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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Kaname shifted his gaze towards his father, slowly nodding his head well until a girl, about his age, and pretty tapped his shoulder. Slowly trailing his soft, curious brown gaze towards her, Kaname carefully looked her over. She seemed to be holding a few things, and clinging to a picture all at once. Kaname didn't know what to say, and simply pointed at her and looked back to his father. "Ojii-san...~" Before he spoke, Hus father already had, which allowed for him to just watch.
...?Akira heard Kaname speak and soon looked around, only to see a small, female child. He smiled warmly and leaned in closer to her. He spoke as he did so?...

" Oh, do you need any help, little missy? "



[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Kaname shifted his gaze towards his father, slowly nodding his head well until a girl, about his age, and pretty tapped his shoulder. Slowly trailing his soft, curious brown gaze towards her, Kaname carefully looked her over. She seemed to be holding a few things, and clinging to a picture all at once. Kaname didn't know what to say, and simply pointed at her and looked back to his father. "Ojii-san...~" Before he spoke, Hus father already had, which allowed for him to just watch.

((( I just deleted that last post and reposted it under yours, Takeia-tan~ xD )))
"Yes, sir." Mio nodded gently while she spoke and held up the picture over her face. It was a photo of Xander, asleep in a patch of flowers-- her mother had snuck the picture.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.747541482389f0660cdc2467c0f36f94.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.747541482389f0660cdc2467c0f36f94.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"do you know this man? Or have seen him?" She snuck a glance at the boy again, but quickly focused on the back of the picture when she saw that they both looking at her.



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" Hm. I can't say that I have, however I'd suggest checking out the male dorms. If you wish, we can take you there? "

...♅Akira spoke as he examined the picture. The man in the picture was wearing the school's optional uniform, so he knew that the man was at the school. Akira held out his hand toward Kaname and leaned towards him, whispering♅...

" So, how about we help out your little crush? "
“So, because you’re new, you decided to introduce yourself to me of all people?” she asked him, crossing her arms over her chest. Unconsciously, her shirt rode up even more at the action, exposing the pale flesh of her stomach as she glared at Kenji. A soft wind blew, picking up slightly at the anger she was displaying for their audience.

‘Do they have nothing better to do than watch me communicate with people without killing them?’ she thought aggravated, ‘I can change that in a second if I want to. They’re already getting on my last thread of patience anyway.’ Her brows furrowed at her dark thoughts, the aura about her shifting into a deep crimson at the killing intent she held. Blowing a strand of lavender hair out of her face, she caught sight of the humor within Tasuke’s eyes and tilted her head in his direction.

“Amused, are we?” she asked him, a slight smirk appearing on her full lips. The young woman rarely found herself enjoying the company of others, and she was annoyed to realize she was actually beginning to- dare she say- like the males before her. They hadn’t been pummeled to near death upon their first approach, so that itself should have warned her away. However, her stubborn streak had kept her rooted in place; she never backed away from anything that looked remotely like a challenge.

‘Oh right, I almost forgot,’ she thought, narrowing her eyes slightly at Kenji, indecision lighting up her lilac orbs. Arching a slim brow in determination, she sighed and quirked her lips into her trademark smirk. “I’m Ravynne, by the way,” she told him, making no other inclination to say or do anything else. Her body was still itching to leave, to use her bare hands to cast unimaginable pain to an unsuspecting fool, but the young woman found herself disposed to remain.

@LonelyAssassin @Fukushima Akira
"If that's really okay.." Mio didn't wish to disrupt anyone's time, even though she technically already had. She dropped the picture from her face, looking between the two of them.
“ Not really. I just want to make friends at my new school, don't you? ”

...ΨKenji's smile soon turned to a confused expression as he asked Ravynne the question. His voice seemed to become less innocent and slightly deeper as he finished said question. He bent over and looked into her eyes with his own, a slight smile appearing on his faceΨ...



" It's no problem at all. "

...♅Akira spoke as he turned his head back towards the young girl. He slowly stood up and looked at the luggage she had with her. He bent over and picked it up♅...

