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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The wind picked up slightly, an aroma of vanilla and fresh pomegranate eerily swept within due to an unknown force. At the same time, a young woman made her way into the courtyard of the school. Her long, layered, violet locks swayed slightly in the soft breeze, sweeping against her barely tanned cheeks and exposed shoulders. She wore a purple tank top, exposing her slim yet well toned arms. Black yoga pants covered her long legs and her feet were bare. A black hat with cerulean feathers rested upon her head, the tell-tale symbol of the swirling crimson crest exposing her for what she was. A blood drifter. Her lilac eyes bore into those around her, surveying them for any form of threat. It was a habit of hers to never enter a place without proper knowledge of those within. The tension in her body eased slightly but she was still alert. Swiftly, she made her way through the area, avoiding the few students who stood in her way. The aura about her signaling solitude and death to those who dared approach her. A few cringed as she came close but said nothing. Common sense told them to steer clear of her if her reputation didn't already.

'Pathetic,' she thought with a mental sneer to a first year who stumbled away, 'How they think simply avoiding me will save them from my intents is just ridiculous.' Reaching a cherry blossom tree, she placed her hand within her pocket and pulled out a blue dragon pendant on a black chain and placed it around her neck. A few students smirked and relaxed as they saw the item now placed around her slim throat. It was a testament that she meant no harm at the moment. However, only a few knew that.

The cunning, ambitious, and sly dragon is what she was. A serpent among her peers, and they all knew it. With that aside, she plopped down underneath the cherry blossom tree and leaned her back against the trunk. It dug into her back, causing the fabric of her shirt to ride up slightly. Ignoring the slight discomfort, she pulled out a book titled 'Basic History of the Blood Drifters'. It wasn't uncommon to see her reading, if anything, it was a deed which caused her fellow classmates to be further wary of her. One ignorant student had once decided she seemed much too docile and had made the mistake of taking her book from her hands. To shorten the story, he was never heard from again. Pulling the book open, she flipped through the pages until she spotted the Dragons house and began to read.
Tasuke decided to go back into the school, he had been outside thinking long enough and he needed to regain himself. He walked through the school courtyard and spotted a girl sitting below a Cherry Blossom Tree, she gave off a feeling a bad feeling, but this didn't deter Tasuke. Oh no. He grinned, he thought that this could be a good way for him to regain himself, become 'Tasuke' again, if she was evil as he aura made her out to be. He walked up from the side of her, he didn't sneak to hide his presence and just walked, looking down into her book as she read.

"Is it good?"
The Watcher adjusts his mask, appearing behind the girl reading the book about the history of the blood drifters. He had been looking for someone to help with a plan of his, and considering what he already knew about this girl she would be perfect for the job. He taps the girl on the shoulder, half expecting to be punched in the face.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](You're so....shhh xD )

((( xD , so we're waiting on Phyx? )))
The young woman kept her lilac orbs trained on the written words on the ancient parchment of the book she read. She took in each sentence hungrily, her mind absorbing the information she was willing to feed it. The Dragons were known for being cunning, sly, ambitious, tricksters, and even arrogant. A small smirk played upon her lips at that bit of information. She was sure her friends back in London would be guffawing at the general term of the House she belonged to. It was near a perfect explanation of her personality. Dragons were also merciless, creating everything to their advantage, and they were distant beings. They had an alliance with the Crows within the Blood Drifter clans. Despite all else, Dragons were courageous, intelligent, witty, and loyal to their own kind. But that was usually forgotten. She blew a strand of her violet hair out of her face and lifted her head from the book. There was someone approaching her, she could feel him even before she laid eyes upon the male.

'What the hell does he think he's doing?' she thought, her eyes glaring into him. It didn't help her already bruised ego when yet another person approached her. Out of her peripheral vision, she could see the students within the courtyard backing away slightly at the scene. No doubt they expected her to lash out on both males for having intruded upon her solitude. The image itself did please the young woman, more so than the cautious expressions of fear upon her peers.

'But when have I ever done what they expected of me?' she thought, a small smirk making its way onto her full lips. With a mental sigh, she closed the book and gracefully stood from her perch beneath the tree. Placing her hands on her hips, she faced both males with a delicately raised brow.

"May I help you?" she asked them, her tone polite but deathly calm. If possible, that only seemed to instill further terror into their audience.
The Watcher glares at Tasuke angrily for a second before returning his attention to the girl. "Yes, you can. I am this school's new principal, and there was a mix up in the office. Your file has no name. I need your name." He says, completely lying.
Tasuke glares back at The Watcher, what was he doing here? plus he approached her, was she that bad? what was he planning with this student. But it seemed like a paperwork mix up, he narrowed his eyes and grinned, "Well I was interested in the book you were reading, I'm quite the reader myself. Also. You don't seem like most of the fools in this School."

@Ravynne Clave
...?Kenji stood on the school's rooftop, reading hi favourite book which was filled with poems. He had recently enrolled into the school due to his elder brother's insistence. He stood there quietly. Soon he spoke, quoting a book he once heard. His light blue scarf flowing from the breeze?...

" My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey. In my own salvation and your eternal slumber "

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Kaname nodded. He was happy, as long as he recieved his prized cake. If not, all hell, as well as unknown power will most likely break loose. Silently tugging at the gem of his necklace, Kaname continued to hold his father's hand, being led through the cafeteria.
The glower didn’t go unnoticed by the female, who was infinitely amused by the hostility being conveyed before her. No doubt neither of them expected to have someone else approach her when they did. Her attention was diverted to the one who had touched her earlier, something which still irritated Ravynne to no end. Half of her wanted to continue baffling her spectators, but she was also determined to hex him into next week for his audacity to lay a hand on her. No matter how innocent a gesture, she wasn’t too keen on the familiarity he had expressed to her.

“Paperwork?” she questioned, internally amused by how easily the man lied to her. Naturally, she was a little insulted if he believed she’d fall for such falsehood, but she decided it’d be best to rein in her annoyance for the time being. There was no way she was going to satisfy the curiosity of those piranhas behind her by starting a dispute with their principal. Narrowing her lilac orbs slightly, she inclined her head to the younger male with a small upturn of her lips. It was a sinister smile, one that had her peers stumbling further away from the scene. Ravynne didn’t smile, she never smiled.

‘As far as those imbeciles know at least,’ she thought with a hint of amusement. Her oddly colored eyes studied the man, her head tilting slightly to the right as she scanned him for any signs of untruth. The silence within their small bubble unsettled the students behind her, and her hands were curling into fists at the thoughts of cursing them for meddling in her personal affairs.

“If it’s the book you want, then you should have simply said so from the start,” she told him, exasperation clear within her usually cold voice as she held it out to him. The black leather cover was in perfect condition despite her obvious use of the text. Ravynne hardly went anywhere without it.

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