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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Tasuke Started walking through the trees, "Tell me how you feel or what you want or need. Don't hesitate." He kissed her forehead, at the moment he didn't know what to think, maybe he got to her too much. Was it the music or the Kiss? He didn't realise that a single tear slid down his cheek.
she kissed him and grined before looking down " Well Jackson Matthew , i cant wait to meet you " she smiles looking down at her stomach. the baby kicked and she winced holding her breath for a minute

Kalena noticed the tear and immediately looked away. She didn't like that she'd upset him, it didn't sit right with her.

"Here's fine" she murmured, not answering his question. She didn't know the answer after all but admitting it seemed even worse. Kalena didn't want to be weak but she felt it right now. Some part of her blamed him for it, maybe that was irrational or maybe it wasn't. She needed time to clear her head.
Tasuke set her down against a Tree, he stayed knelt by her in case and looked at her dead in the eyes, his expression was serious. "You sure?"
Layla didn't budge in the least whilst he fed. She didn't even bother reacting. Silent, she slowly shifted her gaze towards the wall. Contemplating her activities of the day, Layla shoved aside the feeling of her blood leaving in one direction, having her full attention on her decision. Finally, she spoke even whilst he continued feeding. "I want to visit somewhere."
Whoa its okay - he put his hand on your stomach as the baby stopped moving he cuddled with you more. He wanted to shape shift and leave but he wanted to be with Zoey in case she's hurt-

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"A tree is a tree" Kalena smiled slightly and shook her head. "I'll be fine. You should go to class or read a book or whatever it is you do when you're not.." she shrugged, bringing up the fact he was a killer seemed like a bad thing to do right now. Or ever for that matter. She was not down with the killing thing. Maybe that was what was wrong? Kalena sighed, this wasn't how any of this was supposed to go.
Cerin smiled happily, ignoring Vex's presence. "Sweet! Which one did you want me to read?"

Vex peered at Cerin with an annoyed expression, waving his hand around the boys face only to be ignored. He hated when Cerin ignored him like that. Without thinking, he grabbed Cerin's wrist and brought it to his lips, before opening his mouth to reveal two rows of sharp teeth and biting into his flesh.

Cerin flinched, slowly turning to look at his wrist. He blinked and his expression changed completely. "What the hell is wrong with you?!?!" He yelled, bringing his legs up and trying to Vex off, but to no avail. When He could feel his blood beginning to drain he brought his head back and headbutted vex, knocking him out. Cerin pulled his wrist from between his jaws and rubbed it, the deep punctures that circled his skin healing. "Damn pest." he kicked his brother even though he was unconscious and grabbed Yuki, along with two of the books, slinging him onto his back.

After jumping from from the open window, Cerin landed on the ground outside with a huff. He tried to hold his breath seeing as his mask had broken from hitting Vex, and jumped onto the roof to put distance between he and his brother. When he landed, he let Yuki down and apologized, "I'm sorry..."
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Jax jolted awake, finding himself on the roof of the school with a gaping wound on his left arm that was oozung a black liquid. "The hell?... What happened?..." He mumbles, confused and angry at the same time.
Logan was vaguely aware that she had said something. Quite worryingly he now realised that he hadn't been keeping track of how much he'd drunk and had no idea of her possible limits. Still she didn't seem to be collapsing against him, maybe he was worrying unnecessarily. He drank a little more, stopping was never easy after all, and then withdrew. Perhaps he'd taken a little more than he should...

He licked the wound, clotting the blood there. Hopefully she was alright.

