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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

"I'm simply doing as you asked Is that not to the point" Akira asked looking at his hands "are you experiencing rage"

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"No! You got something on your mind. Cmon tell me!" She said stubbornly, pouting and crossing her arms, her hands somehow had slipped out of the chains
Niko smiled slipping out of her cell and into his. "Cmon, I can see your blushing, so tell me before I embarrass you!" She warned, grinning
"In that case go back to your cell. Oh and give this to Niko" Volk hands a large portfolio to Akira, "She seems to be friendly with Raygou, maybe she should see something that would shock her"
Akira nodded and took the portfolio back to her cell. she began memorising the portfolio while waiting for Niko to return

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"Really? What if a gaurd walks past seeing me naked in your cell" Niko said before laughing her pretty laugh again, blushing
Volk feels like shit, but he did his job and survived his first day. "Hello director, we need to talk".

*fade to black because mysteriouness
Niko sat at the edge of the cell, thinking hard. "You are a tough nut to crack..." She muttered trying to think of something to embarrass him, but cam up with nothing.
Raygou looks bored and start to put his Handcuffs off and on and off and on, off, on, off... "I'm bored! Niko-chan! Play a game with me" Raygou looks at Niko with pug eyes "Please!"
"I dunno... I hoped you know what we can play..." He said and scratches his head, not noticing that his Handcuffs are already off again.
Raygou nodded (sorry don't know what to write now... I'm a bit tired too and I think my creativity already sleeps)
(....it's 2:30 in the morning for me...shut up)

Niko nodded and sealed him some and her some. "So what type of poker do we play. Strip, gambling, fight, or winner takes all?" She asked.
(I woke up at 3:00am and have been up ever since, it is currently 9:33am)

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