" Don't worry, I'll carry these for you. "



@Ravynne Clave
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Tasuke's smirk remained on his face even when Ravynne questioned him, he tilted his head to the side, "I'm not laughing at you, just at irony." He chuckled again, he couldn't help it after being questioned so quick - she was good at noticing these things and so keeping things from her was going to be difficult. A Dark flare shone across his eyes when he looked at her, but his gaze shifted over to Kenji as his face readjusted to be a little more stern. He didn't deny that this man was probably powerful, but was he as strong as his brother? Tasuke itched to find out.
Kaname blinked. 'Crush?' Shifting his gaze towards the girl, Kaname stared at her for a few moments, before finally allowing his cheeks to heat up only slightly. Turning his gaze back to his father, Kaname slid out of his seat, moving himself ti stand behind, and hug his fathers leg in silence. He couldnt hold Bun-Bun, considering he had left it back at home.
Mio blinked when the man picked up her things, before smiling,"Thank you" she turned her attention to the boy when he had stood, and she gave a small wave with her free hand.
“ It's alright, son. She probably isn't going to bite. ”

...♅Akira chuckled lightly as he observed Kaname gripping his leg. He continued as he noticed Mio wave♅...

“ See? Go ahead and wave back. ”

((( Quick fact; Kenji's hair has a lighter tone of red than Akira to symbolize his innocence compared to his elder brother. )))
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Kaname quietly waved, before subconsciously allowing for his bunny to appear in his arms, which in turn, allowed for his gaze to go from his bunny, and back to her. "Who are you?" Kaname had circled around to stand at the front of his father, with his right hand under his chin as if he were truly debating something.

Mio watched as the bunny appeared, her eyes widening in awe until he spoke. She blinked, before pointing a small finger to her face," I am Mio Amaha," she then pointed her finger at him in question,"who are you?"
‘‘ Well this is awkward. I’m stuck between two lovers. Now I feel like I’m the third wheel.. ’’

...♅Akira spoke as he observed the actions between the two with a curious facial expression♅...
The young woman’s brows furrowed slightly at the question, discomfort becoming a notable emotion as the male seemed to become much more serious in his questioning. Ravynne’s violet orbs narrowed slightly as he leaned toward her, the look in his eyes doing nothing to dispel the uneasiness she was feeling. A low growl emanated from her lips, her fangs lengthening as she took a step back and used her right hand to push him away.

“Get the hell away! You’re too damn close, I don’t need the likes of you in my personal space,” she retorted, her eyes hardening as she took another step away from him. The young Blood Drifter shook her head, the lilac strands moving with the action and brushing against her face, neck, bare shoulder and arms. A shiver wracked her body as the silken locks touched the back of her neck, becoming tangled in the neckline of her tank top.

“Do you people not respect personal boundaries?” she muttered, her glare in turn directing itself Tasuke as he responded to her question. Ravynne didn’t miss the looks he gave Kenji, and were she in a different situation, she would have grilled him for more information. However, Kenji’s sudden closeness had unnerved her. The only people who had the audacity to be so near were no longer living.

‘These people are going to be the end of me if I keep this up,’ she mentally snarled, her hands clenching into tight fists as she leaned back against the trunk of the cherry blossom tree. It seemed like eons ago she had been reveling in her solitude when it had only been a few minutes. The tough brak dug into her back, no doubt it would leave marks when she finally removed herself.

@LonelyAssassin @Fukushima Akira ((I'm guesing it's because I'm using Microsoft Word to type out my posts before adding them here.))
...?Kenji stumbled back due to the sudden force applied to him and looked at her with a slight expression of both shock and sadness. The sadness was his albatross. It lay like dirty snow over every other emotion, greying his spirit, tainting all that could bring him joy and relief. His once hearty laugh had become hollow and the smile that had been so quick to light his face was now only a mask to protect him. He knew he was to blame for the sudden outburst from Ravynne. He spoke as he tilted his head downwards?...

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. "

...?Kenji soon returned to his normal posture after what had just occurred. He spoke as he soon turned around and began walking away?...

" I'll leave you two alone.. "



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Asphyxiated said:
yeah, I don't mind.))
Cerin chased after him, letting out a cloud of black smoke before he entered the building and looked around. At first, he couldn't spot Xander, but his blue-speckled, crimson irises locked down on the familiar, slender figure of his brother dashing through the small throng of people. He tapped his bare feet a moment, before he started to run again, following Xander's steps through the crowd.
Xander came to a halt and quickly changed his direction towards the dorms with a chuckle. He raced past the rest of the students and out of the doors of the main building; rushing to the dormitory. Once he was inside he made his way to Soren's dorm and burst in, slamming the door closed behind him with a chuckle as he spun onto his brother's bed and bounced around. Soren was still asleep, though the girl from earlier was sitting at his window. Xander pushed aside the thought of knocking her out and seeing what she looked like inside, and, instead, turned his attention to Soren. "Soooreeennn~"

Soren shook his head, his already husky voice made scratchy from sleeping, "no. go away."

