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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Kalena looked around as she heard a wolf howl. Her forest did not have a wolf population, meaning a shifter had to be around. That or someone had a pet wolf. She stood up, just in case she had to fight a wolf. Wildlife generally left her alone but there were shifter who went feral when they became predators and she wanted to be prepared just in case.
" Of course. It's not as if I can change the past, nor how I feel. Love is an involuntary emotion. Besides, all you did was sleep. There's nothing wrong with that. "

...†Akira then scratched his face and looked away†...

" Of course, it still does bother me a little, but not a whole lot. "


((( I'll be going off for around four hours. I'll see you all then
:D )))
Jax sighs angrily, wandering around the school aimlessly. He was bored and angry, which in his case was never a good combination and usually ended with someone dying. The Watcher yawns, waking up. "Being a principal is so damn boring..." He mumbles angrily.
He runs home and jumps through the window and snuggles with you. He licks your cheek still in puppy form
Layla shrugged her shoulders. "Does it? Should I just sleep with you then?" Layla tilted her head to the side. She always had room to tease, so whether or not he accepted her offer was fine with her.

(Seeya )
LonelyAssassin said:
"Heh. Don't worry, I know the feeling." Mahiro's thoughts went back to his brother again.
"You have a sibling?" Cerin looked at him curiously. He was used to the idea of siblings, but it intrigued him when others had them. Taking a glance at his eyes, he noticed they looked familiar... He leaned in a bit, squinting. the memory of him kissing the ice clone came to his head. It was the only time he was close enough to have a good look at Tasuke's eyes.

Shaking the idea from his mind, he didn't move. "Probably not.."
"Yeah, he's a bastard." Mahiro growled, he leaned back a bit when Cerin leaned forward slightly, "He's been here much longer than me. Have you met him? His name's Tasuke."
zoey moans wiping her face rubbing her stomach half awake she gasps and sits up holding her stomach in pain it wasnt time yet " no its not time yet " she rubbed her stomach and layed back down grabing her laptop and sighed looking it up and it seems it was a false alarm but have a contraction that early ment lots of bed rest she closed the laptop and siged

LonelyAssassin said:
"Yeah, he's a bastard." Mahiro growled, he leaned back a bit when Cerin leaned forward slightly, "He's been here much longer than me. Have you met him? His name's Tasuke."
Cerin stood back up straight. "So you are his kin.." He was surprised that he was right. they acted different from each other. Yuki came to mind when he thought about it, but Cerin was sure he was ok. "Yeah, I've met him. He had a bit of a quarrel with an acquaintance of mine.."
He licks your cheek again and snuggles with you still a puppy his wet nose on your hand waiting for you to pet him. His tail wags

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"A quarrel? keep an eye on your acquaintance." Mahiro looked at him seriously, "Tasuke won't be finished with him yet."
"I didn't think he was...he seems to be the target of two people right now..so, I'm even keeping an eye on him right now, in fact." Cerin had drank his blood, which connected the two for a while. If something were to happen, he would know.
"Your acquaintance attracts some attention huh?" Mahiro sighs, "I'm sorry, I wish he wasn't like this. Apparently twins are supposed to be very close. We never were."
she pets him absentmindedly " kevin did i do something wrong .... why ...why did you get so mad at me ... what did i do ?" she looked down at him as a puppy she loved kevin she didnt ever want to leave but she wondered if he cared for her the same


she pets him absentmindedly " kevin did i do something wrong .... why ...why did you get so mad at me ... what did i do ?" she looked down at him as a puppy she loved kevin she didnt ever want to leave but she wondered if he cared for her the same

He sneezes then turns into human Kevin and kisses you - I just couldn't believe that you would think I would cheat on you. And I love you and I would never want to ever leave. Not now, not ever - he smiles and kisses you again running his fingers through your hair

"I understand completely...I'm really only close with one of my brothers, but it's kinda one sided." Cerin blinked a few times, remembering a hand full of times Soren avoided him.
Hey Soren :3

Mahiro smirked, "You can hang around with me if you want, you're the first person I've really talked to around here and so I don't have any friends." He laughs
" well you didnt wanna go with me and you come back drunk with another girls lipstick and perfume on you and i feel fat and just Blah and i know im not but i feel that way and i just i thought u might think that too and so you found someone else ... and now i know thats not the case i love you i dont want to leave . im happy but please talk to me , dont hold stuff in cause pretty soon we cant just lock each other out "she said rubbing her stomach


Cerin chuckled a little and nodded, "sure, I'd like that. I don't know many people here either."
|| So, I couldn't think of anything straight away. I'm just going to wing it. ||

Soren shrugged lazily as a reply to Vex's question. he really didn't want to do anything but be outside, and not be alone, which he wasn't anymore. Violet irises trailed around the area slowly whilst he fiddled with a pocket knife between his fingers.
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