in person to hear it directly from you. I doubt you'd have a fridge you regularly visit to stick it onto, but maybe you can find some nice place to put it, she's very proud of it and hopes you like it very much.

Have a nice day, Lady Caelia! Or, 'Prettybirdie', as Gunhild keeps calling you!

- Love from Miyuki, and lots and lots of love and goodness from the bestest Gunhild
The following image was attached, clearly drawn by Gunhild in crayon.

Letter Recipient: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Eriedeth Pip
Sender: Maxxob Maxxob | Erich Zann
Letter Type: IC

Salutations, fellow tinkerer, Eriedeth Pip

I have been producing great strides in the field of optics and enriched uranium, even managing to procure materials that can replace the ones I was used to working with! Well, even if they are of lower grade…
Currently, I haven’t breached any unsuspecting workshops… at least for the moment. Possibly because there aren’t that many tinkerers here in Ryken. I’ve heard of two brothers in Widersia, I believe their last names is Burke, which might be advantageous for us to interact with.
How about yourself? Have you managed to reign in that fellow, Julius? He seemed to be quite the challenge to work with! I’m eagerly waiting for our next meeting, so we can continue to advance the Tinkerer’s Triage name in the field of industrial developments!

Yours truly, Ally of Lykra the Champion, Technological Eccentric, member of the board of directors in the Tinkerer's Triage™, Erich Zann

Letter Recipient: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Keircey
Sender: Maxxob Maxxob | Koralia Ironjaw
Letter Type: IC

Hey, my buddy Keircey!

Ain’t no need to be thankin’ me, at least not yet. Things ain’t done, but ya can count with my sword-arm and sword. Haven’t had that much experience takin’ out tin-cans, so this is good for me!
Hah! If ya are offerin’, I sure will give that bastard a good chomp, ain’t nothing gonna be left with I’m through with ‘im, I can tell ya that much!
Think ya might be able to get some monkeys? Never ate those: too quick, too nimble! And I’m not that good at climbin’ them trees.

Ya comrade in arms, Koralia Ironjaw
Type: IC | A letter of gratitude
Sender: Ninelle (#54d1b0)
Recipient: Deliverance Elvario Elvario
Canon Status: A bit scribbly and wrinkled, but tucked secretly in one of his study books on the ethereal, shortly before World's (2024).
Dear Deli,

You may be surprised to find this here, hehe.

Hopefully, you'll never find this. I'll tear it up before you get a chance to. But, just in case, I leave this here for you.

I can't remember if I told you, but I have... already died once in this war. It's the reason why I still can't help but flinch at lightning storms and flickering lights; the white flash that killed me that day will likely haunt me for the rest of my life.

And yet, I must trek forward once more: into a warzone likely even more dangerous. I'm stronger than I was before, but who knows if that could even be close to enough. With as useless of a hero as I am, I doubt the Spirit King would waste his strength in bringing me back a second time.

The worst thing of all... is that you are coming with me. Why are you coming with me? And why won't you listen when I tell you not to? Why?

I am terrified of losing you. And I know I would do anything to keep you alive. Anything. So if you're reading this afterwards without me... I hope you can understand.

I love you.

The last thing I expected, after making a deal with the deacon to destroy that plaguebearing heart, was to fall in love. It's amazing. Your face rarely even moves, and yet I could still stare at it all day, hehe.

You know, I never expected to fall in love with someone like you. We're so different, yet so vaguely similar at the same time. I really love the little sparkles of excitement in your eyes whenever you make a new breakthrough towards the Ethereal, and I'm always glad to be there for them.

Thank you for loving me.

You may not have noticed, but I have. The way you treat me grows more natural with every passing day. It warms my heart and makes me tear up when I notice every time.

You let me into your life, and I am just so very grateful for that.

But if it hurts too much, please forget me.

Remember that your scars are beautiful Deli. If there's anything I can leave you with, I hope you never forget that.

