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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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I will not be replying for like three hours, beacause.....church.

Everyone have a great day xp)
Kenya wandered the halls of the school as he tried to find his first class. It was rather difficult because the place seemed so complex to him. Eventually he stumbled upon it and opened the door, seeing many different characters. Along with learning for his knowledge, he believes now is the time to make some friends too.
Shade slowly woke up, letting out a low yawn in the process. He glanced over to see Yuu was peacefully asleep beside him, one of his arms wrapped around her waist with her snuggled up close to him. He almost couldn't believe that he'd actually had sex with her...considering his past luck with any female. That, and his normally shy and nervous personality. He pushed these thoughts away and then smiled softly at Yuu...and then poked her on the nose as a means of waking her up.
Layla raised her brow. "Really now? So you should have no problem at all keeping me warm." Layla shrugged her shoulders before finally sliding off the edge of the bed. "I don't feel like getting dressed. So, postpone the walk for now. Unless you dont mind me walking around like this?"

Yuu stretched out her legs, yawning. She was still close up against Shade, even as her eyelids gave way to glistening, slowly moving crystal blue irises. Her gaze first saw his bare chest in dront her ger face, along with his index finger poking at her nose. She stared at his finger for a few moments, befire finally trailing her gaze up to his and blinking.
Shade sheepishly grinned at Yuu and said softly, "Hey, sleep well?" Granted, he assumed she did after what they'd done, but still. He felt it was nice to ask.
Yuu watched him for a few moments, before finally nidding her head. She slept fine, in turn tilting her head to see how he slept, compared to herself.
Sixxx said:
"Thanks Tuffy " he grinned and hopped out of the car and leaning through the open door he smiled at her" i wouldn't stick around here if i were you , bad things happen when i let off steam , things i dont want you seeing" his teeth looked sharper and his eyes darker but he honestly didnt want her to see him when did let off steam he thought for a moment and expected her to follow him anyway
Haiiro shrugged, driving off towards Adam's dorm, she wasnt a very curious person, and didnt really care what would happen.
Shade saw Yuu tilting her head and could only assume she was returning the question. He sheepishly grinned and said softly, "I definitely slept well." He paused and then realized that breakfast was probably in order. "You wanna get dressed and then we can head to the cafeteria for breakfast? I don't know about you, but I'm rather hungry," he said with a smile.
Valkyre said:
"Oh we got a new one? Cool" Kalena shrugged, she thought him a little strange. Very friendly. Although that could just be her powers messing with him, maybe he was usually strict and standoffish, she had no way of knowing.
"Sorry I can't turn it off, wish I could" she smiled apologetically, leaning against the door-frame as she looked at him. They were standing rather close but Kalena didn't mind.

"It's actually kind of what I came to talk to you about, can I come in?" @AriaTheWatcher
The Watcher nods, stepping to the side. "Sure sure, come in and take a seat, make yourself comfortable. I'm glad that I finally get to talk to someone at least semi sane." He says cheerfully.
Yuu smiled, only to shift her gaze towards her body once he spoke of getting dressed and eating. She could never, ever turn down food, and immediately scrambled out of bed and ran towards the bathroom, immediately hopping into the shower before any further words were uttered

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Adam grinned and walked into the club immediately did some shots and found a girl to dance with a girl his hands on her hip riding up her dress with a drunken grin after a while she holds up a baggie of white power and he snorts it back knowing it was laced and he danced to the music with her feeling amazing .she pulls him into the bathroom and a stall a while later he walks out and she yelled something he didnt comprehend and slaped he yanked her into an ally way shoved her against the wall and bite into her neck and scatching her making it look like and animal as he murdered her he stumbled around takeing another shot and looking up at the black sky to continue geting drunk being handed other drugs and he laughs and walks back on campus and see Haiiro to drunk and high to know he was covered in the girls blood " HEY TUFFY!"

Slaxt said:
(Denied and Ignored... RIP)
(Cant find your post)

Sixxx said:
Adam grinned and walked into the club immediately did some shots and found a girl to dance with a girl his hands on her hip riding up her dress with a drunken grin after a while she holds up a baggie of white power and he snorts it back knowing it was laced and he danced to the music with her feeling amazing .she pulls him into the bathroom and a stall a while later he walks out and she yelled something he didnt comprehend and slaped he yanked her into an ally way shoved her against the wall and bite into her neck and scatching her making it look like and animal as he murdered her he stumbled around takeing another shot and looking up at the black sky to continue geting drunk being handed other drugs and he laughs and walks back on campus and see Haiiro to drunk and high to know he was covered in the girls blood " HEY TUFFY!"
Haiiro glances at Adam, standing up and walking towards him silently, not paying any attention to the blood.
(Meh... It's ok Aria... I'll rewrite it in a bit... Not feeling well..)
LonelyAssassin said:
@Asphyxiated (Cya :3 )
"About us being perfect for each other, when we were referring to our bodies." Mahiro keeps on kissing his Gut, he teased slightly by going low, but then kisses higher up his gut again.
"Ah, I agree." Vex smiled slightly, strands of drying hair falling into face. Still agitated from being wet, He grabbed Mahiro's chin and lifted his head. Though he was smiling, there was a bit of darkness to his face."towels, please."
His eyes were blood shot and he reeked of alcohol he stumbled a bit and smiled at her " how are you Tuffy " stumbled and almost falling but catching himself and straightening him self

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Mahiro smiled, "Of course." Mahiro crouches on the bed so that he is eye level with Vex, he then reaches behind his shoulder and pulls his hand back over, revealing a towel.

Vex grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his neck before giving Mahiro a peck on the lips. "Thanks." He pulled the towel of his head and rubbed it around, drying his hair.
"No problem." He sat back down on the bed and watched Vex. That's all he did. Was watch. He grinned after a while too.
Vex finished drying himself and let out a relieved sigh. "I hate being wet.." He waited a second before his skin was enclosed in a shadow that quickly broke, leaving him with clothes. "That's better~" stretching his arms out above his head, he smiled, before reaching out to Mahiro and flicking his forehead. "Hey, wanna go some where?"
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