Fantasy's End (IC)

Jayce shook his head in vague amusement. She was awfully cute- very passionate about her rivalry with Lach. He remembered the things pirates would do to women if they could get their hands on them. He shuddered to think of them. Jayce thankfully had higher standards. He imagined a bit of lewd conduct in the military was a far cry from how bad it could really be.

"So I'm curious how a high-ranking soldier such as yourself came to be… a farmer, I reckon?"
Blake smiled to himself as he heard what she said. "Apparently us nekos have a stereotype of being thieves... That would explain the sharp objects." Blake examined the knife closely, but it didn't tell him anything he hadn't already overheard. He continued looking at the area below him, but being careful not to look towards the hot springs. "If she brought a knife to a hot spring," he thought, "She probably has another one. And maybe she won't intentionally miss next time." He continued to use his naive cover in case someone saw him. He figured that they would think that he is just a curious neko.
Lach nodded as he scurried about trying to find a cup then looking for a his water that he had collected earlier that day. He listened to her story as he got some water to bring to her. "Well, i don't think you're evil." Lach smiled. "And people call me the Devil's Son." He laughed some then sat back down. This time beside her. He was a bit closer and there wasn't a table blocking the view of her body. He smiled to her and continued to ask questions. "When did you arrive at the village?" He rubbed his chin thinking off something that could be fun. "And if you know so much from your spying. Tell me all you know about me." He grinned wanting to see how much knowledge she could collect from just watching him.
"Thanks!" She said, both for the water and the not evil part. "I've been here for three months..." Natalia told him. "You are Lach Hunter. You are the Devil's Son and came here to make a new life for yourself... so you wouldn't be like him. You were a past Hylion and strategist for the Sol army... Your father barley noticed you and your mother died when you were young. You travel back and forth between the mainland and here and that's all I know!" Natalia said smirking. "Anything else you'd like to know?"
Lach was honestly surprised that she knew so much. He turned to her much more interested. He pulled her chair closer to his and narrowed his eyes on her. "How exactly did you come across all this?" He asked, very suspicious of her ways. Yet very interested. A girl with her talents could be very very useful. Lite smiled trying to keep from scaring her. "If I may ask, I mean." He put an arm around her chair which made it around her shoulder. "I've never met someone with that much talent really, and i'd like to know more about you."
(Sorry to backtrack a little, but a lot of (in rp) time has passed since I last I posted. Also sorry for lon post, < same reason.)

Erin had watched the interaction of the female fighter and Lach with an incredulous expression. She had just fought him, humiliated him, braged about it, and then asked him on a date. The whole thing had left him a little confused, and he wasn't even involved. Erin didn't really envy Lach Hunter, the woman seemed a little psychotic in his opinion and he made up his mind that he would be staying well away from her if he could help it.

"No problem," Erin said to Lack as he left, "Goodbye." He hadn't expected him to recognise him, actually he was glad that he didn't because he might've asked why Erin now lived here. Erin didn't want to tell him it was because he was a terrible warrior, he had traveled to this island to get away from people who about his failure. No, he'd rather keep that to himself.

The crowd had since dispersed and Erin made his way back over to where he had left his mule tied to the post, he wouldn't bother with the well, the water would probably taste like ex-Hylion strategists and dirt now. He found the post and stopped, looking dumbfoundly at the chewed off lead still tied around the base.

"Stupid, dumb Ass," He muttered angrilly as he untied what was left of the lead and started searching around for the animal, but to no avail.

Giving up, it always seemed to find it's way home eventually anyway, Erin walked back through the market place, checking out the stores for anything he needed or might want. He picked up some more chicken feed and some rice and a few vegatables for tonight's dinner, but he couldn't get much seeing he'd have to carry it all home by himself. He sighed with frustration again; his knee was already hurting from today's activities, and now he had to walk all the way back home with the heavy load. Items in hand, Erin decided to leave so he could make it home before the sunset.


The sun had set long before Erin reached his home. He was taking a shortcut, thinking to himself he should have bought a house closer to town, when he spotted Engary, his mule, trotting into the backyard of a small house.

"Uggh.." Erin groaned. He ently put the items in his hand down on the ground and approached the house. He was about to knock and inform the owner that his mule was currently in their backyard, when he heard the telltale sounds of munching. Fearing Engary had gotten into a graden and was eating all the plants, he hurried as fast as his limp would let him around the back and it was just as he had fear.

"Come here you pest," Erin whispered trying to coax the animal away, just hoping the owner didn't come out and see him.

