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Community [Feb 25 Event] Raia X Rosette


Ruler of the Sky
Raia (#4064c3)
Before long the bell chimed, and Raia found herself whisked away once more back to reality: the peaceful scent of jasmine still lingering on her fingertips. Having played these games twice now already, she did not think much of her return, merely awaiting what the third had in store for her with an amused smile. Time was passing faster than she thought; as unpredictable as these were, they were fun. And she was fortunate enough to not be of the shy type.

Rosette. Murmuring the new moniker softly, she embedded it into her memory as the world shifted, and she was whisked away once more.


Immediately on first sight, Raia squinted. Even from behind the mask of bone that covered her eyes, the lights were dazzling. Though as she adjusted, she realized they weren't as obtrusive as she thought, surrounded by murals of a sea of stars they blended harmoniously into. Beautifully glowing, yet not overwhelming. How pretty.

Glancing down at herself, she realized this mirage had somehow forcefully dressed her for the occasion. Glamorous, gaudy; dressed head to toe in one of those scarlet gowns she used to only glance at through those high-class clothing store windows. Golden trinkets adorned her neck, arms and torso, shimmering in the light and jingling delicately with every movement.

Still, as surreal as she felt, she couldn't help but complain. Who knew that these fancy ass dresses were so god damn heavy? With every step, she felt expensive. The jingling and itchiness of her own jewellery might also drive her sensitive senses insane by the hour's end. But who knows, maybe her partner would be distracting enough that she'd be able to bear it, maybe even dance if they're down for some fun.

Chuckling softly at the thought, she crossed her arms as she wandered around the dazzling ballroom, a strange world she never thought she'd enter, and awaited the arrival of her new flower-named partner.

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Rosette Louvier

This time Rosette was prepared as the world fell apart, she stowed her memories deep in the recesses of her heart. Carefully locking them away in order to preserve their integrity. This time as the stage blossomed into view she paid no attention to the other participants. She had come to understand two things thus far; First that her big sister Lilibeth needed to be kept clear of all such wizardly bad plays. This was of paramount importance given Lilibeth's proclivity for mixing in with trouble, and while she had thought this very thing a number of times already, it was a fact that kept finding itself hyper reinforced in the young maid's mind.

Second and maybe equally as important; These wizard's needed to be punished in some way. Preferably with their lives being taken. It was with this intent that she listened with rapt attention and kept her gaze locked onto the conductor of this grand game. While she may not be much of anything in the current moment, Rosette had only just began her great journey through life, and eventually there would come a time when she would exact her revenge on these cruel bastards. Even if she had to pull their spirits from beyond the veil of the after life she would exact her vengeance. One did not simply spirit folks away and not receive their comeuppance.

That was not to say that she would not derive some good from this bad play. Rather, Rosette intended to make as much of an impact on those she came across as she could manage. That it might undo any work perpetuated by the bad actors who had arranged these meetings. She would take something from her partners that would serve to make her an even better Rosette and she would do her best to leave many such gifts in her wake. She would engorge the wizards with her antics that in later years when she clipped the wings of their life they might reminisce on her sweetness. In this way their last moments would be dominated by her, and in a manner of her choosing.

When the new mirage world unfurled for her she was awe struck for a moment. A ball room had been chosen as the new prison. Adorned with murals of the night sky, It's lighting chosen to bring this world of stars from mural to table, allowing the faux-nobles in all their finery to move among the heavens. Here and there the Faux-nobles would glance at Rosette as if she were some curious insect that had wandered into the grand chamber. Her pale skin soon flushed a slight crimson as she sought to make her way a bit farther from the baleful gazes that seemed inclined to chase after her.

When she caught sight of her reflection she found this Mirage had chosen to dress her to the hilt. Her gown was a deep blue, it's length sewn with tiny diamonds and strands of platinum thread. Diamonds adorned earrings of platinum, and sat within a platinum chocker. They even glittered amid the platinum bracelets that now graced her slender wrists. To Rosette it was as if the wizards who had arranged this game had chosen to make a mockery of her and of the entire Louvier family with their humble origins. It was if they were telling her in none too subtle a fashion that she was their plaything, a doll to be dressed up, a worthless being who was to be toyed with and no more than this.