With all the love I can muster,
Letter Recipient: Miiya Irihi Irihi
Stormbreaker Cutiefly Cutiefly
Letter Type: IC
Notes: Sent a bit before the events of the Monster Factory and about 7 years after they met.
Hey, kid. it's been a while since you heard from me, I didn't get your letters, I fear they may have gotten lost in the mail. Things have been alright. I still been unable to hold down a proper job as such. Turns out people don’t really like hiring a draconian who settles her problems with her fists. Go figure.

But, well… that’s not why I’m writing. I guess I just wanted to check in. See how you’ve been. Still causing mayhem for others? I hope you are, Miiya. I don't know why I'm sending this letter. I'm just lonely. I missed talking to you. I miss being here for you. It's been a long seven years. But I hope we get to meet up again.

I did find something recently, something about this program in the West Empire that will help me get stronger. I'm hoping it does wonders to get me stronger overall and makes me more capable of fighting alongside you again! I'm not back up to my full strength yet. The guy in charge seems decent. I hope I don't regret this.

Take care of yourself, Miiya.


P.S Don't forget to buy those blueberry donuts.

Letter Recipient: Aedrianna Belmontes ( Moonberry Moonberry )
Sender: Rios
Letter Type: IC
Dearest Aedrianna

I hope this letter finds you in good health despite the troubles that must have been plaguing you since the passing of your father. Thaddeus Belmontes was not a man I can claim to have known well. Yet there was no doubt that you were his world, the core of every day. In time you will heal, holding that pain as close as can be. I can offer only my earnest condolences in such a trying time. You are far braver than you may give yourself credit for. Our time together was but two short adventures yet at both times I could see the strides you were taking towards your own independence. If Thaddeus held great pride in you then... I can only imagine how much pride he would feel seeing you now. Time marches onward and although we are parted as of now. I know our paths will cross once more, as inevitably as the years first snowfall in your home of Naan Pass.

My own adventures as of late have not been so kind to me. As I write this, I have returned from a mission that saw me facing an entity that parasitized the local populace; turning them into monsters. I confess to you that I envied that power. My path has been one fraught with mistake and defeat. Time and time again has mine own weakness pushed me to grasp onto power only to be reminded that I am truly powerless. I poisoned myself with the essence of the creatures, yearning for a day when I would not be at the mercy of another. Darkness clouded my mind and I could see only through the lens of my hatred. Tainted and full of fury, I pushed myself further than before to find strength that was never truly mine. Truthfully the only accomplishment I made on that quest was being a test subject for a cure to the parasitic force. Sat on the ship that would ferry me back to civilization. I remembered your name, the soft blue of your eyes and most of all the smile that broke through the cold that day you held my hand in Naan Pass.

I know not what this warmth in my chest is when I cast my mind back to that time. A remnant of the corruption that had me in its grasp or something else entirely. What I know is that it spreads like wildfire despite the coolness of this nights air. Although I may sound presumptuous and boorish in my language.

I want to see you again
Sincerely, Rios
Recipient: Ceylan Elvario Elvario
Sender: Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber
Letter Type: In Character, Reply
Canon Status: Given directly to Ceylan before they reached Arborhaven.

Diuh Seelan

Wons self fiels warm wen reeding yor letder Eet ees a foren riaktsin that I ahm not yuse tu and I wonduh eef eet has tu du weth the letder eetself or eef eet wahs bicus yu rote eet. Notwethstanding, I enjoy eet.

Selfish ees a word that won cannot pear yu with and I du not fynd yor wish selfish ad aal Wons self I myself feel that I want tu sty by yor syd Won has nefur wontd for enithing buhfor I nefur nited tu want for enithing Now aas a strynjuh tu myself I fynd that I wont yu insessindli Clos tu yu I wish tu sty

Won has no qstsins and won has no nid for aansers The gods bring mortals tugeduh for a risin and I fiel this wy for a risin Forefur I wont tu si yu and hier yu and bi close tu yu. Akin tu the Eden I persu I want no harm tu efur com tu yu. I onli want tu si yu smyl and bi helthi. eef woy dy I can bi hu I am agen I whel pluc the stars from the sky and grant yor efuri wish.

smyl for mi wons een uh wyl
Zeekfryd Ghrunnelkuh Atleebuh

Dear Ceylan

One's self feels warm when reading your letter. It is a foreign reaction that I am not used to and I wonder if it has to do with the letter itself or if it was because you wrote it. Notwithstanding, I enjoy it.

