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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Hmmm... Who's saying I'm not enjoying to see you like this? Don't worry. If the watcher won't be willing after my pro persuasion skills, I have a back up plan." He grinned, while looking like he was plotting something evil.
" Forget it. I'm.. outta here.. "

...†Akira soon vanished, only to reappear falling on the ground a few feet away. He spoke as he groaned†...

" What's taking so long?! "
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin listened intently, moving his hands so that his face was propped into them. She was good, no doubt, probably better than him, but the way she played reminded him of Soren and Xander.
The song was long, without a doubt, being 8 minutes and 31 seconds long to be precise, but Serenity enjoyed every second of it. Her passion for music was shown through her playing. When she finally finished, she smiled, sighing softly.
" I can't stay.. "

...†Akira looked over to the right, noticing something. He spoke†...

" No matter what happens, I’ll keep on moving. Until this life runs out of me, I’ll keep on walking. That's why I can't simply 'stop'.. "
"But Akira...." Layla knew her efforts were futile, but she wasn't about to let him move. No matter what he said or did. Finally, deciding she couldn't convince him, or even speak to him, she backed herself to sit against the same wall Zero was leaning against. She was about to be left again, only this time, she witnessed it.
Zero patted Layla's shoulder, while speaking telepathically to her saying He'll be fine.. he's a stubborn bastard, he'll find a way out of what he's going through.
" Wise ass. My healing factor should've kicked in by now, but I don't know why it hasn't.. "

...†Akira slowly stood up and spoke as he staggered away†...

" Y'know, my father once told me; 'If you let the fly live, the spider is going to die. You can’t save both without one suffering..' -It's the same principle here. I only wish for you to be happy, even if it means sacrificing my own happiness. Zero can make you happy, whereas I apparently can't.. "
Layla silently rested her head against Zero's leg, only to bury her face into the side of his leg. She then wrapped her arms around his leg as tight as possible, hugging it. She felt like she was about to loose something very important to her, but in reality, knew it was her fault.
Zero slow clapped, giving him a stern look. "Akira... Your ego is getting you again." Zero gently moved Layla's arm aside, and got up, and shoved Akira roughly against the wall, holding him by his collar. "Sacrificing yourself?! Making Layla and others happy? You've obviously watched too much T.V.!" He growled, his eyes growing a slight red but his scar staying the same. "I know you know just as well as I do... that sacrificing yourself isn't going to make any of us happy. Especially not Layla. Even if I would be happy with you dying... you think everybody is going to mourn for your death? Sure they will... but you have so much to live for." He looked him in the eye, and let go of his collar, flicking his forehead. "Use that small brain of yours to think a way out, I know you're at least a little smarter then a monkey." He paused, and then quickly added "And yes... I was being hypothetical about the death thing. I know you have an "unlimited life force."

@Fukushima Akira
" This is hardly enough to kill me, idiot. If my healing factor would hurry up, it would heal this wound.. "

...†Akira sighed as he stood back up. He didn't have the energy to fight. He soon continued to walk away before vanishing, only to reappear in his room at his home. He walked over to his bed†...

" I'm too tired for this shit.. "

...†Akira fell onto his bed, passing out. As this happened, his wound began to glow a dark red. A woman's voice echoed from within Akira's mind just as his consciousness faded†...

" You were so handsome in your madness. Gorgeous in your murderous rage. I loved you. But if you’re reverting to a fucking hypocrite who can’t save anyone, then I’ll save you myself, my lord.. "
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Zero returned now to Layla's side hugging her tightly. "It's hard being inspirational to such a dick wad... what do you see in him? honestly?"
"....Honestly?....You." Layla stood to her feet, resting her head against his shoulder. Sighing, Layla pulled at the ends of her skirt, shifting her gaze towards the spot of which Akira once sat.
Tears started falling down Zero's cheeks, and he didn't seem to realize it until he rubbed his eyes. He looked at Layla, and pulled her closer. "B-baka... I'm right here..."
Sixxx said:
( your guys convo is amazing @Fukushima Akira @PixelScoreMC )
"im really starting to despise your lack of confidence in me...lok i know how i seem but im stronger than that give me 30 minutes ill sober up and ill be helpful. please , i cant die i cant break i can only help"

Haiiro sighs. "It's not that...they will use you against me...I saw it happen in my dream..." She says, seeming a bit afraid of Adam, and partially confused as to why her dream had been so detailed.
khloerose said:
The song was long, without a doubt, being 8 minutes and 31 seconds long to be precise, but Serenity enjoyed every second of it. Her passion for music was shown through her playing. When she finally finished, she smiled, sighing softly.
Cerin averted his gaze from the piano to her when she stopped playing. He smiled slightly, his eyes forming into white-laced slants. "You're good."
PixelScoreMC said:
"Hm... A seal of sorts? Interesting." Zero looked over Akira, frowning slightly. "I don't think I have the proper tools with me to help his current condition. I think I have an idea though..." Zero put his finger to Akira's head, and closed his eyes for a bit. "Bingo. Layla, hang on."
He spoke through his head, channeling his thoughts to the watcher.

Watcher person... Ello? I think I need help. I think you know something about seals. Also, pleasure to meet ya'.

@AriaTheWatcher @Mashiro Shiina @Fukushima Akira
The Watcher jumps out from his chair. "Err? Hello? Who the hell is this? I'm not a big fan of telepathy, so just tell me what you want already." He says out loud, seeming a bit confused. He had always been a bit cautious when it came to people using telepathy on him, and this was freaking it out.
Layka smiled softly, slowly shutting her eyelids over her softening irises all while lowering her voice to that of a sift whisper. "Yeah....I know..."
The smile seemed to grow a bit bigger as Cerin complimented her, and she modestly said, "Thanks, Cer." She scooted over on the bench. Serenity patted the empty spot next to her. "I'd love to hear you play," she said, smiling at Cerin.
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro took his hand and when he stood, remained holding it, he nodded, "So what you gonna get, Donuts? Candy?"
Vex grinned and nodded,"SUre, we can also get some cotton candy if you'd like." He squeezed his hand lightly briefly and began to lead them to the vendors.
While crying with Layla, he telepathically spoke to the Watcher, Sorry to freak you out like this... but someone you know is in trouble, let me give you a riddle to decipher who it is.

Roses are red,

violets are blue,

Akira is a dick

and you most likely are too.

...†Akira woke up shortly after, soon sighing as he stood up, stretching. His wound had gone, as had the blood that had previously stained his clothes. He went into a shower and stood there, silent as the water dropped on to him. His scars showing on his back†...

" .... "

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