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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature][WIP]

Ecstasyia said:
What class are we in now, guys :P ? I'm to lazy to read up.
Thea and Darius are in advanced drawing, not sure where everyone else is going to go from here :)
Drama Update -- at least for the area I'm in (because even I'm getting confused)

Bailey and Mason are publicly dating but are secretly engaged (<-- no one is supposed to know that until Bailey has that whole engagement announcement thing)

Mason and Thea are practically a thing and Thea doesn't have a problem showing that off in public.

Bailey and Thea hate the living shit out of each other but mmm...Bailey is kind of more of a closet psychotic bitch so I don't know what'll happen here either.

Darius hates Adrian because of Rachel's incident since he doesn't know yet who is the actual perpetrator, and Adrian equally dislikes him back.

Darius is being an angsty child who sees Rachel in Hana because of appearance similarities but not much is happening yet other than Thea getting a bit pissed now.

Thea and Darius have some sort of strange angsty relationship going on and I don't know what's happening between them.

And lots more strange drama stuff that has to do a lot with backstories and etc.

I'm terrible at this.
Hey guys. I come with some sad news. I will not be able to keep this Roleplay open. I've been super busy and I have a bunch of other Roleplays I need to focus on. But, by all means, you have my full consent to create a remake. I hope you respect my decision; and understand what I am going through.
@Vitez (and everyone) awesome post. <3

Next few days will be super busy so I won't be able to reply very frequently, there will be replies but not every few hours.

I know the plot is going to move along fairly quickly, but if possible could someone PM me or tag me if something big happens that I need to know about? Saves me having to read every single reply over 2 pages etc, before I post and I can spend more time getting a good reply out.
Ecstasyia said:
Hey guys. I come with some sad news. I will not be able to keep this Roleplay open. I've been super busy and I have a bunch of other Roleplays I need to focus on. But, by all means, you have my full consent to create a remake. I hope you respect my decision; and understand what I am going through.
I'm really sorry that you have to leave and I hope you sort out whatever you need to - but I don't support you can just simply nominate a GM in this role play and keep it open?? It would save a huge amount of hassle for all of us and enable us not to loose all the progress we have made so far x
Bhlow said:
I'm really sorry that you have to leave and I hope you sort out whatever you need to - but I don't support you can just simply nominate a GM in this role play and keep it open?? It would save a huge amount of hassle for all of us and enable us not to loose all the progress we have made so far x
I suppose I could. But it would be difficult because they couldn't edit post and everything. Who do you guys think is the most suited?
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@Ecstasyia Redoing it will probably get messy, and I mean whoever the GM is will tell who is allowed to enter and who isn't without that many problems and could simply tell the interested person to edit their post.
@Ecstasyia All you would have to do is put "x IS THE GM" so that they could accept/refuse people and make posts in OCC with any new rules/plot changes etc. Redoing the whole thing would get messy.

I know that if a new thread was started, I probably wouldn't continue with the roleplay tbh.
Couldyoustfu said:
@Koala would be more suited, if they wish to of course
I'd be willing to try, but if you wanted a sure fire successful RP I'm not the person. n_n

I've never ran one before.
I've never ran one before and I don't think I'd be amazing so I vote @Koala

Or maybe we should team up??
Ecstasyia said:
I trust @Koala the most, so you guys can be a GM, if you'd like. I just feel awful for being such inactive GM ;-;
That's fine with me. Do you want to maybe edit the first RP post IC and maybe in the overview and character sheet? Just so people know we are the ones to talk to instead of spamming you to get their character accepted etc. :3

I was just wondering if people would be alright with time skipping to the next day or at least almost ready to end whatever scene they are in.

For the people that I'm developing the whole Thea/Mason/Darius/Hana/Rachel/Adrian/Bailey shabang, could tomorrow be sort of the press conference (in the morning-ish) and then the engagement announcement ball at night-ish (make it Saturday???). @Koala
@Bhlow @ambiguities @Couldyoustfu

Actually, I'm not going to be available tomorrow most likely so we can just time skip on Monday but honestly it's up to whatever you guys want to do.
We'll time skip at the end of the day then (Uk time), to give everyone time to finish off their posts, and maybe for @Vitez to reply! x
Bhlow said:
We'll time skip at the end of the day then (Uk time), to give everyone time to finish off their posts, and maybe for @Vitez to reply! x
For anyone wanting to know (just to clarify on what @Bhlow said), UK time is currently 13:25. I guess we will post around evening time so 6pm onwards, whenever @Bhlow / @Atsuko are ready tbh, or whenever @Vitez manages to reply (graduations have been happening + life I suspect).
Couldyoustfu said:
Then I'll wait for everyone to be done to publish my long ass post since it goes til the morning after *wiggles eyebrows*
Edit: Nevermind. I was going to say you could post it in theory but it got to complicated and I'm tired, so maybe just wait. ;-;

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