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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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she smiled " who woulda thought we would end up here " she kissed him rubbing her belly " i miss alcohol ... not geting drunk just being able to relax ... we are going to have a baby in a mtter of weeks and we have to buy a crib and bottles and just baby stuff and i have no idea where imma end up having the baby and what about you like i want you in there with me and but i dont want you to pass out.." she trailed off her heart pounding with panic and frustration

Pass out?... oh I want to show you something! - he smiles and scoots you over getting up grabs your hand and drags you to a room at the end of the hall as there was blue walls a crib rattles passifyers clothes diapers and a small play area - I got bored so I cleared out Lilly's room. I hope you don't ,mind if you wanted to do it - he kisses you happily
Ritora turned away from the grounds and walked back up to the dorm were she finished cleaning and putting her bed back together. Pulling off her hat, undoing the low ponytail that trailed down towards her real tail, she let her ears twitch, as they had been suffocated by the light blue top hat all morning. Her hair flowing free she allowed herself to relax, stretching out on the bed and watching her tail flick lazily back and forth, slowly hypnotized by her moving tail she fell asleep curled up on the bed.
zoey gasps "kevin..." she hugs him "its perfect i cant believe you did all this " she walked inand all the cute little cloths she bought were in the dresser and a cute little soft blanket was in the crib with a stuffed elephant siting inside . she reached down and felt its soft silky ear " Jackson will love it Kevin " she walks back and kisses him " i think im big enough for my aweful joke " she say wrapping her arms around his neck

"Says the one that pointed a gun at me.." Vex mumbled quietly while rubbing his head and looking away from them.

"If im a child, then so are you." Cerin smiled, more white smoke leaving his mask from the contact. He let go of Soren so that he dropped onto his feet, and went back to Yuki's side, guarding him from Vex and Tasuke.
Soren glanced at Vex with an empty expression, before grabbing him by the arm and taking him outside. Leaving Cerin to whatever business he had with the two humans. For some reason, he didn't want to be alone, but didn't feel like he could handle Cerin's whining right now.

Once they were outside, he let go of Vex and sighed.
Gtg to sleep. Night!)))

"What's up with you?" Vex eyed Soren, looking up at him stubbornly. He hated that Soren was taller than him. It wasn't the same as looking at Cerin. Even so, it didn't bother him seeing as Soren has always been taller, even when the were kids.

yehhhh im thinkin the same . i have to prepare to ya know , watch super bowl commercials and cheer when any one dose anything because i dont know anything about football .....wooooooo
@SorenDarrah @ChubbyPenguin (Sorry guys I tried to keep my eyes open but I nodded off xD )

Tasuke watch the events unfold as another guy appeared, they called him Soren he was another of the two's brothers. It was like watching a Tv show or something, he let out a little laugh. Tasuke's attention turned to the blonde haired boy, he walked inside the room looking around at the posters and other trinkets that were placed around the area that Yuki called 'his dorm'.

"Did I ever introduce myself the last time we met?" Suddenly he leaped forward and punched Yuki square in the face, "I'm Tasuke!!!" His eyes were wide and psychotic, his grin twitched with pleasure.
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Logan followed Layla, keeping up with her wasn't an issue even though she kept acting like it was. He could be there by now and waiting for her if she'd told him where they were going.

Maybe she's lost it he mused to himself as he followed her, the main building of the school drawing ever closer. Was that where they were headed? He didn't bother asking, she seemed annoyed about something and for all he knew it could well be directed at him. @Mashiro Shiina

Kalena paused, unaware that she was actually stood on the exact spot that was the heart of the forest. Here, for some reason, the veil between the worlds was particularly thin. Being in part a spirit herself, she could see through it. If the fancy took her she could pass through it. It rarely did and never for long. Her thoughts were of Tasuke.

"A murderer..." she murmured and sighed softly. He'd seemed like a lot of fun to start with. She really should have left the moment he confessed to enjoying killing... Why hadn't she?

Her gaze continued to stare into the spirit world. Perhaps she could find some answers in there. His victims had to have passed through after all. Finding anyone who knew something would be a nigh impossible task though and would require a lot of laborious searching, which didn;t sound fun at all.
Yuki tumbled backwards, rubbing his face with one of his hands. Tears formed at the edge of his eyes as a reaction from the pain as he glared at Tasuke. "What the hell Is your problem?!"

He didn't answer him straight away and grabbed him by the shirt, dragging him him and slamming against the wall. He glared into his eyes and lets out a psychotic like laugh, he paid no attention to Cerin.

"I didn't like it when you were in my head, and I just don't like you now." He thrusted his forehead into Yuki's
"OW!" Yuki yelped, blood beginning to run down his face from the contact. He didn't get Tasuke. What was I supposed to do? Let him crush my head in? Yuki grabbed his wrists and used his power again, though something told him it wouldn't do much.
Layla finally stopped walking, upon reaching the front of the building. "Logan. Just meet me in Chemistry class." Layla gave him no room for a response, before her form disappeared after being engulfed in enlarged flames.

(Sorry its short. Just woke up.)
Tasuke was un-phased, "you think I'd come into contact with you?" He then kneed him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him and then letting him drop to the ground. His forearm morphed into that of an Ice spike, and it was clear now that this was an Ice Clone. He grinned and placed the tips of the spike against Yuki's chest.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."
Cerin was zoned out until the smell of blood filled his nose. His eyes followed the enticing scent to see the two of them, their pupils shrinking into needle points. With a quiet sigh, Cerin walked over to the two and grabbed Tasuke by the neck. Black claws dug into his flesh as he pulled him from Yuki and slung him across the room effortlessly.
Tasuke hit the wall, shards of ice splintered from his body. He grinned again and got up and pointed his spiked arm at Cerin's back, shooting the spike from so that it would skewer through his chest if undefended. "I'm not done!" He growled.

@Asphyxiated (Kill dat clone U_U)
I will because bored.))

Cerin pulled his mask down as his torso formed into smoke, letting the shard shoot through him and hit the wall. "Ice, huh?" Cerin quickly turned so that he was facing the clone, grabbed his arms, and locked them behind it's head, before grabbing his jaw with a free hand and kissing the clone. His smoke left his mouth and into the clone, causing him to melt from the inside out.

Tasuke attacking Yuki I think. ))
No worries :) )

Logan raised an eyebrow, Layla was acting weird. Being engulfed in flames was pretty weird behaviour as far as he was concerned. He shook his head, wondering what the point of him following her had been. Nevermind, he'd fed which was what was important.

"Looks like I'm going to class then" he mused aloud to himself and heading into the building.

Quite apart from anything else, Kalena couldn't be bothered to attempt to dig into Tasuke's past. She doubted it would be fun to try and anything she found would be of the deceased kind. It was all pretty morbid and she started to wonder why she even considered it as a possibility.

Kalena sighed and turned away from the spirit world, walking back through the forest. Looking into his past wasn't the only option available to her but the other was even more grim. Looking into the future was a painful experience and there was no guarantee she'd even end up looking at the part she wanted to see. It wasn't like she practiced very much after all and she didn't have an anchor... well she supposed she did. She was wearing his shirt.

She bit her lower lip and then shook her head. The best thing to do was to just cut him out of her life. He was a murderer and as pleasant, nay enjoyable, as his company had been it had ended in a way that Kalena felt no desire to repeat.
The Clone smirked, so this was Cerin's power? He kissed him back placing a hand on his cheek before being melted all over the floor. The real Tasuke opened his eyes in his Dorm room and started laughing hysterically.
Yuki sat up, gripping his stomach and trying to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to his head. He tried to stand, but was too dizzy to. Why was this happening?
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