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Community Feb25 Valentines Letters

Letter Recipient: Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Sender: Kota
Letter Type: IC
Letter: After worlds

Dear Griffin

I apologize for causing you such grievances, even now I’m still a bit perplexed as to how it all happened and why my soul stayed in this world. I wish to assure you that the situation was completely out of my control. One second I’m fighting then, then the next a chain reaction of explosions from out of nowhere.

Despite being the bomb carrier, I’d never throw my life away knowing people would worry about me.

On the bright side, my new title awakened some new abilities and also changed my physiology. No longer just a beast but Fae as well too. It’s pretty strange. It also came with an unfathomable burst of power. Rain, waves, lakes, and oceans. They all seem to beckon at my call, I’d argue that my latent Fae ancestry was awakened.

It seems like I wasn’t the only one to awaken a champion either as Okami and Yukan were granted titles too. Though Okamis champion of light title seems a bit ironic. I mean, you remember how she showed up at Fort Bury. I’m happy she’s on our side.

Hope you are safe in Rotia and again sorry for worrying you. I hope to see you soon as well. We’ve got a lot to catch up on, perhaps we do something together that is not as daunting or visit a nice landmark. I'll pay for it since I caused you a heart attack. Life is short so we should enjoy it with one another.

Love ya

-Kota, your Fox Fae friend
Letter Recipient: Almeida Elvario Elvario
Sender: Kota
Letter Type: IC/Friendship


I can’t believe you learned bestial, I mean I can but to become fluent in reading and writing is pretty amazing.

A lot has happened, I’ve decided to fight in favor of then Fae See along with the republic under Yukan. I also died again, I had blown up underground during the war against the hive. Seems like my soul was not ready to depart from this world since it was called back and I’d argue I was given a promotion.

You’re now friends with a champion of the Fae see, particularly over the element of water. Job came with an unreal power boost at that but it’s going to take some time to control it.

It sounds like you’ve been super busy as well, I’m happy to hear you are well and traveling. I never thought of you as someone to sit still. Send more cards okay? We should eat some more bear or go on an adventure and cook up something even more exotic like Dragon or a giant Kraken from the Continental lake.

Also I just want to thank you for being the first friend I made on my journey. I learned a lot about adventuring from you, so you and Valerius will always have a special place in my heart. You better stay alive or else!

Anywho this letter is getting long, write me again soon! Love ya and tell Valerius I love him too!

-Your Fox Fae water champion friend Kota>
Letter Recipient: Euthalia Apricot Elvario Elvario
Sender: Kota
Letter Type: IC

Greetings Ms.Apricot

To be honest, I was not expecting a letter from one of your status but I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me. Though I am still curious as to why the Fae See wish to chose me as a champion, I am grateful for the opportunity to walk amongst the living and protect my loved ones along with the Fae See.

I will certainly be returning and I hope to meet you once I visit again. I would like to learn more about what this title brings and I’m hoping that you would be able to serve as a guide. Since we’ll be working together, feel free to call on me when you need something.

Sincerely, your new ally

Letter Recipient: Regula Caelia Elvario Elvario
Sender: Kota
Letter Type: IC

Greetings Lady Caelia

It’s truly a pleasure to receive a letter from you, i appreciate your hospitality but I’d prefer if you always refer to me as just Kota. We met and got to know each other a bit before I assumed my position as champion of the Fae See so I’d rather you refer to me casually. We’re friends now on top of that so even more reason to just call me Kota.

I’ve been planning to come visit sometime in the future to come see you. It’s been a while and a lot has happened. Though I am apprehensive towards fighting in favor of the East, I’d be more than willing to lend you a hand and defend your country against the looming threat. I happen to have a vendetta against them.

Aside from that, I’d love to have drinks with you and we can chat and get to know one another better. With all the stress on your shoulders, you’re over do for some fun.

Your friend

Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Deliverance
Recipient: Yz Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent in Character
Sender: Yz
Recipient: Deliverance Elvario Elvario (& Ninelle, since they're both together i guess SilverFeathers SilverFeathers )
Canon Status: Sent in Character

Dear Deliverance, my good fellow!

