Junior Member
Rosette never got to see the secret behind Raia's mask, the world dissolved before she was ever allowed the pleasure. Once again she stood upon the stage, The game's conductor rambling on and on, but this time she felt somewhat more at ease. Her eyes remained riveted to the conductor, memorizing his face, but this time her hate was muted somewhat. While her heart clung to the idea of future vengeance, she had also begun to realize that perhaps she had needed all of these various interactions.
Each new person this game had introduced had burned their way into her heart. These people had changed her, they had improved upon an already wonderful being. So while the affront against her was not to be cast aside, a certain allowance could be made for the fact so much good had come from her interactions. Rosette knew she could do nothing against so much magic, and as the conductor prattled on about unanswered questions and fate, Rosette could only marvel at her own weakness.
To be able to take on such formidable power Rosette would have to ascend to levels much higher still. The thought was daunting to say the least, and yet as Rosette stared at the conductor she vowed silently to reach those very summits. Looking at the name of the person she had been paired with, Aureliana, she mentally prepared to take her next step toward her goal. The stage began to dissolve then and as Rosette was plunged into the new mirage room, her final mirage room, she briefly wondered what might await her in the enchanted garden with Aureliana.
The sight of the garden itself was breath taking. Flowers with their own luminescence grew in abundance under wisteria trees that stood dolefully beneath a sky full of stars. A small trail lined with lanterns wove itself amid them, beckoning Rosette with the sound of water tinkling in the distance. A gentle breeze stirred the night's air, and a smell that could only be called distilled happiness seemed to cling to the world at large. Were this under any other circumstances Rosette would have immediately fallen in love with such a world. However, this Rosette had already suffered much at the hands of these cruel spellcasters and their mirages. It was with such thoughts that Rosette walked along the path heading in the direction of the babbling water.
When at last she caught sight of it's source she smiled a small smile to herself. The tinkling, bubbling sound issued forth from a fountain at the crux of the garden's pathways, and from vast waterfalls some distance beyond. The sight stung her heart slightly, that such beauty could be used in such a cruel fashion was beyond Rosette's understanding. Yet here she was on her way to face yet another wonderful person who would scar her heart with yet another loss. It was almost more than she could bear. Even so, Rosette plunged forward along the path, for though she hated partings she also dearly loved wonderful people.
At the fountain she paused, thinking to await her partner there. She sat at the edge of the stonework. Her maid uniform's austere colors a stark contrast to the vibrance of the garden. She trailed her left hand in the water as she waited, her ruby eyes gazing deeply into her reflection.
" Oh, Rosey, what will you do now?" she asked herself somewhat mournfully " This is the last one...."