Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

Question: Are my responses too short? It might just be me, but I feel like my responses pale in comparison to some other multi-paragraph responses. I've been trying to improve the length of my posts, but I still feel like I'm just not contributing enough to the RP.
okay, I hated to to\be one of the first people to complain, but I think i need to address a few things

Issue #1- Evryone seems to know everything

Everywhere I'm reading, everybody is exactly predicting each other's movements and ideas, even If it's just in thought. It's hard for me to explain what exactly I mean, but a good example of is Thetha somehow knowing that Aura was putting on a facade, and simply acting tough. Tehere have been several other cases. I understand the need to feel incredibly intelligent, but its fine.

Some of these are okay and well expeced due to good reasoning, like Kana senseing Aura within her barrier. I'm just fine with that because she had a legit reason to know.

It's okay to predict movements, but don't predict thoughts, don't predict how a servant acts unless tou have a reason too. For that matter, I'm still annoyed that Team Theta/Saber knew Aura was a master from the word go( i mean, maybe i missed something that made them know, I do have poor eyesight but i saw nothing), and that we knew each other. I'm fine with the later but the former should never had happened, since I was not asked.

(edited because i guess it got typed over or something)

1.a - Crazy prepared- it seems everyone was already making insane preparations before the game. I mean, having a camera on the temple would be expected t but placing a camera behind the lake and exactly positioned to view Nimue and Saber? really?

Issue 2) Apparently Caster doesn't do anything

Something I noticed more recently is that everyone seems to be ignoring Caster or making her seem incredibly weak. While Servants like Takeshi do indeed have increased magic resistance, even he would would hurt... a LOT by scalding water, magic infused or not. Caster's anti resitance Skill would pretty much ensure to this. Note that this would apply to a servant as well... that would heat meat metal, doubly so since it's magic.

(I mean... do I need to go into clearer detail about the resistance bypassment since people seem to be taking it lightly? I wanted to do that earlier but at the point when I realized i should explain mroe about it it was too late and I didn't want to be considered a cheater)

In addition, Caster would probably NOT be spotted out that soon, as she hadn't made many acts that require that much mana, apart from the barriers. From the best I can tell, everyone has been sensing her from an incredibly distant range, something that should only really be something Caster alone can do. (Archer explains as much in Stay/Night). To that matter, concealment spells, especially by the lower in skill magus, would be laughed at, but I'm playing along for the sense of playing along.. but not only would Nimue notice, she'd probably laugh at them watching.(if nothing else, the SERVANT couldn't be concealed without a ton of prana or the use of a command spell)

I know I seem a bit salty on this part, seeing as how I finally raised an objection mid fight but...Just... come on, I'm giving everyone the proper respect when it comes to this sort of thing.

3.) More recent, but no reaction time/ godmodding

Just something annoying i found in the last post with the almost instant use of the Noble Phantasm.okay, summoning a dragon is fine, but please don't immediately say it burns away everything immediately, at least not without asking permission. That borers on the line of Godmodding, as it was something I placed under my control. What was more is that I was automatically said to have disappeared. How did you know i would run. Nimue has Excalibur, which is more than capable of destroying phantasmal beasts as it is the strongest of Holy Swords., so maybe I wanted to throw a beam and attack it. I could also asorb the mana the the Dragon generates by breathing.

It just seems a bit unfair is all. I have no time to react to anything. When I did something like generate the steam and fire the bolts, I gave plenty of chances to react.

Sorry for being the one to complain, This is one of the few things that get me up in the morning, and I don't want

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To not make it seem like it's just salt from Rose's part, I have to agree that the last post in the Saber vs Caster engagement felt rather god-moddy. Not to it's fullest extent, but blocking, dissipating, finding and throwing Caster's master, summoning a dragon to burn everything away, etc. There was a lot there that should have been allowed reactions from Caster. I sincerely doubt she was just standing there the whole time.