Ah yes, it has been quite a silly little time since our meeting, hasn't it! Yes, yes it has. Whilst your adorably innocent little mind could not even comprehend and absolutely fathom the logics behind what has been going on in my free time, I have accomplished the amazing task of becoming REAL. Yes, you read that right, my good boy. I'm real. Can you comprehend being real? Because I am. No longer a peasantry background character, now I am fully free to assert my glorious dominance upon this reality!

But yeah that's how my times going anyway bud don't get ya knickys in a twist over getting stressed, I already seen you're super dull and don't like anything, you gotta learn to lighten up. I'm sure you'd look pretty in pink bucko, you were a pretty cool crab if I'd ever saw one. Also yeah my card game is goated don't sleep on it, it's not gonna be that long until I bring that epic gamer stuff to the main stream of this world, and then y'all see how POPPIN it is.

anyway why the f███ you wanna go to the moon there aint anything up there its a big floating rock in the sky, theres no hot alien girlfriends up there ive triple checked buddy. BUT if you do be that desperate to go be lookin at moon rocks and lookin for aliens, well to be honest I probably dunno if i can tell you this but considering this is a letter beyond the peasantry boundaries of me not being allowed to exist in the same place at the same time with like seven other specific people in existence, i can give you some COOL ELITE FACTS

ok first off i probably know how to get to the moon, but currently im within some real whacko bizniz with some pirates and fish and other stuff, so my schedule gotta free up if you want me, ya boi yz, to come help you get to the moon. OTHERWISE theres a few notable losers that with my psychic intellect, and also the fact that i have my entire existence and everything i do and say absolutely written and controlled by the same overarching being that controls those losers, i possess the knowledge of what of those other people would get you to da mooooon

OK first there's this stupid green elf who rides a dirtbike she can probably get you to the moon, she does magic stuff and would probably wanna go to the moon too
then there's this very questionable robot who literately comes from space and stuff and she, like ok SPOILERS im sorry my good friend delideli but SPOILERS, viokii will probably want to go to space or launch a satellite or something and she's like the go to smart one so thats probably your best bet of NOT dying in space and the moooon

and then there's uuuuh whats his name i dont remember lol uuuuh AXIE he's not accepted and doesnt exist yet but he WILL and he's probably nice enough to take you to the moon OH AND THERES SQUINK THE PURPY ILITHID she come from space right? but she probably doin other stuff

oh and really weird suggestion but theres this brainpower-deficient lizard somewehere in ryke right now and her kitsune best friend they been like everywhere and im sure they could somehow get to the moon idk ANYWAY THATS MY EPIC YZ RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HOW TO GET TO THE MOON WITH YOUR LITTLE FAIRY BEST FRIEND ON HOW TO FIND HOT ALIEN GIRLFRIENDS UP THERE but trust me there aint any i REALLY checked theres not a single one up there
and if you do find any i called dibs so um ur not allowed to have them

Letter Recipient: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry
Sender: Kota
Letter Type: IC / written pre worlds and sent out pre-worlds but delivered after. Probably got lost or something.

What’s up Aedri

It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, I hope you’re doing well. Did the Skythorn flower work out for you?

I had met up with your friend Griffin not to long ago and he told me he happened to know you. Small world isn’t it? We just fought alongside one another against the East Empire. War is pretty gruesome and it’s opened my eyes a bit. We barely managed to escape with our lives. But I managed to make possible life long friends within the great warrior Yukan and another amazing warrior named Okami whose ability with a sword is unreal.

If you’re wondering why I’m writing you, It’s because life is short. it’s important to write to the people you care about, so I’m taking some time to let you know that you’re on my mind and that I hope we can hang out again. Maybe do something comparatively less dangerous. You nearly gave me a heart attack when you ran for those bandits and the bear, unarmed. Though I will say, I admire your selflessness. It was one of your best qualities but don’t ever put your life at risk like that. Or else I’ll come down there and knock some sense into ya.

Your friend

Type: IC | A reply
Sender: Oden (#ACA9A7)
Recipient: Tomomi Elvario Elvario
Canon Status: Sent IC, written on aged yet high quality parchment. Attached is a soft white napkin with the Aritomo clan's kumon embroided in the corner.
Greeting young Koyake,

As humorous as this is, it is a great honour to personally receive such a letter from you, as someone not yet even a full fledged member of the Ryozo clan. Perhaps you addressed this to the wrong owl accidentally? I jest, but either way, I am indeed honoured.

