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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

@DarkSuicune98 @HellsHaven The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

So I'm still exhausted (been dealiing with some insomnia) and I've got a bunch of things to do today, including setting up two boats we're selling so we can take pictures, and writing a post for a game I put on hold half a year ago that I am still very invested in, so feel free to post without me. If you need Shani to be doing something then just assume she's swiped Hakan's phone to take pictures of the "sleeping" Faffy.

That is unless Ava tries to touch Shani! Let me know immediately If she tries that and I'll get a post up ASAP!
you know that i have to do this now, right?
Nothing, nothing. Just so long as you realize.
You see, mid-season plot twist is that Vita was actually a member of the dark faction from the beginning. The light faction will be in a desperate situation and Vita will use her final command seal, everyone thinks she'll save the day. But instead she uses her final command seal to order Rider to kill Saber, stab 'er in the back. And as the final white seal on her hand fades, a new black seal takes it's place. And as Vita explains this to her former comrades the Caretaker of darkness will appear behind her, solidifying the validity of her claims. And he'll just push up his glasses as the white caretaker bitches, all according to plan.
Nothing, nothing. Just so long as you realize.
It's okay, clearly just saying it cause she is upset she is one command seal away already from losing and she doesn't want to face such embarrassment so early. :P Any plans made to come off a twist are an act of desperation to try and hide the fact of how bad of a screw up has occurred. XD
You see, mid-season plot twist is that Vita was actually a member of the dark faction from the beginning. The light faction will be in a desperate situation and Vita will use her final command seal, everyone thinks she'll save the day. But instead she uses her final command seal to order Rider to kill Saber, stab 'er in the back. And as the final white seal on her hand fades, a new black seal takes it's place. And as Vita explains this to her former comrades the Caretaker of darkness will appear behind her, solidifying the validity of her claims. And he'll just push up his glasses as the white caretaker bitches, all according to plan.


Nooooo! Why LSaber? She was my best girl!

It's okay, clearly just saying it cause she is upset she is one command seal away already from losing and she doesn't want to face such embarrassment so early. :P Any plans made to come off a twist are an act of desperation to try and hide the fact of how bad of a screw up has occurred. XD

I see, I see. It all makes sense now.

The more difficult the challenge, the more worthwhile the reward. Totally not because I want to see a blushing Ava or anything.
You do realize that this is even more impossible for the dark side right?

Improbable, but not impossible. There's a difference^^

Making her 'do romance' doesn't necessarily mean the affections must be directed at them, btw. Not that it really matters. Just a fun side thing if anyone manages it~
Improbable, but not impossible. There's a difference^^

Making her 'do romance' doesn't necessarily mean the affections must be directed at them, btw. Not that it really matters. Just a fun side thing if anyone manages it~
Making her do romance... that sounds... not romantic at all.

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