With that said, I've tried to keep form metagaming as much as possible, Rose. Don't know how well I've succeeded as distances can get sort of wonky through text sometimes. I think I've only gone off of knowledge I've been directly given, and purposefully had Saber make assumptions based only on what she's seen, such as her figuring Tomoe wasn't fit for a Lancer, given the sword. I know it's not much, but I am actively trying to avoid Saber having knowledge she shouldn't otherwise have. If there's any specific instances where you (or anyone) thinks Hope is acting off meta knowledge, please point them out. If I do it somewhere later on, tag me and point it out in the OOC (alerts have been wonky), send me a message, whatever. I'd like for us to all enjoy things.

Oh, and @SereneDeity ,

I wouldn't worry about it too much. 'Deeds, not words.' The length of the post doesn't matter so much as the content of the post. If you want to add some length, add in more thoughts, descriptions, feelings. Two different people can say the same thing and one could take a paragraph and one could take four. It really just depends on writing style. So long as you don't start posting one liners and other no-no's like that and always make sure to act, and give the other RPers something to react to, I think you're fine.
It's probably going to seem like I'm just jumping on the bandwagon at this point. So, I'm not going to reiterate or try to defend the complaints from Valkyrie. She has very, very valid complaints, and I noticed a few of these things as well earlier, though unfortunately I didn't comment on them. Perhaps I should have.

"If there's any specific instances where you (or anyone) thinks Hope is acting off meta knowledge, please point them out. If I do it somewhere later on, tag me and point it out in the OOC (alerts have been wonky), send me a message, whatever. I'd like for us to all enjoy things."

I think this is part of the solution. We need to communicate more. The OOC is hardly used to ask or confirm if something's okay or not. For example, nobody asked Archer whether or not Kana's borders could have been easily broken into like they were, (Although, I'll admit, I was assuming Kana and Tomoe were using a backdoor or some such, which I shouldn't have,) or if some move or Phantasm by Milos could really break through Nimue's barrier.

And honestly, I think this is another reason we need the rankings. Most of our servant's phantasms and abilities pretty much perfectly counter one thing or another. We have no idea whether Milos' invincible magic resistance really surpasses Nimue's magic resistance-resistance, or whether Gawain's Green Girdle blocks the noble phantasm that pierces all protection. While this won't fix everything by itself, I think it might help.

A third way to kind of ease this whole thing is to do the longer, battle-related posts through the private messaging system. That way people can send it back and forth, adding one line at a time and generally corresponding over how the battle should go. At the very least, all of this will ease the conflicts between servants.

Still, the problem with the omnipotence displayed by some characters remains. I'll admit I did this with Takeshi, having him immediately single out Caster. But I think a main issue with this relies in Archer's adherence to the rules, and basically moderating the whole thing in general.

I really, really hate saying this, and I know I'm going to say it wrong, but Archer's handwaved or otherwise not paid attention to a lot of issues, and I believe I've brought up trying to enforce the rules to him in the past. He's easily the most knowledgeable people in the entire RP, and as the person who made it, his word is pretty much final on all matters. I think he should chime in a little more and try to moderate and keep the powerplaying, snowflakeyness and B.S in general to a minimum, (Church bombing, Masters who didn't know magic, Cameras and mind-reading,) but I also think we should refer to him with questions or issues more often. I'm not trying to shift the blame to him, as the issue of communication lies with all of us.

In a nutshell: We all need to communicate, Archer needs to enforce, we need to let Archer enforce and encourage him to do so because he knows a lot more than most of us do. Also, servant stats. Those might help.
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Sorry was gone for a few days and haven't been reading due to some irl issues. Gonna catch up now but I still can't post until later today.


Metaphysics said:
Hullo, I'd like to verify if the sign-ups are closed.
Sign ups are closed because I was paranoid of trolls coming back but I can maybe make am exception for you since your an old time member.


