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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...†As the fist swung for him, he simply moved his head to the side, avoiding the punch. Akira laughed as he watched her feeble attempt at hitting him and then gripped her neck, lifting the Goddess into the air†...

" As I said before, you're weaker than a Seraph. How could you ever hope to touch me? "
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](XDDDD)
(Good. -propped feet up-)

~hands you a juice box and eats some popcorn~ NOM NOM NOM))
The goddess sent a knee to his side, appearing instantly. No one would be able to dodge this, unless they disappeared before she even threw the knee. Also, she's an omnipotent goddess which apparently a barnacle head like Akira can't seem to get the grasp of.
PixelScoreMC said:
The goddess sent a knee to his side, appearing instantly. No one would be able to dodge this, unless they disappeared before she even threw the knee. Also, she's an omnipotent goddess which apparently a barnacle head like Akira can't seem to get the grasp of.
...†Akira's Black Electricity shot through the Goddess' body just as she threw the kick, the shock made both legs stand still. Akira threw her to the side, sending her through the newly-reformed Pluto and soon continued†...

" I have superior training, I have more advanced techniques. You have no hope in winning this fight. However, you seem too stupid to realize this. Your life force and body will give out. Mine won't. "

((( They're both Omnipotent Gods at that. This fight has been going on for literally an hour -real time-.. )))
She came back up, looking unaffected. "You're seriously retarded aren't you? I guess I'll have to prove to you that I'm superior." Reysens clothes completely disintegrate, and then reform as armor. "Special ability... Needle Armor." She giggles, almost evily. "Any damage you try to do to me now will be done to yourself twice fold. Good luck landing anything."
" Armour? Are you that afraid of me? You should have just said you were afraid. There's no use beating a wounded child like yourself anymore. Just look at me, I have barely anything on my body, let alone my armor. You're nothing more than a bore to me now. Begone. "

...†Akira swung his hand as the Goddess was sent soaring backwards, soon breaking into another dimension. Akira locked all entrances and exits in and out of the dimension. He wasn't too evil towards the Goddess, he simply gave her a blank Universe, once she could create anew. He then sighed and turned around, slowly walking away†...
The goddess knew he tried to trap her in another dimension, however there was no use. She destroyed the seals that blocked the way out, and reappeared next to him. "No, you're stupid. I'm not afraid of you, I'm just tired of your failed attempts to try and kill me." She sighed, returning to making snow angles on pluto.
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" Yet you believe armor would stop my attacks? Now that, is stupid. Next time, don't attempt to take Layla away from me. Or I will use quarter of my powers. "

...†Akira continued walking, soon becoming nothing more than black mist and disappearing, only to reappear near Layla in his normal form. He spoke to her as he gazed down into her eyes†...

" Are you okay, my love? "


((( And so, that marks the end of the first ever one hour long battle. )))
((But then I decide to be a douche, and restart the whole thing.))

Reysen snaps her fingers, making Layla appear next to her on pluto. Of course, she protected her from the cold and deadly atmosphere, but still felt like pulling Akira's strings... Since he felt so highly of himself. That bugged Reysen more then anything, when people thought they were better then her. "Hello dear, ice cream?" Reysen held out a summoned bowl of ice cream in her hand to Layla.

((But seriously, it would be in her personality to do that. If you want the fighting to end, you'd have to just admit she's better and she'll be satisfied. xD ))
((( You asshat.. xD )))

...†Akira appeared back on Pluto, his form changed back to his Demon form and gripping the back of the Goddess' neck and pinning her to the ground. He spoke in a low, dark tone†...

" I warned you. Now you die. "

...†Pure black strings began detaching off of the Goddess and began flowing into the atmosphere†...

((( Akira's the son of the being who created all Gods and Goddesses. He is also more powerful then said creator, so he is superior when you factor in both of these facts xD )))
Reysen laughed, not affected. "I'm wearing the armor remember?" Twice the strength of his grip was felt on his neck, and white strings started coming from Akira's back going up into the air. "I wonder what that ability is."
" This technique has no effect on me. I have an infinite supply of life force, not to mention there are safety regulations I put in the very basis of the technique to insure it could never work on me. You don't had an infinite supply of life force. "

...†The grip on the back of his neck then vanished, as did the white strings. Akira continued gripping as the Goddess' life force was being dragged out of her. He had positioned his body to kneel directly behind her, and he was applying hlf of his strength onto her neck. He then spoke†...

" Now. Die. "

...†Akira was simultaneously sending his Black Fire and Black Electricity through the Goddess' body. Each time both elements collided within her, there was an explosion within her body. The black strings soon duplicated, dragging more of her life force out faster than before†...
Layla blinked. One moment she was settled beside Akira with a question hanging in the air, and now she was once again holding ice cream, standing beside the one girl she resented. Taking a few moments to stare at the object giving to her, Layla allowed for herself to set it down on Pluto's surface before blowing her breath.
"Where the hell did you get the idea I don't have an infinite life force? I'm better then you! In every way!" She slammed her palm into his chest, surging death into him. Of course, both of them were omnipotent and they should just both agree they're atleast of the same power level so they can get on with life and Reysen can go make snow angels...
" Only my father and I have infinite life force. It's in our genetics. You, however, were never meant to live forever. You were destined to die shortly before the rest of the Gods and Goddesses, however now, you die here. "

...†Akira gripped her arm and forced it back onto the ground as his eyes flashed red. He then spoke as he glared into the Goddesses eyes and spoke, a red symbol appearing in his eyes†...

" Analyze existence.. "
"I live forever... You have just pushed me the wrong way buddy boy... prepare to DIE." She summons a black hole, blocking it off from the direction toward earth so It doesn't affect them, however She planned to drag him to hell... along with Layla who had gotten involved. "FEEL THE POWER OF NATURE BITCH."
" Disappear. "

...†The symbol in Akira's eyes then shot out, piercing the armor and through the Goddess' skull, disintegrating the majority of her head on a molecular lever. Soon after, the black hole evaporated into nothingness†...
Reysen's head reappeared, and she had no signs of injuries. "Supernova!" The sun imploded, growing smaller and smaller until it let forth in a burst of light, she cast a protective layer on earth and the moon, however the earth would be in total darkness for a while...
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