Rosette swallowed hard as she turned away from her reflection. While the threat overtly hinted at was chilling, Rosette had still made her own decision. This would be her game to play as well and first she needed to find her playing partner. Let them think they had cornered and corralled the maid. That she had capitulated to their game. Rosette had already decided to play the long game. She wandered through the crowd of fake gentlemen and imitation ladies looking for the only real one among them.

When at last she espied her partner, Rosette smiled to herself. The woman was adorned in a fine red gown, and arrayed with a panoply of golden jewelry. Her azure skin and almost dragon like features stood in stark contrast to the more human appearances of the mirage-people. Rosette was rendered speechless for a moment, but gathering her wits she quickly crossed the ball room toward her partner. Her movements were clean and quick. Her body well accustomed to walking in such finery. Her training having provided her with graceful movements and the ability to wield a fancy dress.

Once she was properly standing in front of Raia she deftly gave a grand curtsy, her head dipped ever so slightly as if in deference to the young miss.

" Lady Raia, a pleasure to meet you." Rosette declared in a voice filled with honey. " Please allow this Rosette the pleasure of your company this evening."

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Raia (#4064c3)

Retrieved from a passing servant, Raia was swirling a glass of red wine idly in hand out of pure boredom: with little intention to actually drink from it. Examining its colour against the shining chandeliers, it was not long before the sound of dainty yet even footsteps approached her side. Smiling in anticipation, she turned to greet the figure as she stepped forward in a beautiful curtsy: one she could find no flaw in, especially with her own laughable lack of etiquette. Draped in dark sapphire and glittering with the light of a thousand diamonds, her new partner was adorable. Shorter than herself, with cute hair and eyes the colour of her namesake.

She wouldn't lie, there was a part of her twisted self that wanted to bully or tease such an innocent-looking fellow, but she restrained herself. Despite the little lady's adorable size and appearance, she moved with elegance, and that contrast was honestly a little comical to her, though perhaps that sentiment derived from her own lack of care or respect for nobility.

Having stared her down enough, Raia quirked her lips, placing her glass on the nearest table before speaking, "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Rosette." She greeted warmly, her tone low, even and calm. "But please, spare the formalities. They're not fitting for someone of my stature," She chuckled softly, unable to help but mock the times those folk would complain about 'her stature' as if it was their favourite catchphrase. "But thank you for your curtsy." She bowed her head slightly, not even pretending to attempt to replicate the greeting she was just given, but appreciating the respect given nonetheless.

"You look beautiful. It's quite lovely that this mirage graced us with complementary outfits, hm?" Raia mentioned thoughtfully, her tone growing more playful as her eyes scanned them both. Red and gold, with blue and silver. Contrasting, on completely opposite colour wheels, but still in a way: matching. It was even more prominent considering her own blue hair and skin, whilst Rosette herself had her red hair and eyes, it was almost like they mirrored each other.

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A soft blush crept across Rosette's cheeks and burned at the tips of her ears as this cool beauty plied her with compliments. Rosette definitely considered herself very cute, more than interesting, and even quite wonderful. Yet, having an opinion of oneself and being told such a thing by another were two entirely different things. The compliment brought a broad smile to Rosette's face as she rose from her curtsy.

" You too are quite lovely, Lady Raia." She replied in her honey sweet voice. " Though you seem to be under the impression that this Rosette does not know whom to treat with proper respect and who not to."

Rosette shook her head in a slow teasing sort of fashion, her grin growing slightly more self satisfied as she did so.

" I'll have you know that this Rosette is in fact a very good judge of character, Lady Raia." she continued, boldly teasing her lovely companion. " I dare say you need a punishment for your temerity, Lady Raia."

Rosette placed her finger tip along the center of her bottom lip as she thought for a moment to herself. She casually eyed Raia up and down as if gauging her in some way.

" I believe you owe me a dance for your audacity." Rosette smugly teased

This was the second person who had seemed to feel that their worth was somewhat less than Rosette regarded it. Rosette, on the other hand, was very certain of the value she ascribed to those she met. That said, this differing of opinion served to place Rosette in the upper hand, especially when it came to teasing. She in fact intended to drown Raia in sweet teasing such as the girl would never have faced before. In this way, she would thumb her nose at the wizards running the game, and provide a good time for both herself and Raia at the same time.