(You have a garden right?)
Natalia blushed and smiled. "No, I don't mind. I came across the Sol's in one of the villages I was scouting out. There was a rumor among the villagers that the great Devil's Son was with them... I was so intrigued I wanted to know more" She began. "Normally, I only learn the name of everyone and their biggest secret. If someone big like you comes along, I have to know more. I took Sol's for hours at a time and learned as much as I could. I also spied on you when you arrived here on the island during my first month. You and Yuuki would fight... I would watch and record both of your movements. I get information on everyone from everyone. They tell me what I want to know and I don't even have to ask!" She took a deep breath and pointed to the chopsticks in her hair. "I gave signs with these to the villagers and they would write me a scroll on every bit of information they had on the person I wanted! If you need dirt on anyone, I either have it or can get it in a matter of minutes" Natalia finished.
Lach laughed. "Wow!" He smiled to her. "Well i guess it's nice be so interesting to such a beauty like you." He said as he rubbed his chin. He was trying think of anything else. "Well, since you recorded my movements. Do you think you could beat me in a battle?" Lach asked curiously. He may be retired but he thought it a fine trait to know how to use a weapon and to know how to use it well. "Or do you record it for others?" Lach wondered as he smiled at her. slightly devious looking grin growing in place of the smile.
Natalia blushed and then thought hard. "I don't know if I could beat you... not without my katana... but no, everything I record is for myself. I'm not a puppet!" She laughed. "But I'll fight you... as long as you promise not to laugh at my failure!" She warned. She was honored to be asked to fight this great warrior, but she was scared. Natalia had never battled anyone with so much skill...
Yuuki looked at him and sighed. "If I would not be a solider, farming is my next best thing. I joined the army, because my ideas for planting were too advanced... according to my mother." She began to babble about a mill she had created, that watered the plants manually every three hours, just enough to dry up at the three hour point, to become moist again when the water was scattered over them. She sighed and smiled, "I'm sorry... I am such a farmer nerd."

Yuuki looked at the neko and she thought, 'He's very disturbing.' She looked behind her to see if she acually brought her throwing knives, and there was only two. She sighed and thought, 'He can wait, I have a mer-man on my hands. I can't be fooled.'
Lach shook his head. "We don't have to fight if you don't want to. I was just maybe you could spar with me. I'm happy to learn of my weaknesses and how i can approve." He nodded and went to his locked chest near his bed. He unlocked it and opened it up. Lach pulled out a Eatern blade, a katanna he believed it to be called. It was made of silver as well. The handle was white leather while the design of the hilt and hand guard was made of gold. He lifted it out of the chest. He offered it to her. "You like these types of weapons?" He said as he held it backwards so she could take hold of the handle. "Back when i was a Hylion, a blacksmith friend of mine made me weapons based of the design of our flags. White and gold." He pointed out parts of the blade. "Either the sun or the Goddess." He smiled "There well designed, i don't use them much. More prizes then actual weapons."
Natalia took the blade and stared at in in awe. "This is amazing! I'd be honor to spar with you using this very weapon!" She breathed. She moved the blade around slowly in her hands, getting a feel for it. She nodded and adjusted the chopsticks in her hair. She was ready for this!
Lach chuckled seeing how excited she was. He put his hand on the handle of his sword. The sword was strapped to the back of his waist with the handle facing the right. He found it easier to draw that way. Held it so the blade was backward facing down instead of forward. He drew the blade slowly letting the ringing of the blade be heard throughout the house. Once completely out of the sheath he sped up and flipped it so the blade faced right side up and rested the blade on the shoulder pauldron on his right. Him simply drawing the blade looked fancy. "If you really want to, we can go outside." he said with grin. He could fight much better with a sword designed specifically for him.
Natalia nodded slyly. "I'd love to fight outside!" She was laughing to herself. She could leap from tree to tree... be completely silent and move like lightning outside. She fought much better outside, and all her enemies knew that. She felt bad that she may have the advantage, so she decided to go easy on Lach. As excited as Natalia was, she had to channel her energy to make sure she didn't actually hurt the man. Her biggest fear for all of this was exactly that.
He nodded and listened as intently as he could, unable to focus entirely on what she was saying. Jayce found himself very transfixed on her lips, then her eyes, very briefly, her breasts. She talked about her techniques, mostly of things Jayce couldn't understand. He found himself a little dazed by the end of it.

"I'm sorry... I am such a farmer nerd."

Cerulean eyes snapped back to attention, only to find that she was peering up at a rooftop again. Whomever had invaded her personal bubble before was still on her mind. He found it a good chance to recollect himself. He lifted his upper body from the water with strong arms, the serpentine tailfin coiling up behind him. Reaching for his linen towel, he draped it around his neck.

"I suppose we all have our little hobbies," he commented, as his fins shook away some stray water. "Why don't you visit the docks tomorrow? I'll make it worth your time. If you like fish, that is."

