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Fandom Fate/Crossover (OOC)

The only plausible way I could see fictional characters in a Holy Grail War is if Zelretch became an internet troll, acquainted with web culture, then got really, really drunk and decided to raid Fuyuki to claim the Grail. Cue several modifications to the Grail to force the system to spawn some bizarre wraith containers based on fictional characters, and Zelretch activating the system to see if it blends.

Granted, the Throne of Heroes exists closer to the Root, than the World, meaning some strange quasi-true magic bullshit may be involved in its operation, but the closest to a "fictional Servant" that exists is Nursery Rhyme, and at least that has several justifications. Or Sasaki Kojiro, but, again, justifications. At least lots of people know about Sasaki Kojiro.

Ado Edem is a member of the Ether Liner race (basically genetically-enhanced humans juiced up on semi-magical space grain), which features prominently in Angel Notes. It describes a hypothetical scenario where Gaia dies and, with its last breath, calls down all of the Ultimate Ones to destroy humanity as a goodbye middle finger. It's a very interesting read.

So, where's Hyrule? North of the Euphrates river?

The idea of "unknown," and "Heroic Spirit" are, perhaps not opposite, but close enough. Whatever these Servants are, they probably aren't Heroic Spirits, and most likely aren't from the Throne of Heroes.
"Aren't Heroic Spirits, and most likely aren't from the Throne of Heroes." I got chills thats a plot point if I've ever seen one, you can use that.
"Aren't Heroic Spirits, and most likely aren't from the Throne of Heroes." I got chills thats a plot point if I've ever seen one, you can use that.
It's not that weird. Fate/SN's False Assassin is literally just a Wraith that's been pimped out to fit in with a fake legend.

Actually, pretty much every Hassan is a Wraith if I recall rightly? I think it's because no one knows their real names or the details of their lives beyond their activities as assassins, so Mystery couldn't build up properly and they couldn't ascend as Heroic Spirits.
It's not that weird. Fate/SN's False Assassin is literally just a Wraith that's been pimped out to fit in with a fake legend.

Actually, pretty much every Hassan is a Wraith if I recall rightly? I think it's because no one knows their real names or the details of their lives beyond their activities as assassins, so Mystery couldn't build up properly and they couldn't ascend as Heroic Spirits.
Yeah I get that I just thought it would be interesting if they existed outside the pre established laws of the grail war and then in the middle of it while everyone thinks it's a normal grail war BOOM. Weird shit starts happening due to them all not being true servants. Also I feel like they would be different from a wraith wouldn't they?
Yeah I get that I just thought it would be interesting if they existed outside the pre established laws of the grail war and then in the middle of it while everyone thinks it's a normal grail war BOOM. Weird shit starts happening due to them all not being true servants. Also I feel like they would be different from a wraith wouldn't they?
Again, the most plausible thing I can think of to make this real is that someone hacked the Grail and press-ganged a bunch of false data about various stories into it, to force it to recognize people who didn't really exist (ie: "Link.") After that, it's a coin-toss between the Grail drawing in a bunch of Wraiths to fill the ranks of fake Servants, or the creator of the system making artificial souls, which is even scarier. Both of these mean, though, that it's impossible to open a path to the Root using this method since there's no Heroic Spirits to tear it open, which qualifies it as a "False Holy Grail War."

This'd require some really meticulous and powerful thaumaturgy, though. At the very least, an entity that did this would have to be far superior to your usual Servant in many ways. It'd require the precise knowledge to replicate any fake Servant it programmed into the Grail, and any of their Skills or Noble Phantasms. The planet would recognize fakes like these right away and force-delete them with its massive autistic pressure, though, so some other element that makes them appear real has to be in play.

Not to mention the ludicrous magical energy requirements to do any of that.

Weirdly enough, the more I consider this, the more it sounds like Zelretch and Arcueid got drunk together and decided to team up to piss off Old Man Acht as much as possible by kidnapping the Grail and holding the fakest Grail War since Archer's existence.
Again, the most plausible thing I can think of to make this real is that someone hacked the Grail and press-ganged a bunch of false data about various stories into it, to force it to recognize people who didn't really exist (ie: "Link.") After that, it's a coin-toss between the Grail drawing in a bunch of Wraiths to fill the ranks of fake Servants, or the creator of the system making artificial souls, which is even scarier. Both of these mean, though, that it's impossible to open a path to the Root using this method since there's no Heroic Spirits to tear it open, which qualifies it as a "False Holy Grail War."

