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Community [Feb 25 event] Yuze x Dreayth Dominatus Malus


My feelings are like schrodingers cat.
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  1. Group
  2. Dice
  3. Off-site

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: SixSense SixSense Dreayth Dominatus Malus

The situation was weird. Despite being teleported to a place where Yufi was supposed to meet a new date, and finding said person they did not respond to anything Yufi did, and like that an hour passed. Yufi got teleported back to the center room and shortly after teleported once again to the same area she was in before this time though she saw a different person nearby.

Even though Yufi felt weird by just looking at the person, he was big, horned, something within Yufi just screamed that he was less than human, not in a racist way, but just looking at him it felt like he wasn't really human. Yufi was a bit scared of his being but she in the end approached him while keeping some distance and in a somewhat weak voice said to him.
"Uhm... Hello. Are you here for the dates as well? My name's Yufi."
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

The time had flew by on the last date, an unpleasant surprise since they weren’t able to conduct any bonding rituals. A true shame, guess the bathhouse truly was something of legend since time fly by. Though even after date ended, Dreayth remained in the bath while Almeida had been removed.

The monster would hear a more timid voice from behind, “yeah, I’m here for a date. I’m assuming that’s you.” He cocked his head to the side. Up until now his dates have had pretty strong personalities, he felt a bit off guard by this woman’s reluctance.

“I don’t bite, promise, and I’m unarmed.” He’d raise his hands out the water and open his hands and tilt his head towards his spear in the corner. “I’m a monster but I’m not here for a fight, not anymore at least.” Dreayth would smirk, sprawling his body across the border of the bath. “But if you want to, im always down for murder.” His smirk raising into a grin.

“It’s a date though and I promised someone important that I’d actually try to get to know people so humor me. What do you do for a living and where are ya from?” He’d close his head and lean back, easing further into the bath as he awaited her answer.

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: SixSense SixSense Dreayth Dominatus Malus

"You better... Sorry, I just feel uneasy around you, most of the time I'm braver, but then again first time meeting a monster who actually talks in a way I can understand." Yufi answered shortly her voice still a bit wavery but definitely better than just a few seconds ago,
"I prefer no murder, not today at least. Before coming to the dates I had to kill a few people though they wanted me dead." Yufi exclaimed as she took off most of her clothing putting it in a small wooden bucket, keeping herself in her innerwear she entered the hot springs as well as she felt she either really needed that or would need this after this date.

As she soaked herself in the hot water she let out a sigh of exhaustion before answering the man now in a more relaxed voice though still wary.
"Well, normally it's the man who starts first but ok. I won't tell you my legal name, mostly cause I hate it and the people who gave it to me, but you can call me Yufi. I'm from Widersia but again I dislike that place, I'm thinking of settling down in Kuridan at some point but for now. For now, I'm just wandering the world, making friends, and connections if you will, experiencing the world, growing along with it, and taking any job on the way that pays well to keep myself afloat. Like one time I helped a circus, another I helped defend a port from some undead, but my most recent one is clearing out some abandoned workshop in Widersia. Though I hate that place I had to come back if I want to rid myself of all connections to those people and that land one day. Especially since one day, I hope to make a martial sect in the valleys of Kuridan, where everyone will be accepted as long as they can be reasoned with. So yes me talking to you now is helping me in that goal as well. I'm getting used to monsters... But how about you? I don't want to keep on calling you a monster or the horned dude?"
After saying all that Yufi just looked at the man from the corner of her eye, enjoying the effect of the hot spring water on her body despite it having to permeate through her innerwear.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

Dreayth chuckled at how defensive the woman was, she had some very apparent baggage that she wasn’t trying to hide. “Can’t say they every monster you’ll meet will be as chill as me. So you’re good to be wary.” One eye would shoot open at the mention of murder. “The irony huh, I murder, you murder. Looks like we have something in common Ms.Yufi” Only he’s deemed a monster and is burned at the stake whenever.

“You’re not wrong, where are my manners.” He hummed as he picked his head up to give her his full attention. He’d hide her troubles, cute even when she got worked up. His eyes would light up slightly at the mention of a martial sect.

