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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Vex let out a noise that was almost like a mixture of a chuckle and a giggle, but not as loud as a laugh, just before reaching out and wrapping his arms around Mahiro's hips. He looked up at him with a grin,"you have such a nice body," he said with a playful nibble next to his hipbone.
"Perfectly imperfect." Vex smiled as his face leaned in to the touch instinctively. He stopped when he realized what he was doing and looked away.
"Nothing is wrong." Vex said, beginning to pout as he thought about something. "You about the experimenting stuff right?"
"Don't laugh at this," vex stared him in the eyes as he said that, before dropping his head and brushing his index finger in circles against the floor. "Xander has always had the same weird obsession as my father did, and he would usually use it as a way to get to Soren and I if we upset him somehow. Well..one time, when I was younger, I had embarrassed him in front of a few elders and he mixed my genes with an animals. I don't know how he does it but he can control when I change.." He blushed a little, though it was hidden with his drooping head,"I had to walk around in that form for months. It was degrading."
Asphyxiated said:
"Don't laugh at this," vex stared him in the eyes as he said that, before dropping his head and brushing his index finger in circles against the floor. "Xander has always had the same weird obsession as my father did, and he would usually use it as a way to get to Soren and I if we upset him somehow. Well..one time, when I was younger, I had embarrassed him in front of a few elders and he mixed my genes with an animals. I don't know how he does it but he can control when I change.." He blushed a little, though it was hidden with his drooping head,"I had to walk around in that form for months. It was degrading."
Mahiro was horrified, how could his own brother do something like this to him? He lifted Vex's head so that their eyes connected, "Why would I laugh? I want to help you, if you think it's possible to cure it." Mahiro rests his forehead against his, "I don't want to see you sad."
Vex blinked, "well, that's the thing. The only one who would know if there was a cure is Xander, and the likeliness of him helping is pretty low." He seemed embarrassed just talking about it, but continued."besides...I don't mind it too much, though I don't enjoy it either. The reflexes and such are actually pretty handy, but It can change how I act sometimes when it's 'activated', I guess you could call it.."

Vex tried to smile as his embarrassment began to fade, though his expression looked nervous and slightly aggressive,"now he's coming back around and I know he will use it against me the moment he can. I hate being a cat."
Adam smiled " well we are skipping bio cause i know where to go to help you " he stood ip grabiimg her ahnd and pulled her down stairs to his car he opened to door and grinned" get in i have surprise for you"
"I won't let him." Mahiro kissed Vex, "You deserve more than this Vex and your brother should respect you."
Vex was caught a little off guard by his words, blinking. He didn't agree with Mahiro, but smiled happily,"thank you."
Sixxx said:
Adam smiled " well we are skipping bio cause i know where to go to help you " he stood ip grabiimg her ahnd and pulled her down stairs to his car he opened to door and grinned" get in i have surprise for you"
Haiiro sighs, wondering what Adam's surprise for her was. She gets into Adams car.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex was caught a little off guard by his words, blinking. He didn't agree with Mahiro, but smiled happily,"thank you."
"It's okay." Mahiro smiled happily back to him
Kalena headed out of the school and through the courtyard towards the woods. She knew where she was heading for once but doubted that she'd find what she was looking for. She had to try though, after all it had been her fault.

The Vila made her way to the spot in the forest where the veil was at its thinnest and with some deliberation crossed through into the spirit world.
Tasuke lay in his bed, flicking through his list, he'd only killed one. No. Two people even though he didn't kill him, himself. He let out a sigh and sat up. "Better get to it then." He grinned.

(I love this contrast xP)
LonelyAssassin said:
"It's okay." Mahiro smiled happily back to him
Vex pecked his lips with a kiss before sitting up straight on the bed, relieving the pressure from his back with a slight groan. "Hm.."
Adam drove well but fast weaving through traffic with ease driving to a city , blood flowing through the streets . buildings were mostly intact but several of the windows were broken , abandoned only a few days ago" i hada little some fun before i went to the school i was going to destroy it all but decided not to, glad i did "
Bad Tasuke :P )

Kalena began her search for the deceased teacher with determination. Moving through the spirit world systematically wasn't exactly easy but she gave it her best shot. She grew more and more frustrated as time went by however, try as she might, she could find no sign of him or anyone who knew him or might know where she could find him.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex pecked his lips with a kiss before sitting up straight on the bed, relieving the pressure from his back with a slight groan. "Hm.."
Mahiro stood up, he forgot he had no shirt on and went to do what he was going to do in the first place. Change into new clothes.