Azure Sky] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10548-valkyrierose/ said:
ops...I'll edit my message about the actions of Milos later.

edit: Done, is it better?
Mmm I didn't want to say this flat out loud but Milos is inherently broken. I thought you would control his power for this rp since it's story based and not our standard mvc 1 v 1 beat down combat shows. I can give you an actual detailed review but it would cut out a lot of what you have if I followed canon. I originally didn't enforce canon rules because I didn't want anyone to be uncomfortable and since of I did a lot of people would have to revise their sheets. Still not sure whether I should balance on canon or not, but in Milo's case it's just a lot of power stuffed into one guy who is willing to abuse it, which common sense can fix.

Regarding parameters, I put up the stat guideline but you know, nobody made them lol.

-I should mention that I'm being lenient to a fault here because in other Fate games my harsh enforcement drops players out which I don't really want.
Ok will be more careful in the future, btw Zeed told me this before , but I edited Drake Rush and nerfed it in a way, changing his movement and attack speed increase to flame propulsion and limited-use fire generation for a limited amount of time....I heared that I shouldn't have if you didn't ask me to, but I belived nerfing him like that would be better, as his velocity increase was too much of a '100% chance of winning'-type of skil.

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Metaphysics said:
I's there possibility for an Avenger Class?
There is, but you can be a leftover servant from a past war too since an Avenger would require bring an Einzberns or the other two founding families.
Okay, third. I'm going to assume someone has done this so last two questions. :Available classes and will I use the Servant CS?
Metaphysics said:
Okay, third. I'm going to assume someone has done this so last two questions. :Available classes and will I use the Servant CS?
All classes are available and you can use any sheet you want as long as it includes parameters, skills and noble phantasms.
By the way, since someone spoke up about the cameras that are everywhere(Even at the lake for some reason) are they still there?
Just a bit of a show and tell post I guess

I mentioned in a conversation with a few of you that Nimue was based off of a servant I'm writing in a work of fan fiction. ALthough really, If i compare the two now, they're completly different because... well, I had to nerf her to the ground if I wanted toeven have a hope ofgetting accepted into this. Thought i'd share the original bio i had for her.


Caster Class

Strength: D

Magic: A+

Agility: B

Luck: B

Noble Phantasm: ex


Resistance Retribution: F—Ex

Nimue passively emits an aura that lowers the magical resistance of others, except her and her master.. The skill gains ranks in accordance to the resistance of her enemies, so while this will have no effect on low ranked magi. Divine Spirits and heavily resistant to magic servants with a ranking of A or higher in resistance will lose all but a few droplets of resistance.

Divine Water Nymph: A

Due to her blessings and her story,, all of her stats are increased by one rank when touching a source of water, such as a lake or river. She can gain mana from water or creatures that live in it, and this is not limited to visible water Nimue can freely manipulate the water, as long as it exists, without the use of chanting or other forms of spell-casting.

Noble Phantasms:

Kaleidoscope: EX

Operation of Parallel worlds:

This is not a noble phantasm related to Caster in any way shape of form, but a gift passed down to her by Merlin, who was' The Strongest Sorcerer capable of true magics, and Nimue surpassed him in everywhere. Now that Caster has been summoned and Materialized Caster can use this magic to travel land split herself off from the world, appearing in one of the countless parallel words. That are stacked upon one another. With all different worlds having different pathways and decisions that humanity takes, each future is slightly different. It is no small thing to say that, with this, she is 'destined to overcome anything'. This spell actually has no cost for Caster, as she simply 'fades out of existence' and is entered into the next world, the prana from the time she was summoned I THAT world establishing the mana necessary for the jump.



Manipulation of Divine Concepts

The Fourth True magic, which Nimue Herself created and perfected with help from Merlin, and is the the reason Nimue is said to surpass the former.. This noble phantasm has been lost in name and practice, because the technique died with her, and it is impossible to use by normal humans because of it's nature. Identity rewrites the entire concept of 'Concepts', bending their original purpose or existence, and can wipe said existence off the face of the map. Using this , one could, for example change the concept of 'water' from 'something that gives life and nutures all' to 'nothing that helps humankind', and reality shapes itself according. Nimue could, for another example, erase the concept of 'Iron', and have fate alter to where there was never Iron in existence.

