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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"In that case," The Watcher says angrily, appearing behind Mai and holding her up by her throat. "I can not allow you to be such an inhumane bastard, to put it bluntly. I have slain gods and stolen their powers, even this 'creator' person can't stop me. I won't let you take away one of Elizabeth's friends."
"The creator has given us a task that only we can carry out. To have emotions, is to allow the task to fail, and in turn, let the world die." She froze, smashing into shards of ice that cut through The Watcher, forming Mai and Nanami behind him.
The Watcher smiled and his left hand started sparking, buzzing with electricity. "Emotions are what keeps the world alive, if everyone was heartless bastards like John's now departed friend who caused this...unfortunate... mutation, then the whole world would be a wasteland by now." He appears behind Nanami, grabbing her and backstepping, shooting lightning out of his at Mai fingertips without pause.
Mai literally forces Nanami into blade form, pulling her in and blocking the lightning. "If you were to get in the way, everybody would become emotionless. Me and Nanami take upon the emotionless state, in order to allow others emotion."
" No im a full blood Ninetails shifter, and I dont hat water I just cant use fire when im in it but I like gliding so ok I will go with you Eisen " Alexis corrected and looked at Vee " Want to come ? "She asked her
"Yes, but why is emotion inhibited, do you ever think of that?" The Watcher says as shadowy tentacles come out of his back, rapidly moving towards Mai to grab her. "Perhaps it is because this 'creator' is a selfish idiot who merely wants control. In any case I will stop you and then go kill your 'creator'."
"The creator does not wish control. There are beings who take over ones' mind, and give off the illusion of your most loved ones. The only way to fight such beings is without emotions..." The tentacles freeze, shattering as a dark energy surrounds Mai and Nanami. "There is but one way to reach the creator, and that is by his will." With that, the energy implodes, distorting space where Nanami and Mai once stood for a while.
Cade smiles and nods her head. "Some of my family members are the same, looks like I found someone here with something in common with me." Cade holds out her free hand. "I think we've got off to a bad start at first. My name is Cade Van Fen'rir."
Tao gives her sisters ice cream and sent them back home. Tao walks back around town and goes to the main restaurant in town and gets ready for work.
"Damn it..." The Watcher says angrily under his breath before noticing a piece of tentacle missing, a piece that had attached itself to Mai's shadow, becoming a part of her shadow itself. "Do not worry Elizabeth, I shall bring your friend back, no matter the cost." He says with a saddened smile, tracking Mai and Nanami and waiting for the right time to strike.
Suddenly, Mai was in a realm without existence, a world, where nothing but her and Nanami was allowed. There were no shadows, and there was no light. It was an eternal realm, a realm without time.
" Nice to have a new friend " Alexis smiled and she shook Cades hand and her sleeve pulled up revealing the bottom of her mark

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The Watcher mutters cuss words under his breath and decides to take more...drastic...measures, he disappears and appears in an underground bunker. Elizabeth clenches her fists in anger and only stays silent so that she doesn't upset Yoshino, silently vowing to make Mai and this 'creator' person pay for taking away her friend.
Cade shakes her hand and then holds it out to Vee as well. Since Vee is also the one she has the half cat half human relation to. (Not by blood just species.)
Mai forces herself to awaken, even though in the realm of nothingness she's forced to sleep while in. She was suspended in space, the pure darkness around her the creator itself. The darkness swirls around her, sticking itself to her body. "Ngh... Get... off of... me...!" She stabs herself with Nanami, forcing the darkness to back away. She slashes the blade through it, cutting it into two beings half the size of the original. "You know, you're quite easy to fool, 'creator'..." Black ice shot out from Mai's body, like giant hands. They grabbed all of the darkness, forcing it inside of her body. She screamed in pain, her screams actually reaching the point of distortion lightly. Moments later, the distortion returns to dark energy, an injured Mai with a tired Nanami on her back. "Heh... I finally... took over that jerk... We're free... of the 'creator'..." She falls forward, unconscious, Nanami falling with her.
(Not a problem its on my character sheet too mine is on page nine if you want to see it)
The Watcher frowns, something didn't feel quite right. He shrugged it off and walked into a large room, filled with dozens of people typing away at computers, making sure that everything The Watcher had set up would remain undisturbed. As soon as he walked in they all stopped typing and turned their heads towards him, simultaneously saying, "Welcome back commander!" in a cheerful tone. He walked a desk at the front of the room and sat down, pulling up files and information even the government did not know. He stood up and yelled across the room, "Ladies and gentlemen, for too long we have let ourselves be oppressed, today is the day, the day we end this oppression! I need my blade ready for me by 0500 tomorrow, I will be going it alone this time." He sat back down and started typing away his computer.
Mai appeared behind The Watcher, Nanami peacefully sleeping on her back. Mai was a little beaten up, like she'd just gotten into a fight or something. "The creator is dead... I've lifted the burden the task me and Nanami had been forced upon. Nanami may now go with Elizabeth whenever she pleases, and so may I. Forgive me for how I forced Nanami, but it was the only way to get to the creator to kill him."
The Watcher swiveled his chair around and stared at Mai for a second before saying, "Tell me, why would this 'creator' give you such an inhumane task, it seems almost..." He trails off for a second before grinning as he says the last part, "Evil."
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