Valkyre said:
Bad Tasuke :P )
Kalena began her search for the deceased teacher with determination. Moving through the spirit world systematically wasn't exactly easy but she gave it her best shot. She grew more and more frustrated as time went by however, try as she might, she could find no sign of him or anyone who knew him or might know where she could find him.
(Yup U_U )

He decided to target those that weren't students this time, there were a lot. He created his signature Ice razor and skulked in the darkness.
Kalena didn't give up easily but after what felt like an eternity of searching, she had to admit that this search was hopeless without someone who actually knew their way around the spirit world. Annoyed with herself, she emerged back into the world of the living. she ran a hand through her hair in frustration, wondering what she was supposed to do now. Apologising to the man himself was seemingly out of the question after all and he apparently had no family for her to apologise to either.

She sighed and headed back to the school, figuring she could at least apologise to whoever had to find a replacement for him and fill out all the paperwork.
Sixxx said:
Adam drove well but fast weaving through traffic with ease driving to a city , blood flowing through the streets . buildings were mostly intact but several of the windows were broken , abandoned only a few days ago" i hada little some fun before i went to the school i was going to destroy it all but decided not to, glad i did "
Haiiro smiles. "Perfect, an already abandoned city wont be missed if it's destroyed, although, you might want to back away a few feet." She says, starting to glow an odd shade of red, almost the same color as blood.
Two? Yes definitely two were crossed off the list now he thought to himself as he pulled the Razor from one's chest. He sat on the body, relaxed as he licked the blood from the blade. This one was pretty young, a male, he looked intelligent. He probably was. But whoever Tasuke killed was equal to the rest of those he killed. Who was next? Female. With Family. A Break in?

Tasuke stood up and wiped some of the blood from his arms, but it they were stained good. Oh well. His face was covered in it as well, as were his clothes.
Unaware that the previous Principal had been 'replaced', Kalena headed for the Watcher's office with the intention of apologising and explaining herself so she could put that mess behind her at least. Her sex life, she was remiss to refer to it as her love life, however was a bloody mess. Unaware of Tasuke's current actions, she did not realise how accurate a description that was.

She sighed, pushing back her hair and likewise pushing back those issues for now. The old principal and her had been on pretty good terms and so she wasn't worried about this encounter. Besides teachers were always dying around here, it wasn't like it was the first time someone had had to be replaced because of a student. More often than not, however, it hadn't been an accident and no apology had followed. Kalena wasn't like that however.

Kalena knocked briefly on the Watcher's office door and waited impatiently to be invited in as nervousness started to creep at what she was doing. She hadn't really considered that she might get in trouble for accidentally causing the old man to have a heart attack and die. @AriaTheWatcher
Tasuke climbs up the side of the Target's house, he climbed through the window silently opening it, it was pretty easy to open when it wasn't locked. He found himself in the right bedroom, two people sleeping in a bed. He grinned and found a chair for himself, sitting beside the bed with his legs rested on it, he whistled loudly and the couple woke up one after another, before the woman could scream he shushed her and held his razor to her throat.

"Sorry about the premature wake up." The two of them stared at him, none of them spoke for a while. Then the man spoke.

"What do you want? Money?"

"I want your wife." Tasuke said as he leaned closely to her, brushing his lips up against her cheek. The man was silent, pride was on the line as well as their lives now.

"I. I can give you a lot of mo-."

"SHUT UP. Do you think I care for currency!?" Tasuke laughed. His blade pressed up against the woman's neck and she yelped slightly, a small trickle of blood falls down her neck as tears did from her eyes. He kissed her cheek and at that moment the man tried leaping towards him, but to no avail as an Ice spike formed beneath him and skewered him into the roof, all that could be heard from his mouth was gargling. The woman's eyes went wide and her mouth opened to scream, but only blood came out as he slit her throat. Tasuke stood up, licking the blood from his blade as the same blood gushed over the white bedsheets.
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