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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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khloerose said:
Serenity's face twisted up as if she was drinking the mysterious liquid. "What is that?" she asked him, raising an eyebrow, not able to help but laugh a bit at his choice of words, meaning, "ughh."
Cerin shook his head, letting the bottle roll from his hand. "You don't want to know.." He said while he slowly sat up, wincing in pain from his body trying to reject the liquid. A hand came up and started to pull his mask up, but stopped. There was no need of it at the moment; that mixture would settle the smoke for a small amount of time.

LonelyAssassin said:
"Wanna try it out? it's kinda for younger kids but, I dunno. Since it's your first time" Mahiro blushed slightly.
"Sure, why not?" Vex shrugged, studying the fun house curiously. He glanced over at Mahiro and smiled.
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin shook his head, letting the bottle roll from his hand. "You don't want to know.." He said while he slowly sat up, wincing in pain from his body trying to reject the liquid. A hand came up and started to pull his mask up, but stopped. There was no need of it at the moment; that mixture would settle the smoke for a small amount of time.
Serenity nodded. "Well, I'm just happy you can speak and move properly now," she said smiling at Cerin.
Mahiro ran over to the Run house, showed his wristband to the guy at the entrance and went inside, grinning at Vex as he turned around. He quickly went ahead.
((( So, my younger brother just finished High School (Far left), this is like, half a year since my last photo. They grow up so fast :'(

Afterwards, me and my friends went and got drunk xD


Such an eventful day. (^o^) / )))
PixelScoreMC said:
They appeared on the roof of the school, where Akira was spazing out. "Now help him Watcher." He gently shoves him towards Akira, and walks back over by Layla's side.
The Watcher frowns. "Well...he seems to be docile now...so...se ya!" He says before disappearing, appearing back in his office, not wanting to deal with Akira even if he wasn't docile, especially since he was weaker than usual.
Sixxx said:
Adam pulls her close" i wont kill you Haiiro " he said sternly " you changed the course you were on already by coming back to me " he kissed her forehead " i wont kill you .... dont leave"
Haiiro shakes her head. "That's just it...in the dream I did come back to you...and that caused it..." She said, still seeming afraid of Adam. "I saw every possible outcome..."
Zero's eye twitched. As he clutched his fist. He reappeared next to the watcher, and reappeared with him back at the roof top where Akira was starting to go ballistic. "I... Don't give zero fucks if you don't want to deal with him..." He held the watcher by his collar, his eye sockets being filled with a crimson flame, and his skeleton radiating heat. "But you're going to, because other wise you're going to have wished you died before you met me..." His voice was filled with a dark influence, the nearby ground growing fungus and spiders and roaches crawling beginning to appear and eat the fungus.

PixelScoreMC said:
Zero's eye twitched. As he clutched his fist. He reappeared next to the watcher, and reappeared with him back at the roof top where Akira was starting to go ballistic. "I... Don't give zero fucks if you don't want to deal with him..." He held the watcher by his collar, his eye sockets being filled with a crimson flame, and his skeleton radiating heat. "But you're going to, because other wise you're going to have wished you died before you met me..." His voice was filled with a dark influence, the nearby ground growing fungus and spiders and roaches crawling beginning to appear and eat the fungus.
The Watcher sighs. "Wow...you sure are pissed. What do you care about Akira's well-being, seriously." He disappears again, appearing some fifty miles away from the school. "Guessing he'll follow me...estimated time of arrival 3...2...1..." He mumbles, coming up with a plan to deal with this thorn in his side. To him Zero honestly did not look the caring type, of course, he was bad at judging peoples personalities, rarely.
Zero reappeared just as the watcher guessed, but about 10 feet away. He's probably thinking about me not looking like i'd ever give two shits... guess I'll see if my cold reading skills paid off. "Yeah, I don't typically give two shits about people... However Layla cares about him, and I care about her.. So I'm forced too." He turned back into his normal form, however when he turned back his cloak shrouded his face, only showing a shifting void color. "Let's play a game... You like games, don't you? Name it... and explain all the rules. If I beat you, you have to help." He held out his hand, as if to shake.
PixelScoreMC said:
Zero reappeared just as the watcher guessed, but about 10 feet away. He's probably thinking about me not looking like i'd ever give two shits... guess I'll see if my cold reading skills paid off. "Yeah, I don't typically give two shits about people... However Layla cares about him, and I care about her.. So I'm forced too." He turned back into his normal form, however when he turned back his cloak shrouded his face, only showing a shifting void color. "Let's play a game... You like games, don't you? Name it... and explain all the rules. If I beat you, you have to help." He held out his hand, as if to shake.
The Watcher laughs, six more of him appearing. "Alright, here's the game. All seven of us will hide, and you have to find the real one of me within 5 minutes of the game starting, which is after you give us thirty seconds to hide. You win, I'll help. If I win, however, you attempt to kill Akira. Deal?" He says, all six of them seeming the exact same as him, they even had souls that were exactly like his and acted exactly like him. There were no differences whatsoever between them and him. All seven of The Watcher's hold out their hands for a handshake.
...†Akira lay there, lifeless. The clock continued to count down. The hour and minute hands were on ten fifty-nine. The pain that once burned like fire had faded away to an icy numbness. Black filled the edges of his vision and the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat. His consciousness began to ebb away. His breath came in ragged, shallow gasps, before slowly coming to a halt. His heart beating one last time. The clock continued to tick†...
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Zero started laughing, giving him an interesting look. "Very well, I accept your challenge... You stated the rules very clearly, and you cannot change them from this point on." He shakes the original Watchers hand, laughing inside his head. While he was shaking his hand, the shadow behind the actual Watcher became just a millimeter longer then the other replicas, not enough to be noticeable. He then shakes all the other replica's hands, and then covers his eyes with his hands. "Thirty.... Twenty nine..."
Sixxx said:
" you die in every scenario ... I dont want that to happen" he sighs and uugs hee deep in thought "serves me right for likeing you of course you die " he sighs
Haiiro frowns. "I wish it didn't have to be like this..." she mumbles, trying to think of a scenario that she hadn't seen in her dream, but she was drawing a blank.

