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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]...†Akira continued to look around. He was bored and the pain within his heart was slowly escalating†...

Luna groaned. "Fine. Lets go." Luna could see the pain he was going through, even if she didnt understand it. All in all, she was worried about Layla as well, and knew something was bound to halpen.
"I haven't been to classes since the first few weeks I got here.." Cerin had been put here by Xander so that Soren could deal with he and Vex instead, not really for an education. A puff of odd-colored smoke pushed itself from his mask when he heard his last statement,"why so interested in non-humans?"
the baby kicked and she winced biting her lip ignoring the wolf she curled closer to the trees crying quietly her eyes half closed she shivered from the cold in the early morning air . she wanted to go home and curl up with kevin she didnt want to fight , she had no idea what they were even fighting about .

Mahiro raises an eyebrow, if he wasn't here for class, why was he here? He smirked, "Well I don't know, I don't like being ignorant to others out there, you have feelings right?" Mahiro laughed a little.
He growled a second then howled he got closer and licked your cheek putting his cold nose against your stomach as he sat down next to you then lays down on your lap warming you up

Layla reappeared standing in the middle of the forest, staring aimlessly at the trees. It was only mere moments before her body collapsed to the ground, herself curling into a tightly mde ball. Something was wrong, and she had absolutely no idea what it was. There was only one fact, something was terribly wrong, and she needed to get up and get help.
Cerin nodded lightly, "right. I see." He was still a little curious. There's a thin difference between acknowledging another person and their species, and going out of your way to be around many of them. Though he saw them as equal. It would be like Cerin walking into bar full of humans; some wouldn't care, but others would act violently. It made him wonder how Miharu's time here would go.

Cerin ended up staring at him as he thought, only a few slow streams of smoke escaping him. He blinked, coming back to realty from his mind and spoke,"so that means your human?"
...†Akira's form changed and was gone just before Luna could finish her sentence. He was in the air, flying towards the school. As he flew, he broke the sound barrier, travelling as fast as he could without teleporting. As he neared the school, he gradually began slowing down, soon dropping onto the ground, just outside of the school's main building and running inside. He called out†...

" Layla?! "

...†As he heard no reply, his chest slowly began to hurt. He spoke as he gripped the area where his heart would be†...

" What's.. going on? "

zoey pet him smiling " why do we fight like that Kevin?" she pet him falling asleep from his warmth she lay her head down on him almost instantly falling asleep she shiverd now and then and whined when the baby kicked but she stayed asleep

Luna rolled her irises. "They never listen." Luna blew her breath, reappearing with a disappointed stare standing before Akira. "Shes not here anymore idiot. Only one here is that Vampire." Luna shook her head turning and heading out of the building and into the courtyard.
"Yeah, I'm human. Don't worry, I'm one of the good guys." He chuckles. "Does your species have a name? might sound odd how I put it, but some don't..."
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke stepped back, his eyes were wide and trembling, he looked at her, he didn't know what to say now. He didn't cry, now that was something he hadn't done in a while, he just stayed where he was, unable to move. He could only say;
"I'm not doing anything Kalena..."
Kalena felt a pang of guilt as she saw him tremble. She didn't understand him one bit, she couldn't see anything in him that made her think he was a killer. Yet he had told her that he was. She wished he hadn't. She'd much rather just think of him as some guy that liked reading and had a way with words. Ignorance, as they say, would have been bliss.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt..." Kalena said quietly, not sure who she was really talking about. In this life her heart had never been broken, she had never thought to give it to anyone. Her kind rarely did and on those rare occasions it did not end well. Equally she didn't want to hurt him. It was in her nature to flirt and mess around. To be frivolous and promiscuous. Kalena couldn't see any man being okay with that. Even if she behaved, which wasn't like her, she couldn't turn off her Allure. Other men would always be looking at her, chasing her, wanting her. None of which was their fault. Tasuke, by his own admission, killed people. She didn't like the idea that he might kill because of her.
" Damn it. "

...†Akira quickly looked around, trying to see if he could see her. His heart began beating fast and he began sweating as the pain continued. He looked around at Luna and spoke†...

" Where is she? I can hardly sense her power.. "
Valkyre said:
Kalena felt a pang of guilt as she saw him tremble. She didn't understand him one bit, she couldn't see anything in him that made her think he was a killer. Yet he had told her that he was. She wished he hadn't. She'd much rather just think of him as some guy that liked reading and had a way with words. Ignorance, as they say, would have been bliss.
"I don't want anyone to get hurt..." Kalena said quietly, not sure who she was really talking about. In this life her heart had never been broken, she had never thought to give it to anyone. Her kind rarely did and on those rare occasions it did not end well. Equally she didn't want to hurt him. It was in her nature to flirt and mess around. To be frivolous and promiscuous. Kalena couldn't see any man being okay with that. Even if she behaved, which wasn't like her, she couldn't turn off her Allure. Other men would always be looking at her, chasing her, wanting her. None of which was their fault. Tasuke, by his own admission, killed people. She didn't like the idea that he might kill because of her.
Tasuke looked down, he had an idea of what this was about now. "I can't promise that." He turns away and walks away from her, he got about 5 meters away before he turned his head and looked over his shoulder,

"I Love You Kalena."
He teleported you and him to his dorm as he opens his door as the room was clean he set you on the bed he left after covering you up with a blanket he went back to the woods howling again as he went to the city park shifting into a kitten up in the tree next to a swing

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Luna shifted her gaze towards the trees. It was up to him whether or not he received her message. Slowly, she herself treaded into the direction of which she looked, before disappearing seconds later into the slowly blowing breeze.
LonelyAssassin said:
"Yeah, I'm human. Don't worry, I'm one of the good guys." He chuckles. "Does your species have a name? might sound odd how I put it, but some don't..."
Cerin shook his head. "No, not that I know of. I guess you'd call us experiments....?"
...†Akira shot into the trees, soon coming across Layla. He dropped onto his knees and looked at Layla noticing she was still alive. He forced a smile out through the pain and spoke†...

" I made it in time.. "

Mahiro looks at him and then starts appearing around him, crouching one second standing on the other side the next, observing him. "Really? I've never met an experiment before." He stopped circling around Cerin and then tilted his head, "Us? There are more around here?"
Cerin tried to keep up with him with his eyes, looking around when he would appear like a cat. He stopped when Miharu did and nodded lightly,"kind of, they are my brothers."
Layla grit her teeth, struggling to remove her eyelids from over her irises. She could barely tell who was speaking over her, and in fact didnt care. Groaning, Layla forced herself onto her back, keeping her hand placed over a blood seeping wound.
"Brothers! Jackpot." He clicks his fingers, his other hand on his waist, he then though about brothers - his brother. The other reason why he was here... He didn't realize that his face became serious and angry suddenly.
Zoey sleeps deeply mumbleing in her sleep whimpering when the baby kicked hours later she woke up and groaned rolling out of bed and she padded to the shower pulling off her shirt she looked at her self in the mirror , she still had some cuts from the car crash and a few bruises he stomach was still pink from the baby growing so fast . her back hurt and her body ached . her eyes were puffy from crying she sighed she used to be a hell force , her propose in life was to kill and cause problems , to keep it balanced and yet she hadnt killed in weeks she turned on the shower and smiled as she steped into the shower , washing away dried blood and dirt
He couldn't see why his brothers would be a jackpot. Cerin peered at him blankly, cocking his head lightly to the side with a gush of smoke. "You ok?"
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