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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Cerin dropped his hands when the clone melted and stepped over to Yuki. He put his hands down on his shoulders and anchored him to the floor. "Sit still and calm down." Cerin crouched down in front of Yuki, holding his breath as he licked the stream of blood from his face until he got to the wound where he licked it and it slowly healed. Vex was right, his blood was sweet. It may seem strange to Yuki, but he wasn't going to waste blood. When he saw that the wound was healed, he pulled his mask back onto his face and sighed. "You need to learn some self defense or something."
Kalena headed out of the forest and away from school. As nice as being home was, she needed distracting and so she made her way into town. As she walked down the streets, the looks she got gave her a boost. She subtly wiped her eyes as she turned a corner and strolled downtown as if she hadn't been an emotional wreck moments ago.

The solution to making everything alright was clearly to pretend it was until you started believing it yourself. That and a healthy amount of booze bought for you by adoring men.

So naturally Kalena found herself heading for the nearest pub for drinks on the house if the bartender was male or on the patrons if not. With any luck she wouldn't accidentally end any marriages. She was in the mood for drinking and merriment not an attempted cat fight.
Tasuke decided to leave the school for a bit, he went to go and check on Kalena. When he reached the part where he left her, she wasn't there but it really wasn't a surprise. He sat against the tree he put her against and started reading his book, maybe she'd come back - so he waited for a while.
Yuki winced as the wound healed and tried to to ignore the fact that Cerin had just licked him. He wiped his face with his clean hand and gave a stressed huffed,"if I had someone to show me, I could learn anything just by watching if it's physically possible."
Cerin stood up, his knees popping as he shifted his weight around. "Well, I would teach you, but I don't know the first thing there is to fighting." He offered a hand to help Yuki up again.
Kalena walked into the pub and was actually glad to see that its patrons were predominantly lecherous older men. She wasn't in the mood for sleeping with anyone after all and no one there was particularly attractive to her. Temptation therefore was pretty much non-existent.

She enjoyed their stares as she moved over to the bar, causing the bartender to drop the glass he'd been cleaning. It shattered but he didn't seem to notice.

"One Tequila Sunrise, please" Kalena smiled as she sat on one of the stools. She had no intention of paying for the drink and the bartender appeared to have forgotten that money had to be exchanged for goods and services. She span around on the chair and looked around the pub, enjoying the looks she was getting even if they were more sexual than she might have liked.

Her hand moved to the bar and picked up the cocktail, sipping it through the straw as she looked over her shoulder at the bartender gratefully.
Yuki took his hand and used it to help himself stand up. He had a confused look on his face as he stared at Cerin,"then what do you call that?" He was Referring to what he was doing with the clone.
He turned a page in his book, it had been a while, but he thought he'd wait longer. She could be sleeping after all, but he had a feeling that she wasn't, not after what happened. It was like the previous fight with the Blonde and Cerin didn't happen, he became worried about Kalena and that's where his thoughts were. He let out a sigh, he was getting cold, but he was used to it.

"Just a little longer."
"A kiss." Cerin said bluntly, running a hand through his white hair as he looked at the door. His pupils were still tiny, though bigger than they were when he first smelled the blood. The question to where Soren had taken Vex was rattling his brain. Though he hated Vex, he wasn't ready to see him dead again, and Soren has never hesitated when it came to hurting him. Cerin sighed, and turned his gaze back to Yuki. He wasn't going to leave him alone just yet.
Kalena drank her cocktail faster than she probably should have, placing the empty glass back on the bar. The men in the pub were slowly starting to move again, coming out of their initial shock. One man moved to sit beside her and gestured to the bartender to bring her another drink as he eyed her up.

"Shouldn't you be in class, young lady?" the man asked, his voice a little rough as he continued to leer at her. Kalena wasn't phased by his actions and was actually pleased that she was getting another drink already. She smiled at him as she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Probably but class isn't all that fun" Kalena shrugged slightly.
"How did you know kissing him would work?" Yuki blinked, still a bit confused. He couldn't complain because it was effective, but couldn't help but think it was odd. I would hate to be his partner if that's what a kiss does.
Tasuke closed his book, he got through a bunch of chapters, but he barely took anything in. He'd probably have to reread them later. He stood up and followed her tracks, they were pretty easy to follow - it also helped that he had planted an Ice crystal on her, it was immoral, but he did it and didn't care. He finds himself in town.