PixelScoreMC said:
Zero started laughing, giving him an interesting look. "Very well, I accept your challenge... You stated the rules very clearly, and you cannot change them from this point on." He shakes the original Watchers hand, laughing inside his head. While he was shaking his hand, the shadow behind the actual Watcher became just a millimeter longer then the other replicas, not enough to be noticeable. He then shakes all the other replica's hands, and then covers his eyes with his hands. "Thirty.... Twenty nine..."
The Watcher's all laugh, disappearing and reappearing on the campus of the school. All seven of them become shadows and hide in random places all over the school where the lighting would make them appear to be different sizes. He had expected Zero to come up with some way to track him, and they were all completely different size shadows, hiding on the walls and floors of random classrooms and hallways.
Zero laughs, holding his face. "Amusing! I will have fun with this..." Zero tracked him to the school, knowing he decided to become different shadows. "I ruled a realm of shadows for countless years.. and you expect me to not know how to manage them?" He slammed his palm into the ground, black transparent spheres erupting and surrounding the entire school campus. The school building slowly started dissolving into dust, and rodents and pests alike infested the school, eating everything in sight. Zero laughed, as he whispered to himself "I'll cut down every last inch of this campus until I find your sorry ass Watcher..." He walked into the school, sensing the seven different presences. "He randomly reshaped all of them into different shadows... It's a shame I only changed the shadow size a millimeter, would've made my life a little bit easier..."
The Watcher's all started moving around the campus walls and floors randomly to provide a bit more of a challenge. A burst of light encompassed the campus, causing the building to fix itself as quickly as it dissolved and causing the rats and pests to disappear. Elizabeth was standing right outside the front entrance of the school, chewing on a piece of gum and leaning against one of the doors, using her powers to keep the school from crumbling and to get rid of the rodents and pests.
Zero passed Elizabeth, laughing. "The point of that wasn't to damage the building... the point of that was this...." Zero disappeared in a mist, reappearing next to one of the replicas, and slamming his head into the nearby wall. "Tsk... it was a replica. Time to keep moving, I only have twenty minutes left..." Zero reappeared again next to another replica, repeating the process. "The wrong one again? Jeez."
The real Watcher smiles, he was hidden on the roof of one of the classrooms, but four of the fakes were in the nearest hallway, creating a misleading trail leading towards the principals office, which of course wasn't where he was. The other fake was randomly walking around the hallway. Elizabeth shrugs, continuing to chew her gum.
Zero reappears, slamming the head of the wandering hallway replica into the wall. "Five more to go... Wait, why do I strongly sense only four? They're all leading to the same place... is he trying to reveal himself? Or trying to trick me?" He reappears next to one of the replicas, slamming it's head into the hallway. "God dammit... Keep trying." He found another replica, and did the same thing. "Three more..."
...†The clock seemed to quicken, soon reaching 11:25. Nothing had changed. Akira remained motionless†...
PixelScoreMC said:
Zero reappears, slamming the head of the wandering hallway replica into the wall. "Five more to go... Wait, why do I strongly sense only four? They're all leading to the same place... is he trying to reveal himself? Or trying to trick me?" He reappears next to one of the replicas, slamming it's head into the hallway. "God dammit... Keep trying." He found another replica, and did the same thing. "Three more..."
The three other fakes suddenly scattered, slipping along the wall and heading into areas normally unreachable and that it would be almost impossible to see him, while The Watcher does the same, hiding on the inside of a trash can as a shadow.
"Fuck it, they can repair the school later." He puts his hands out in front of him, and yells "Tenebris lumen !" Black lightning rains from the already dark sky, tearing the school apart from the ground up. Black flames start erupting from everywhere, devouring the building. Zero holds out his hand, continuous transparent spheres erupting from his hand outward to where the original barrier was. Zero slowly himself became a black void blotch, barely maintaining the shape of a normal human. "Found one of you ugly bastards..." Zero appeared next to a trash can, yanking a shadow out of it. "Got another replica- Wait a second."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]...†The clock seemed to quicken, soon reaching 11:25. Nothing had changed. Akira remained motionless†...

Layla was alone with Akira. Zero had left to convince some man of help, and time was running out. Layla was getting pushed into a corner. Watching Akira die right before her eyes, almost helpless. Shaking her head, she refused to allow his passing. She placed her two hands on his chest, shutting her eyelids over her irises. She was going to used the one thing she had that would do good, that would give life. Her own. Silently mouthing a few words...'My life....for his...' A large, blue light shone brightly from their location, extending uowards until it disappeared into the sky above her. She didnt budge, didnt speak, didnt cry, but sat with her eyes closed, commencing the short process needed.
PixelScoreMC said:
"Fuck it, they can repair the school later." He puts his hands out in front of him, and yells "Tenebris lumen !" Black lightning rains from the already dark sky, tearing the school apart from the ground up. Black flames start erupting from everywhere, devouring the building. Zero holds out his hand, continuous transparent spheres erupting from his hand outward to where the original barrier was. Zero slowly himself became a black void blotch, barely maintaining the shape of a normal human. "Found one of you ugly bastards..." Zero appeared next to a trash can, yanking a shadow out of it. "Got another replica- Wait a second."
The Watcher sighs, returning to his normal self. "Looks like ya found me." He says, seeming a bit angry at Zero. There was a bright flash of light and the school is completely repaired, and anyone injured by Zero's little outburst was unharmed.
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