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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...?Kenji slowly let go of Akira and stepped backward, soon talking to him?...

" Yeah, I couldn't wait to see you. However, we'll have to leave the reunion until later, I must go and investigate this presence. It's unfami- "

...?Before Kenji could finish, Akira interrupted him?...

" It's a Blood Drifter. "

" Huh..? "

" Blood Drifters are known for their evil personality and evil persence. Judging by the composition of their powers, I'd say the Blood Drifter's from the Clave clan. "

" How do you know that? "

" I've come across some Blood Drifters in my time, they all seemed to rave about the 'Clave clan'. I've never a Clave member in person, however I've heard that they're strong, so be careful, they're not known for their kindness. "

" Noted. I'll proceed towards her cautiously. "

...?Kenji seemed to vanish from his current position, reappearing just outside of a doorway. He walked towards the group and people and soon smiled, looking at the two males first, then towards the female who sat below. A slight blush appeared on his face. He spoke to her in an innocent tone, a facial expression to match, a smile forming on his lips?...

" Wow. She's cute.. "

" Excuse me. Are you new here as well? "



@Ravynne Clave
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Asphyxiated said:
Is that Rurouni Kenshin???
I used to watch that with my brother. O.o ))
((( Yeah, it's hard finding Anime characters with red hair, I wanted Kenji to at least have the same hair colour as Akira to show that they're siblings xD )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Yeah, it's hard finding Anime characters with red hair, I wanted Kenji to at least have the same hair colour as Akira to show that they're siblings xD )))

Ah xD

"Ravynne Vivian Clave, got it." He mumbles to himself. "When you have the time I wish to see you in my office. There are a few things I would like to discuss." He says before starting to walk away calmly.
Fukushima Akira]((( xD ))) ((( I can't find ANY red haired anime guys :< ))) [/QUOTE] Try animedatabase. You can search for characters based on traits. [URL="http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/search.php said:
http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/search.php[/URL] ))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( :D , now we're waiting on you to introduce Mio and then we'll be set to go. )))

Oh, that's what you guys are waiting for. My bad. One sec))
WhatevermycharactersnamewasIforgorsowhatever feels a sudden intense pain in his heart causing to to double over while clenching his chest with both hands, gritting his teeth and holding his breath as it was too painful to breathe. He becomes limp and stops moving. (I did it... I can start anew in this rp that I can't manage to keep up with... Thank you, Kira! My Lord and saviour!)
Luna had been settled on the roof, watching while two...now three makes conversated with one particular female. One almost prettier than herself. Raising her brow while studying them, Luna giggled quietly, twirling a single index finger within her black locks while kicking her feet off the side of the roof. "A fellow tough girl, huh? Let's see just how many more boys you can attract with your....essence."

Kaname continued to kick his feet while eating his cake. Happily, Kaname watched his father stand and interact with some almost similar looking man. Kaname still hadnt even the slightest idea as to what else was going on around him, other than himself finishing his last piece of cake, which resulted in him resting his head on the table, fork in hand, and plates stacked up to the side.

Tasuke shook his head in response to her question, "No, I do not. Yet." He grinned, but it wasn't because of anything Ravynne did which he had now learned the name of, it was because the Watcher had walked away, he was glad he stopped him from proceeding further with his business. Tasuke suddenly felt her Aura become darker, her eyes and then her hands, he quickly looked over to them both with his eyes but they returned to look at her. He wondered if he could distract her from the student lingering too close that she had targeted with her red dead gaze;

"Well since you have given your own name, I think it would be rude not to give you mine. Tasuke." He held out his left hand for a handshake as the other male approached, there was something familiar about him, but he shrugged it off.

@Ravynne Clave
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...?Akira soon turned around after Kenji left and sat back down beside Kaname. He spoke as a smile formed on his face?...

" That was my younger brother, Kenji. Huh? Are you done already? "

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The young woman arched a brow as the principal made his way away from them. It had been obvious he had unfinished business with her, and she was reluctant on whether or not to follow up on their conversation. It was disconcerting to feel so indecisive and it only managed to cause her anger toward the one student to increase.

'Poor boy doesn't even seem to know how stupid his actions are,' she thought, her slim hands curling into fists as her magic coursed through her. She could feel her blood pumping, burning through her veins as it rushed faster to do her bidding. It was exhilarating to feel the process of her powers awakening to her call, a sensation that she reveled in as the crimson in her eyes clashed into a near glowing blood red. Which is why she was utterly devastated when the other male introduced himself to her and ended her concentration. A nearly inaudible gasp escaped her lips as her magic drew back within her, slamming back into her body in a near breathtaking thump.

"Did you really have to distract me?" she asked him, her eyes returning to their vivid lavender. A glare was directed at him from within the oddly colored orbs, displaying her displeasure at having been interrupted from giving her punishment. Ravynne now had the determination to lash out just to do so, a great drawback from having her powers pushed against her so suddenly. However, it seemed she would never get the chance to escape into her solitude for yet another male approached her. Hesitantly, she turned her head slightly to acknowledge his presence.

"I am," she replied, a delicate brow rising in question at the slight blush she saw tinging his cheeks. If she wasn't so frustrated she might have made a rather cruel remark on it, but she was much too exhausted. "And why exactly are you in need of that information?" she added, still unable to hold back the need to be rude. It was a habit she didn't plan on breaking anytime soon.

@LonelyAssassin @Fukushima Akira
" Oh, because I'm new here as well. Oh right, where's my manners? My name's Kenji Fukushima. What's yours? "

...?Kenji spoke as he extended his right hand, his smile still being prevalent. He was new there and he didn't know the layout of the school and so, he thought that maybe this woman would get along with him. He didn't seem to look or even talk to the male who stood beside him. Kenji laughed nervously?...



@Ravynne Clave
Shush..I'm terrible at this.))

Mio let out a soft, "oww," when she was dropped onto the cold cement. The portal of light that had brought her here consumed itself only moments after her exit; leaving fading ripples in the air above. The small girl quickly got to her feet, and picked up her only belongings which were stuffed into a bag. Frail hands slung the bag across her shoulders, their digits toying with the soft material. Dark brown irises scanned the area around her as a small smile formed on her lips. It was snowy, but she didn't mind.

"Mio, listen to me, follow mommies instructions carefully. You have to find the man in this picture no matter what.." Her mothers soothing voice echoed from recent memories and she swiftly remembered what she was doing here. Mio fumbled into the large pocket of her bag and pulled out the said picture, before looking around again for a sign of people. It was pretty empty outside, but she caught sight of a few people who she assumed were students walking inside of one of the buildings. Without second thinking it, Mio followed them, traversing the steps to get inside. It was a cafeteria, plagued with older people.

The youngster took a deep breath as she began to push through them- stopping to ask quite a few students that noticed her if they had seen the man. It was to no avail. It was unnerving to be around so many strangers.

However, Mio was determined, and knew that finding him was a need. Her mother had said so, after all.

Mio stopped once more when she noticed another child, and a man next to him. Hesitant at first, She walked over to him, and gently tapped his shoulder,"E-Excuse me."
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Tasuke laughed, the look she gave him was great and his hand shake hand went behind his head as he scratched it, "Yes, and I'm not sorry either." When she directed her attention at the male she didn't attack and instead spoke. Tasuke didn't expect what happened next, the boy called himself Fukushima, he knew a Fukushima and he wasn't partial to Fukishima's. His Relative? He delicately placed a hand over his mouth and he turned to look away, trying not to burst out laughing with the many ideas that filled his head. He eventually calmed down and stuck both his hands in his pockets, looking at Kenji from the corner of his eye.
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