"How do you feel?" he asked a tad breathlessly, his hunger had retreated for now. That was always good.
"...When I'm not? Tsch. Fine." Tasuke grinned, it was clear she wanted to be alone, he wasn't going to pry, it's not like she was going to disappear. Right? He nodded to her and stood up, walking back to school. Even though he had won, he felt like the game never really existed afterwards. Heh. He made his way inside the school.
Yuki had kept his eyes shut tightly after Cerin picked him up, but when he opened them he saw that he was on the roof. "Um...Cerin...c-can we get down..please.." His gaze was locked on the ground below in fear.
Kalena watched him leave and hugged herself. Once he was out of sight she sighed, she felt something akin to relief and something that wasn't relief too. She leaned back against the tree, tilting her head back and looking up at the branches and leaves above her. Slowly she breathed out, carrying that breath all the way to those leaves and making them dance softly in the breeze she'd created.
Layla shrugged her shoulders. "Dead?" Rolling her irises, Layla shook her head. "Change your clothes, youveworn that too long. Plus, you're not even wearing a shirt." Slowly, Layla turned to face him, once to shove him backwards. "Go fix it before anything else."
Cerin looked at Yuki before following his gaze to the ground. "What's wrong? Scared of heights?" He didn't let any smoke go as he spoke, though he couldn't hold his breath for much longer.
"As you wish" Logan smirked, amused by her reaction. Satisfied she wasn't literally going to drop dead, he seemingly vanished. Although the sound of the door shutting could be heard. Moments later, he was back in her room changed into a different outfit. He'd substituted his trousers for dark jeans and was wearing a smart shirt with it.

"Is this better?" he asked, he could always change it if she was dissatisfied.

Tasuke walked into the Library, he noticed Vex on the ground and walked over to him. Looking down, was he dead? Oh no he's breathing. He want over to the shelves and got a book, he came back, sat on a chair next to Vex and started reading.
"Yes! I'm terrified of heights! G-Get me d-down!" Yuki couldn't move anything but his lips, even as his knees began to shake and he started to feel sick.
" hes strong and its uncomfortable when he presses on my ribs is all " she leaned her head back with her eyes closed " few more weeks and he will be here..... i need to go shoping , buy a few things.. not much i just un my cloths can barely cover..." she stood up and adjusted her tank top . she had wore it a few weeks ago and it had looked baggy on her ,now it fit perfectly on her belly " in a few day this wont fit as well " she said with a weak smile

Metaphysics said:
(I feel like I've got nothing to do here and am considering letting this RP go...nobody sing Frozen please.)
You can RP with my Mahiro Character if you like, havent really introduced him yet T_T
Layla studied him for a few movements. She didn't feel today or the moment was the correct time to be picky. Plus the fact she found his outfit acceptable. "Alright. Keep up." Layla was already headed out the door even before she spoke. She wasn't in any type of hurry, but she all in the same didn't feel like lolligagging. She had enough if play time, and had grown slightly bored by it. Shifting her gaze to the floor below, Layla blew her breath before climbing the railing and jumping, only her flying hair to be seen as she did so.

(My Luna and Christopher characters are free)
...†Akira decided to go for a walk again. He heard Alex shouting and soon replied in a slightly louder voice, yet he wasn't shouting. He talked as he walked past Alex's room†...

" You're freaking out! Calm down! It's probably just your powers adjusting. "

...†Akira walked down the stairs and out of his home. He looked around and continued to walk. He was bored. He soon came to an abandoned factory and decided to enter it. There was nothing else for him to do, so he decided to have fun. Apparently a Demon was living there. Akira slipped on a white mask which featured a purple lightning bolt going over the right eye piece. He continued to walk, until he stood in the center of the room. Soon, Demons surrounded him. Akira called out at the Demon lord that stood directly infront of him†...

" Really? An ambush? What are you, stupid? Did you seriously think I didn't know you were in here. "

Cerin tried not chuckle at Yuki as he stepped closer and picked him up over his shoulder. He then jumped from the roof and landed outside if the dorms, setting Yuki onto the ground. "Be right back," he said as he ran inside to his room and quickly changed masks. He was outside and breathing within a few minutes of leaving.

Vex groaned as he started to wake up. His eye lids peeled open whilst he turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling with a blurry vision. A claw clad hand rubbed at his ribs that where kicked, and he winced as they healed themselves. "Fuck.."
"Wakey Wakey Princess" Tasuke teased, his eyes didn't leave his book though, he was on a good part already so he'd probably keep this one. His legs were rested comfortably on a table and his chair was slightly leant back.
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