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Community Feb25 Valentines Letters

Type: Letter of Appreciation
Letter Recipient: Rossette heartspan heartspan
Sender: Zolgen
Status: Sent in response

The following letter contained fairly neatly written common:

The season is fine, and yes I have a whole tribe who live in a cave to pull from after I defeated their chieftain in a duel to the death, it is not hard to replace them thankfully. I hope that your studies go well. I take you're old enough to make your own decisions, but I will forewarn you that not every monster is as welcome to work with humans as we were, in fact I Think you'll find most will want to ether harm you or take advantage of you, so be careful who you decide to work with moving forward particularly as you develop your talents.

With that said I'm charmed to hear you named one of the bears after me. Perhaps if there is another opportunity for us to meet under less dangerous circumstances, I would be more than happy to try a fruit tart and share tea with you. However If you are to invite me over, I may need to work on obtaining a more..palatable appearance for the others I may encounter, as well as a way to make the goblins..more presentable as well. Very well then I'll speak with you again later no doubt, and thank you for you kindness.

Your party member,

Master Zolgen
Type: Love (?) Letter
Letter Recipient: Regula Elvario Elvario
Sender: Teuihua
Status: Left In response where Regula would find sometime after receiving his.

The following letter was carved onto a stone slab and written in Mict:

+Lady Caelia,

I suppose time does feel different for me compared to others at times, but even I can agree that there are moments were it feels like it passes more quickly. I'm pleased to hear that my presence is reassuring, it is in part why I've continued to operate here, there are plenty to keep safe against the unknown. You are very kind to speak to me with the words you have chosen, to feel so strongly about me doing what I believe is right.

I hope that I am able to continue helping you as long as you'll have me.

I understand that you are busy, but of course I will not refuse any assistance you wish to provide me in restoring my insides or any other remnants. Truthfully I still believe there Is more out there which has not been found, buried away even from savy adventurers and thieves, I do hope that if they exist I'll be able to uncover others like Zeouli and Ringo now knowing that there are places for them.

Also if that is your idea of being selfish then I invite you to be so more freely, there's nothing more I'd enjoy more than being with you for as many years as you'd like. You are a very special person to me. You are kind and selfless in many ways helping all kinds of people regardless of who they are and their circumstances. You are inspiring, You've given me hope and a home as well.

While I do not know if I feel 'love' the same way an organic does I do know that if I did I can confidently say that I love you too"

With Returned love,

Letter Recipient: Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Sender: Asahi Fujikawa
Letter Type: In character
Status: sent in response
Dear Aqua,
I was surprised to receive your letter. Boy, your mom was a real sweetheart. I will definitely seek you out, since I would love to meet you. I was told you are good at magic and go to magic school and I think that is wonderful. I also got some magic but I am 95% self taught. I won't lie, I base my magic on anime spells as closely as I am able to. I am trying to give myself a cool Frieren vibe, I am not sure if you are familiar with that one or anime generally lol. If not, well I couldn't explain it so I will just move on.

I am sure I must have met others like ourselves, but you are the only one that I know for certain is from the same world as myself. That is so awesome. I don't really hide it so I suppose it just doesn't come up much, but it is sort of nice to know you are out there. Rather than "if" I will say, when we meet, I would like to make you homemade curry and miso soup, but maybe I can take you out for drinks too. It will be my treat of course, miss Raines. Well, best to leave this here. Take care of yourself, and I will hope too see you soon.

Your friend from Tokyo,
Asahi Fujikawa.
Letter Recipient: Elvario Elvario - Kalina
Sender: Flare
Letter Type: IC (Canon)
Timeline: Shortly after "River of Redemption II: Overshadowed Eclipse"
Letter: (In Response)

Dear Chandra,

Wazzup blade lady. Me and Seraphina are doing all fine and dandy - glad we're your favorite duo I guess haha. I'm so grateful that I was allowed to keep her, honestly would've been kinda pissed if you got her given all of your lil toys on ya. I on the other hand never wielded a sword prior to her, but honestly after some practice its been coming to me quite naturally. She and I make a great team - and her illusion magic had certainly saved my ass a few times.

Quest wise, we've been in three so far. First one was an absolute shit show in M’lynra Village - which is like on the east side of the Fae See. We had to help out the Fae take out these hive-bugs and well, to say our whole plan was unorganized was an understatement. Aside from we the recruits, we were the only ones left standing as those leading the attack basically all died. One even sacrificed herself to take down the big bug, though frankly she was a bitch to deal with so like eh who cares I guess. Sera got a bit traumatized with all the "backstabbing" and "betrayal" that went on on our end, but we're working to rectify it. We did slay many bugs though, so thats a plus at least.

Second one, we teamed up with this ronin to fight an ice puppet. Said puppet had a water amulet which made me on edge at first because well... I think that part is obvious. Thankfully I don't have problems with ice and with our combined efforts to cutdown and slay the foe. We cut to the chase on that one... no pun intended. But honestly pretty clean fun.

Last one we were on was sorta an accident we just ran into. We and a bunch of others had to collect some mushrooms to help in making a ritual to resurrect like three peeps. Did meet a fire sprite who offered me to take me to their fire church so I can reconnect with others of my kind. So that'll be fun once I go there.

Not sure how Sera and I feel about the "shady stuff" you're alluding to, but admittedly fighting undead and monsters are my kind of jam. As long as I don't get framed or get into too much trouble with the authorities for anything... consider me intrigued. Just let me know on all that.

But yeah, glad you're doing well. Hope to see ya again soon, blade lady.


~ Flare
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Thank you all for participating in the February Letter of appreciation event! You may choose -ONE- of the following as a prize. Put the link for this post in your change log, and write the item you've taken in your possessions on your character sheet.

[Lover’s Lollipop: The Ever-Sweet Kiss]
(Magic Consumable: 1 use – Healing E,)
Grade: E
Effect: A swirled pink-and-gold lollipop, its sugary surface glistening with faint arcane runes. The candy’s flavor changes based on the eater’s fondest memory, offering a taste of nostalgia. As long as the wielder keeps the lollipop in their mouth, any minor wounds will be healed over the duration of 2 posts. To a total of 2 hp. (1hp Per post)

[The Fae-Kissed Chocolate: Heart of Silver Tongues]
(Magic Consumable – Raises the grade of [Persuasion] skill once)
Grade: E
Effect: A single, exquisitely sculpted chocolate masterpiece in the shape of a delicate heart entwined with vines and roses, its surface dusted with shimmering edible silver. The chocolate melts on the tongue with a cooling sensation, leaving behind a refreshing minty aftertaste that sharpens the mind and fills the eater with confidence and eloquence.

[Letter of the Heart]
(Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance)
Grade: E
Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.

SixSense SixSense
Novama Novama
Revi Revi
Rev IX Rev IX
Voider Voider
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Skyswimsky Skyswimsky
Megilagor Megilagor
Beann Beann
Elvario Elvario
Kikimura Kikimura
Faynorae Faynorae
Maxxob Maxxob
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Femboy Femboy
Lolory Lolory
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Cutiefly Cutiefly
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Irihi Irihi
Maverick Six Maverick Six
heartspan heartspan
lanzandpine lanzandpine
Develius Develius
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Tau Tau
Scoobie Scoobie
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

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