This'd require some really meticulous and powerful thaumaturgy, though. At the very least, an entity that did this would have to be far superior to your usual Servant in many ways. It'd require the precise knowledge to replicate any fake Servant it programmed into the Grail, and any of their Skills or Noble Phantasms. The planet would recognize fakes like these right away and force-delete them with its massive autistic pressure, though, so some other element that makes them appear real has to be in play.

Not to mention the ludicrous magical energy requirements to do any of that.

Weirdly enough, the more I consider this, the more it sounds like Zelretch and Arcueid got drunk together and decided to team up to piss off Old Man Acht as much as possible by kidnapping the Grail and holding the fakest Grail War since Archer's existence.
When you put like that it does sound like the most plausible reason
Anyway, damn. I really got off-tangent there with all that pondering.

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Can't make promises about joining right now, mostly due to a lack of good ideas.

But if I get a good idea for a Master, I'll come here faster than you can say "Third Magic is for wussies."
Anyway, damn. I really got off-tangent there with all that pondering.

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Can't make promises about joining right now, mostly due to a lack of good ideas.

But if I get a good idea for a Master, I'll come here faster than you can say "Third Magic is for wussies."
Well I hope you can join I like your thought process and the level of detail you put into this, I can tell that you must have some passion for the Fate series so I respect that. Thanks for humoring Illiya's request.

I'll save you a spot then!
You know, if Shirou Emiya is a Fake, and if a Servant can be a Heroic Spirit or a Wraith, I'd say the best "title" for the entities you're dressing up as Servants here would be 'Pretenders.'

They don't really exist, no one knows about them, and the planet doesn't think they're stable enough to exist. They can only pretend to exist, pretend that their legends are as real as those of true Heroic Spirits, and pretend that Gaia doesn't want to obliterate them every second that prana runs through them. Pretend enough, apparently, that the system works despite all other rules saying it shouldn't.

It's up to you, though.
You know, if Shirou Emiya is a Fake, and if a Servant can be a Heroic Spirit or a Wraith, I'd say the best "title" for the entities you're dressing up as Servants here would be 'Pretenders.'

They don't really exist, no one knows about them, and the planet doesn't think they're stable enough to exist. They can only pretend to exist, pretend that their legends are as real as those of true Heroic Spirits, and pretend that Gaia doesn't want to obliterate them every second that prana runs through them. Pretend enough, apparently, that the system works despite all other rules saying it shouldn't.

It's up to you, though.
If I remember correctly there is an actual Faker class which is the class of Iskanders shadow. But, I think she was his body double so that probably why.
If I remember correctly there is an actual Faker class which is the class of Iskanders shadow. But, I think she was his body double so that probably why.
Correct. I wasn't talking about Class Containers, though, just about general existences.

A 'Servant' is less of a proper category for a being, as much as it's a role. A Servant's role can be assumed by a Heroic Spirit, a Wraith, or in some cases, even by a human and Heroic Spirit combined (Demi-Servants.) I was talking about another category: A Servant whose role is assumed by an entity that doesn't really exist, but only pretends that it does: in other words, a pretender.
Correct. I wasn't talking about Class Containers, though, just about general existences.

A 'Servant' is less of a proper category for a being, as much as it's a role. A Servant's role can be assumed by a Heroic Spirit, a Wraith, or in some cases, even by a human and Heroic Spirit combined (Demi-Servants.) I was talking about another category: A Servant whose role is assumed by an entity that doesn't really exist, but only pretends that it does: in other words, a pretender.
Something that isn't a servant, but emulates it. Not a wraith or demi servant but a separate thing entirely as it can't fit into the role of Servant. Thats actually really interesting to think about.
So how come servants are assigned randomly to masters? Couldn't you give us more freedom to pick who we wanted for our partners, instead of limiting us?
So how come servants are assigned randomly to masters? Couldn't you give us more freedom to pick who we wanted for our partners, instead of limiting us?
I like to think it's because Saber is busted and whoever calls dibs gets it. Personally I am ok with random since its fair and makes sense. Though I do hope I don't get screwed over with the weakest Servant in the war *cough* RIDER *cough*.
Saber and Caster are busted tbh--- BUT I hope to god I do get assassin instead of either of those servants.... god I don't want to get stuck with Saber. EMIYAman EMIYAman
I mean I hope we get to pick our servants though, I already have an idea in mind with the type of servant i want.
I mean I hope we get to pick our servants though, I already have an idea in mind with the type of servant i want.
I just want someone to make an Archer. WAIT, what if I make and Archer AND summon that Archer with my character!? Eh, eh, eeeeeh?
Saber and Caster are busted tbh--- BUT I hope to god I do get assassin instead of either of those servants.... god I don't want to get stuck with Saber. EMIYAman EMIYAman
Hi, can you please let me know why you don't want to summon me?
I just want someone to make an Archer. WAIT, what if I make and Archer AND summon that Archer with my character!? Eh, eh, eeeeeh?
If you made a Archer I'd be surprised if that didn't happen.
I wish the notifications system would've worked better for me -_-

Anywhom... The master i'm working on is about 65% done, so they'll likely be finished late today or sometime tomorrow.
wdinatx wdinatx How to say this without being mean- Hmm constructive criticize time! Take it with a grain of salt but it's something that needs to be addressed.

