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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

After an hour or so long nap, Seven was awakened by the whining of a puppy. He opened his eyes slowly, sleepily, and stared at the wall silently for a moment. Then, slowly sitting up and then standing up, he glanced toward the source of the noise. He walked over to Kia's cell and quietly peeked in, leaning in her doorway with a still half-asleep expression upon his face. He yawned nonchalantly and then managed a sleepy grin. "Puppies...?"
The pups would start whining quietly to show they were hungry. "Stay right here while I get you some food." She'd hop down from the bed and head towards the cafeteria storeroom.

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Seven noticed nobody was in the room but him and the squealing puppies. Curiously, he peeked outside the cell. Seeing Kia nowhere in sight, he slithered over to the bed and sat down beside the pile of pups, a smile growing on his face. He slowly reached down and pet one of the puppies. "Hello, little one..."
Kia has managed to snag a few rabbits for the pups. She'd drag them back. She was almost within sight of her cell.

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Wanderer whistled as he made his way down the hall, doing standard rounds when he came across an open cell. Glancing in he saw Seven looming over the bed; "Hey, this isn't your cell, I don't thi- oh wow, are those puppies?!"
Kia arrived and saw Seven in her cell with her pups. "Leave them alone now!" She'd drop the stolen rabbits, summon up her Disc of Flame and start attacking him.

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Karie stared at Kia attacking the man and stopped muttering, 'who was he?' 'he is not important' 'why?' 'not important'.... she thought to herself blankly, she opened her mouth suddenly and started singing...it was the only thing she could do...while everyone else...just lived out their lives around her, the singing could be heard throughout the whole prison.



A Volk's guard heard fighting in the cell and ran over to look. "Prisoners will stop fighting immediately or will be punished", he said while raising his rifle to his shoulder
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Wanderer leapt between Kia and Seven, not noticing as the disk sent his hand flying into a corner of the cell. "No fighting! Let's all just take a moment to cool down. Breathe in, breathe out."

He nodded to the other guard. "We can ALL sit back a moment and resolve this PERFECTLY peacefully, I'm sure."
"Fine..." Kia said, making her Disc disappear. "Just keep the freak away from my pups!"

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The Volk guard lowered his rifle. "Volk says that the science team wants Kia's pups, and Karie's baby. He wants you to know that he is talking to the director to stop this from happening, but you should plan for the worse".
Kia would growl at the guard. "Nobody is taking my pups... Nobody!" She'd say, angry at the fact she could be separated from her pups. Years would form in her eyes. "I'll take down everyone of you if it means O can stay with my pups!"

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Oh. Yes. The puppies were hers. That made sense. They probably shouldn't have been here - a prison was no place to raise a family - but it made sense. "No one's take your puppies away. It's fine, it's fine." He gave the guard an odd look for a second, as if to say 'who says that right in front of the prisoners in question?' but quickly went back to trying to calm the situation.
"Correct..." Kia would hop on top of her bed with the pups, wrapping her long fluffy tail round them to keep them war.

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Karie finished singing, and just sat there, holding her hand tightly "It...doesn't matter...what he says..Kia's may be spared...but not mine.." she looked down.
As if reading Karie's mind, Kia would speak up. "You get to keep yours too Karie..."

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The guard shifts nervously from foot to foot "There is a chance that your could be spared, but for now he's negotiations are going ok". The guard walks from the cell and says over his shoulder "I'm sorry"
"section 10 paragraph E....anyone who is carrying the child of a high-rank level 30+ criminals child is to be separated at birth....no matter what." she says coldly, squeezing her hand tighter.
Niko walked over. "Remember I still have to keep my promise" she grinned, her shoes in her hand, glaring at the gaurd. She walked in and sat at the corner of the cell, putting out her cigarette on the floor.
Akira made her way over to Niko and pulled at her sleeve "this is for you" she said handing over the portfolio. she looked up at Karie "its not to late to kill yourself" she said quietly.

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