Cerin shrugged, "I didn't, I just felt like kissing him was the right way to go." He was slowly getting tired of this subject, and he let out a puff of gray smoke.
Kalena took the second cocktail and started to sip it, enjoying the attention she was getting. Even if it was from a bunch of creeps.

She swayed slightly in time with the music that was quietly playing in the background, getting away from it all and back to some sense of normality with added free alcohol was working. She felt much more like herself.

"So you're looking for some fun then, huh?" the man smirked, thinking he could well get lucky here. Kalena's Allure was powerful and could bring out both the best and the worst in people depending on their nature. He leaned in closer towards her, not quite close enough to touch her though.

"Right now, I'm looking for alcohol and music" Kalena replied smoothly, rather quickly after saying this the background music was turned up much louder and another drink was pushed her way despite the fact she hadn't drank half of her current one. Several more men were now moving closer towards her and they were eying up the competition as much as they were eying up her.
"...instinct?" Yuki brushed the question off when he noticed Cerin's smoke changing colors. He blinked, beginning to feel awkward from him just standing there. "I'm getting tired, I need to sleep," the exhaustion from this mess was beginning to settle in along with the pain in his bones. He gently pushed Cerin from his room and fixed his door. "I'm sorry, but I don't like sleeping around other people." Yuki also didn't trust anyone here enough to fall asleep around them. He was a heavy sleeper.

(Gtg, ttyl.)
Tasuke walked through the town, if someone was walking in the opposite direction he wouldn't move for them, they either got knocked out of the way or walked around him. He was getting closer to where she was, he could feel it. His mind started making him worry more, he didn't want to find her hurt. He stopped outside of a bar and let out a sigh. Of course.
Sixxx said:
zoey gasps "kevin..." she hugs him "its perfect i cant believe you did all this " she walked inand all the cute little cloths she bought were in the dresser and a cute little soft blanket was in the crib with a stuffed elephant siting inside . she reached down and felt its soft silky ear " Jackson will love it Kevin " she walks back and kisses him " i think im big enough for my aweful joke " she say wrapping her arms around his neck
OK tell the joke - he smiles and kisses you his eyes getting darker. Nothing was wrong he just lost energy and basic power of strength


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Kalena hummed to herself, she wanted to dance but she now had two drinks. She downed them both even though they were meant to be long drinks. She slipped under the arm of one man who tried to approach her as she moved to a open space. The alcohol was starting to effect her but at the moment she just felt a little light headed and generally content.

She started to dance, more for herself than for the men that were watching but the music had a sexual edge and so so did her dance. Along with her natural looks, her outfit and her Allure the whole effect was very provocative.

The men each started to try and dance with her, only for her to dance around them, always staying tantalisingly out of their reach much to their frustration.
...†Akira watched Luna and soon sighed, looking outside. He didn't know what to do, and this underlying pain was irritating him. Even though he felt this pain, he forced out a smile and spoke†...

" Where to now? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-1_15-31-50.jpeg.74339cb57dc32e366409cb0c4c279a79.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-1_15-31-50.jpeg.74339cb57dc32e366409cb0c4c279a79.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@Mashiro Shiina



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Tasuke lurked in the background, watching. He watched her dance and admired it for a while, she really did know how to move her body. The men around her started to irritate him, weak, perverts. He clenched his fist, but stayed back for now, he leaned against the bar and ordered a drink.
Cerin tilted his head slightly while he stared at the now closed door."Alright, sleep well." He said as he shrugged and walked off, out of the dorms. That was a bit unexpected, but he didn't blame him for it.

Cerin looked around the courtyard and sighed. "Back to square one.." I'll never make friends like this.
Kalena had not noticed Tasuke, her attention remaining on the men around her and the music. She weaved around them effortlessly, teasingly close as if she would dance with them and then lightly stepping away again.

She wasn't entirely sure how but she had another drink in her hand, someone must have given it to her. With a small shrug she knocked it back and handed the empty glass to the nearest male.

Reality felt a lot less solid and time had a more fluid quality to her as she danced, feeling elated as the alcohol amplified her emotional response to the music. The men were managing to get closer to her now, odd touches brushing against her which she no longer particularly minded. She felt powerful, not vulnerable as she danced.
Tasuke remained watching, he took his drink into his hand and took a large swig of it. His anger was building up, jealousy and hate. The men were all getting too close to her, it seemed like she had drank too much. He crushed his unfinished drink in his hand, causing it to bleed, he started to walk through the crowd towards her.
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