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Community [Feb25 Event Raia x Stormbreaker]


Pro Hero
Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Off-site


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
32 (currently)
68 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet, Kungfu Fighter, Pro Hero, Pokeable Gray Matter
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Kungfu Fighter - Character was part of a street brawl.
Pokeable Gray Matter - Very squish, much jiggle, thoughts exposed.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | A Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | A Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | F Grade | 7 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​

Stormbreaker got teleported for the fourth time. First it was a brain, the second it was that poor Isekai'd Japanese woman, a tinkerer half-construct and now this. She didn't know what quite to expect this time but she at least picked out the hot springs. This could be relaxing this time around. Stormbreaker wasted no time walking around the area to see who was around.

She did undress herself and placed her armor nearby before getting in the water and just proceeding to chill in it. The water was wet and warm thankfully. That was all that was needed. She was used to this time of hanging out in a hot spring because it was super common place in her old life. She just hoped it wasn't a dude she would come in contact with. Now that would be embarassing.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Raia (#4064c3)

Time waited for no one. With the mirage slowly beginning to fade before her eyes, instead of lifting her mask, Raia only silently secured it further in place, smiling silently in goodbye to her little rose-like companion. Thrown into another mirage once more, with the last dance on the horizon, she emptied her brain and refreshed her thoughts, hoping her last would be something on the relaxing side to end things off.

Steam immediately assaulted her senses, hit with a wave of warm, almost suffocating humidity. But despite her initial shock and recoil, she had to admit she loved it. Her body almost tingled with excitement, her fins flaring and claws flexing instinctively. She managed to ignore it most days, but sometimes she forgot just how much her artificial body craved the sea.

With quick little steps, discarding her cloth skirt at the side, she entered the steaming water, submerging herself head to toe without a second thought. It was a bit hot for her tastes, but just feeling the idle currents was enough to make her feel at home.

Finally acknowledging her final partner, Raia hovered her head just above the water's surface, looking Stormbreaker up and down without shame. "It's rare for me to meet a woman taller than myself." She chuckled amusedly, before the reddish, scaled appendage lurking in the water behind her suddenly caught her eye. "Oh wow. First time I've met someone with a tail somewhat similar to my own too." She hummed for a moment, lightly thrashing her own dexterous tail as if in acknowledgement. "Although I do think mine is much longer. It's nice to meet you. Do you have draconian blood?"


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
32 (currently)
68 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet, Kungfu Fighter, Pro Hero, Pokeable Gray Matter
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Kungfu Fighter - Character was part of a street brawl.
Pokeable Gray Matter - Very squish, much jiggle, thoughts exposed.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | A Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | A Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | F Grade | 7 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​

Stormbreaker seemed lost in thought as she was enjoying the hot water on her body. It was lovely. Perfect temperature, although she's had hotter baths before. The baths in her old world seemed to be significantly better, and she often got a hot tub to herself. She even had her own custom made hot spring. Admittedly, electricity powered it, but it still functioned as well as the old ones. She relaxed, herself not moving a bit till she saw somebody else enter the hot spring.

The draconian's tail twitched back and forth like it usually does in the water. The draconian glared at the woman. Blue? Fish... person? She thought to herself. Interesting. Very interesting. She just watched to see what she would do, and she sat herself down in the hot spring. The draconian didn't seem to mind, as it was normal in her culture to share this with another of the same gender.

"Your tail certainly is something. You're right. It's much bigger than mine is. Although mine is pretty thick." She said outright. "Your damn right I'm draconian. Are you some sort of mermaid... or half fish lady? Or..... a sea serpent? Water dragon? You look cool, though."

"Where are my manners, though? I am Stormbreaker. Arashi Sato is my real name but... I prefer to be called Stormbreaker. Note: I don't have storm breaking powers. I have fire powers and full dragon blood. That's it." She spoke pretty proudly of her heritage. "Or well.. I'm an isekaier. Used to be from Japan, Earth. Got killed by villains and recarninated here in Paizu Mountains. Used to be a hero that saved people... but the gods decided to curse me with regeneration so I wouldn't die."

"That's how my story goes at least."

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Last edited:
Raia (#4064c3)
"True. Size isn't everything as they say. Yours looks a lot sturdier and better built for combat than mine." Raia chuckled thoughtfully, lazily wading her way through the water to get a closer look at her tail. Enamoured by the armour-like plates that covered its back, she couldn't help but sigh with a light-hearted jealousy. "Can't do anything about the cards we were dealt though I suppose." She smiled, poking the hard plating before returning to her spot on the hot springs' edge.

"A previous partner of mine called me a leviathan, so let's just go with that." She thought back to Aureliana with a funny smile, before registering the draconian's compliment. "Ah, thanks, you too. Not gonna lie, it's nice to finally meet someone with some similarities to my appearance. I'm feelin' the kinship." She grinned playfully, idly synchronizing her tail's movements underwater with Stormbreaker's, just for entertainment.

As the draconian told her tale, Raia's ear fins twitched attentively, registering every detail and change in tone despite how outlandish it all sounded. For a short while after her speech, there was only the peaceful sound of water splashing, with Raia pondering how to process it all in silence.

"Oh right. I'm Raia. Meeting all these new faces one after the other made me forget to introduce myself," the leviathan started off with a belated if thoughtful introduction. "Your story is... heckin' wild though. You were a hero that died to villains and was reincarnated? Sounds like you're some storybook protagonist or something." She hummed, debating whether or not her partner was just pulling her leg, her gaze idly scrutinizing her body language from the side. Deciding to just take things at face value however, she simply shrugged it off.

"You call your regeneration a curse? So you want to die?" She questioned casually, as if she had just asked her about the weather, her smile still as easygoing and languid as usual.


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
32 (currently)
68 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet, Kungfu Fighter, Pro Hero, Pokeable Gray Matter
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Kungfu Fighter - Character was part of a street brawl.
Pokeable Gray Matter - Very squish, much jiggle, thoughts exposed.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | A Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | A Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: Passives:
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | F Grade | 7 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​

"Combat? I haven't really thought of using my tail in that capacity." She admitted, running her hand along the rough outer shell of it. Her tail was sturdy, but it wasn't currently suited for combat. Stormbreaker didn't react to the poking, but she pull off a near shed scale and just gave it to the aquatic woman to look at more closely. "I also have tail fluff. It's water resistant, much like my tail is."

"Levithan? You don't look much like it at all. You look much more like an aquatic creature than you do that type of sea creature. Unless you aren't telling me something about yourself, water-lady." She commented, sinking herself further down into the water.

"Nice to meet you Raia." she said, sinking even further down into the water. "Yeah. I am some storybook protagonist. I'm one of those people you read about in storybooks. I've been told my world was nothing but a story, but here I am. Existing. I at least killed the villains before I passed from my injuries."

"Originally, that was the plan. I've tried many times to die, but my regeneration will not let me. No matter what it is, it won't let me die." She commented. People shot, stabbed, and even chopped off her limbs, but it made no difference. They always grew back, no matter what. "That was until I met a bird woman. I never believed till then... I would want to be alive. To have somebody to protect in my life. I just wanted to die before that."

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

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