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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

She grinned "lets see... how to explain... I am technically Karie... just like she is me. you could say we're two diffrent halves..the only difference being she is human and I am not. she knows and feels everything I do... just like me with her." she shrugs "it is...unsure as to what we are...many just call us ying and yang...but I bet she never even brought this up?...trying to live without me, huh? do you think that you could really survive without my help?...pathetic child..." she awaits Niko's response smugly. @Church Burning
Niko didn't say anything, but stepped forwards and bitch slapped her so hard, that not- Karie was thrown to the floor. Niko looked down at her. "I can always apologise to her, but I can hit you, but avoid your stomach. You do share a body after all." She said, face still as stone
As Raygou made sure there wasn't guards anymore, he put his Handcuffs off and threw them into another cell. He stopped to smile and he puts his 'killing' face on. He looks around to make sure, nobody looks at him. Then he use his powers and moves in Light speed. He stopped, as he saw two womans were talking, am other seems to watch or something. "Isn't that Niko?" He whispered. As he saw, that Niko bitch slapped the other girl, he looks a bit surprised.
She stood up, still smiling "really now, would you just shut up... I don't care about your protest's of 'please hit her again! I don't care how much it hurt!' are you trying to be the hero? pretty bad at it, I must say by the way you reacted to that." she looks back at Niko "sorry bout' that just making little miss whiny shut the hell up. you think something like that would hurt me?....are you really willing to sacrifice your 'friends' well-being?" she said, face also stone-cold. @Church Burning
"I have never been the hero, and I'm not trying to be. Can't I just let a pregnant woman have some peace? Besides, it's a pretty low move to take a pregnant woman hostage, even if you look like that, you slut. Besides, I don't care how I act. After all, I am in jail" she smirked, eyes going bright blue.
Raygou's eyes widened, surprised of the words of both of them. He wanted to clap, but they would notice him if he clap, so he don't. He wanted to watch this.
The Volk guard was waiting patiently, until he saw prisoner Raygou. After noticing him, he sent up the alarm that one of the most dangerous prisoners was loose, and unbound. At hearing that, klaxons and sirens went of, and a host of Volk guards stormed into the Cell Block
"oh, I wasn't talking to you..." she smirked in a way to let Niko know exactly what she meant "I never took her hostage...after all...she was the one that came into me in the first place..." she shrugged "and it's not me fault she got raped by some random high-rank whatever creep." she said regally, hearing the sirens go off. @Church Burning
Akira sat listening to the radio as she watched the guards movements memorising them as the alarm went off.

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Raygou listened to the alarm and smiled. "Seems, that they noticed it" Raygou walked to the guards and easily slapped them away. "Come on, I wanna talk with this Vokul guy!" Rayisho starts to get angry and with hus last slap he broke the arms of a guard. "Ups..."
Niko clenched her hands. "You low class, skeeving little bitch... You're a real shit, you know. To bring up that she got raped. I really want to kill you, but I'm not. Do you know why? It's because Karie is in you, and I'm loyal. Maybe you should learn how to have a heart, oh wait, yours shrivelled up and died." She growled, walking past her coldly and walking up to Raygou. "What did you do now...you took off your effing handcuffs?!" She said, face palming
"Oh, Niko-chan!" Raygou and looked at Niko and smiles while he slap the guards away. "So how are you? I listened to the conversation with that other girl... sorry if that was inappropriate." He starts a conversation while he seems to kill guards.
"No is fine. Don't kill them, you will get in trouble!" She teases, pushing them away and standing in front of Raygou, puffing out her chest. "You wouldn't hit a lady would you?" She asked, making a pouty face. The guards stood there and shrugged. She grabbed Raygou's paw/hand and led him away. "You can thank me later" she says through a smile, winking at a gaurd who passes by.
Volk walked through the halls towards where Raygou was last seen, all the while bellowing "All prisoners to their cells immediately! Anyone found outside their cells will be punished!"

"Why the hell did you imbeciles let them go! New orders, shoot to kill! I repeat, shoot to kill!" Volk growled at all the guards, never send clones to do a mans job.
Akira walked over to her cell and stood silently inside watching the guards run around.

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Volk looked at the dead bodies piled up in a doorway. "Gonna need some reinforcements here". Suddenly, Volk split into 80 different versions, each armed and armoured to the teeth, "Well, go get them!" he shouted at them.
"Hey!" Before Raygou was able to answer her question, Niko pulled him away. As he heard the words of Volk, he put his 'killing' face off, grabbed Niko's hand and took a stand with her. "Run away, I have to talk with This Vokul guy." Raygou said and starts to unwrap his bandages as he whispered "finally, after ten years" than he leaves Niko and walks to Volk. "Yo! Idiot!" He shouted to him and dropped hus bandages. The Scars start to glow red and his eyes too.
Niko sighed. "Men.." She groaned and walked up behind him, watching from a distance intently, her binocular eyes zooming in and contracting to get a good look at the scene.
The smile on her face fell, she heard the battle behind her but simply walked through it //"you have no heart, nor soul, nor mind....what are you to do? I am kind enough to lend you mine if you so wish...but you must remember..."// "..all must be repaid.." she muttered.
Volk saw Raygou approaching him, with his arms unbound and unwrapped. "I'm very disappointed in you. Kill me if you'd like, I'll just find another damn clone to live in. But doing so will result me in taking drastic steps. Such as purging this entire facility, starting with your little friend over there" he looks directly at where Niko is. "Surrender now, and she will live a little while longer. Kill me now, and she dies. RIFLES! TAKE AIM!" When he said that, every guard pointed their rifles not at Raygou, but at Niko.
Niko smiled and raised her arms up. "Sorry but it's not time for me to go yet!" She smiled and flicked them all off, smiling happily, not insanely. "Oh wait, is this my punishment for shooting the president and bombing the pentagon? If it is, well fuck the government and you guys" she laughed, accepting whatever fate had in store
Raygou started to smile. "Come on... Your guards can shoot, the bullets won't hit her..." Rayisho said. His tail start to burn and the air around him starts to feel like water.
Volk smiled, "You don't understand. The bullets aren't for her, they're for the bomb she's standing in front of. Oh and Niko, if you die, whatll happen to that pregnant friend of yours? Surrender now, and she can keep her child and raise it here. Make a choice, death and glory? Or something more practical?"

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