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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Alucard took the pack and said, "Thanks. And you are free to go back but I will stay and find Silva. Oh and Han. Im different from most vampires." He smirked.
"I will take Seyren back to the school." Han turned to Alucard. "Good luck with finding Sylvia. And if you find her, don't kill her....that's my job."
Alucard sighed. "I just wanted to try some more demon blood. It is quite delicious." He smirked and continued walking around.

((Will you Rp as Silva?))
Luna's gaze transferred straight to Mia. This repeatedly reference to an apparent male confused her, and made no sense whatsoever. Contemplating her next comment or question, she tapped her finger on her now closed wound. "Who is 'he' perhaps?"
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna's gaze transferred straight to Mia. This repeatedly reference to an apparent male confused her, and made no sense whatsoever. Contemplating her next comment or question, she tapped her finger on her now closed wound. "Who is 'he' perhaps?"

Oda sighed as she grew bored of waiting, "Hey, I'm sure you'll be able to find me around later.. So when you want to drag me around just come and find me." Turning on her head she walked away from Mia and Luna having tired of their chatter.
Silva sighed as she stood up. The roots of the great tree had shown her Han along with two other people, one of which was trying to find her...the vampire. She told the forest to sprout up garlic. "It won't stop him, but it should slow him down."
Alucard was walking searching for Silva when he smelled something funny. He covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve of his coat. "So. You know what I am? I'm different from regular vampires though." He said out loud. He kept walking at the same pace. He just didn't like the smell of garlic. He kept one arm up for covering his face and the other for his gun.
Silva began to speak through the plants, her voice sounding all around the forest. "You are indeed not a normal vampire. But everyone can be killed by a stake through the heart. Hahaha" She laughed "Oh and by the way, your hemokinesis will not affect me, for my 'blood' is chlorophyll."
Alucard laughed. "I can't die. And blood is blood. No matter what." He smirked showing his vampiric teeth. He shot some trees with his solid blood bullets. "Can you feel that my dear?"
Silva laughed "That would have hurt me, if there weren't so many plants in this world." "Now stop wasting your time and go tell Han to find me. Only demons can kill other demons."
Alucard smirked once more. "Oh but don't you know? Vampires are demons. We are just more... How do you say it? Advanced. Yes." He wished that Han was there so he could give Alucard the ok to kill Silva.
Alucard smiled maniacally now. "Then show yourself you damn demon!" He laughed deviously and shot his pistol in every direction. Not want to hit anything just wanting to do something.
"Ah but you see, I am showing my self. I am all around you. I am the grass beneath your feet. I am the trees that grow far above your head. I am everywhere" Silva laughed. "You can never fully kill me."
Alucard frowned. "Well this is no fun. I honk km going to leave and not tell Han anything about you. Ill just say you weren't here." He started to walk towards the school slowly.
"Go ahead and tell him because I really never was in this forest" Silva laughed "One demon I could kill. One bloodsucker, easy. But a vampire and a demon working together, I wouldn't stand a chance." Her voice began to fade. "Tell Han that all that he has done was forgiven and he is welcome back in hell."
Alucard didnt like this wench. "Actually would you like to see what just a simple bloodsucker can do? If I'm so easy to kill come on out and kill me." He conjured blood to form a ring around his body. He shot it out with the snap of his fingers and the blood pierced countless trees. He showed his vampiric teeth with a devilish smirk once more.
"Hmm, your offer is very tempting, but you are not worth my time" "I think we are done here." Silva's voice stopped and an eerie silence filled the forest.

Han sat at the edge of the roof of the school, staring at the stars. He managed to get Seyren back but she disappeared when they got to the school. Han's fingers twitched, he wanted to kill Silva, he needed to kill Silva.
Alucard almost cried when the demon wench left. He thought that he might as well go see Han. He remembered he lived on the roof so he teleported there leaving a pool of blood in the forest. He tapped Han on the shoulder and said, "Im back."
Han jumped a bit at the sudden noise. "Dangit! Don't do that! Anyways did you find Silva?" Han stood up. "You didn't kill her, did you?"
Haiiro started walking through the city, whistling the Super Mario Bros. theme song as she walked towards the forest, planning head underground once she was out of the city limits. As she walked random cars parked on the side of the street starting breaking in various ways, some collapsing, some catching fire, and even a few completely exploding. Every so often she would purposefully send a car flying into a building and watch the chaos that ensued, thinking it to be completely hilarious regardless of how many people got injured.
(( Sorry! I accidentally fell asleep! O.o @Han Alister ))

Seyren managed to prevent herself from collapsing on the way back to the school. Several times, she had to lean heavily on Han, unable to fight off the crippling cramps. At the edge of the school, she sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. They were out of the strange area, but the after-effects remained. She looked up at the man, "Thank you. I'm sorry for being such a burden." Internally, she kicked herself, hating her own weakness. She jumped at the sight of Alucard and felt a wave of guilt. "Was I... Did I stop you guys from finding Silva?"
Alucard said to Han, "Ya but she needed to talk to you. And she wouldn't fight me because you weren't there. She doesn't deserve living. You're going to come with me next time ok?" He sat down rigt next to Han and sighed.
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