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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Yoshino coughs up a little blood, still looking in a good bit of pain, though one can tell she wasn't going to scream somebody's ears out anymore.
He wipes the blood off. "It'll take several days for it to heal. Those creatures are dangerous. Stay away from them."
The Watcher frowns and takes over the shadow on the ground, causing a voice to echo through the room. "You are the dangerous one, John, killing innocents just because of those with blood on their hands, you cause much more suffering than I. You are true evil."
"I never kill innocents. My soldiers didn't. Only the ones with records." He laughs. "Y-You think I told them 'Kill everyone you see.'? That s just funny man..."
"W-why... can't we just... end the fighting...?" Yoshino stands up from the bed, seeming so brave for a girl who got shot almost point-blank earlier the same day. "Just end the fighting...! Why can't we all just get along!?"
The shadow slowly starts growing larger, now covering the whole floor and creeping up the walls. "Oh really, I remember you sending your soldiers to attack a school full of innocent people, and you never even tried to stop them from killing innocents. You yourself tried to kill three innocents. I need not justify my statement much more but I will if necessary."
"Just stop it!" She yelled so loud, she actually coughed up a bit of blood. She falls to her knees, holding her mouth as she coughs. She speaks, still covering her mouth. "I-I can't... I'm tired of all this fighting..."
"Oh really," The voice angrily exclaims as the shadow covers all four walls, blocking all exits and creeping onto the roof. "Well guess what, on their way to 'take cover' they decided to have some fun and KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!" The voice exclaims, full of rage and hatred as well as remorse.
"That wasn't my fault. I stress it to them. Now they are dead. Be happy." He continues to check on the girl.
Yoshino slaps his hand away, not wanting him to get near her. "If you're not... going to stop... I'm just going to... let myself die... I can't... take it... This world... is too... violent..."
"Not your fault...NOT YOUR FAULT?!?!? IT IS YOUR FAULT, YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED THEM, YOU COULD HAVE CALLED THEM OFF! YOU COULD HAVE GIVEN THEM ORDERS NOT TO HARM CIVILIANS!" The voice exclaims, getting louder and louder. It completely engulfed the room now.
Yoshino collapses, the yelling having pierced her ears and sent a wave of pain through her body. The blood she held back on her hand slips and spreads in front of her loose head as she falls, the voice of the shadow just aiding in her death by throwing her off balance and shaking her body up from how loud it was.
The voice abruptly stops and shadowy tentacles emerge from the wall, grabbing John's legs and arms and dragging him to the wall behind him.
Yoshino grabs on to John's shirt, not letting go. She didn't care what happened to her at this point. She just wanted them to stop fighting. "Q-quit it... Please...! Please, quit fighting...! I can't take it...!" She was crying again, already so close to death she would willingly take a sword to the heart rather than see them fight.
"Do not worry, I shall not harm him, I am merely going to show him the memories of those who have suffered due to his hatred." The voice says calmly and quietly.
She doesn't let go either way, just holding on to him tightly. She was too weak right now to do much else, but she had the strongest grip a girl of her size has ever had, if only including humans into the count.
A large hand formed out of the shadows as the tentacles stopped pulling, holding John in place. "Now, see the horror you have caused." The voice quietly says, the shadow hand calmly touching John's forehead with one finger and transferring memories from the innocents who died by John and his soldiers hands as well as the memories of their families, focusing specifically on the suffering they had to deal with due to John and his soldiers.
In each of the memories there was always a person trying to save everyone, a person trying to stop innocents from dying. The Watcher appeared inside of the memories. "You see now, we are not the enemy, nor have we ever been. We only want to restore the balance and order of nature and keep innocents from meeting an early demise." He says, the voice echoing through the memories.
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