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Community [Feb 25 Event] Rosette x Aureliana


Junior Member
Rosette Louvier

Rosette never got to see the secret behind Raia's mask, the world dissolved before she was ever allowed the pleasure. Once again she stood upon the stage, The game's conductor rambling on and on, but this time she felt somewhat more at ease. Her eyes remained riveted to the conductor, memorizing his face, but this time her hate was muted somewhat. While her heart clung to the idea of future vengeance, she had also begun to realize that perhaps she had needed all of these various interactions.

Each new person this game had introduced had burned their way into her heart. These people had changed her, they had improved upon an already wonderful being. So while the affront against her was not to be cast aside, a certain allowance could be made for the fact so much good had come from her interactions. Rosette knew she could do nothing against so much magic, and as the conductor prattled on about unanswered questions and fate, Rosette could only marvel at her own weakness.

To be able to take on such formidable power Rosette would have to ascend to levels much higher still. The thought was daunting to say the least, and yet as Rosette stared at the conductor she vowed silently to reach those very summits. Looking at the name of the person she had been paired with, Aureliana, she mentally prepared to take her next step toward her goal. The stage began to dissolve then and as Rosette was plunged into the new mirage room, her final mirage room, she briefly wondered what might await her in the enchanted garden with Aureliana.

The sight of the garden itself was breath taking. Flowers with their own luminescence grew in abundance under wisteria trees that stood dolefully beneath a sky full of stars. A small trail lined with lanterns wove itself amid them, beckoning Rosette with the sound of water tinkling in the distance. A gentle breeze stirred the night's air, and a smell that could only be called distilled happiness seemed to cling to the world at large. Were this under any other circumstances Rosette would have immediately fallen in love with such a world. However, this Rosette had already suffered much at the hands of these cruel spellcasters and their mirages. It was with such thoughts that Rosette walked along the path heading in the direction of the babbling water.

When at last she caught sight of it's source she smiled a small smile to herself. The tinkling, bubbling sound issued forth from a fountain at the crux of the garden's pathways, and from vast waterfalls some distance beyond. The sight stung her heart slightly, that such beauty could be used in such a cruel fashion was beyond Rosette's understanding. Yet here she was on her way to face yet another wonderful person who would scar her heart with yet another loss. It was almost more than she could bear. Even so, Rosette plunged forward along the path, for though she hated partings she also dearly loved wonderful people.

At the fountain she paused, thinking to await her partner there. She sat at the edge of the stonework. Her maid uniform's austere colors a stark contrast to the vibrance of the garden. She trailed her left hand in the water as she waited, her ruby eyes gazing deeply into her reflection.

" Oh, Rosey, what will you do now?" she asked herself somewhat mournfully " This is the last one...."


Beann Beann
[Feb 25 Event] Rosette x Aureliana
The fourth and final round. Although she โ€” and likely everyone else โ€” was brought here without permission, Aureliana found herself enjoying the arrangements that were made. No, she would not be sad that it was drawing near the end but she would take these interesting encounters and remember them fondly. She would remember Vincent, whom she shared a kiss with, Raia, perhaps the most interesting one of them all, and Aniel, a familiar face among the chaos. For the final matchup, she couldnโ€™t help but feel excited to meet who she was paired up with. Vincent had set the tone for the rest of the event and her last partner, Rosette, would leave the final parting memories.

When the final mirage took shape, Aureliana let out a small sigh of relief. A serene garden was certainly a stark contrast to the overwhelming carnival that she had endured with her time with Aniel. While she didnโ€™t have an unpleasant time with the angelic man, the bright lights and music, and differing smells of food around were all too nauseating for her tastes. However, the enchanted garden was a place she could find herself relaxing in.

Her eyes passed over the delicate and vibrant flowers that stretched across the mirage, and eventually she settled on the lanterns that illuminated a path for her to follow. Aureliana slowly made her way through the garden, following the dimming lights until she spotted a person at the center where a fountain was constructed. As she approached, her eyebrow raised slightly, noticing that the woman was wearing a maid outfit. She supposed there probably wasnโ€™t an exact criteria in terms of status or employment for this matching making event.

โ€œGreetings.โ€ Aureliana spoke up, stopping a few feet in front of Rosette. She eyed the maid for a split second, as if trying to divine something else from the outfit she wore. โ€œIโ€™m Aureliana. A pleasure to meet you.โ€ She extended her hand out, offering a handshake. "How have you been enjoying this... event so far?"

heartspan heartspan

Code by Serobliss
Rosette had heard the footsteps approaching, but while she was excited to see her final partner, she refused to look at them. Rosette suddenly found herself wanting to prolong things, and to escape from a final scar. If she didn't look, then things wouldn't have to end. Rosette furiously gazed into the empty face that stared back from the depths of fountain. Yet, she found no comfort there and no escape from the finality of things. So when she finally heard Aureliana's voice she felt her heart lurch into her throat.