Rosette interlocked her hands behind her back coquettishly, turning ever so slightly away from Raia.

" Unless of course you are too shy to escort such a beautiful young lady." Rosette teased sweetly .

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Raia (#4064c3)

"Quite the sweet tongue you have there too." Raia couldn't help but giggle, listening to Rosette's teasing with a playful smile as she crossed her arms.

"But a punishment you say?" She drew out the word in question, tapping her chin and openly looking her up and down in return, as if challenging her. She just seemed so adorable. What kind of punishment could she possibly have in mind? Raia's own mind turned to darker places, but regardless, she enjoyed the little game Rosette was playing, her tail swishing idly behind her in anticipation.

At the big reveal, Raia laughed openly, delightfully surprised. "A dance?" she re-iterated amusedly, "I might not be as elegant as you'd like for such an occasion, but I can dance." She smiled, teasing, as her fins idly flared against the chandelier's golden lights. Originally, she moved to simply offer Rosette her hand, but her partner's continued teasing made her pause in thought, a sly smile creeping up her face as she stepped closer, her golden accessories jingling like a bell chime.

Skipping the usual courtesy, the sea serpentess grabbed her partner's waist firmly with a sly smile, her claws wrapping delicately around her curves. "Me, shy?" Raia hummed, her tone drawling as she looked down at the little red-head. "You must not be talking to the right lady." She teased, toying with her other hand before wrapping it in her claws. Flipping Rosette around, she begun spinning her towards the centre of the ballroom with a low chuckle.

Though lacking the customs of a proper ballroom dance, Raia's body moved with an aquatic grace and fluidity, each of her steps combining with the next in one ever-flowing dance. A relaxed and easy smile rested on her lips as she guided Rosette's movements, adjusting to her height and presence better and better with time. "Having fun?" She inquired softly, a part of her still a little worried about intimidating or scaring her partner off.

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"You shouldn't La..uu....w.w.wha???" Rosette stammered as she felt Raia's hand encircle her slender waist.

Never in all her life had a person so boldly placed hands upon the gentle maid's body. Her once subtle blush immediately blossomed into a fiery red as her words failed to become anything other than stammered gibberish. Her ruby eyes widened in surprise. This level of boldness was beyond even the teasing and horseplay her big sister had often subjected her to. This level of brazenness was beyond even Rosette's own proclivity for valiant hugging and intrepid cheek kissing.

It was in this precise moment, as her wide eyes watched Raia tenderly rubbing one of her hands, that Rosette realized she may have teased Raia a bit too much. Raia's confident teasing paired with her bold touching made Rosette's heart beat faster than it ought to, but then in a flash they were off. Moving before Rosette could center herself Raia twisted and twirled her with fluid grace, and for her part Rosette responded in Kind. Her body moved with a practiced elegance that complimented the fluidity of Raia's body.

A sweet giggle inadvertently escaped her lips as the pair danced like living water weaving beautifully among the faux nobles whose gaze never seemed to leave them. A wide and warm grin quickly bloomed upon her lips as they danced. Rosette was one who loved to dance, and it was plainly evident as she matched herself to Raia expertly. When Raia cautiously asked if she was having fun, Rosette could only make one reply. That face that Rosette refused to forget but which brought a pang of sorrow when remembered, and Marius who was so like a proper elder brother, well they now had a new friend down in the depths of her heart.

" I'm having ever so much fun, Lady Raia." she replied sweetly, her voice filled with unshed laughter.

Her eyes sparkled with happiness, and her momentary shyness was long forgotten. Joy replaced sorrow forcing it down deep inside, thanks in no small part to Marius' kind company and Raia's bold companionship.

" You dance so delightfully, Raia." she commented warmly, her decorum momentarily lost to her enjoyment of the moment. " I could dance like this with you forever."

