Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

I always marked Avalon blocking Ea up to the fact that it's linked to a different world entirely, thus negating the f-all that is Ea's power. To me Ea vs Avalon was always a sort of ultimate defense vs ultimate offense sorta thing.

Possibly another servant? Where?
Oooh, how interesting. I've always wanted to see a Berserker be RPed. Should be interesting.

Well, still look forward to it either way. The more the merrier.
Pretty much, yeah. Which is why I think it's avoided so much. Which is why I'd be interested to seeing one. However, there are levels of Mad Enhancement and the basic ones leave your mind relatively intact, if I recall correctly.
thats also true

Berseker/CCC coul switch between lancer class and berserker class at will because of how low her mad enhancement was. I wanted to do something like that but i felt as if i couldnt do it wll
I might actually look into that. This character had quite the maddening to my understanding, but it wasn't til later in life that I'll truly call out the affects of it. Maybe he'll have the ability, or maybe he'll just be a mindless brute who can destroy, either or.
well, at first they were going to be random, but people are collaborating on them now. Of course, we don't really have a list of the pairings.

I actually don't even know who my characters are paired with.
Random lotto is always the most fun. When you're ready to start just assign each servant a number and have the masters draw.
Given the rise in servants and masters it would probably be best to 're-do pairings, however we do them.
[QUOTE="Xal of Lanterns Lost]Given the rise in servants and masters it would probably be best to 're-do pairings, however we do them.

Probably would be best.
ComradeSenpai said:
Random lotto is always the most fun. When you're ready to start just assign each servant a number and have the masters draw.
This is what I was originally planning but we originally had a small group so I went with collaboration.

Now that there's quite a few people I might have to revert to random draw.

Alright how do I close a RP?
I think you just edit the title. People can still post their characters, but you can tell them that they aren't accepted because the RP's closed.
Blumenkranz said:
Hey, I would like to go in as a Servant. Could I still join in?
Nice timing. Yes you can, you'll be the last application as I'm going to just make another master.
Phew, fingers hurt from that one. Sorry if it sounds repetitive towards the noble phantasms, just wanted to get this posted.
Diomedes, an interesting servant idea that I've tried out a few times too. Needless to say it looks all good for me. Would kill his master within a minute from prana drain should he go mad though since it's mad enhancement + NP activation.
That's what I read up on, so the 5 part is supposed to give the master time to either finish the fight or withdraw. It will be a gradual losing of sense and logic, hopefully giving the master many interesting scenarios for him to face.
Your NP is incredibly powerful with 5 parts that are just as powerful as regular NP's. As such even just activating part one will severely drain a master, and all 5 parts might kill a master within a few seconds. Unless you get someone designed to be a prana tank a.k.a Einzbern homunculus who in this war is supporting Gawain, your master will be in twice the agony Kariya was lol.

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