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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(Christopher is still in class, so if anyone needs somebody, they can meet him xD )

Luna sighed, taking hold of his arms of which he wrapped around her. "Don't apologize. It has nothing to do with you, or anything for that matter you could have possibly done. So you needn't do so."
Valkyre said:
"Well yeah, you're not?" Kalena asked, she didn't mean to be hetero-normative but she'd naturally just assumed that Tasuke was straight. She certainly didn't have a problem with him not being heterosexual, although she did wonder why he assumed that she wasn't either. Sure, she was a very sexual person but that sex was purely limited to the male gender.
"I don't really go to many lessons. I'm distracting for the men in the class, including the teachers..." Kalena trailed off, thinking of Horatio. Fatally distracting in some cases.
"No. I'm not. I didn't expect you to close yourself off to another half of the world's pleasures." Tasuke let out a sigh, "Oh well, I'm not missing out." He grinned.


[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Christopher is still in class, so if anyone needs somebody, they can meet him xD )
Luna sighed, taking hold of his arms of which he wrapped around her. "Don't apologize. It has nothing to do with you, or anything for that matter you could have possibly done. So you needn't do so."

"Sor..." He stopped himself and just hugged her. "Luna-Sama, have you been to school lately?"
Adam looked down " yeh so do i was only 3 " he smirked" i saw a kitten ... thats why i ran out into the road" he finished eating drank his wine pouring a new glass
Eiji walks onto campus and climbs onto a hollowed out tree were his friend once was and Eiji yells as he punches the tree hard.
Ritora hadn't had a big meal in a while, but she had memorized where all of the cafes and restaurants were before she got here. Picking one at random she set out to go there, in a slow shuffle. She passed a boy running past her emotionally, curiously she paused to turn and look at him fading into the distance. He looked like a high-school student, and no other schools are close to here. (Wasn't sure what to do). Entering the cafe and sitting near the door she ordered one of everything on the menu, getting several second glances and puzzled looks.
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke shook his head, "Wait why doesn't it work on Homo or Bisexual Females?" this confused him.
Mahiro gasped and his blush became redder, he wrapped his legs around Vex, "B-baka!" He was fast, but it didn't hurt so much. Mahiro felt vulnerable in this position.
Vex smirked, leaning down until their cheeks were touching. "That's more like it.." The heat coming from Mahiro was enticing, and he brushed his nose along the male's jaw gently moving it as he greeted his flesh with a pointed tongue, getting a hint of how he would taste. His teeth tingled whilst they extracted, and dug into the curve of his neck. Vex took most if the pain away, the only bit escaping was when they first broke the skin. It was replaced with something more sensual as he drank.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Yuu didn't budge, and simply remained in her curled position. She hadnt had any contact with another person for as long as she could remember all due to her status. Yawning only slightly, Yuu stretched out her legs and rolled slightly farther away from him, only to roll right back, with her back being pressed against his chest.

Shade frowned slightly when Yuu rolled away from him, not wanting her to be away from him. When she rolled back with her back to his chest, Shade blushed, again, and then smiled slightly. He wrapped one of his arms around her waist to hold her close to him and then propped his head up slightly with his other arm, the elbow against his pillow. He then spread one of his bat wings and draped it over himself and Yuu with the intent of keeping their body heat in instead of letting it escape.
...†Akira looked down at the child who attempted to kick his shin. He watched the boy swing his foot, and Akira simply raised his leg and flicked his forehead. He spoke†...

" What's your problem, kid? "

Luna shook her head in response to his question. She hadn't even thought about scho- well, that wasn't true. She just never consider- That wouldn't be true either. Releasing a small sigh, Luna laid her head back against him, slightly rolling her irises. "No. I haven't, in a few days."
Asphyxiated said:
Vex smirked, leaning down until their cheeks were touching. "That's more like it.." The heat coming from Mahiro was enticing, and he brushed his nose along the male's jaw gently moving it as he greeted his flesh with a pointed tongue, getting a hint of how he would taste. His teeth tingled whilst they extracted, and dug into the curve of his neck. Vex took most if the pain away, the only bit escaping was when they first broke the skin. It was replaced with something more sensual as he drank.
"A-ah." Mahiro hugged Vex and wrapped his legs around him, the feeling of pain was overcome with a much better feeling, it felt good. He let out a couple of moans now and then, gasping at the air as his grip around Vex tightened.
Eiji decided to walk back to the cafe and noticed one person sitting in there and he walked in and sat beside him
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Luna shook her head in response to his question. She hadn't even thought about scho- well, that wasn't true. She just never consider- That wouldn't be true either. Releasing a small sigh, Luna laid her head back against him, slightly rolling her irises. "No. I haven't, in a few days."

His head rose from her shoulder and her looked at her concerned, "You should go. Is someone hurting you? Do I need to kill them?"
"No. Its boring is all. Besides, the one I do wish to see, doesn't appreciate my presence much." Luna turned in his arms, only to rest her head against his chest. Although he was still wet, he was comforting to have around.

Yuu slowly rose her head, only to stare at the wing. It had caught her attention and sparked curiosity, which in turn led to her beginning to poke at it. Giggling quietly, she finally stopped, only to roll over onto her back and continue poking at the fancy looking shape. She hadn't seen a single wing since she left hell, which of course, had been somewhat of a long time, as other would refer to it in the least.
Jax yawns, returning from his dormant state and speaking to Sora through his mind. "Hello." Haiiro finsishes eating and sips her wine again, she had very little tolerance to alclohal, and she did not want to get drunk, so she would probably limit herself to two glasses of wine.
(gtg im so sorry ill be on tomorrow)
"Who Luna-sama?" He hugs her tighter, but not too tight, he wanted to be comforting for her, he was angry at this person that she spoke of.
...†Akira looked out of the window and into the courtyard. He spoke as he observed it†...

" It seems they fixed the courtyard. That was quick.. "
Adam filled her glass smileing and got up bringing over the dessert " so how am i doing? am i being as good a man as i think im being?" he chuckles puting the dessert in a bowl for her crumbling some oreos on top for her before scooping his own and puting the crumbles on top for himself
"Why? Do you wish to fight him?" Luna was curious as to what Toshi would do, and considering she didn't truly like Akira, she couldn't care less if Toshiro fought him. "His name is Akira, and he's supposedly in love with my sibling. Handle him for me, will you?"
Ritora sat and ate calmly, not tearing into but slowly savoring it. All of the food had filled the tiny table that she had been sitting at, people kept staring, mildly uncomfortable she packed up the food and walked back to the school, balancing three or four cartons of food on her hands and head. (Mashiro would you be bothered if I tried rping with Chris?)
" Hey, I'm gonna go check out the courtyard. I'll be right back. "

...†Akira disappeared, reappearing in the courtyard. He looked at the ground. The cracks seemed to be gone and the overall area had been repaired. He spoke†...

" That's unusual. "

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