I have vaguely heard of your situation from the acquaintances I made at Yasaki City, though experiencing it first-hand is another matter entirely. Surely the Koyake clan has the connections and wealth needed to hire someone to dispell or at the very least aid in your curse? Perhaps you should nag your elders some more regarding this matter. Although, I am not the most knowledgable in matters of the divine, so perhaps I speak with too much grandeur.

There is no need to apologize my dear. It was a fun read, and I'm sure meeting your kind self would also be enjoyable. I'll have you know that when I was but a wee owl, little puzzles and riddles were some of my favourite pasttimes, so, do not fret too much. I wish you the best in the future. May you meet many that enjoy puzzle-solving as much as I do.

Kind regards,
Oden Aritomo

P.S I have attached a napkin from my former clan as a greeting gift for you, made from winter silkworm silk from the Paizu Mountains. Think of it as an elder giving something on first meeting to her junior hm? Coughing blood must not be fun, but at least if you can cough into something soft, it would make it a little more bearable.
Type: IC | Inquiry
Sender: Zahrah
Recipient: Gunhild Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent IC resulting the may 2024 event.
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Gunhild('s transcriber)
Recipient: Zahrah Elvario Elvario
Canon Status: Sent in Character

The following is written by a transcriber who has recorded everything stated by Miss Gunhild in response to the sent letter.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh (Sniffs, looks around, emits a soft grumble) Gunhild no know, Gunhild do Gunhild do, peopleses happy do. Yesses. Fren? Is frens? Gunhild do fren do, yesses, where's fren? Where's? (Gunhild tries to investigate the room for Zahrah)

Anonymous Transcriber: Miss Gunhild, the sender of this letter, Zahrah Fiore, is not in the room. You are sending your answer to the letter so that they may receive the response wherever they are.

Miyuki: It's okay, this happens, she never gets letters. I thought it'd be nice to try give her the chance. She's just excited. (Miyuki tries to lightly pet and hold Gunhild still, but the Lizard roams the room continuing to locate Zahrah)

Gunhild: Gunhild no sees fren. Gunhild sads. Gunhild go homes nows.

Anonymous Transcriber: Are you sure that's all? Miss Gunhild and Miss Miyuki, you are aware that you are still required to pay for this, correct?

Yeah, I know... come on Gunhild, you did a good do, first time for everything.

End of Transcription
Letter Recipient: Okami Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Sender: Kota
Letter Type: IC / Post worlds

Sup Okami

I was pretty skeptical of you at first I won’t lie. I mean you arrived on the battlefield in dramatic fashion wearing Kuridan garbs and knocking Eastern Empire heads loose. I’d like to think my skepticism was understandable, though how I expressed it to you was wrong of me and I apologize again.

Since we spent some time getting to know one another in Taeko. I’vecome to respect you even more. Okami the wolf was already great. The way you handle a sword is art in itself. Though what was a surprise to me was the Okami without the fang. I think I’ll always say this but I’m happy we’re allies and not enemies. Now for a different reason.

I’m happy you managed to survive the effort against the Hive. Many lives were claimed including mine however we seemed to have curried favor with the Fae See. Im going to be heading your way soon so we’ll meet again.

Your friend

Letter Recipient: Eriedeth DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Sender: Julius
Letter Type: IC

What’s up partner

I’m pretty excited to get the ball rolling, I have a whole lot of plans and goals for the Tinkers Triage that I’m waiting to bring into fruition. You know me, it’s just another adventure waiting to be exploring.

In the meantime I’ve been working on some constructs to help around the workshop and on the job. You’re as strong as a beast ox man but I figured some extra muscle wouldn’t hurt.

Let’s show the world what we’re capable of and engrave our names in history. I won’t settle for anything less you hear me?

sincerely, the worlds most handsome, smartest, big brained tinkerer

-Julius Atreus Astolgia
Letter Recipient: Regula Caelia Elvario Elvario
Sender: Julius Atreus Astolgia
Letter Type: IC

Greetings Lady Caelia

Thank you for allowing the Tinkers Traige to visit your beautiful barony. I have yet to make a break-through on my Omni-tool, after taking into consideration your advice I decided to wipe the slate clean and start over from scratch.