Slowly, his tail reformed into legs, and he slipped the fishing stocks again over his lower half. He resisted a yawn. After the day's events, he found himself very exhausted. The warm water had put his muscles at ease, and now all his body yearned for was some good old fashioned rest.

"You're quite the pleasurable company, Yuuki," he added as he strode away, "Perhaps we shall meet again."

Lach nodded and let her exit the house. He followed after and walked at lead ten yards away. "Have at thee." He had a bright smile on his face. He wasn't going to take things to seriously at first he would like to see what she had before he immediately put her on her ass. He pointed his blade directly out at her. His stance was simple. He was very relaxed as well, he didn't find any reason to fear for his life so he just had a casual stance. Though he was in a good position to attack or defend from any angle. Lach focused on the basics of fighting and expanded upon them to make himself seem weak yet incredibly powerful. By using basic fighting style to beat his enemy he would usually be seen as a very menacing opponent.
Natalia pointed her blade upwards. This was what she used to confuse the enemy. She stood on her tiptoes and began to rush at Lach. Instead of attacking like everyone expects, she leaped over his head like she was flying and landed a few feet behind him. She wouldn't attack yet though. Her enemies always thought she would attack right away, and ended up on their own behind. She kept a straight face and begged Lach made the same mistake. If not she'd sprint around him in a circle to confuse him.
Lach was surprised by her speed. Though he wasn't about to over react and get baited to leave himself open. He made sure to keep his defense constantly up and guarding from her. When she jumped over him, his blade pointed at her still and when she landed his blade pointed at her still. He watched her circle around now, still keeping his blade right on her. Lach grinned as he found that she focused on confusing her enemies with her great speed. The best option against that was timing. Put yourself there before they did. Instead of directly moving with he moved in angles so he would clash with her even with her moving much faster than him. He pounced to the side in a slight angle so she would end up running towards him again. He quickly made a quick swatting movement with his blade. Not a powerful strike but enough to bust skin open. As well it would leave his defense up before, during and after the strike.
Amazed that Lach was using his timing skills, she saw the swatting coming. She ducked under the blade and attempted to know her opponent over and force her sword to his throat. She also knew he expected that, so after ducking below the blade she darted to his side and began slashing in random directions. If he couldn't pinpoint her strike, she would be safe. She tried as hard as she could not to slash in the actual angle she would attack in, but she was moving too fast to control that.
Lach watched her go right under him. As she appeared at his side, he flipped his around swatted her blade completely out of the way. Using his superior strength to knock the blade either out of her hands or her off balance. While she's off balance and open. He quickly thrusted his arm forward aiming to grip her neck and lift her right off the ground. Does speed trump brawn? Lach finds that proper tactics and skill trumps all.
Natalia can't play attacker any longer. It's time she plays victim. Pretending to be knocked to the ground, she lies there and waits for him to press his sword to her throat. If he does, then she'll use the blunt end of her sword to strike the back of Lach's knees. This would giver her time to return to stabilization and attack using gravity against him. When he does this, she is only able to attack one knee, therefor only giving her time to regain her balance. This great man was indeed as great as he was rumored to be!
Lach wasn't the type to give someone a break just because they were on the ground. Especially in duel, he knew better then to let up on the enemy unless they gave in entirely and called for mercy. Not that he was going to kill her, he just wasn't gonna let up until she surrendered. Lach stabbed his blade's tip in the ground slightly and slashed it across the ground. It would go right past her torso cutting her right in two, if she weren't to move. Lach found her body very nicely shaped so why would he want to change it.
Natalia had not anticipated the slash that would have cut her in two. Luckily she had incredible speed and flexibility so it was easy for her to evade it. She smirked when she did. "You ma just be the toughest opponent I've ever faced Mr. Hunter!" She exclaimed as she weaved back and forth. Normal people would be sweating right now, but Natalia never broke one. She was too busy admiring Lach's abilities...
Lach backed up a few steps and pointed his blade forward again. Watching her move about once again. He kept his blade pointed directly at her keeping an eye on her. "I get that occasionally." He laughed. This time he would take charge. He put his sword extended all the way out to his right. He had a complete view of her now but was almost completely open to his left. He got in a more ferocious stance. He bended his knees and got in a slight crouching stance. He moved forward then swung his sword in a large arc. But only half way so he wouldn't leave himself open after the attack. The attack as simple but it was backed up with a mass amount of strength and speed.
Belle padded through the forest, her glowing red eyes piercing the darkness around her. She was looking for someone, but she didn't know quite yet. She looked up and flapped her wings, flying up into the air and above the trees. Scanning the ground below, she gripped a razor sharp sword that had words in french written on it.

Angry because she couldn't find who she was looking for, she glided gently on the wind, ignoring the stares from below.

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