“You’re pretty hopeful to have Monsters included in your sect. Monsters in control of their desires are hard to come by. There’s a reason they’re outlawed everywhere on the second continent. Alas, I applaud you for your bravery.” He’d raise his hands from the water giving a slow, clammy clap. “Looks like it’s my turn to share, my name is Dreayth and I happen to love my name. Dreayth Malus Dominatus, picked it out myself. I’m the youngest of 3 monsters, my two older brothers are named Neramo and Whizziemin. We’re all from the first continent. Similar to you I travel around picking up jobs that either suit my needs and wants or my older siblings needs. Haven’t really made too many friends, guess the closest thing to that is the human my brother is dating, but he ended up dying” he’d break out into laughter at the mention.

“But don’t worry, I just recovered his soul from purgatory and he’s living once again. My brother would be sad knowing his lover is gone.” After some time in the bath, Dreayth became really comfortably. Rather reluctant to get out almost. That damn toolbox was onto something.

“You want to settle in the republic. What about it draws you towards it and makes you feel at home?” Dreayth questioned, “Maybe it’s the monster in me but I find it very difficult to feel at home on this continent.”

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: SixSense SixSense Dreayth Dominatus Malus

"I mean I don't expect most monsters to be like you. But it would be nice if I could somehow check if one would be as chill as you." Yufi said not really looking in Dreayth's direction as well they were in the hot springs and she didn't want to potentially see him naked over there. "I kill only those who want to kill me or others. So while yes I am a murderer, Me only killing other murderers at least to me makes me a better person."

"Why should I bar a Monster such as you from being welcome in the sect? If such a monster comes to us to learn and not make trouble for us then I see no reason for him to be there and learn from us as well. Besides, if monsters are so bad then I think demons are as well. And my martial arts are demonic in origin. Well, demonic human but it's close enough."

Yufi said partially asking Dreayth a question and explaining herself. She was after all a practitioner of the Mad Demon's Sword arts, and his eccentric cultivation arts, though it still felt weird. Practicing arts created by the most unstable mentally martial artist she knew off, for them to be pretty stable, though she was still far from breaking through a major stage so maybe it would get worse later down the line.

"I am afraid to ask how could one go to purgatory and get someone's soul back, so please even if I get curious about it do not tell me." She exclaims truly enjoying the hot springs and despite being curious about how he achieved that she didn't want to know. For her, this knowledge was more forbidden than the arts she had stored in her mind.

At Dreayth's question, Yufi froze a little, she knew why she wanted to be there but could she tell him about it? Well, he was a monster so probably not many people would believe him even if he told someone so it might be ok to tell him she thought and so she did.

"Well believe it or not it's not my first life, but a second one. Back in my first life, I lived in a similar area to the Republic, and I just longed to be in a similar place in this one. Far away from the issues of this life, somewhere I can call home. Though the architecture is far older than the one in my past life, it still has that familiar feeling to it which I enjoy. Besides what other place would fit a martial sect more than that place? Know that I might not exactly like what you are doing, but as long as you promise not to cause trouble I wouldn't mind you visiting me there. And by causing trouble I mean while being there."
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

"I'm only chill because you're a pretty lady and we're in a friendly setting." He flashed a wink, "Sounds like you only kill when you have to, I kill because I want to. A bit of a difference." he'd wag his finger, almost as if he was schooling the woman. However, the next words to come out of Yufi's mouth would spark curiosity in the demon.

"Utilizing demonic power is a dangerous gig, can tamper with your mind if you're not careful. I'd know because I am a demon." he sparked right back, "So you'd let me into your sect. If were to join, what would you do if the Republic guards came knocking? I kinda ran my spear through some of them so they wouldn't be there to serve me milk and cookies exactly." The thought of how the group fought at the border of Kuridan and atop that mountain ran through his mind.

"It's a more recent escapade, not too long after coming here. But if you want to know." he smiled. "My group of baddies and some little human maid traveled to a place known as the Crimson Harbor. We met with a weird witch granny who was able to send us to places. First, we went to the resonant cave of the hive to reclaim my in-law's body, and then from there. Granny, gave us some weird liquid to drink, allowing our souls to better handle the next task as she sent us to some other dimension where my in-law's soul resided. After some walking around for some time, we fought some souls that couldn't pass on before finding him and bringing it back." The monster would raise his finger again out of the water, "Though it was in exchange for a favor, whenever that might be. I didn't care less because whatever favor she might want likely would be up my alley." he smirked, "Though, for someone like you, the price might be a bit steep."