This spell requires a lot of mana, but can be supplemented with energy from another world. The technique was never passed down because Nimue judged it as 'a power capable of slaying Gods and Akasha itself' and should not be passed down.

Excalibur: A

See Excalibur. It has less range and power is reduced ever so slightly.

Basically Nimue is in a lot of parallel worlds trying to stop the Grail from falling into the wrong hands of Saber's master

who, completely coincidentally , had Galahad for a servant.


Go figure.

Edit: Another notable servant... hint : TIME ALTER HEXA-ACCELLLLLLLLL
Well, as I reply to any Servant a friend of mine makes: OP! and it's actually true here, haha. Just the number of EX's is scary.
eh, the only issue i have is the Monster...doll...thing has the strength of a berserker class Servant. I would suggest lowering to something similar to Tomoes, in that it is a monster capable of damamging servants, but it cna be stronger since it's only one. a rider class strength or assasin would be okay, but Berseker class servant is kinda pushing it.
I would agree but I sort off see it as a balance to not having any other NPs. I planned for most of it's strength to be on being able to be modified (*cough*lightning arm cannons*cough*), thus making it difficult to defend against. However, maybe I could make it so instead of starting with stats on par to a Servant, it'll slowly build up.

I'm honestly quite curious to how a Caster would deal with a sort off Anti-Caster Caster...was that phrased right?
Well EX itself isn't what's scary. EX is simply "unquantifiable". An A rank attack isn't necessarily going to be worse than an EX rank phantasm. A lot of B rank phantasms for example are much better than some A rank phantasms like God Hand and Gae Bolg. Merlin is speculated to be the practitioner of the First True Magic due to the First being one who "sleeps, aging backwards" much like Merline sleeping under his rock waiting for the time of the Once and Future King. The Fourth true magic has a speculated active practitioner, who may be Gazamy the hidden weapon of the Association possibly linked to the successor of Arthur's bloodline who wields Rhongonmiyad with God's Holder much like how Bazett continues on Fragararch with her God's Holder attribute.

Anti - Universe may be a huge leap for the Caster sheet, but Anti - solar system isn't four out actually. Boddhisattvas are capable of governing solar systems as confirmed by Fate Extra CCC, and several Hindu servants may be able to reach an Anti - World level easily with weapons like the Astra of Vishnu capable of splitting apart the planet.

I'm now going to review the new sheet, but won't get to posting until tomorrow.


ValkyrieRose said:
eh, the only issue i have is the Monster...doll...thing has the strength of a berserker class Servant. I would suggest lowering to something similar to Tomoes, in that it is a monster capable of damamging servants, but it cna be stronger since it's only one. a rider class strength or assasin would be okay, but Berseker class servant is kinda pushing it.
I'm fine with it actually. It's not like Frankenstein himself will be all that strong at all by himself. The doll is a canon character that's noted to be quite weak for being a Berserker, but can become ridiculously powerful in very certain situations.


Regarding Galahad, he just has a lot of powerful potential in Type Moon mechanics.

Being someone who went to heaven, he should have a higher rank of Saint than Jeanne, whose Saint grants her EX magic resistance. Galahad would probably be immune to literally all magic at that rate. He's also called the "Strongest of all the knights" which makes his stats superior to Lancelot the stat monster machine, which combined with EX magic resistance and Holy Grail(Siege Perilous) legend expansion, creates an extremely powerful servant.

One thing to note here is that Galahad actually may not be eligible for being a servant depending on how you take accounts of his story. If you become "enlightened", the grail cannot summon you. People like Hanuman and Zhang Sanfeng are ineligible as a result. Galahad did die, so only his spirit may have become enlightened, but there is still debate.

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