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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

"Thanks....but they wouldn't let you..." she says weakly, smiling as the guard called for her "I'll be fine!" she said cheerful, disguising how much she wanted them to come, she followed him slowly into the room, doing the same things as yesterday against her will, the only difference was a few raised eyebrows and smirks from the doctors at her 'growth' she soon once again answered the questions and was given some medication before heading back, looking down slightly she returned, forgetting to smile. @Church Burning @NightCasterZ
"Hey. You alright?" Kia would say, concerned by the look on Karie's face. "And don't even think about lying to us!" She added.
Karie looked up properly, putting back on her usual forced smile "yeah, fine." she said coldly, her eyes seemed slightly hazed before she snapped back "I..ummm..I'm great! thanks.." she replied, coming closer to the group. @Church Burning @NightCasterZ
Niko sighed and handed her a book. "I found this in the library. I uh thought it would be useful..." She said, blushing. It was a book on how to care for children and medical needs.
Karie accepted it "th..thanks!" she said smiling kindly, 'though...I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to use it...' she thought, keeping up the smile before noting the extremely small boy sitting on the floor and listening in "oh, your still here?" she asks, squinting to see him. @Church Burning @NightCasterZ @Zamice
Niko smiled shyly and looked down, seeing the small boy with her binocular vision, instantly. "You aren't perving on us, are you?" She smirked
Kia looked over the small man and pounced on him before realizing her instincts took over, hopping off a few seconds later. "S-Sorry.. Instinct..." She'd say as she blushed. "But yeah, how ae you Karie? You look very spaced out." Kia would say, worried for Karie.
Kia was thinking the same thing as Niko but smiled happily. "That's good!" She woud say as she pounced onto the bed, relaxing.
Niko smiled and walked off, heading towards the showers for a quick rinse. She started to whistle London Bridge and went into the women's shower, undressed and turned on the shower head, gritting her teeth at the freezing water
Raygou Sits in his cell again... alone... He smiled. "This handcuffs start to hurt my hands" He said while he's smiling. A guard opened his cell and Raygou goes out his cell. "Can I go out today? Please! Only for 5 minutes!" Raygou asked the guard, but the guard leads him to the cafeteria. They both sat down and the guard starts to feed him. Raygou wanted to smile, but then he looks sad. "That's enough... I'm not hungry anymore..." Raygou stands up and walks around the floors, looking at the guys without handcuffs.
The next day, Kia woke up with 3 small, adorable pups with her. "Morning guys..." She'd say gently to them so she didn't wake them up. Kia would then hop down from her bed and tap Karie on the shoulder lightly. "Morning."
Niko was already up and slipped out of the bars, walking over to Kai's cell. "Morn- OHMYGOD! There so cute!!" She said, before turning to a whisper looking at the pups with big eyes
Kia would turn and see Niko. "Hey morning. I know... They look so peaceful, resting like that..." She would say as she looked at the pups.
Niko was speechless, but heard footsteps, and saw a gaurd. She quickly slipped into Kia's cell and wrapped a blanket around the pups, making them look like a small pillow. The gaurd looked into the cell and saw nothing to worry about and walked off

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