"Oddly enough I get you. Guess the longing for home ain't too different." he'd crane his head to the side. "When I was in purgatory, it felt, blissful almost" A look of disgust was on his face after using that word. "I heard the West empire is pretty into that martial arts shit, could always go there if you don't mind the slavery." He joked around before raising his hands, "I'd strike you a deal, I'll come and visit you once your sect is up. If you can show me some cool demon arts bull crap then I won't cause you trouble." he smirked,

"what do you say?"

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: SixSense SixSense Dreayth Dominatus Malus

"Well, I knew it before I started with it. The technique I'm using is the most versatile of them all and the least restrictive, so I don't have to worry that I won't be able to learn other techniques."
She said softly, the mad demon might have been mad, but he did incorporate enough techniques into his art, so it is compatible with everything and everyone. When he asked about staying at the sect she had to think for a bit before answering.
"Well, I would let you enter it and stay there. As for the guards... It depends on how strong, and well known the sect is when they would appear for you. If we were still new and weak, I would probably try to distract them or stall them while you run away from a hidden exit. If we are well known I could leverage that to either clear that incident up, or at least make the punishment be low. If we were strong by then, we would bear them entry saying you are one of our own. And if we would be both. Well if we were well known and strong, there would be no reason for them for them to do anything. We would claim that after you studied with us you calmed down, or make them believe that by force."

"I said not to tell me, 'cause now I know. And my curiosity will kill me one day, trying to find out what price I would have to pay."
Yufi began to complain in an annoyed voice with her cheeks clearly pouting.

Upon hearing the words 'West Empire' and 'slavery' Yufi's blood began to boil not literally of course but considering her demonic arts were beginning to act up it was not a good time. Oh no it wasn't, but she still responded to Dreayth's words even if every word spoken was filled with venom, which could rival that of a demon.
"I do mind the slavery actually. It's already bad enough I'm a slave to my own fate, my shitty family, and their friends, which part of them wants me dead, and another part wants to catch me alive so their young master can 'Wifey' me and lock me up at his place, and my own blood family just wants to sell me to either side for more power. So no West Empire is a no-go unless they decide to abolish slavery. Which I doubt they will ever do."
It took a few minutes for Yufi to calm down, a few deep breaths, a moment to enjoy the hot springs, and eventually, she answered, at first totally serious, but then she cracked a smile as she said the second sentence and looked slightly at Dreayth's face.
"I don't make deals with demons. But a bet with a friend is a different matter altogether."
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

The demons lips would curve into a smile, fascinated with the woman’s responses. She seemed to have opened up a lot more since entering the Bath house.

“Hmm, this master of yours sounds like a pretty interesting guy. Guess you’re used to Monsters, well, humans demons. Explains why you’re willing to enter a bath with me. You’re very sweet for inviting me into your sect, a pretty heart inside and out.” He smiled, his compliment genuine.

“Why not share stuff like that, maybe you live, maybe you die, but you lived life on the edge. Isn’t that the motto of lower life forms?” Dreayth wafted his hand around questioning the woman.

He’d notice her getting riled up, seems like he struck a nerve with the mention of slaves, leading her to spill out more than she might’ve wanted to share and with a demon no less. The monster would roll his eyes.

“Humans always complain about someone oppressing them or the magical wonder of fate having a grip on their lives. You are all truly your own captors. Such a dreadful experience.” He complained, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

“I don’t believe in anything that doesn’t grant me power. Why would I hand authority over to fate. I would drive my spear through ‘Fate’ in a heart beat and carve my own reality.” A scoff resounded in the bath house.

“So, to hell with your old life. And rejoice in the Yufi whom chases her own desires. Whether or not others see it your way.” He’d lower his gaze with a mischievous grin.

“Friend? I only have family and enemies. You could be the first of many wives I have, you’d have full dominion as you run your sect in my kingdom.” He smirked, “relations aside, Im interested in seeing your arts. So I will drop by in the future. No deals. Just a statement.” His words were genuine whether or not Yufi believed it. He was interested in this human demon sect.

“Before I wage war on the second continent, I want to attempt to understand what exactly I am going to destroy. The intrigues of life between lower life forms. Takes things such as this bath house for example. Your demon sect is something I’d like to learn about.” he smirked.

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