Your Saber is pretty much a broken servant top to bottom, none of your parameters fall below a C. Both of your Strength and Endurance Skills are listed as A, listen you are not a berserker, you shouldn't be THIS tanky. All of your class skills are either A or B, even EX for that matter- NONE of them fall under C. And god forbidden with a luck stat of B, Protection of the Goddess B, with your stat up, anyone with attack of B or lower won't even be able to hit you. So just saying if your character has BOTH triforce and in a "dangerous situation", NONE of your stats would be lower than a B. That is RIDICULOUSLY omnipotent, hell that's even god modding.

And now even taking in account of Eye of the Mind (False) B, we have a impossible to kill servant that will steamroll everyone in this Holy Grail War. A servant that can see attacks coming, dodge them according, and walk out of a explosion like it's nothing. Huh? That's not even the worse part. Also-- I can begrudgingly bypass parameters but explain to me why, Battle Continuation A , a LANCER skill is on your SABER? That skill just makes you an even more unkillable servant, who is already broken through their raw stats alone. Magic Resistance EX most definitely needs a good nerf, I can accept EX but with it only dropping to an A rank--- that doesn't seem like a balanced skill.

Prime example, walking through a nuclear explosion unharmed then losing said gimmick, only to get attack again without leaving any marks again. Let's move onto Fairy's Support B, Navi support skill, the description is so mindbogglingly vague. So Navi is supposed to analyze enemy servants, analyze what exactly? It's okay if she can only analyze one or two stats but if she analyzes all stats then that's when I call bull. She shouldn't be able to analyze all of their weaknesses flat out. In addition, if Navi is able to analyze true names then might as well just give them their life on a full platter.

See my problem with your servant? Sorry if I hurt your feelings but someone needed to say it.
wdinatx wdinatx How to say this without being mean- Hmm constructive criticize time! Take it with a grain of salt but it's something that needs to be addressed.

Your Saber is pretty much a broken servant top to bottom, none of your parameters fall below a C. Both of your Strength and Endurance Skills are listed as A, listen you are not a berserker, you shouldn't be THIS tanky. All of your class skills are either A or B, even EX for that matter- NONE of them fall under C. And god forbidden with a luck stat of B, Protection of the Goddess B, with your stat up, anyone with attack of B or lower won't even be able to hit you. So just saying if your character has BOTH triforce and in a "dangerous situation", NONE of your stats would be lower than a B. That is RIDICULOUSLY omnipotent, hell that's even god modding.

And now even taking in account of Eye of the Mind (False) B, we have a impossible to kill servant that will steamroll everyone in this Holy Grail War. A servant that can see attacks coming, dodge them according, and walk out of a explosion like it's nothing. Huh? That's not even the worse part. Also-- I can begrudgingly bypass parameters but explain to me why, Battle Continuation A , a LANCER skill is on your SABER? That skill just makes you an even more unkillable servant, who is already broken through their raw stats alone. Magic Resistance EX most definitely needs a good nerf, I can accept EX but with it only dropping to an A rank--- that doesn't seem like a balanced skill.

Prime example, walking through a nuclear explosion unharmed then losing said gimmick, only to get attack again without leaving any marks again. Let's move onto Fairy's Support B, Navi support skill, the description is so mindbogglingly vague. So Navi is supposed to analyze enemy servants, analyze what exactly? It's okay if she can only analyze one or two stats but if she analyzes all stats then that's when I call bull. She shouldn't be able to analyze all of their weaknesses flat out. In addition, if NavIts i is able to analyze true names then might as well just give them their life on a full platter.

See my problem with your servant? Sorry if I hurt your feelings but someone needed to say it.
It is a Saber for a reason they are known for being broken. Arturia was pretty busted, Mordred was strong, Siegfried is invincible, Gawain is practically unbeatable during the day, and heck Okita is a gag character but her agility is ridiculous to the point of where she can do a nothing personal kid and instantly kill you. I understand your issues with it, but personally for me its basically a feature of the Saber class at this point. Hell even Nero who pretty weak for a Saber could revive herself, and lets not even get started on Altera.

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