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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Raygou smiled at Niko. Suddenly, a bunch of guards running over to Raygou and smashed him to the ground. He starts to laugh. "I forgot the alert!" He said and the guards take him the handcuffs on again. Than the guards go away and Raygou smiled again. "I think a life without handcuffs is impossible for me!"

@Church Burning
"Yeah what're you going to do abou-" Niko got cut off as the guards tackled her and felt her up, searching for weapons but a bit more than needed. "Oi! Get your filthy mots off me!" She growled and struggled but the gaurd just laughed
Raygou bows down to the Guard. "Excuse me, but I think that a man aren't allowed to touch a lady when the lady u aren't ok with-" the guard punched him in the face. Raygou bows down again. "Not really nice mister, so please get off the lady please, thank you"
"Don't you call me a fucken lady!" She growled and kicked the gaurd off her, punching him in the face. Another gaurd tried to grab her but she drop kicked his face and backed up. "I don't like being called a lady. I'm not a lady, I'm a woman.." She corrected Raygou
Rayisho smiled "Sorry, sorry. I'm only trying to be friendly. And don't be so rude to the Guards" He said and whistled loud one time. Than he whispered to Niko."You know, that you get big problems, right?" After he whispered to jersey, he take few steps to the guards and bows down. "I'm really sorry. I forced her to take off the handcuffs so don't hurt her please." The guards gave Raygou a few kicks in his face and than leave the place.

@Church Burning
"Really, I can take a beating." She sighed and looked at him. "Also, stop trying to be so gentlemanly. It kinda freaks me out" she chuckled
Raygou chuckled too. "This kicks hurts" He said and smiled. Than he jumped up and stretches. "So, you wanted to ask me something before the guards smashes you to the ground."
"I was going to say, there's nothing you can do about it. Not a question." She shrugged, puffing on her cigarette
"Try to destroy the government, shoot government officials and hack NASA" she smirked, stubbing her cigarette out on the wall
After some time of sleeping Arag woke up, he looked around himself and saw empty cell.

"Well I should make a walk" said to himself

When he got outside he saw Niko talking to someone.

He walked down to them without any rush walking like he is a free man.

"Hi Niko what are you up to?"-asked having his eyes on the figure next to him.
Niko shrugged. "Not much, just got felt up by a gaurd and made a new buddy" she smiled, lighting a new cigarette
Shadow crowes circled around his legs, "So that offer of a tour is still up?" asked Arag

"Hello, I am Arag, and who are you" Arag asked reaching his hand to the man infront of him.

Arag watched in his eyes and could find out that man enjoyes killing people and that justice isn't really his thing.
"Sure, this room is the cell room or living space and if you follow me, I will show you the canteen, or the cafeteria" she said, walking off
"It kinda is and kinda isn't. The gym is on your left and the showers, men and women's, are on the right" she said.
"Well I am a shade so I don't need showers I can clean myself easly " replyed smiling

"And if I can ask why are you here?" asked Arag
"I am a terrorist, or so they say. I blew up the pentagon and shot the president. The government killed my parents so that was my revenge" she sighed
"Well you did the right thing, I am also in that kind of business. Justice at all cost. Now I will just be here and relax in this place but I will get out soon so if you want I can take you with me. You don't need to answer it now but keep it in mind." said calm and smiling.

Now he made real crows out of his shadows and they were flying above them two.

(I need to go sorry..will come for few hours :D )

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