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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke clicks his fingers in front of Yuki's face, "Speak! Gosh. Not much of a talker?" Tasuke stayed crouch down, waiting for Yuki to regain himself.
Yuki blinked when Tasuke clicked his fingers, moving his face away from the ligaments. He began to remember who he was through the pain, but the dizziness in his head caused by the alcohol helped numb the feeling after a moment. He was tempted to try and run, but knew he wouldn't get very far. Yuki only peered at him in silence.
"Still Silent?" Tasuke sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I'll make you speak, I'll make you beg." Remorselessly, Tasuke yanked the blade from Yuki's Shin and Impaled the Ice into his opposite Knee, rendering that leg completely useless from walking. He abandoned the knife in that knee and his face got Close to Yuki's, taking in his full reaction to the pain.
Yuki started to let out a yell of pain, but bit his lip to stop himself, his teeth gritting. His hands clenched around both of his legs as another wave of pain was shot through them, his eyes squeezing shut and rimming with tears. Yuki knew something like this would happen, and that there was probably more to come, but he didn't want to waste his words on Tasuke.
ChubbyPenguin said:
Yuki started to let out a yell of pain, but bit his lip to stop himself, his teeth gritting. His hands clenched around both of his legs as another wave of pain was shot through them, his eyes squeezing shut and rimming with tears. Yuki knew something like this would happen, and that there was probably more to come, but he didn't want to waste his words on Tasuke.
Tasuke shrugged, he saw everything happen on his face, but he wasn't satisfied, he wanted him to BARK. He stood up and looked down at Yuki before jumping on the bed, he lay down on it, his hands behind his head - singing a song, "Sing with me Yuki. Because I'm happy! Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth!" He looked at the ceiling, shaking his head and feet from side to side as he sang.
Luna's gaze sharpened just a she felt a wave of discomfort. She could feel a sharp pain in her form, mere seconds before her figure disappeared into thin air, only to have her reappear to be inside of a room. One of which held a male who was covering his mouth and shutting his eyes, while another...or rather..- 'Tasuke?'Luna raised her brow in both curiosity and confusion. He seemed to be having a hell of a time singing while laying on the bed, which brought Luna to a new conclusion. Placing her index finger at the side of her cheek, Luna shifted her gaze sideways and finally spoke "Exotic sexual intercourse...I see."

(no your not allowed) :)

Zoey smiles " he dad is kinda gone "( because motoemo has been off a month lol)she sighs looking down at him in the way only a mother can " hes all i got " they walk toward her dorm and up to the dorm she opens the door showing a clean but cluttered dorm full of baby stuff .She pulls Jackson out of his carrier and in the stroller tucking a blanket around him and his favorite stuffed animal a little blue dog she puts the diaper on the basket under his seat and she sighed "ok im ready "

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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Luna's gaze sharpened just a she felt a wave of discomfort. She could feel a sharp pain in her form, mere seconds before her figure disappeared into thin air, only to have her reappear to be inside of a room. One of which held a male who was covering his mouth and shutting his eyes, while another...or rather..- 'Tasuke?'Luna raised her brow in both curiosity and confusion. He seemed to be having a hell of a time singing while laying on the bed, which brought Luna to a new conclusion. Placing her index finger at the side of her cheek, Luna shifted her gaze sideways and finally spoke "Exotic sexual intercourse...I see."

Tasuke sat up and clapped his hands together, "Luna! You're Close, but no ticket." Tasuke glares down at Yuki, he decides to sit on the edge of the bed with Yuki below him, he pulls his head back and looks down at him - staring into those eyes of his.

"I didn't expect you to come here." Tasuke pressed his thumb against Yuki's neck and pushed against it.
(Typical Luna. Always assuming the worst.)

Luna silently observed Tasuke while he touched on the boy. Which oddly enough, Luna thought to look quite feminine, bringing her gaze to sneak a peak at his chest. Realizing he was certainly male, Luna crouched down beside the boys form, prying Tasuke's fingers from his hair. "Stop bothering him. You and I have unfinished business to take care of."
Tasuke smiles at Luna, "Okay Luna, I'll meet you in the Courtyard." Of course he was lying about leaving him alone, but his smile said otherwise.

(Ah yes,)

Kyuru got up from her uncomfortable position in the chair and stretched. She decided to wander for a little while, and see what would happen next. Typically, I stay inside don't I, I guess today's a special day. She thought concerned, because contacting another human being was not something she felt like doing. So she chose the best place that a lonely introvert could find themselves alone, the Rooftop. This was mildly cliche on her part, but it was cold so not too many people should be up there. Climbing the stares slowly, she emerged, quietly opening the door. She noticed the boy standing a few feet but only looked at him once and moved a ways away, to let him have his privacy. This was a silly mistake, oh well lets not waste this moment to be outside and besides, he looks nothing like someone supernatural, these horns should scare him off.

masao hears footsteps not far away. "I swear on my life tasuke if thats you i will kill you" masao says showing the other person his eyes, pitch black and filled with rage. noticing that it is a girl, masao says "oh im sorry if i frightened you. i thought you were someone else. my name is masao, whats yours?"



Kyuru sighed and looked up at him, unhappy that he attempted to approach her, and mildly conflicted that he was erasing her loneliness for a few moments.

Don't you think making death threats the moment you meet someone is a little rude.

She mumbled under her breath, not keeping eye contact but staring out into the courtyard. "My name, is Kyuru." She muttered, hoping to get it over with. You honestly think that you can come up to someone and ask for their name the moment you meet them? Quietly she shifted in her space, being strangled figuratively by the horribly awkward atmosphere.


"Okay look i said that the death threats weren't towards you, they were towards someone else. And so what if i asked what your name was the second i met you, i like to know who i'm talking to. You know what, if you wanna leave, go ahead." Masao says as he goes to the edge and sits down.

Luna dolled her irises, knowing he was lying. Regardless, Luna could care less, and moved to exit through the dorm room door, only to reveal the presence of a newcomer. Tilting her head Luna raised her brow and rested her frame against the doorway, crimson irises studying him. "Are you here for...that guy?" Luna spoke while pointing her thumb behind her at Tasuke.
(Ah, those things were in italics because thats what she was thinking, so unless your character can hear thoughts you wouldn't be able to hear her)

"umm, well, i don't know who i'm here for. I guess i'm just here looking for a friend or at least someone to talk to." Mayota said to the girl, as he noticed her studying him.


@Mashiro Shiina
Tasuke looks back down at Yuki, grinning at him, his thumb still pressed against his revealed neck, "Still not Speaking huh? That's a shame. I really wanted you to talk. You know, you have beautiful eyes."

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