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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Rozu tried sensing where the creature was coming from, when strange yet strong invisible force started attacking her. She tried fighting back, but only got herself is a much worse situation.

PSYCOsanches589 said:
"I lived with her in her village, but when I was a young pup, I lived in a frozen land to the north." he replied
"I lived in a rural village in southern Japan, with my mother and father." She said.


azimuth said:
((#LeftInTheDust I saw many times Scarlet could have been noticed! I'm actually feeling a little left out. T_T))
((Come into the classroom with Kenya and Koiso! Koiso will notice you))
PSYCOsanches589 said:
"But...I'm still alive!" he said with bolstered enthusiasm "I still live to carry on their blood and to carry on the legacy of my master!"
"Indeed you can." Was all she said, bowing her head in respect.
Having found her dorm, she delivered her stuff, which was literally the only thing she had that she needed to put in there, and set out to explore the campus. First stop, classrooms. Still in owl form, she flew in an open window and landed atop the teachers desk.
PSYCOsanches589 said:
He reached over and pet koiso's head "You're nice to talk to." he said brightly
"Thank you," she said, perking up immensley at the petting she was recieving, as well as the complement.
azimuth said:
Having found her dorm, she delivered her stuff, which was literally the only thing she had that she needed to put in there, and set out to explore the campus. First stop, classrooms. Still in owl form, she flew in an open window and landed atop the teachers desk.
queenhistoria said:
"Thank you," she said, perking up immensley at the petting she was recieving, as well as the complement.
Kenya continued to pet koiso until he heard the wings flapping and his attention quickly snapped to the owl on the teacher's desk. He tilted his head as he looked at it. "Is that normal?" he ask curiously
azimuth said:
Having found her dorm, she delivered her stuff, which was literally the only thing she had that she needed to put in there, and set out to explore the campus. First stop, classrooms. Still in owl form, she flew in an open window and landed atop the teachers desk.
"Hm?" Said Koiso, noticing as an owl flew in and landed on the teacher's desk. She looked over at the owl and cocked her head, her cat instincts kicking in.
queenhistoria said:
"Hm?" Said Koiso, noticing as an owl flew in and landed on the teacher's desk. She looked over at the owl and cocked her head, her cat instincts kicking in.
Kenya continued to pet koiso until he heard the wings flapping and his attention quickly snapped to the owl on the teacher's desk. He tilted his head as he looked at it. "Is that normal?" he ask curiously
PSYCOsanches589 said:
Kenya continued to pet koiso until he heard the wings flapping and his attention quickly snapped to the owl on the teacher's desk. He tilted his head as he looked at it. "Is that normal?" he ask curiously
Scarlet looked to the one whom had spoken. She gave a little wave in greeting with the shoulder of her wing and gave a little hoot, as though to say hello.
azimuth said:
Scarlet looked to the one whom had spoken. She gave a little wave in greeting with the shoulder of her wing and gave a little hoot, as though to say hello.
Koiso hopped down onto the ground, then slowly and carefully made her way over to the teacher's desk. She got down low, wiggled her haunches, then pounced on the bird.
azimuth said:
Scarlet looked to the one whom had spoken. She gave a little wave in greeting with the shoulder of her wing and gave a little hoot, as though to say hello.
queenhistoria said:
Koiso hopped down onto the ground, then slowly and carefully made her way over to the teacher's desk. She got down low, wiggled her haunches, then pounced on the bird.
Kenya's head remained tilted in curiousness at the owl. Just because he was half fox didn't mean he spoke owl. "Seriously is owls coming through windows normal around here?" he said before he saw koiso jump at it and quickly got up and used a modified barrier spell to trap koiso before she could get close "Koiso, don't do that! That's mean!" he said as he brought bubble with the cat in it toward him
PSYCOsanches589 said:
Kenya's head remained tilted in curiousness at the owl. Just because he was half fox didn't mean he spoke owl. "Seriously is owls coming through windows normal around here?" he said before he saw koiso jump at it and quickly got up and used a modified barrier spell to trap koiso before she could get close "Koiso, don't do that! That's mean!" he said as he brought bubble with the cat in it toward him
"I'm so sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to do that. Being a bakeneko means you're a cat in every aspect- it was my instincts, and I apologize."
Valkyre said:
Kalena wasn't particularly interested in the money, men tended to buy everything for her or simply give it to her for free. She had no idea if 500$ was a lot either. She knew she'd once been given a 1000$ by a man that she couldn't persuade that she'd slept with him for free. She'd given it to the first homeless person she'd seen.
"A talent show? I suppose I could dance... You don't think I have too much of an advantage?" Kalena asked, if the judge was male after all she'd get full marks. @AriaTheWatcher
The Watcher shakes his head. "Not really. Each judge is highly resistant to most powers that could affect their decisions, including me." He says, checking through his desk and taking out a sheet of paper that had the date and time of the talent show on it. "They would still be somewhat affected of course, but that's to be expected."
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