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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Layla stood on her toes and wiped away his remaining tears with her thumb, before gently kissing his cheek. It was nice having him back, all but when he argued with Akira.
PixelScoreMC said:
While crying with Layla, he telepathically spoke to the Watcher, Sorry to freak you out like this... but someone you know is in trouble, let me give you a riddle to decipher who it is.
Roses are red,

violets are blue,

Akira is a dick

and you most likely are too.

The Watcher sighs. "One, you are a jerk. And two, what's wrong with Akira?" He asks, wondering if Akira was ok. He would need to use Akira later for one of his plans, which hopefully he could pull off.
" well how so sweet heart? " he combed his fingers through her hair with a soft smile " your not geting rid of me that easily tuffy " he pulled her in and kissed her

Zero pulled Layla into a kiss, just because he was so over whelmed with happiness he couldn't contain himself. While this was happening, he responded to the watcher, Sorry... I just assumed. Your reputation... exceeds you. Regardless, Akira collapsed earlier and muttered something about a blood seal.. any ideas?

khloerose said:
The smile seemed to grow a bit bigger as Cerin complimented her, and she modestly said, "Thanks, Cer." She scooted over on the bench. Serenity patted the empty spot next to her. "I'd love to hear you play," she said, smiling at Cerin.
"Alright, but first I must warn you, I'm not very experienced. I don't know many songs.." Cerin said this as he stood up from the chair and circled over to the piano, sitting on the bench. He looked at the keys for a moment, trailing his right hand over a few of them gently. "I was taught how to play by my brother, so forgive me if it is a bit off." After saying this he brought both his hands up to the keys and slowly began to play the first song that he could remember. The melody itself was graceful and soothing, much like a lullaby.


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Sixxx said:
" well how so sweet heart? " he combed his fingers through her hair with a soft smile " your not geting rid of me that easily tuffy " he pulled her in and kissed her
Haiiro stares at the ground, she didn't want Adam to get pulled into this as well. "Accordingto the dream, something will take over your mind and turn you against me, distracting me for just long enough for everything to go wrong..."

PixelScoreMC said:
Zero pulled Layla into a kiss, just because he was so over whelmed with happiness he couldn't contain himself. While this was happening, he responded to the watcher, Sorry... I just assumed. Your reputation... exceeds you. Regardless, Akira collapsed earlier and muttered something about a blood seal.. any ideas?
The Watcher frowns. "Blood seal? Ohhh... I did not expect that to effect him...hmm..well...I can't think of any way to help him out to be honest..." He says, trying to think of a way to fix whatever problem the seal might have caused. "What is his injury? I need to know that before I can help him."
Zero made a sighing sound in his head, and answered I think, and don't hold me to this too much, an injury in his side... it was bleeding a good amount. However I sense him up and about at the moment, I think in the bathroom... I think his douche baggy powers came into affect and healed him a bit. Still though, what should happen?
Laylas gaze widened once his lips met hers. She was frozen. Frozen in time. So long, it had been so long since she last felt the soft touch of his lips agaibst hers, which brought to want to kiss him more, even after pulling away from him slowly. Afterwards, her gaze didnt leave the floor as she fumbled with her hands, turning her back to face him.
...†Akira's vision soon became red in his left eye as he looked at the ground. His right eye managed to see blood clearly falling onto the bottom of his shower. Akira fell onto his behind, extremely dizzy and disorientated. He shook his head slightly, trying to shake the dizziness, however it only made it worse. Blood began flowing down his left cheek from his left eye. He spoke†...

