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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Zero sighed. "I wonder where Seyren went.... Well, I'm about to find out. Hopefully she didn't get into too much trouble..." Zero closed his eyes, picturing a cup of tea in his mind. A drop of water fell into it, causing ripples. However, the ripples went only one direction. "Bingo." Zero shadow travels that direction, until he finally stumbles across Seyren. However, they are at the edge of the school, with Seyren in poor condition and Han and Alucard next to her. "Seyren... What happened here? Why do you look hurt?" His eyes glow a very, very faint pink, but they're mostly a dark green.

Han looked at Alucard. "Yeah, I'll go with you next time, but all you get to do is help me find her." Han sees Zero appear in front of them and smiles. "Well look who it is." Han walks up to Zero and puts his fist, asking for a fist bump. "What's up?"
Seyren gave a quite yelp at Zero's unexpected arrival. Heaving a sigh, she gazed up at him and said, "You scared the living crap out of me." Almost impatiently, she waved a dismissive hand. "I'm fine. I'm not hurt. Just recovering." She caught his dark green gaze with her own blue one and said, "I was summoned here by some strange psychic force. It took me to the same place where I threw up last time. Something strange is going on in that patch of forest. There's a barrier of some sort - hiding something that's reeking with dark energy." She cringed, doubling over in pain at the cramp in her stomach. Wheezing, she ground out, "I have to find out what it is.."

Silva sat against the large trunk of the tree. "They'll come for me soon." She said to the plants."Protect me." The plants around her began to grow and circle around her, forming a cocoon.
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna's gaze transferred straight to Mia. This repeatedly reference to an apparent male confused her, and made no sense whatsoever. Contemplating her next comment or question, she tapped her finger on her now closed wound. "Who is 'he' perhaps?"

Mia looked at Luna for a few moments before realizing the confusion, she quickly fixed the mistake. "I'm sorry, I meant my brother, Tenax, I heard that he annoyed you and your friend, so I wanted to come and see for myself" said Mia, taking some more chips
"And don't come back!" Catarina was kicked out of her dorm by her roommate because she was "too loud and obnoxious". "Fine! I don't need you or this dorm!" Catarina shouted at her former roommate. "Guess I gotta find somewhere else to sleep"
"A dark energy? Interesting... I didn't sense anything there. Perhaps you're imagining things? Because if there was some dark energy there, I would've definitely felt it." He pondered, his eyes turning a purple.
"Oh there is something dark in there. Besides Silva, that is." Han said, slightly offended that he was left hanging."The whole forest has an evil aura."
Seyren shook her head. "You can't feel it because it's being blocked off by a psychic barrier," she explained. Drawing a shaky breath, she hauled herself up using the thick tree trunk for support. Though the nausea had faded, she was still weak at the knees. The world spun. "I think it's one of the Lab's bases. I felt a similar thing when I escaped from the facility I was being held at." She looked up, gazing between Han and Zero. "I'm going to investigate. Who's with me?" @PixelScoreMC @Han Alister
"Why not? I ain't got nothing else to do. Plus..." He taps her forehead, "I don't trust you on your own." He laughs, his eyes now radiating yellow.
"Woohoo!" Han cheered. "We can be like the three musketeers!" Han snapped and his sword returned to his hand.
Zero summons a sword made of shadow to his hand, just to match the theme, and summons a costume that looks like this:

Seyren gave Zero a mischievous pout, the spark of her old self returning now that the episode of sickness had passed. "What're you, my mom? Because I'm expecting good dinners and cuddles in bed." She laughed then, somehow confident in their crusade despite the dangers that awaited them. She led the way back towards where they'd come from, making casual conversation along the way. "So, Silva's after you, huh?" she asked Han, frowning. "I guess that makes her one more threat we have to deal with. Let's hope we pull through. All for one and one for all, right?" A smile graced her lips at the quote from the "The Three Musketeers." She turned to Zero, "Where's Luna? And Christopher?"
"Luna? I have not a clue. However, this is a three musketeer adventure! We mustn't make it four or five." He raises his sword into the air, "One for all, and all for one!"
Seyren laughed at their antics. Who knew walking into danger's embrace could be so fun? Teleporting a long stick into her hand, she thrust it skyward and yelled as enthusiastically as the rest of her friends. "All for one, and one for all!" With that, she trudged along, taking note of the feel and whisperings of the forest. It didn't ring with wildlife like she'd imagined it would. She suspected it was Silva's doing. At Han's sudden bark, she rushed over, worry creasing her forehead. "Han?" she asked, voice gentle. "Han, what's wrong?"
"Oh nothing that concerns you guys." Han tried a smile but he failed. "I am sorry but I need to go now."
"Now... It's only the two musketeers... that doesn't work!" Zero pouts, then sighs, and then laughs, and then frowns, and then just goes blank. "Who's going to be our new third musketeer?"
Seyren watched the ebb and flow of Zero's emotions curiously. "Are you... okay?" she choked out, half laughing. But Han's mysterious words snapped her back to attention. "Hey," she said, placing her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Whatever it is, you're not going alone. After all, we can't just abandon our third musketeer, can we?" She cracked a smile, eyes warm with compassion and caring. "Let us help you, Han." The young woman turned on Zero for further support, blue eyes seeming to say help him.
"Well... he's already kinda' gone... I can't do much about that." He frowns, then says "Maybe we can get Christopher to join us."
Seyren sighs, frustrated. "Yeah, maybe," she replies curtly, trying to hide her irritations. They were stupid, of course, but it didn't undo them. With another sigh, she continued onward, keeping a tight lid on her lips and the worry that ate away at her. "Do you think we should follow him?" she blurted out, biting her lips in concern. "What if something happens? What if.." she trails off, trying to quell her fears.

((Would you guys mind writing a bit more than one-liners please? :/ It makes it a bit hard to actually reply. Three to four sentences is more than enough ^^ Sorry if I'm being demanding :/ ))
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