Fear not, I will be known as a world renowned Artisan and the Barony will benefit because of it. Once we are recognized as an organization in the eyes of the Merchant Guild within Widersia. Assisting you with your water problem will be the Tinkers Triage top priority.

As for the personal goal of replicating the sky islands, I’d be more than honored to bring your goal into fruition. Though you are correct, it would take some time. I’d also have to visit the Sky islands as well as the grand duchy to further my understanding of the magic that powers this phenomenon.

However I’m more than ecstatic and am willing to work on that for you. Thank you again for employing us.

-Julius Atreus Astolgia

P.S. I must return at once to properly savor that delectable sandwhich. My apologize for being so wasteful.
Letter Recipient: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry
Sender: Julius
Letter Type: IC

What’s up Sweet Face

It’s been a while since the festival, I’m wondering how your business is doing. I found your business model and what products you offered fascinating. Maybe in the future we can do a hair care line together. Something like that would sell like Hot cakes in Widersia.

Sorry again for causing you trouble, hope you aren’t still mad at me for overstepping. If you are then I understand completely but don’t stay mad for long. You’d be stopping a great friendship! Besides, beautiful people stick together. Am I right?

-Julius Atreus Astolgia, Co-Founder of Tinkers Triage, aka the handsome Red Devil

P.S. incase you don’t remember me by name, you won’t forget my beautiful face so here’s some pictures from my most recent photo shoot for tinkers monthly. I even signed one for you so thank me later.




Letter Recipient: Aureliana Beann Beann
Sender: Virgil Mortier Novalume
Letter Type: IC/ Admiration

Dear Ascending flame

Your words humble me, truly. I feel your warmth from head to toe. However I do wonder. You see, compared to your radiance I can never compare. The world revolves around you.

how do you expect a Flame to hold a candle to the Sun

No matter what happens, you will be at the center of my universe. You’re my gravity, the otherworldly being that keeps me centered. Yet, with the massive amount of power that you possess. You humble me with your heat, in fact. I depend on it. Life does not occur without you.

I’d rather you burn out and I get caught in your supernova than to have never known your affection. If I get burned or even Incinerated than so be it.

I look forward to meeting you, you’ve always stood above the heavens. Out of reach, yet in this moment. I’ve never felt closer to you than.

Let this relationship blossom into a blaze that captures everything and everyone.

-Baron Virgil Mortier Novalume
Letter Recipient: To all IH members
Sender: Me
Letter Type: OOC

This one is for all of you. Some have been here a long time. Some have been here a short time. Some are not even here but you haven't checked out yet. Some have helped me bring IH to everyone. Some of you are pains in the butt. Some have made great characters. Some have made great rp's. My efforts and passions for IH come about because of you and are meant for you so you may enjoy this place so long as you'd like to. Thanks to you.
Letter Recipient: Elvario Elvario | Saoirse Desrosiers
Sender: Maxxob Maxxob |Fenrir Hellsing
Letter Type: IC

<Mistress Saoirse Desrosiers

First and foremost, rest assured that this letter will be only seen by me.

It fills me with joy to know I’ve been of use to you, for that is the objective of my servitude under you. About size, from what I have seen in my previous employment, the size ends up changing drastically the length and girth of it. It is, after all, a necessity to make sure certain body parts… match to the correct counterparts.

Once more, I’m really glad being able to provide adequate work as your butler, and I’m honored you find my actions worthy of reward. I do think no job is too small, as every single one is important in the grand scheme of things. I particularly like to select the proper leaves to prepare the perfect afternoon tea for you.

Perhaps, if my performance continues to be seen as expected, rather than being a butler, a head-butler would be more fitting? Someone that knows the proper in and outs of the general duties towards the estate needs to be coordinating the other domestics after all. And certainly someone to keep an eye in the other slaves would do well, wouldn’t it?

