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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Sixxx said:
His eyes were blood shot and he reeked of alcohol he stumbled a bit and smiled at her " how are you Tuffy " stumbled and almost falling but catching himself and straightening him self
Haiiro smiled. "I'm fine." She says before noticing the blood all over Adam. "But, just from looking at you I can infer that you are high, drunk, and have killed someone." She says, still smiling.
"she slapped me" he blinked with a drug addled brain he grabed a joint from his pocket and light it taking a long drag and when he blew out he watched the smoke ring with amusement
Sixxx said:
"she slapped me" he blinked with a drug addled brain he grabed a joint from his pocket and light it taking a long drag and when he blew out he watched the smoke ring with amusement
Haiiro sighs. "I can understand killing people and gettin drunk, but you really shouldnt do drugs. That stuff kills your brain." She says, putting her left hand into her pocket.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex paused, scratching his head with a finger,"actually....I didn't think about that.."
"Fancy Restaurant? Cinema? Walk in the Park? Think of something, I have to dress for the occasion." He says sarcastically, he then laughs and gets off the bed, standing in front of Vex, their noses were like an inch apart. "Decide."
LonelyAssassin said:
"Fancy Restaurant? Cinema? Walk in the Park? Think of something, I have to dress for the occasion." He says sarcastically, he then laughs and gets off the bed, standing in front of Vex, their noses were like an inch apart. "Decide."
Vex stared at him a moment before smiling,"do you like roller coasters?"
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Layla raised her brow. "Really now? So you should have no problem at all keeping me warm." Layla shrugged her shoulders before finally sliding off the edge of the bed. "I don't feel like getting dressed. So, postpone the walk for now. Unless you don't mind me walking around like this?"

" Pretty much, yeah. "

...†Akira looked at Layla as she spoke. A slight smile spread across his face as she finished. He replied, his eyes focusing on Layla's†...

" Sure. However we can't postpone it for too long. "
Asphyxiated said:
Vex stared at him a moment before smiling,"do you like roller coasters?"
Mahiro blinked, "Hell yeah! Great idea! Haven't been to a Theme Park in a while."
" I'm going to go to the school for a walk. Call my name if you need me, I'll be there. "

...†Akira smiled and disappeared, leaving but a small wisp of black smoke in his wake. He arrived at the school and looked around, his power slowly rising. He spoke as his eyes focused on the surrounding buildings. He walked forward as he spoke†...

" This place is rather nice. "
Layla simply nodded. She was curious as to why he said she couldnt delay it for too long, which must mean he was turned on? Giggling to herself , Layla stood to her feet and began making her way back downstairs, into the livingroom. Simply, she wanted to longue around during his absence, which most likely, wouldnt be long.
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro blinked, "Hell yeah! Great idea! Haven't been to a Theme Park in a while."
Vex clapped his hands together once,"great~ theme park it is then!"
AriaTheWatcher said:
The Watcher nods, stepping to the side. "Sure sure, come in and take a seat, make yourself comfortable. I'm glad that I finally get to talk to someone at least semi sane." He says cheerfully.
Kalena smiled at the Watcher as she entered the room, her fingertips brushing lightly against him as she passed. She sat in the chair opposite his office, slowly crossing her legs as she ran a hand through her red hair. On another day she might have claimed she was completely sane but given recent events she would happily settle for being semi sane.

"As I'm sure you're aware or you've no doubt worked it out if not, that I'm a Vila. My Allure is at best a distraction for the majority of the male students and teachers..." a soft sigh escaped her parted full red lips as she considered how best to tell the Watcher about what had happened with Horatio. She was determined not to cry, not unless it would be advantageous for her to do so.
...†Akira began walking, soon finding himself walking through the forest. In the forest, the sky seemed to vanish almost completely, only a few fragments of the blue sky remaining visible through the leaves above him, like scattered pieces of an impossible jigsaw puzzle. The air is rich with the fragrance of leaves and loam. Even so many hours after the rain has passed, the soil remains wet, slowly releasing it's heady fog. Outside is the noon daylight, the powerful rays of early summer, but in the forest everything was cool and the colors have the softness of that time just before twilight. The only movement is the occasional bird, startling in a tree or a squirrel dashing up a nearby trunk. The sound of running water in the brook has the same hypnotic quality as music, Akira stopped just to drink in the sound. He then takes in all the air he could, his lungs holding and then expelling it slowly. These hikes in the forest are like a trip out of Akira's life, a visit to somewhere the measuring of time is done only by the rising and setting of the sun. He found that the forest nearby the school was one of those places which had no palpable reason to exist. It was a creaking shack created by nature to serve as a reminder that things could always be much worse. The unnatural, choking mist that swirled and sprawled on the forest floor was the first thing that spoke of a strange sort of wrongness. The sickly white substance seemed to possess liquid properties which only reminded Akira of the maggot-like texture of the eyes of a dead man who had been forgotten in his apartment for a few months, ready to burst at the slightest touch. The smoke made no sound however and only parted to swallow up his feet as he walked upon the leaf-covered path. He spoke†...