Without thinking, Rosette brought her body much closer to Raia's as they moved in unison about the ballroom. Without thinking, Rosette sought a deeper closeness as the pair wove themselves elegantly among the assembly. For Rosette, her plan to thumb her nose at the wizards who hosted the event were forgotten. Her plans to take their lives in the future lie fallow in the back of her mind. All manner of things went forgotten, lost to the thrill of moment and to the joys suddenly stumbled upon.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Raia (#4064c3)
Rosette's little giggles sung a sweet melody as they danced entwined, with Raia gradually adjusting her movements to match that adorable song. Unable to help herself, she too started giggling gently alongside her, her low tones echoing softly like the sea creature she had become.

Fortunately, the laughter in her partner's voice told her all she needed to know, her heartfelt reassurance making her smile softly. Unlike that lazy smile that usually remained firmly planted on her visage, this one was more genuine, soft and gentle, filled with a strange inner peace she thought she had lost long ago.

"You're so sweet, my little rose." She continued to tease, her tone playfully gentle, as if such words were a reflexive instinct she almost couldn't help when enjoying herself. The swirl of their sapphire and ruby gowns were mesmerizing, like a synchronized whirlpool that danced across the ballroom, clearing away all those that stood in their path from sheer presence and awe alone.

As Rosette pressed closer against her inadvertently, lost in the moment, Raia couldn't help but laugh aloud. Guiding her steps to the centre of the opulent dance floor, the sea serpentess twirled her in a graceful, multi-spin pirouette for the finale before bringing her in to her embrace and holding her there.

"Thank you. A part of me needed something like this."

Raia mentioned quietly, briefly resting her head atop her head, expressing her gratitude vaguely yet genuinely. Since her escape from that six-year prison, she had never truly relaxed, stretching herself taut immediately trying to find her place in this world again. She didn't know she needed such relaxation, until she felt it. And so, she was grateful.

Pulling back gently, she took their closer distance as a chance to examine her partner's features more closely, the smile on her face never leaving. Playing with the softer tufts of red hair framing her face, she looked into her gemstone-like eyes, shimmering adorably like delicate rubies. Cautiously reaching out to hold her face in her frightening hands, she couldn't help but tease idly, "Your face is so small." She squished her cheeks lightly, before letting her hands fall to her side.

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, her tail idly curled around them both, she let a moment of silence fall.

"I'll tell you a secret, Rosette." Raia began slyly, though her tone remained soft and kind as she inclined her head slightly towards her. "The mask-like bones on my face can be lifted aside. Do you want to see what I look like?" She giggled gently, her offer open-ended.
As their dance found it's conclusion Rosette was pulled into Raia's tender embrace. Rosette's slender arms found their way around Raia's back as she held onto her briefly. Rosette's heart echoed Raia's declaration; a part of Rosette had needed a moment like this as well. Until this very moment Rosette hadn't realized how badly she had needed joyful affection. As Raia rest her head on top of Rosette's she was reminded of Lilibeth who often did the same. It was comforting to be reminded of cherished moments with her family and it deepened her smile.

Rosette was just about to remark as much when Raia suddenly pulled back. Raia wore a beautiful smile as she studied Rosette's face, played with her hair and mushed her cheeks as if she were a baby. Rosette was content to allow it, although she was not a baby and normally would be quick to say as much. This time however, she felt it would be best to stay silent, and as Raia encircled them with her tail while looking thoughtfully at Rosette the girl made a sudden confession.

She leaned down and playfully asked if Rosette might want to see what lay beneath her mask, her secret thus slyly proclaimed. Rosette thought for a moment unsure whether it was a jest, a tease, or truthful desire. The words hung like a test in the silence between the two. Rosette was no good at tests, nor in the politics of interpersonal relationships. She didn't want to make a mistake, nor to cause a hurt, but felt she had no other option. No matter what she chose she knew the answer was incorrect. So instead she simply followed her heart. Very sweetly and very swiftly she leaned forward and kissed Raia lightly upon the cheek.

Her soft lips pressed against Raia's face ever so briefly. For a moment she lingered like this, less than a couple heartbeats really. Her honey sweet voice, barely above a whisper, made it's way to Raia's ear.

" If you want to show me your secret, I will allow it." She replied warmly.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

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