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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Alucard pointed his pistols at Han ready to fire. He put his guns down when he saw it was just Han. "Oh hey. What's up?" He said to him yawning.
(( Thanks @Kiotaro :D ))

Seyren was just about to attack the strange monster Zero had summoned when she felt a strange force drag at her psychic web. It pulled at her, both mentally and physically. Blinking in confusion, she managed a shaky "Wha--" before being unwillingly transported into an unfamiliar forest. She landed heavily on the ground, seemingly out of mid-air. The breath knocked out of her and stunned, Seyren took a moment to gather herself before attempting to figure anything out. She groaned, unaware that she was in the presence of two males.
Alicard opened his mouth to answer Han but stopped himself when he saw the girl appear. He put hi hand out for he to help herself up and he said, "Are you ok? That looked like it hurt!" He smiled at her to show he wasn't there to harm her.
"Hmm she looks human, but her aura is more enhanced than that of a normal Human's" Han thought to himself. "Where did you come from, how did you get here?" Han said to the girl.
Seyren studied his hand suspiciously, hesitated and then took it stiffly. After all, if he'd meant her harm, he would have taken her blood already - while she was vulnerable. She winced, letting out a low sigh as she rose to her feet. She must have landed on a rock or something because her hip was burning with the fire of a thousand suns. Okay, maybe not a thousand. But definitely more than 600. "I'm fine," she muttered, dusting the forest litter off of herself. "Just thought I'd say hello to the forest floor. Intimately." She let out a light laughter. At the other male's question, she frowned. "I don't know," she answered truthfully, realising the suspicion she was drawing upon herself. "I was with a friend, sparring, and now I'm here. Some strange psychic force drew me in, took me here against my will. It's weird. What're you two doing here?" Suddenly, it hit her. What if these two summoned me? How the hell do you even summon someone? She narrowed her eyes. "Was it you two? Who are you guys anyway?"
Seyren smiled tentatively, still unsure to the two's intentions. Although they didn't look it, it didn't mean they hadn't worked some strange mojo to teleport her here. She probed their minds discreetly and came up with nothing. Strange. I wonder what's going on. Deciding that they weren't any threats for the time being, she said, "I'm Seyren. Seyren Valentine. So, what're you guys doing in the forest?"

@Han Alister @Kiotaro
Alucard helped the girl up and bowed and said, "Alucard. Pleasure to meet you. An no I didn't summon you. Han?" He put his pistols away and dropped the still floating blood making a pool of blood.
"Oh, I'm just clearing my mind." Han noticed how she seemed like a normal, happy girl, but her aura showed that she had a very unhappy past and he was very curious to find out what happened in her past. "I didn't summon her."
"Maybe that shadow reaper sent her here." Han said, suddenly aware that this could be a trap. "What if this is a distraction so he can attack us." Han gripped the handle of his knife.
Seyren laughed at the man's old-fashioned bow before humouring him with an awkward curtsy of her own. "Pleased to meet you guys," she said pleasantly, dipping her head in both their directions in turn as she'd once read women used to do in the past. Straightening up, the young woman's face grew serious once more. "I don't know who summoned me, but I know this place." Now that she'd recovered from her initial shock and the pain had passed, the nausea was starting to return again. It's the same place. Chills ran down her spine at the realisation. Whoever had summoned her here had done so intentionally. Now, she simply had to figure out why. Perhaps those two could help her. She turned to them. "There's a strange feel about this place, like it's psychically blocked off. It looks like just any regular patch of forest, but.. I can sense something else, hiding just behind the surface." She screwed her eyes shut, trying to fight off the urge to throw up. "The last time I was here, I had some sort of reaction to it. It's strange. I can't stay here for long before it starts draining me, making me feel weak. Do you guys know anything about stuff like that?"
Han disregarded the idea of this being a trap. "Hmm this forest does give off some bad vibes. Maybe we shouldn't stay here." Han snapped his fingers and a black, medium-sized sword appeared in his hand.
Seyren frowned at the idea of leaving. "If we leave, how will we ever find out the secrets this place holds?" She gave them a challenging stare. "I'll be damned if I let some forcefield or creep summon me around everywhere. What if I'm in the bathroom or something?" She laughed then, imagining the scene.
Han shook away that image. "OK...fine. Let's do some exploring." Han turned towards some trees. "Ya hear that Silva! We're going to explore your secrets." He turns back to Seyren. "Lead the way, pink."
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Luna took a moment to study Mia, before questioning her statement. "Looking for me?" This immediately placed her in a defensive state, one of which she was prepared to kill. Her irises went to a darkened shade of a bloodied red, while her gaze remained on the girl. She hadn't heard of this name before until just now, and then regarding the fact this person was searching for her, it all spelled clear trouble to Luna. "Why?"

Mia took a few more chips from her bag of chips before answering "For two reasons" she licked her fingers clean of the chip dust "You sure you don't want some? These are good" she asked before continuing "The first reason was I wanted to apologize for what happened with him, he can be like that a lot. I heard what happened from the few people who saw. Two Did he say any strange in your conversation with him? Like stranger than normal?" Mia preceded to take a few chips and start to eat them.

(I think we are all having notification problems, its a virus xD )
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Seyren raised an amused eyebrow. "Sure thing, Charcoal," she rebutted, chuckling. "Also, who's Silva?" As they talked, she made her way through the dense undergrowth, fighting off the urge to either run or throw up. The concentration had her sweating already. Heaving a sigh, she mopped up sweat from her brow with a casual sweep of her arm.

(( Haha, glad to know I wasn't the only one :P ))
"Oh, Silva is the demon of the forest. We sorta had a close relationship until she killed my parents in an attempt to lure me into a trap." Han cut through the undergrowth with his sword. He then snapped his fingers and a bottle of water appeared in his hand. He offered it to Seyren. "You look thirsty."
Seyren was taken aback by Han's openness with her - a stranger. Uncomfortable and not knowing what to say, she simply said, "I'm sorry to hear that." After a pause, the young woman added, "I didn't know there were demons in this forest. Wouldn't it be against, I don't know, company policy or something?" She lowered her voice and imitated their headmaster. "No demons within two miles of this forest or else I'll rain homework and assignments upon your kingdom!" Seyren laughed lightly and gratefully accepted the water. "Thanks!" She downed it hungrily, feeling refreshed enough to continue hiding her discomforts. The strange psychic energy was starting to take a toll on her. Despite her best efforts, her pace slowed. "Where's your friend?"

@Kiotaro @Han Alister
"Hmm, I don't know where he went. He was just with us a second ago, wasn't he?" Han looked around. "What if he got lost?" Han stopped walking. "Or what if Silva got him?"
Alucard started to reconfigure himself from a pool of blood that was following them. "Yes? I'm right here. I was just following you so they thought there were only two people but now Silva probably knows so never mind." He smirked. "More blood for me."
"You wouldn't want Silva's blood, or any other demon's blood for that matter. As you should know, vamps have been known to die from demon blood" Han summoned a milkshake and started drinking it. "How are you holding up, pink?
Seyren didn't answer. She couldn't. It was taking her every effort just to stay upright. Leaning against a tree trunk, she managed a weak, "It's strong here... I can't... stay."
"Do you want to go back? Or would you want to take a break and continue in a couple of minutes?" Han handed another bottle of water to Seyren and offered a blood bag to Alucard.
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