Selfish is a word that one cannot pair you with and I do not find your wish selfish at all. One's self, I myself, feel that I want to stay by your side. One has never (once) wanted for anything before, I never needed to want for anything. Now, as a stranger to myself, I find that I want you incessantly (by my side.) Close to you, I wish to stay.

One has no questions and one has no need for answers. The gods bring mortals together for a reason, and I feel this way for a reason. Forever, I want to see you and hear you and be close to you. Akin to the "eden" I pursue, I want no harm to ever come to you. I only want to see you smile and be healthy. If one day, I can be who I am again, I will pluck the stars from the sky and grant your every wish.

Smile for me, once in a while
Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Regula Caelia
Recipient: Eriedeth Pip DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Canon Status: Sent IC, a bottle of champagne is sent along with it.
Dear Eriedeth,

Your letter finds me at a most peculiar timing as I discussed the agreement we once made not that long ago with some advisors of mine.

Naturally I remember your lovely Tail Tinkerer's Group and the many ideas they brought forwards. You've all made a colourful and most curious first impression. It's a shame there has not been an opportunity for any of you to come show your plans and ideas in practice.

Congratulations on becoming a formal company. I'll have my butler ship along some champagne for you all to celebrate with. Consider it a token of my hope on a fruitful future relation between your company and my barony.

I'll hope your meeting goes well. Should it not, let me know. I can put in a good word with the Ryke Merchant Guild instead, as I have a sufficiently high ranking membership to help your start-up out if needed.

Hoping to see you all soon and with regards,

Baroness Caelia
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Regula Caelia
Recipient: Gunhild Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent IC
Dear Gunhild, (dear Miyuki),

Thank you for writing me and thank Gunhild for drawing something for me. I'm always busy these days, but never so much that I'd abstain from sending a reply to such a lovely message.

I'm not entirely sure what a 'fridge' is, so I'm sure I don't have one. That said, I'm also sure I can find a good enough place for it. It is oddly charming to know that I'm apparently on Gunhild's mind enough for her to want to make me something like this. Tell her I'll give her an extra scratchy ear-scratch along the regular pets and perhaps even a good old belly-rub. That'll probably give her something to look forwards too.

With love,


P.S. Should I give up on trying to stop her from calling me Prettybirdie? It's a nice compliment, but being a baroness, it might seem like I'm being too lax on how I'm allowing others to address me.

P.P.S. If she ended up eating the crayons, could you tell me if they have different flavours? I never wished to try it for obvious reasons, but I did end up wondering about it once upon a time.

P.P.P.S. What's her favourite type of bread? I might see if I can find and buy it for her.
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Victorique Sopheana
Recipient: Kane Blackburne TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Canon Status: Sent during the start of this mission.
Hello buddy,

That's an odd way to start a letter, but I think it'd be appropriate. Next time we go out drinking, the bill's on me. Either way, I didn't really have time to properly thank you after our events with the Spirit King. I'll admit that even after returning and getting my memories back, I was still rather out of it. Loosing your legs and your identity alike really screws with you, it seems.

The idea of needing to figure out how to get to the first continent is also weighing on my mind. Seeing how many folk I got into danger during that mission in Clockhaven, or how I dragged you along into the Sky Kingdom of all places, it feels bad to ask you or anyone else to accompany me to an even more dangerous place. If there's any place folk might die due to my desires, it'd be the first continent. Yet I'd definitely die if I went there alone. Do you think I should give up and simple not go and meet this 'Overseer' person?

Either way, I didn't mean to write such depressive stuff. Do you remember Illya? The small pixie that went to fly to the Kingdom with us? I'm currently going to help her prove her innocence and prove that the one that'd captured her is the real criminal bastard. You might like that, as I think you got pretty upset about hearing the story.

Anyhow, thanks for being a friend. I've already shown I need them a fair bit, but I'll try not to continuously ask you to help me out or get me out of trouble. You do have your own career to work towards. I'm sure you'll make for a fine executioner.

