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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Alucard smiled. "Ahh. A demon. Interesting. I've never met one before." Alucard ha to be careful with him. He had met a demon before and well, t didnt end well for anyone. He giggled awkwardly.
"I can see that you're nervous." Han smiled. "Everyone seems to get nervous around me. They think that I'm going to torture or kill them so they stay away from me. I'm just misunderstood."
Chase crawled through the vents, hoping for the best. "If there is another experiment I'm gonna kill."

John smiled, and sat next to Elizabeth. "Thank you."
Alucard straightened himself up. "I'm not judging you or anything. I just had. Bad experience with a demon. But I get the same thing. Except they think Im going to suck their blood." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.
Zero shot up from his sleep, whispering "Vampire.... alu-.... alucim? Alucer? Dammit... I can't remember my dream already..." He got out of bed, the nearby shadows arrange and clean his room for him, even putting his cloak on for Zero. He returns them to their natural spots, and walks through the wall, appearing at the school cafeteria. A vampire... one of the few beings fully capable of actually killing me, I better make friendly relations just in case... and monitor his combat skills. He walks up to the two talking, immediately distinguishing a demon and a vampire, by the looks of it had just met. This will be interesting... "Hello, sorry to interrupt this conversation.... however, you look to be one very interesting vampire." Mood Hider, activate. If any faults show... cancel. His eyes turn and switch from green, to yellow, red, purple, all the basic colors like food dye was mixed into a bowl of water and stirred lightly.

Alucard stared at the man strangely. "Umm no. But nice to meet you. I'm Alucard. And yes I am a vampire." He smiled awkwardly. He felt slightly uncomfortable.
Zero smiles, his eyes turning a shade of green. "Nice to meet you Alucard," Dammit... I was close to his name this morning. "My names Zero... It's once again a pleasure to meet you." He studies him with trained eyes, then asks "Do you use a weapon of any kind? Perhaps a pistol?"

"Careful Alucard. His aura is made of pure shadows." Han gripped the handle of his knife but doesn't pull it from its sheath.
He turns to Han, his appearance then flashing from his teenage form to a 10 foot tall reaper, made of decaying bones and insects crawling through his joints, and what looked like black tinted ghosts flying around in circles near Zero. He holds a double sided scythe, one side of it a regular metal, the other side a black metal. (this is only visible to Han)

"You're close demon... However you haven't quite reached the mark." He grins slightly, his eyes turning a slight shade of yellow.
Alucard smiled. "Ladies ladies. I know on beautiful but there's plenty of me to go around!" He laughed a little bit and turned back to Zero. "And yes I use two pistols." He took them out of his coat and shows them off. "So what exactly are you? My friend Han here says you're made of darkness." He pondered for a little bit.
"Well.... something like that. By technical terms, I'm a shadow reaper... however, I never actually do my job, and I abandoned my job as a ruler..." He turns to Han, saying "You can't hurt me with a knife, if anything the only person capable of even injuring me here is Alucard. However, I have the ability to manipulate shadows at will... Like this." He raises his hand up, casting a transparent black sphere in a good sized radius. This makes everyone except the three of them disintegrate into dust, and cause the building to collapse at some parts. Tarantulas come and eat the dust of the fallen people, then swarming everything. The sounds of bats are heard overhead, making loud pitched squeals. The trees outside wither into dead husks, and the animals all turn into skeletons, still acting alive.
Alucard looked at the death and destruction. "Bring them back to life or so help me God I will kill you painfully." He loaded his guns with solid blood as ammunition. He clutched the handles righty as pointed them towards Zero.
"Now hold on there cowboy... I don't think you understand. None of these people are actually dead..." He put his palm up again, making the transparent sphere go back into his hand, causing everything that happened to reverse, putting everything back to normal. "It's called an alternate dimension... one I'm capable of bending at will and bringing others too as well." His eyes turn a slight purple, as he mockingly puts his hands up.
"Shadow manipulation? My demon name is Xevnick, the demon of shadows. I was born with the power of erebokinesis. Your power will not affect me." Han twirled his knife "And I do think that this blade will hurt you because you see this blade is made of pure light."
Alucard kept his guns up. "That's not funny boy. Do you know what I am capable of doing to you? Never do that again." He put his fingers to the triggers and was ready to pull. He didnt like this guy already.
Zero laughs, his eye twitching. "Did you just call me boy? Now that officially pissed me off. As for you little shadow demon, light doesn't affect me." He turns back to Alucard, then adding "I'll give you another hint... those guns won't kill me."
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