Fenrir Hellsing

P.S. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of said item. Is it perhaps a magician’s tool?>

Letter Recipient: Elvario Elvario | Almeida
Sender: Maxxob Maxxob |Decimus Valerius
Letter Type: IC

[Hello Almeida

That bath did work quite a bit of my achy joints, I’m almost feeling a few years younger already. Yunaesa did tell me about the trip to The See, a trip that shouldn’t have happened in the first place, considering she is Widersia Military Personnel. I have chastised her about it and I must extend the same to you: considering you are Widersia born, unless you want to see your homeland under Fae tyranny, they shouldn’t be helped.

Can’t say it is too surprising to have an Elf dying if you sneeze at their general direction, considering how flimsy they are. As for bonding rituals: you should have yourself checked. There is a good chance that you are under their spell, considering how VILE THOSE MONSTROUS FAE ARE…

An art gallery seems to be a good way to spend your time, yes, better than aiding hostile nations with their problems. I hope both you and… Valerius have quite many opportunities for that, keeps you healthy that way. Keep training that swinging arm, you will need it for baseball.

Cadet Decimus Valerius, 2nd Infantry Division]
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Saoirse
Recipient: Jethro Rev IX Rev IX
Canon Status: Given in character before he's send off on his latest mission.
Let me make one thing clear. I still loathe you for having killed me.

With that out of the way. I'll make another thing clear. I wouldn't have bothered enslaving you if I didn't respect the talent and skill it took to kill me and the amount of time you managed to hold everyone off. You're clearly too talented to let go off.

Whether this will be a a mistake or not remains to be seen, but I'll be sending you on a mission along with the others. You're to listen to Ryuuji first and foremost. Should he bring me back a report of your actions that is satisfactory, you'll have earned yourself back your first 'right' on your contract. Think carefully of what you wish for it to be. Right to life, right not to be sold, right to enough food and water, right to sufficient sleep. It'll only be one, but the choice will be yours.

That should, hopefully, show that I have high hopes for you. We started off on the worst possible foot imagine-able, but I have gleamed that you might not have acted entirely of your own will. Perhaps now that you've got at least your mind back to yourself, you'll make and continue to make the right choices.

Your freedom may no longer be yours, but the opportunity to fully realise yourself and flourish is all the more opened up to you. I suggest you don't waste it.

Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Saoirse
Recipient: Lei-Cao Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Written, unfinished, meant to be discarded. Somehow might end up in Cow's possession at some point during the current RP.
Notes on Lei-Cao.

Seems capable of becoming extraordinarily strong.
Is pleasing on the eyes.
Seems capable of having a high pain tolerance.
Is enjoyable to train in said pain tolerance.
Has an inherent desire to become a great warrior.
Is enjoyable to train and interact with during her rare submissive moments.
Might even be considered rather lovely during said rare moments.

Is high disobedient.
Prone to make all the wrong decisions.
Might put me and other slaves into trouble.
Difficult to train due to said disobedience.
Will blame all others for her own mistakes.
Might negatively affect other slaves.
Can be rather lazy.

Find out how to motivate her and keep her motivated.
Find out how to make her accept her shortcomings and learn from them.
See if including more 'fun' activities (for both of us) can be a motivating force to her.
Experiment with carefully giving credit where and when credit is due.

Don't give up on her. See it as a test to yourself to make it work out. Even if everyone else seems to have given up on her, ensure you're the only one that won't and that'll show them wrong by bringing out her full potential. Somehow.
Last edited:
Type: IC | Apology
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Glim Irihi Irihi
Canon Status: Sent in character.
{Hey Glim!

How have you been? I've been doing rather well after that bathhouse! I went to see an art gallery and had lots of good food there. Now I'm gonna whack some moles!

Did you manage to fully recover and go back to doing... whatever it was you were doing before those awful bugs we killed? I surely hope so.

However... I suddenly realised something. I'm so, so, so, super, ultra sorry! You know how I asked you to join bonding rituals a few times? I swear I just wanted to be inclusive and all. I never once thought of it. Yet...

It's the size, right? You can't join them due to our size differences. How I couldn't imagine something so simple is beyond me. Clearly it'd never fit in well for you and any of the techniques might be dangerous for someone tiny. I'm so sorry for being so dumb and not even thinking of something like that. I really hope you can find people your size do do bonding rituals with instead, or that I can find a way to shrink or make you grow next time. Then we can be all-inclusive, right?