Xander moved so that he was facing Soren's laying form and started poking him repeatedly while chanting, "wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Soren swatted his hand away like a fly each time Xander poked him, but pulled his elbows up so that his upper body was partially lifted, including his head. An extended breath escaped from his lungs as he was pulled from his repose by Xander's constant calls for him to wake. Violet hued optics peeked at Xander between the two black lines of cilium formed by his partially closed lids and reached a slender arm out towards him. He grasped his brother's shirt with a clawed hand and lifted his head backwards; only to slam it against Xander's forehead. Xander was knocked out instantly from the impact, and Soren pushed his limp body off of his bed. "Dumbass.."

The thought of just leaving him there to sleep was very appealing, but Soren knew it would just start over again if he did. Instead, he sat up completely and rubbed his drowsy eyes. He had a different idea, or more so, a wait to get revenge for being stuffed in a bag. Soren stood and gathered a few things from around his room into a bag, before picking Xander up and slinging his body over his own shoulder. Without saying anything to serenity, he just looked at her with the same apathetic expression he always wore and waved slightly whilst leaving the dorm room.
"Me? Kaname..." Kaname was interrupted by his conversation by his fathers mention of.... lovers? Blinking, Kaname shook his head and turned his back to his father, before whispering to Mio. "He misses mommy."
"Lovers?.." Mio looked confused until Kaname whispered something to her and she giggled, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. "I see."
Tasuke also took a step or two back, he hadn't been pushed but he had felt her wanting to from her sudden aggressive actions. She wasn't the type of girl that is approached. Obviously, but he hadn't made the mistake of getting too close and friendly. Poor Kenji, he grinned. He looked at the expression on his face, he looked innocent and kind and probably wasn't suited for Ravynne's nature. Watching Kenji walk away he then carefully cupped his chin and turned his head to look at Ravynne, he didn't say anything and instead waited for her to speak - if she did.
" Yeah, yeah. "

...♅Akira simply released a small sigh before beginning to walk toward the male dorms. He called back to Kaname and Mio♅...

" Let's go. "

" How did I get stuck baby-sitting two children..? "
SorenDarrah said:
Xander came to a halt and quickly changed his direction towards the dorms with a chuckle. He raced past the rest of the students and out of the doors of the main building; rushing to the dormitory. Once he was inside he made his way to Soren's dorm and burst in, slamming the door closed behind him with a chuckle as he spun onto his brother's bed and bounced around. Soren was still asleep, though the girl from earlier was sitting at his window. Xander pushed aside the thought of knocking her out and seeing what she looked like inside, and, instead, turned his attention to Soren. "Soooreeennn~"
Soren shook his head, his already husky voice made scratchy from sleeping, "no. go away."

Xander moved so that he was facing Soren's laying form and started poking him repeatedly while chanting, "wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Soren swatted his hand away like a fly each time Xander poked him, but pulled his elbows up so that his upper body was partially lifted, including his head. An extended breath escaped from his lungs as he was pulled from his repose by Xander's constant calls for him to wake. Violet hued optics peeked at Xander between the two black lines of cilium formed by his partially closed lids and reached a slender arm out towards him. He grasped his brother's shirt with a clawed hand and lifted his head backwards; only to slam it against Xander's forehead. Xander was knocked out instantly from the impact, and Soren pushed his limp body off of his bed. "Dumbass.."

The thought of just leaving him there to sleep was very appealing, but Soren knew it would just start over again if he did. Instead, he sat up completely and rubbed his drowsy eyes. He had a different idea, or more so, a wait to get revenge for being stuffed in a bag. Soren stood and gathered a few things from around his room into a bag, before picking Xander up and slinging his body over his own shoulder. Without saying anything to serenity, he just looked at her with the same apathetic expression he always wore and waved slightly whilst leaving the dorm room.
Cerin had fallen behind Xander on the way to the dorms, but knew exactly where he was going. He pushed himself to keep running until he got inside, smoke pushing itself from his lungs as he started to pant. Already being low on energy, and then chasing Xander; it wasn't a good idea for him. His run faded into a walk when he made it far enough into the dorms that he could see Soren walking out of his room with Xander thrown over his shoulder. "What..are you doing..?"
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