My feelings are like schrodingers cat.
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The situation was weird. Despite being teleported to a place where Yufi was supposed to meet a new date, and finding said person they did not respond to anything Yufi did, and like that an hour passed. Yufi got teleported back to the center room and shortly after teleported once again to the same area she was in before this time though she saw a different person nearby.
Even though Yufi felt weird by just looking at the person, he was big, horned, something within Yufi just screamed that he was less than human, not in a racist way, but just looking at him it felt like he wasn't really human. Yufi was a bit scared of his being but she in the end approached him while keeping some distance and in a somewhat weak voice said to him.
"Uhm... Hello. Are you here for the dates as well? My name's Yufi."