" So.. it didn't work entirely. I feel..
heavier.. "
PixelScoreMC said:
Zero made a sighing sound in his head, and answered I think, and don't hold me to this too much, an injury in his side... it was bleeding a good amount. However I sense him up and about at the moment, I think in the bathroom... I think his douche baggy powers came into affect and healed him a bit. Still though, what should happen?
The Watcher shrugs. "Hmm...uhh...well...ya see, the effects differ from being to being...err...it's kind of impossible to determine...uhh...to be honest anything could happen, even if the wound heals..." He quickly checks through his memories. "Most likely if he survives there will be some sort of major physical alterations...that seal was powerful enough to even effect Ragnarok at the height of his power..."
Zero blushed, and rested his forehead against her back gently. "I love you Layla... I sincerely do..." Meanwhile, Zero was getting kind of pissed at the Watcher already, responding Who the hell is Ragnarok anyways? I've never heard of him. Not once. And all of a sudden, he ends up being the talk of the town... somehow I haven't heard shit about it.
" well that would work if my mind could be accessed but it cant so i guess we are safe huh?" he smiles " no blade nor bullet can piece my skin no mind tricks work on me with an iron mind , i am who they fear for I am Sir Adam James Ivy" the words he spoke were an old song that was known around the world , it was ancient and it was about him he looked up with a grin looking at how the light streamed through the green leaves

Asphyxiated said:
"Alright, but first I must warn you, I'm not very experienced. I don't know many songs.." Cerin said this as he stood up from the chair and circled over to the piano, sitting on the bench. He looked at the keys for a moment, trailing his right hand over a few of them gently. "I was taught how to play by my brother, so forgive me if it is a bit off." After saying this he brought both his hands up to the keys and slowly began to play the first song that he could remember. The melody itself was graceful and soothing, much like a lullaby.

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Serenity's eyes closed and she smiled, swaying to the rhythm of the song.
The Watcher sighs. "Not surprising, his existence used to be kept secret. He existed before all of the gods and goddesses, he created them, and he is the most powerful being in existence. He was barely able to be sealed away by me and a few others, but is way more powerful than every being in existence combined." Haiiro was still a bit nervous, and it was quite obvious that she was hiding something just by her expression and other such factors.
Layla gasped, before slowly lowering her head. He lived her still...and Akira loved her. Taking a moment to stand in silence, she finally whispered her response. "I know..."
"Then what do you think of me? I just need to know so I can move on... do you still even love me? Am I worth anything to you?" He kept his forehead against her back, delicately grabbing at the back of her shirt.
...†An intense pain shot out through Akira's eye as he put his hand over it, growling in pain. His Black fire shot out, disintegrating some of the walls and going out into the city, destroyed some gas tankers and the gas line, causing multiple explosions. The shower stopped and the water around him evaporated quickly, leaving no water around him. Akira made his clothes appear on him as he vanished, only to appear on the highest point of the school with a loud crash, causing the surrounding area to vibrate slightly. He knelt there, on his knees and his free hand over his eye. He began to feel it. The world's rotation, the human beings' many thoughts. The phone calls, the cars' engines, the birds communicating. He heard it all at once. He couldn't bear it and soon, he collapsed once more, a pool of blood forming around his head and most of his body. His power began fluctuating, going from abnormally high to inconsequential in a matter of moments†...
khloerose said:
Serenity's eyes closed and she smiled, swaying to the rhythm of the song.
Cerin was oblivious to the world around him as he began to sink into the music, moving freely on to the correct keys. He was lost in his thoughts-- memories of his brother playing the same melody to try and lull him to sleep. Red eyes were locked on his hands whilst they glided to hit each note exactly, though they blinked when the song ended in his head, as well as now, and he placed his still-moving digits into his lap.

After a minute of sitting there, he exhaled a long breath and popped his knuckles. "thats about it.."
"what are you so worried about Haiiro , come on you have to talk to me in order for me to help . Im here im gonna help you an i wont take no for an answer . Now what are you hiding"

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Layla gasped, before slowly lowering her head. He lived her still...and Akira loved her. Taking a moment to stand in silence, she finally whispered her response. "I know..."

PixelScoreMC said:
"Then what do you think of me? I just need to know so I can move on... do you still even love me? Am I worth anything to you?" He kept his forehead against her back, delicately grabbing at the back of her shirt.

it has come to this. what will the main character's reaction be?))
Layla smiled only slightly, readying herself to respond to his question, all until a sharp vibration was felt beneath her feet, and a crashing sound was heard from the roof. Slowly, she straightened her posture and grabbed Zero's hand, rushing down the hall.
"what are you so worried about Haiiro , come on you have to talk to me in order for me to help . Im here im gonna help you an i wont take no for an answer . Now what are you hiding"

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