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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Tao left the courtyard and left the school. She heard Elizabeth say they were going to get Ice cream so Tao thought it would be a good idea to bring her sisters to so she ran home and told her sisters they were going to get ice cream.
Elizabeth smiles and answers in a matter of fact tone, "I don't know about you, John, but I'm going to take care of Yoshino." She says as she quickens her pace.
"No... I didn't mean it like that! I want to help to. She is my daughter too." He starts to walk at her pace.
Just like Nanami, Yoshino was asleep once more. It was quite obvious how Nanami had gotten to be so tired all the time, which was from her being partially mixed with Yoshino, making for Yoshino's memories and tendencies to have become somewhat part of Nanami.
"No! H-He was different. Look where it got him! I want to help raise her as a family." He starts to jog, running out of breath quickly.
Yoshino mumbles a few words in her sleep. "No more fighting... Yoshino... hates... fight...ing..."
Elizabeth slows back down and walks at a normal pace. "After everything you've done, all the harm you've caused, why should I trust you, how do I know you won't hurt her?" Elizabeth asked angrily.
"I thought things would be different. Notice how I'm not trying to kill you! You are a neko and my family has hated you guys for a while. But to have a kid. Something must be different." He catches up. "I will never hurt my family, no matter what happens."
"...Alright..." Elizabeth says as she stops walking, "I trust you, but if you so much as harm Yoshino once, I can guarantee you that you'll regret it, I will make sure of that."
Alexis looks at Cade in confusion " I learn to controll it and protect the weak and innocent " she told him looking at the baby birds and smelling them from where she was sitting and said " And those are Blue birds by the way "
Yoshino wakes up, a tear rolling down her cheek from a bad dream she'd just had. She hugs Elizabeth tightly, managing to calm down, realizing it was just a bad dream.
"You're ok, everything is ok Yoshino." Elizabeth says as Yoshino hugs her, "We are here for you." Suddenly out of nowhere The Watcher appears in front of Elizabeth, saying, "Hello cousin, hello to you as well John."
Alexis had not noticed the first time he had said hi and she jumped a little her tails flared with fire for a second and she looked at Eisen " H-hi " she stammered and relaxed before saying " Who wants to go cliff diving with me ? "
Mai appeared right next to The Watcher, having once again done so without his knowledge of how she got there. "Nanami, we're leaving. I also forbid you from being near Elizabeth ever again." Nanami stares at Mai, holding on to John a little tighter. "Nanami stays with Elizabeth and Yoshino." Mai walks over to John, forcefully trying to pull Nanami off of his back. "I said you're coming with me, Nanami."
The Watcher stumbles backwards, startled at the sudden appearance of Mai, "First things first, John, just to clear up the whole cousin thing, me and Elizabeth are cousins, very distantly related cousins. Second," He says, pointing at Mai, "What is wrong, why are you trying to forcefully take Nanami away? Has she done something wrong?"
Nanami tries to slap Mai away, but Mai manages to take her off of John's back. "She's disobeyed the creator. Disobeying the creator is by far the worst thing me and Nanami can do. For this reason, I have but no choice to take Nanami away."
"Well, do you mind at least explaining what she did that was wrong?" He says as an odd ball of shadowy energy appears in his clawlike left hand. "I would rather get the answer without a fight, but if necessary I will fight you, possibly kill you. By taking away Nanami you would be taking away one of Elizabeth's friends, and I will not let you do that without good reason."
"Cliff diving? I thought you hated water... Well I hate swimming, but maybe I can go for some gliding..." Eisen yawns, and smiles warmly to Alexis.

@Wild Born
(( Wasnt getting notifications, sorry )) "What's so important that we need to talk about?" She says looking at Cade then notices Alexis sitting next to her. "Oh, Hey!"
"The creator has forbidden me and Nanami the developing of any type of feelings towards others. For this reason, so long as she has feelings towards anybody, I must take her away."
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