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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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" You're free to leave, then. "

...†Akira continued soon stood up and rubbed the back of his head. He spoke as Zero walked away†...

" You're no fun to tease.. "
Zero was now in a pissy mood. Since you know, Akira had balls of steel. Honestly, Zero could send him to the void. However, knowing him he probably would find a way out... which made him even more irritated, let alone the fact Layla would probably nag him into bringing Akira back. Zero sighed, and came back with two cups of coffee. He held one out to Layla.
Layla blinked, glancing between the two. She was semi confused, and slowly drug herself out of bed, yawning once again. Standing up, she prepared to exit the to, only to be interrupted by Zero holding a cup out to her. Blinking, she cupped it in her hands and plopped back down on the bed.
" Hey, can I have my cup now? "

...†Akira looked at Zero as he held out his hand, waiting for Zero to hand him the other cup†...
"Sure." Zero hands him the other cup, while he unhinges his jaw 180 degrees. The sight would be terrifying, for any normal person. He dumps the entire thing in his mouth, and then snaps his mouth shut. His skin starts glowing red, and steam lets out. After about ten seconds, he returns to normal. "Nothing like coffee I do say..."
" You're an ass. You make me coffee, then you drink it.. "

...†Akira looked at him semi-seriously and spoke†...

" There's a special place in Hell reserved for people like you.. "

Layla sipped on her coffee, carefully tilting her head to the side every few seconds. She observed the two, shifting her gaze every few minutes or so. She hadn't the slightest thought in her mind, and quietly began humming.
"Funny, because I can't actually go to hell. Satan banished me." Zero laughs, and goes to the kitchen, and comes back with another cup of coffee. "You're lucky I'm not a TOTAL ass."
" I was only pulling your leg. I was never thirsty to begin with.. "

...†Akira spoke as he sat next to Layla, he purposely spoke loud enough for Zero to hear†...

" Wanna ditch this loser? "
" It's pronounced A-key-ra. However I understand why you have speech problems. "

...†Akira laughed†...
" You can try. However it will simply end in failure. So go ahead, knock yourself out. "

...†Akira smiled slightly as he continued to look at Zero. Akira's defense was too strong for someone to use teleportation on him, not to mention he could also analyze and replicate any attacks thrown at him with the same ferocity and power as the original owner, so he wasn't worried†...

Zero laughed, and stared at him, his eyes darting back and forth. "Some interesting powers you have there... I don't have specific details, but I have a basic idea." Zero held out his palm, and whispered "Thalamus." Black transparent spheres erupted from his hand, expanding throughout the entire room. "Tempus confractus." The air froze, and became very cold. Zero snapped his fingers, summoning a veil around Layla protecting her. "Time is slowed my friend... In this very room. by about 80% to be exact." Zero picked up a cup from the table, and dropped it. The cup appeared to be dropped very slowly, until it eventually hit the ground, slowly shattering. "The time zone will affect you too. Whether you have good reflexes will not matter."
" You don't seem to understand, do you? Allow me to show you. "

...†Akira disappeared, becoming nothing more than black mist. He soon reformed the cup and picked it up. The time stoppage hadn't affected him. He spoke as he walked around Zero†...

" My body is unaffected by the slowing down, nor the passage of time. Didn't I tell you previously? I'm a God, I'll live forever and I have the power to make others live forever. To think that time would affect me is nothing more than a fantasy. Also, next time you try to do something like this, I won't be so.. Friendly. "

"Oh? You're also a god? This is entertaining. And I'm sorry to say this... but as long as you aren't omnipotent you do have a weakness." Zero disappeared in a black shroud, and reappeared next to Layla. "Forgot to tell you, this was a distraction to ditch you. Adios!" Zero figured he'd be a total bitch and find his way back to them, but he felt like turning the tables and pulling his leg for once. He went into the void, and put a protective cover over Layla. "I'll bring you back in about 30 seconds Layla... Here, have some ice cream." Zero summons ice cream and hands it to her, while masking their presence, even though it is practically masked in the void.

@Mashiro Shiina @Fukushima Akira
" I am omnipotent. "

...†Akira sighed as he watched Zero vanish. Moments later, he appeared beside Zero and spoke while pointing behind him†...

" It seems like you don't have control over the rift you leave. I don't have to sense your presence when you leave these around. All I do is hijack your track and I appear where you are. Unlike you, I am a deicide, one who makes my father's power inconsequential in comparison to my own. Now, I'd prefer it if you didn't take my girlfriend on your little.. trips. We have plans for later. "

"And unlike you... I don't fall for stupid tricks like these." Zero snaps his fingers, his body transforming into that of a goddess, the veil around them shrinking and then vanishing, Layla completely disappeared, like her existence was removed. "My my... what a cute little boy we have here. May I help you?"


(It's the return of the goddess... Who I bring out whenever someone wants to play the "omnipotent" card on Zero. <3)
" And just who are you..? "

...†Akira spoke as he glared at the woman. He sighed as he continued, his anger slowly escalating due to the disappearance of Layla, his power following soon after. He could no longer sense nor feel her presence. This just made Akira feel more empty and more angry as time passed. An anger which, no one has ever seen†...

" It doesn't matter, anyway. I'll ask you just once. Where'd you put Layla? And you're answer better be one that is useful. "


((( I haven't been RPing in this thread for a long enough time to know who "The Goddess" is, so please explain who she is xD )))
((Well, basically there was this guy who played as an omnipotent douche bag, and I created "the goddess" as the counter.... but she ended up falling for him in the end. Anyways, her name is Reysen, a knock off of Zero's old friend who passed named Seyren.))

"Only once? My dear... I believe you are in no position to make threats to me. And as for Layla, I believe I do not know... For all I know, she could have been wiped from existence." She smirked, and poked his forehead. "Maybe if you kneel before me, I'll consider bringing her back."
...†Before her finger touched his forehead, he gripped it. His Black fire soon started on her hand, soon beginning to spread up her arm†...

" You have approximately five minutes before you're dead. Go ahead and try to struggle, these flames cannot be extinguished. Unfortunately for you, they feed off of your power. Meaning, the more you use your powers, the quicker it spreads. So how about
you, kneel before me and beg for my forgiveness. "

...†Akira's silver irises began turning blue and his hair started growing longer†...

((( I see. Okay. However, Akira is.. different than most Gods. Being that he is the son of and is stronger than the Creator Of All Gods, Ragnarok. If Reysen is an actual Goddess, she'd recognize Akira's true name. Bear in mind, I didn't create Ragnarok, Aria -the creator of this RP- did, so Ragnarok isn't just some God I made up xD )))
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Reysen snapped her free arms fingers, causing the flame to disappear, along with the arm that he had tried to grip her finger with. "Dear... A flame that drains power and cannot be extinguished? Please... I just had to snap the fire out of existence. Also, sorry about your arm. But... you did the wrong thing. Now kneel Imperius." Her eyes bore into him, showing no signs of mercy if he tried to do something again.
(Fun. Ice cream ^^)

Layla wasn't disturbed, settled happily wherever she was nibbling on her ice cream. She didn't bother to question the boys' squabble, and simply allowed herself merrimemt. Humming while she ate, Layla allowed her gaze to scan the area around her, before reforming her attention to her bowl.
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