Though she kept it from showing on her face, her unshed tears tried desperately to find their freedom. She couldn't speak right away for fear she might dissolve into a sobbing mess. When she finally turned away from the safety of her reflection to see the face of her final encounter it took all of her strength of will to do so. She looked first into the depths of Aureliana's golden eyes. Searching them for any inkling of Aureliana's nature, and the depth to which her scar would sink.

" I..." She began, her honey sweet voice now small and awkward. " I....am also pleased to make your acquaintance."

Rosette slid from the stonework of the fountain to stand facing the tall beauty. When she finally took the girl's hand it was with a gentle but hesitant grace. However, she held on to the girl's hand just a little too long and just a little too desperately. For just a few too many heartbeats Aureliana's hand was a life line for Rosette. It held her afloat amid her troubled seas. Yet, she did her best to hide what she could of her feelings. When she finally released Aureliana, Rosette replied in a distant voice that seemed lost within a sudden storm.

" I..I have made many memories." she stated " Do...do you think you could tell me about yourself?" ......that way I can burn you into my heart... those unspoken words hung in Rosette's mind like a fog as she stood before the towering woman who would be her last partner.

Beann Beann
[Feb 25 Event] Rosette x Aureliana
There was something off about her partner. From the prolonged handshake to the uncertainty in her voice, the pyromancer had an inkling something was amiss. However, she could not get a clear read on Rosette so she decided to ignore the gut feeling for now. When her hand was released, she brought it back down to her side, raising her eyebrow slightly at the vague answer and the question that would follow. The maid before her hadnโ€™t even introduced herself โ€” not that it was necessary, she did read the pairings before she was thrust back into the mirage.

Aureliana gestured with an open palm for Rosette to take a seat back down on the basin of the fountain, finding a seat for herself right next to her. โ€œI am Aureliana Solari,โ€ she reintroduced herself. โ€œI have been with the Order of the Solari Flame forโ€ฆ almost my entire life. We are a small group but as I am appointed as their Ascending Flame, I have taken it upon myself to provide for my family through monetary and reputational means. To them I am the Ascending Flame but I suppose to the rest of the world for now, I am a mere adventurer, taking any and all jobs that come through.โ€ Aureliana paused for a moment, wondering if that was sufficient enough details for Rosette. โ€œAnd you?โ€

heartspan heartspan
Code by Serobliss
" The ascending flame...." Rosette mulled over the words as she spoke. " Aureliana Solari and the Order of the Solari Flame. I shall remember them for certain."

When Rosette climbed back up onto the basin again, she at last found a smile though it was only a small one.

" I am Rosette Louvier, I too come from a good family. We go where we are needed and we do what must be done." She stated proudly, some measure of delight returning to her voice at the mention of her family. " We are a family of capable maids and competent butlers. Tell me, when will we hear of your grand accomplishments out in the real world? I shall keep my ear to the ground as they say."

Rosette turned to look over at Aureliana. Her ruby eyes evaluating the tall and fierce beauty who sat next too her.

" By the way, what exactly does your order do, if I may ask." Rosette continued, her tone sweet but stilted " I would hate to get it wrong."

An up and coming adventurer? It would seem the world was filled to over flowing with such folk so far as Rosette knew. Still, it didn't hurt to make the acquaintance of one such person. Aureliana seemed a little guarded, a little wary of the petite little maid sitting next to her. At least that is how Rosette thought of things. Perhaps, the would be adventurer thought Rosette a monster? Rosette had no idea, but the distance between them prevented Rosette from feeling as if her heart might be overly occupied. If they couldn't form a meaningful bond then so much the better Rosette reasoned to herself, and her mood began to improve with such thoughts. Rosette soon looked up into the starry sky, her mouth moving seemingly without any real thought.

" I love to travel." she stated, not giving her partner a chance to speak." It's so exciting, although it can be real scary too. People can be real mean sometimes, but did you know....Sometimes monsters can be real nice too. It is a strange world we inhabit. My big sister would say.... it's gone sideways, isn't that a funny way to say it."

As she looked up into the endless expanse of fake stars a single tear slid down her cheek. Finally able to find it's escape. Perhaps it carried with it a small bit of trouble, a small bit of her heartache, carrying it away into the fake world and leaving a small bit of peace in it's wake.

Beann Beann

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