Anyhow, once again, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better next time and not make such a dumb mistake.

Also, do you know it's true that Fairy Dust is a seasoning? I heard rumours of it, but it seems rather wrong in many ways.

Either way, I hope you'll forgive me!

Almeida and Valerius}
Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Amice
Recipient: Edwin Maxxob Maxxob
Canon Status: Sent in Character.
Hello mister Storm Crest.

I am writing to thank you for your help with the cats. Also to thank you for helping try make me brave. Also for learning more Common writing.

I hope you are doing well. I am doing well. I am back in the See and met Tahmuras and Asuka again. It is a lot of fun. Are you having fun as well?

Also. I want to ask. Why did the green lady call you many words that I was told are bad words? And why did you call the green lady some bad words as well? Is it because black people and green people are not meant to get along? Or is it because she has a bye bye-k. Bike. And you have a horse?

Is it true that you met a cat that spoke? I did not hear a cat speak when there.

Thank you,

Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Amice
Recipient: Ul Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent in Character.
Hello miss Dyril.

Thank you for helping with the cats. Riding your biyke bike. Was really fun. I hope you and mister Viole are doing well now.

Also. I wanted to ask. Did you and mister Storm Crest say mean things because black and green people are not meant to get along? Or was it because you have a bey bike and he has a horse?

Also. Viole said he was your serv-ant. How did you get a serv-ant? Is it normal for someone to have a serv-ant?

I am doing well. I am back in the See. There is a festival here. You should go visit it sometimes. It is lots of fun. I also practice Common by writing.


Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Amice
Recipient: Viole Megilagor Megilagor
Canon Status: Sent in Character
Hello mister Viole,

Thank you for having taught me things. You were really nice.

Are you able to do more of the emotions now? I hope you are.

I also wanted to ask. Did miss Ul and mister Storm Crest hate because green and black people are meant to hate each-other? I did lots of thinking on it. Or was it due to the bike and horse?

Someone told me that it was bad of me to interact with a con-struct. Why did they say that? I thought you were really nice.

Also, thank you for having helped with the cats. I did write this for learning to write Common better.

Have fun,

Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Kalina (as Chandra)
Recipient: Flare Develius Develius / Seranphina Karcen Karcen
Canon Status: Sent in character
What's up hottie, how's it going?

If the sword's still with you, ask her the same. Not gonna lie, I might've been a tad jealous you got to wield her instead of me, but I'm glad it went that route. Seems like you two were a far better fit than I could've ever dreamed of being.

I sure hope you're still hanging out together. This letter is gonna be awkward for sure if you're not. Just throw it into your stomach to burn in in that case.

Assuming you didn't just burn this letter. Have you two been going on any fun missions? Let me know, cause I'm always up to learn where the latest fun and adventures are to be had.

Out of curiosity, what's your opinions on dealing with undead, helping some half-monsters deal with full-monsters, chasing down vampires and that kind of shady stuff on the grey-scale side of the law and of morality? I might be involved in a few fun areas~

By the by, you two might now be my favourite adventurer's duo. So do keep me posted~


Chandra Jarmil
Type: IC | Inquiry
Sender: Tomomi
Recipient: Aniel Valentino Faynorae Faynorae
Canon Status: Sent in character. Some words seem a bit faded.
With regards,

I am writing you to inform you that I loathe the idea of romance. I learned that you know absolutely nothing about it, so I'm not asking your aid. I am not even go to write or sent this to begin with.

Never once have I been interested in learning how one could declare love to someone when forced to lie. I have no need for such things, for I speak truthfully at all times. After all, I never once lie. That fact is as true as the fact that you don't even exist.

I wasn't cursed in order to lie. That'd be absurd. In fact, I was cursed to always speak truthfully. This is, therefore, not an attempt to explain something through lies. I merely speak truths.

Don't look any deeper into this message at all. There is no hidden plea for aid in the slightest. If anything, it is extremely plain and simple.

