Languages:Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | #Abyssal#
Almeida was not in the greatest of moods. Why? She'd finally found someone fun, only for time to run out. Hanging out in the bathhouse with Draeyth had been neat, hearing his philosophy on eating only some of the monsters you kill had been enlightening and they were even going to do bonding rituals! Alas, the latter never occurred, for the timer ran out. Then again, they never even got to decide who'd play catch first, so perhaps that was for the better. At least this 'date' had felt a tad bit more like one, rather than just a buffet plunder like her very first 'date' with Rei.
As she was whisked into a new room, she was stunned. Both at the amount of options for new rooms she'd yet again need to go through and at who she was with. “<Wow, you look epic!> [Anyway, do you speak Terran] %or do you speak Analog% <or do you speak Beastial> {or do you speak Sylvan} #or maybe even Abyssal?#” She'd go through all the languages she knew. With the previous encounters, Rei in particular, she'd learned that assuming based on appearances wasn't a thing here. If none of those would work, she'd have to rely on her old hand-feet-pointing methods again. Or drawing some stuff.
Oddly enough, it was abyssal yet again. “#This language is making my throat hurt, but it'll do! Anyhow, as I was saying, you look epic! I love the black and purple colour scheme on your armour and the reddish from your tail and orange-ish from your hair with it! The design itself is also pretty out there! Where's it from?#” She realised she forgot a few steps.
“#Oh right! This is my buddy Valerius#” she'd introduce her hammer “#and I'm Almeida! I'm striving to become a famous adventurer at ever single guild on the continent and perhaps the ones beyond it as well, soon enough!#” She'd introduce. “#You definetly look like a warrior as well. Do you also work for adventurer's guild, or more for mercenary work or armies?#”
Right, they were still talking in a void. Literally. “#Oh, right, which option do you want? I already tried out the Ballroom and Hot Springs... Art seems a bit boring... I still want to try smash up that tea-house. Now that we could do a thing like that without it being real and having repercussions. I think Valerius would be amazing at it, breaking all the porcelain. Although perhaps that Garden is pretty? What do you think?#”

Almeida was not in the greatest of moods. Why? She'd finally found someone fun, only for time to run out. Hanging out in the bathhouse with Draeyth had been neat, hearing his philosophy on eating only some of the monsters you kill had been enlightening and they were even going to do bonding rituals! Alas, the latter never occurred, for the timer ran out. Then again, they never even got to decide who'd play catch first, so perhaps that was for the better. At least this 'date' had felt a tad bit more like one, rather than just a buffet plunder like her very first 'date' with Rei.
As she was whisked into a new room, she was stunned. Both at the amount of options for new rooms she'd yet again need to go through and at who she was with. “<Wow, you look epic!> [Anyway, do you speak Terran] %or do you speak Analog% <or do you speak Beastial> {or do you speak Sylvan} #or maybe even Abyssal?#” She'd go through all the languages she knew. With the previous encounters, Rei in particular, she'd learned that assuming based on appearances wasn't a thing here. If none of those would work, she'd have to rely on her old hand-feet-pointing methods again. Or drawing some stuff.
Oddly enough, it was abyssal yet again. “#This language is making my throat hurt, but it'll do! Anyhow, as I was saying, you look epic! I love the black and purple colour scheme on your armour and the reddish from your tail and orange-ish from your hair with it! The design itself is also pretty out there! Where's it from?#” She realised she forgot a few steps.
“#Oh right! This is my buddy Valerius#” she'd introduce her hammer “#and I'm Almeida! I'm striving to become a famous adventurer at ever single guild on the continent and perhaps the ones beyond it as well, soon enough!#” She'd introduce. “#You definetly look like a warrior as well. Do you also work for adventurer's guild, or more for mercenary work or armies?#”
Right, they were still talking in a void. Literally. “#Oh, right, which option do you want? I already tried out the Ballroom and Hot Springs... Art seems a bit boring... I still want to try smash up that tea-house. Now that we could do a thing like that without it being real and having repercussions. I think Valerius would be amazing at it, breaking all the porcelain. Although perhaps that Garden is pretty? What do you think?#”