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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The disguised Nanami tries to crawl towards John. "D-don't... I-it hurts..." She keeps crawling, leaving a little bit of blood on the floor as she does so.
(Actually, Nanami literally split into two beings ^^ One that's ice, one that's water. They both are different personalities and people altogether ^^)

The second Nanami kept crawling, eventually losing the strength to go on. She slipped unconscious, a slight pool of blood now surrounding her.
He keeps on backing away. "D-Ah to hell with it. I'm sick of your race, and friends. You guys have ruined everything!" He grabs a broken piece of glass.
"You're letting a human, and a little girl, no less, die because you're tired of supernaturals... I hate violence, but if it's to take out those who don't even deserve to be on this world, then I will gladly use it..." Mai was obviously about to kill him for not even trying to save a human girl, as Nanami'd made the second her pure human, aside from that she can absorb her back into her body at any point in time she chooses, just wanting to have an experience as a human she could enjoy when she attains the memories of the second her, though plans to leave the human her around for a long while to come. (Going to name her Yoshino after the characer it actually was a picture of (The one that I provided earlier in the roleplay as her disguise.))
The Watcher sets his right hand on the ground, creating a shadowy clone of himself that stands there silently, staring at a wall.
I sigh and stand up putting aqua somewhere safe I turn to the other before make everyone blind only the people I was looking at. Then everything became clear again and everyone was at the park. I stumble a bit but keep standing, I look over at Aqua and sighs.
The shadowy clone starts moving on it's own, disappearing into thin air and quickly appearing behind John, lightly tapping him on the shoulder with it's left hand.
The clone ignores the stab and hits John with a right hook straight in the face. It steps back and shadows mend the wound perfectly, with no sign of injury.
Yoshino looked up from the ground, her vision blurry and distorted from the blood loss. One could tell she'd need to be taken care of soon or she might die. "S-stop... fighting..." She struggles to stand up, ignoring the bleeding. She walks towards the shadow, almost falling over a lot. "S-stop... Stop... it... N-no more... fighting..." Tears were starting to flow down her face, still bleeding from the bullet wound a bit.
"All of my friends have died because of you. Everyone. You all must pay! All of you!" He throws a round-house kick at the shadow.
The clone snaps his fingers and John's own shadow reforms around him, forming an unbreakable prison. The clone walks over to Yoshino and creates odd black bandages out of the shadows surrounding him. It starts wrapping the bullet wound with the odd bandages.
Yoshino was between the two, taking the kick herself. She goes flying back, couching up blood as she gets hit. "N-no... more... Please... N-no... more..."

(Too late... Really wanted this to resolve with everybody dropping the fight... Well, Yoshino did, at least.)
Yoshino tears the black bandages off, forcing herself to stand up. She walks towards the black cell that John was trapped in, putting her hand on one of the bars. "L-let... him out... Please, let him out...!"
The clone spoke in a deep voice, full of hatred, remorse, sympathy, and rage, saying to John, "No, it is you who must stop, you have once again hurt an innocent. I will give you one last chance, but that is all."
"Given by you?! No... just. No. I have gone too far to let this slide over." He tries to escape, not moving.
The clone starts exuding a shadowy fog, filling the room and making it impossible for anyone except for it to see.
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