I am not desperate to be able to honestly show my like and love for people. I am not starting to tear up when I am forced insult those I wish to praise. I am not in despair to have to lie about whom I like and love. In fact, were I to become under such a curse, I would absolutely love it. Yet clearly I am not under such a curse.

I am also not the slightest bit related related to the Koyake clan, as surely as my name isn't Tomomi. Nor would I wish to introduce myself if I was.

Your aid would be hated. Please don't even consider replying.

Dear miss Aniel,

Eddie Murphy
Type: IC | Inquiry
Sender: Deliverance
Recipient: Aniel Valentino Faynorae Faynorae
Canon Status: Sent in character
Dear mister Valentino,

Rumours around the Ethereal Luminary, at which I study, have it that you are a professor on the topic of 'Love'. It is one that I would rather wish to study upon a bit more.

You see, I grew up in rather unfortunate circumstances and had learned to ignore any feeling of emotion. Yet, I met some beasts that were nice to me, for odd reasons, along with this odd Idol who's concerts and songs made me feel certain oddly positive things. I believe there was a certain degree of love, for her work, for her fans, for the art, involved on her side, which I believe was returned by the audience in various manners. I believe that event had opened me up to at least some degree of curiosity about emotions.

After I was accepted into the Ethereal Luminary I learned that the topic of love is very common in the school. I mostly ignored it, however, until I went on a solo mission.

This mission should have been one of the worst things in my life. Cold. Dangerous. Very few scientific results. Yet I still remember it fondly. The fairy I met there, Ninelle, had become someone I believe I had grown close to over the course of our dangerous adventures there. It is incredibly odd how such a thing might work. I had believed myself enchanted by Fae magic for a while, but I now believe it was the 'love' emotion.

When I described how I missed the feeling of her resting underneath my sleeve, how I thought I saw her whenever something fluttered by in my peripherals, how I'd fall asleep wondering where she was and what she was doing, how I hoped we'd meet again soon any time I wasn't drowning myself in my studies and how I could only recall, ever so strongly, our fond memories, I believe I had enough scientific evidence to prove I was, in fact, in love with her.

At some point, I summoned a succubus on accident. It might have strained our relationship a bit, but I believe that Ninelle ended up befriending her during some card games after a mage turned me back from having been a crab. Do you think I should explore whether or not she is still angry about my accidental summon, or would the fact that she befriended the succubus suffice to assume she is not? I learned the emotions of others might be too complex to know for sure sometimes.

That said, I am afraid we died and returned as monsters. I have been attempting to keep my monstrous nature in check and to have her and myself cured of this awful condition. Yet, I must admit, I do worry. What if it fails? What if I, or her, or both of us, do not get cured? Would we still be able to love each-other when we physically harm each-other and those around us? When we are cast out from our other friends and communities due to what we've become?

You see, I do believe, that I would give up most such things for her. Yet I also know that the [monster] that awoke in me is not a voluntary part of who or what I am. It is an intrusive being in the back of my mind that might threaten to ruin what I hold most dear. Do you know how to use this emotion, love, to help fend off this monster within me? So that I may assure I can remain by her side, no matter what happens?

If you can sent me a reply to aid me, I would be most grateful. I could share my research on the ethereal, find a way to pay you in money, or even introduce you to the many topics of love in the Ethereal Luminary, if you'd require on such things as payment.

With regards,

Type: IC | Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Regula
Recipient: Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dear mister Griffin,

Thank you again for your aid to my barony. Mily and Tachanka have turned out to be useful assets to my barony as they are a rare combination of experienced and crafty merchants without them being overly profit-driven. In other words, your aid to them has been of aid to me.

That said, it was also nice meeting you. It's a shame we never did get to fly together. No matter how many people I meet in my position, I have yet to find one with whom I can take a casual flight with. It's a bit odd, as the sensation of soaring through the skies is one I'd sure love to share a bit more. Don't you agree there's something really freeing and liberating about it?

Either way, I hope you've been well. Should you return, feel free to come over for some tea or a flight around the barony. I'll admit I've finally been able to get rather good at it by myself, even though it took me a fair bit of struggle to learn all proper flight techniques on my own and I still feel I could utilise the wind currents better at times.

Either way, I'd love to one day welcome you back.

With regards,

Baroness Caelia

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