" This place is relaxing everytime I come here. "

The sound of mushy and dead leaves whispered from under the skin of the mist with each step he took. Akira enjoyed the forest as it did not care for seconds or minutes, even hours are inconsequential to it. The smallest measure of time is the cycle of daylight and darkness. Even then, the forest is more in tuned with the seasons: rebirth brought by the warmth of spring, darkened foliage from summer's kiss, the onset of fall and then the keen bite of winter. In the forest, so little can change in the time it takes for Akira to mature, to gain and loose so much. Perhaps that is why he loved this forest, it stabilizes the rapidity of his thoughts, grounds him in a place where the ticking of clocks is unregarded. A place where he could let go of the demands of civilization. Just Akira, the trees and his trusty sword. All the trees were tightly-knit, just one strand in a massive web of life. Green leaves, yellow leaves, red leaves. It was a rainbow of rich, autumnal colours. The scent of earth and water drifted through the air. It was a picture of serenity, one which would endure for many long years. The bushes and trees of low growth ahead of him disappeared, to make room for gigantic mahogany trees, century old cork trees, and the acajou, whose sombre branches formed a vaulted roof of green eighty feet above his head. The path had grown wider, and stretched, in a gentle incline, towards a hillock of moderate height, entirely free from trees. Akira reached the center of the forest, which was completely free from trees in a two hundred meter circle. He smiled as he walked, his brown colored irises drinking in the sight of what seemed to be a large flower field. The flower field seemed to be everywhere on the ground, except from the base of a tree that was directly in the center of the massive clearing. Akira spoke as he neared the tree base, his hair swaying gently from the soft breeze of the air. His focus was fixated to the right of him where the large flower field was, a smile appearing on his face†...

" This is insane. Who would've thought a thing like this would be in the forest. "


((( This is the reason why I don't RP as descriptively as I can, I get carried away and this happens xD So instead, I'll RP like I usually do. )))
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Asphyxiated said:
Vex clapped his hands together once,"great~ theme park it is then!"
Mahiro grins, "This'll be fun." He grabs Vex's hand and kisses him on the lips softly, "Especially with you."
(Its not typical of me to do this but I will be leaving this thread. I'm sorry if this causes any sort of inconvenience. I realized that this is not the kind of roleplay I prefer (just too much romance for my taste, you know?) and it would not be right to rp half heartedly and be a kill-joy, so I'm dropping out. :/ Again, sorry. I thought it would be better to just say it than leave unanswered questions.)
Sixxx said:
he laughs " idont know why you would, im an asshole " he sighs " i am kinda glad though" he grinned at her with soft ,kind eyes
Haiiro starts laughing. "If you think you are an asshole you should meet a few of the gods. Compared to them you're a saint!"


Valkyre said:
Kalena smiled at the Watcher as she entered the room, her fingertips brushing lightly against him as she passed. She sat in the chair opposite his office, slowly crossing her legs as she ran a hand through her red hair. On another day she might have claimed she was completely sane but given recent events she would happily settle for being semi sane.
"As I'm sure you're aware or you've no doubt worked it out if not, that I'm a Vila. My Allure is at best a distraction for the majority of the male students and teachers..." a soft sigh escaped her parted full red lips as she considered how best to tell the Watcher about what had happened with Horatio. She was determined not to cry, not unless it would be advantageous for her to do so.
The Watcher nodded. "That is quite obvious...where are you going with this?" He asks, wondering why she had brought up something so obvious and that had caused him to get many of reports attempting to get him to give her punishment for disrupting class. He frowned, wondering if she had done something wrong.
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