With regards,

Last edited:
Type: IC | Letter of Introduction
Sender: Euthalia Apricot
Recipient: Demeter Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Canon Status: Sent IC
Greetings Demeter,

You have likely never heard of me, which would have remained that way, were it not for two things that I recently learned about. The first being that you are, most likely, a child of mine. The second being that I learned that you have strayed rather far from our homelands in the See.

Whilst I do not know you, nor do I know your circumstances and whilst it is uncommon for our kind to have familial ties bind us, I do believe that, as your father, I should at least extend to you an invitation to return to your home country and learn more about our customs and culture.

Having taken some liberty, I did a bit of investigation into you and learned that you are a beginner Adventurer in both Widersia and Ryke. Whilst I am proud to see you make a name for yourself, I do wonder why you would join the guilds in such nations. If there are any external circumstances that forced you into such a position, I do wish to extend my aid to help you resolve them.

Furthermore, I learned of some rumours that your condition might not be that of a pure-blood Sylvari. Should this be true, I must say it would be most surprising to learn that a child of mine might not find themselves rooting in the soil, but eating as mammal might. Whilst it is an odd question, I do wish to ask. Is there truth to these rumours?

Should you wish to meet me, as I wish to meet you, be sure to save this letter and the seal it as on it. It shows my status as a Diplomat of our nation and will therefore open some doors for you if needed. Furthermore, I can arrange for your transport through my contacts with the Faazi Merchant Guild if needed.

As I said before, relying on familial ties is uncommon among our kind. Even so, I wish to at least attempt to establish a mutually agreeable relationship. Should you desire the same, you have but answer me and I shall arrange for a meeting to occur.

Finally, I wish to warn you about your grandmother, my mother. She does not take kindly upon those of us who stray far from our roots. Cardinal Elderflower is ambitious, powerful, tactical and merciless. Traits that do not go well with those whom do not adhere to Fae standards or those whom might be considered failing. I would not wish the same fate upon you as had once befallen me.

May we meet soon and may your roots find fertile soil,
May the Spirit King guide you and may the sun embrace you with its light,

Your father,

Euthalia Apricot
Type: IC | Love (?) Letter
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Irihi Irihi Irihi
Canon Status: Sent a few days after this RP.
{Hello Dearheart!

How have you been? I take it that annoying demon-thing-guy hasn't being trying to pull you into hell again? If he has, just call me, Valerius and I will make sure to smash him right back down to where he belongs! Or Zjorn and Yuna can go cut his chains again!

Anyhow, I wanted to thank you for the amazing bathhouse experiences! I definitely reached a lot of amazing new highs. I couldn't have come that ha.. far without you teaching us those amazing bonding rituals! Exploring some secret depths in with you was also great fun! I think I learned many things about myself and about you. I might even know you inside and out now!

That said, I do wonder, were those bonding rituals just a 'you' thing or are they common in the See in general? I was thinking, it would be rude to just assume everyone there does them, or wouldn't it? I think the banshee didn't really like him, although the short green guy did. That was odd, wasn't it?

Oh, by the way, I should also say that I'm totally down to fight with you again! I don't mind that the others treated you weirdly or that we could barely talk. I think you were pretty strong and neat to have an as ally. Although you shouldn't die next time. Even if reviving you lead to so much fun last time, I don't think dying is fun, so... Let's just skip that part. Perhaps we can be victorious in a battle, then go to a bathhouse without the whole dying thing after? That'd be even more amazing!

That remind me, I don't think I really got to get to know you. Which is a shame, cause you seem a lot of fun! Now that you can talk again, we should do more talking. I don't know. Tell me what you like or something? Other than bonding rituals, of course. Or tell me what food you prefer? Other than. Anyhow, let me know if you want to hang out again, with me and Valerius! I'm sure it'd be fun. Besides, we resurrected you, took care of that demon dude for you and joined the bonding rituals! I'm sure you owe me and Valerius a more casual chat or something! Right?

Hoping to hear from you again soon,

Almeida and Valerius.

P.S. Have you seen my underwear? I've been going commando for a while now, as I think I lost it somewhere after I didn't put it back on when we went to fight that demon dude.}

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