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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

She twitched as she heard the man's words she was standing behind "such lies you speak, how ungentlemanly, plus...do you see that woman anywhere around?...I don't think so.." she smirked, running her tongue over her lips. @RedZombieWolf
Niko glared at the gaurd, taking a step forward. "Take her child, and I swear, I will kill you every fucking time your soul moves to a clone, until you absolutely lose it or stop running. Also, I can't die here because if I do, I would be breaking two promises i made, but you don't understand that do you? No, just take orders and don't worry about the lives you ruin. They will be silenced soo, just like what I'm going to do to the government." She snarled, her eyes bright blue and ready for a fight. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I can't burn so nothing would happen to me, you damn sick fuck"
"I may not see her, but my men do. And they see that pregnant she-wolf. Plus that bomb will while this place off the face of the earth. More than enough to kill everyone here"

"You don't understand, this is just another pay check to me. This place dies I can always, always find more work that needs to be done. So, cut the tough bitch bullshit right now, or I'll just kill everyone here for shits and giggles" Volk laughs maniacally
Niko looked shocked. "Eh, guess I will go, but promise me, you won't touch either of them or their children" she said glaring and taking a small step forwards. "Actually, I think it's you who needs to be locked up, sir" she adds with a grimance
"Sick Bastard..." Rayisho turns into normal. He kicked the bars of a cell away and took out his Handcuffs, that he threw into this cell. He puts them on and walks over to Volk, whispering in hus ear "in this situation, I'm the hero, do you know why? Cause I saved million of lives. You're such a sick Bastard and you're proud of it." Than he walks over to Niko
She shrugs walking off "you know...men with guts like you don't come around often, If I wasn't stuck using this pregnant bitches lifeforce...I would totally use that bomb myself.." she smirks. @RedZombieWolf
Volk orders his men on triple watch in the facility, had all the prisoners escorted back to their cells. He went to his office, sat down and puked into his trash can. "Thank god I'm good poker"
Niko was lead back to her cell in handcuffs and was chained to the bars of her cell. The guards left her and she sighed, looking over at Raygou, who was just opposite her cell. "You okay?" She asked.
Akira looked down at Niko from the top bunk. "I the emotion your feeling regret or rage...I get the two mixed up" she asked Niko quietly.

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Raygou only nodded while he tries to conceal that he wanted to puke. After a few minutes, he opened his mouth. "I ever thought, I'm a Sick person, cause I killed so much people... but he sets himself on the good side and wanted to kill people without a reason..."
"Yeah, only kill with reason. That's how I did my dirty work" Niko sighed and leaned back, putting her legs up the bars, laying at a right angle.

"It's both" she replied to Akira, blinking at her
"I really wanna take this handcuffs off, but I think, I'll kill everybody, if I do that" He said and looks upset.
"I don't understand" Akira sighed laying down on her bed.

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"Oh! I think you miss understand me! I mean if Volk was serious with the bomb I'll killed everybody here, do you understand?" Raygou said and laughed a bit.
"Oh, yeah I understand that, although I think I wouldve barely survived. I am immune to fire and water so I think i might've been able to handle it, but probably not." She smiled and chuckled
Akira jumped down from her bed and started calling for a guard " excuse me "

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"I want to speak with Volk" Akira said blankly staring at the guard!

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The guard looked at Akira, then laughed, "What we see, he sees, what we hear, he hears. This is about as close to him as you'll get for today. Now, what do you want?"
"Cool, I got I.C.E. Mostly because of my eyes and I guess after my heart but I'm not cold like that! I'm wonderful. I was on the news a couple of times but if you didn't see me, it's fine" she said shrugging
"I'm now for two years in this damn prison..." He answered and looks sadly than before. "And I never saw news or something. I never watched TV..."

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