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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Shion's eyes widened as she was embraced, she stopped crying and stared up at Niko "..but...you hate me..and...this isn't right...I'm not supposed to feel emotions!" she said looking down her hands and then going to grab the headphones, that's right..she could forget it...forget it all. @Church Burning
"I don't hate you, I was just a bit upset. I don't hate you. It's good to feel emotions, the bad and the good, so stop trying to forget." She said, taking the headphones out of her hands and placing them away from her.
Raygou sighed. "I'm... hungry..." His teeth get larger, but his Handcuffs zapped him and his teeth get normal again. "F*ck..."
(Sorry I was eating dinner(':3))

Shion looked like a confused child who's toy had been taken from them as Niko took the headphones away, her mouth started moving again but she couldn't produce a sound she had a wishfulness and fear surrounding her that hadn't been seen by anyone before "I...I can't remember though..I'll-" her words cut of as she started coughing and fell to the floor and her breaths became strangled, and blood came out of her mouth, memories of yesterday with the doctor flooded her mind "there's something wrong with you!" and lay there clutching her throat. @Church Burning
Niko looked at her. "There's nothing wrong with you, I just need you to calm down and explain to me what's wrong." She said softly, pressing on her chest, doing CPR. She pushed down hard and you took a breath. She sighed and handed Shion a pen and paper. "Now I want you to write down everything you remember, in detail please" she said softly, looking at her, not with fear or hate, but with kindness and warmth.
Shion started breathing again thanks to the CPR sitting up and grabbing the pen and paper, writing at an inhuman speed, nononononononononononononononononononononoononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononoononnoononononononono..... it said for about a page before shion gripped the pen tighter and looked up at Niko "wh...what..do you...want me...to write?.." she asked weakly, a look in her eyes like she had understood before but refused to coperate as she gripped the pen harder once again she had determination on her face. @Church Burning
"I want you to write what you remember. If it gets to painful just tell me and we can stop. Start with two days ago, up to now. I want you to write what you remember, detailed and don't skip anything." She said soft but stern, giving her and encouraging smile
Shion placed the pen on the paper and started moving her hand swiftly across the page, before coming to a halt, it simply said... 'listen' as she went over and picked up her violin, bringing it up to her chin and placing the bow on the strings before starting to play, it was that amazing song again that echoed throughout the entire prison, reaching even solitary confinement, a smile appeared on her face as between the notes the small child's voice appeared and along with it a blue light producing images of the events as the words described it along with her starting to do a small dance with her eyes closed. I erased those memories, I don't know much but I... something...reminded me of my past and I had an attack and then the medic came and she tried to make me go with her...and then...anyway we were walking and she suddenly said there was something wrong with me and started shouting at me with this, insane... look on her face and wanted me to stay in the medical bay..and if...I didn't get over my problems..she was going to send me to an insane asylum..I..I didn't want to go so I resisted and then...I erased my memories and went looking for her because of my usual check-up and then I couldn't sleep all night and then I fell face-first into the ground in front of you and then... this happened... she finished it up as a song started playing through the headphones and she put the violin down quickly and grabbing them in a desperate attempt to cover them up as it was obviously her voice singing. @Church Burning @RedZombieWolf

(The song coming out of the headphones):


Niko looked sad. "I won't let her take you away to an insane asylum. Nothing is wrong with you. You're fine the way you are." Niko said comfortingly, smiling. "You have a beautiful voice, don't be embarrassed." She said and slowly removed her hands, smiling, obviously pleased with the music.
Shion blushed as Niko uncovered the headphones and seemed pleased, she wasn't used to emotion and looked around desperately in a way that seemed like she was going to run off but she couldn't move her legs as she moved two guns fell out of her jacket, she looked at them and then the people around her before quickly picking them up and grabbing them letting the headphones fall to the floor but the music seemed to follow her as she ran away quickly with the guns in her hands moving to a more secluded area before breathing heavily, what were these guns? why were they in her pockets? why did she run? why..did they feel so important to her?.. @Church Burning @RedZombieWolf
Volk saw the guns fall to the ground he stared at Shion, then as she ran away with the guns in hand, he raised the alarm, "All guards be aware that prisoner Shion is running and is armed with two guns. Find her and capture, shoot only if threatened"

"Somebody warn the Warden that a prisoner is loose with a weapon" he added as an afterthought
Niko got up and pushed past Volk, running after Shion and catching up easily. She tackled her to the ground and sat on her back, holding her arms down and kicking the guns away. "You will get hurt if you are caught with those!" She said sternly.


Xavier heard and ran to the warden. "A prisoner is on the loose with guns, ma'am.!" He said before quickly running off. He saw Nkio jump on the girl and kick the guns away. He waved Volk over.
Shion's heart raced as she held the two guns tighter, she couldn't let go of them..why!? the alarm could be heard through the music that was seemingly following her, why!? she started to run again, tripping every now and then as she spotted more and more guards approaching, suddenly she was tackled by Niko, her arms were restrained as the guns were kicked away and she felt her back throb '..no.." she said using her legs to push Niko off her and running to the guns, picking them up as her purple eyes seemed more colourful than they had ever been before. @Church Burning @RedZombieWolf
"Don't shoot her! She is scared and cornered!" Niko and Xavier yelled in sync at him. Xavier created some ice shackles and threw them at her hands and feet, making her trip and fall.


Niko got up and rushed over,making her guns away and throwing them to Xavier. "I need you to calm down!" She said making Shion look her in the ey, now extremely blue and cold.


Xavier caught the guns and kept them in his hands.
"I don't know, but let my sis handle it. For a part time job she was a babysitter and she knows how to handle this" Xavier said quietly, looking at his sister.
Shion's teeth gritted against each other, before she looked up at Volk "..I...I can't!.." she shouted shaking her head as her back throbbed again, causing her to stagger, before re-adjusting only to see her vision start blurring, just then shakes appeared on her and Niko made her look her in the eyes and her guns were taken away...wait. 'her guns'? ... why were they hers? she snapped out of the handcuffs, not unusual with her abnormal strength as the guns somehow returned to her hands and she stared down at them.
As Shion grabbed the pistols, Volk raised his rifle, and fire one round into her stomach. Normally that would be a mortal wound, but thanks to his rubber rounds, all it did was knock the wind out of her. "You've got two choices, throw away the guns and submit, or I shoot you more and make you submit"
Shion coughed once as the bullet hit her, before re-adjusting, head downwards before raising the guns in a way that made it look as though she was going to fire at him before suddenly raising her head and moving the guns out sideways and they started to dissolve into particles that went over to her back, the song that had come out of her headphones before starting playing out of seemingly nowhere, a few moments later the guns had completely disappeared and two pure white wings sprouted from her back as she took one step forward staring at Volk in an intimdating way. @RedZombieWolf @Church Burning

(What she currently looks like):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/sim.jpeg.4cc8906ce8148cf172a427e2ffe8d006.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/sim.jpeg.4cc8906ce8148cf172a427e2ffe8d006.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Volk took a step back and lowered his rifle, "Trying to intimidate me is a pointless endeavour. Surrender now, and I promise I will do everything I can to limit the damage the Warden is likely to do"
Shion kept staring at him intimidatingly for a moment before disappearing in a instant and appearing behind Volk "what?...she gonna do something worse than death?.." she asked weakly flapping her wings once "I have no intentions of harm...but isn't it a little cruel to keep a birdie caged?" she asked effortlessly. @RedZombieWolf @Church Burning

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