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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Kalena sat where she was in silence for several minutes, drinking in the calm of the forest. Although she ventured into society, this was where she was meant to be. Her natural habitat.

Slowly she rose to her feet and strolled through the forest without any real sense of direction. All she knew was that she was heading deeper into the forest. Further away from school and further away from him.

Logan followed her without questioning where they were going. She would have already told him if she were inclined to do so. He didn't hesitate in vaulting the railing after her and landed with a surprising grace on the ground beside her.

Most people used the stairs but apparently Layla wasn't one of them. That didn't overly surprise him.
Diel woke up in her bed. She looked around with a sad look. "Alone...still." She muttered before shrugging the blanket off. She walked to the window and sighed before walking towards the door. She put her hand on the door before it was blasted off of its hinges. "Ugh...again?"
Yuki kept his head between his legs to keep it from spinning. He wouldn't have known that Cerin left if he wasn't warned seeing as his eyes were shut right again. When he finally began to calm down, he looked up at Cerin with an upset expression. "What was with that?"
Metaphysics said:
Diel woke up in her bed. She looked around with a sad look. "Alone...still." She muttered before shrugging the blanket off. She walked to the window and sighed before walking towards the door. She put her hand on the door before it was blasted off of its hinges. "Ugh...again?"
The door flew passed Mahiro and he jumped back and yelped slightly. He then poked his head to see inside of the door frame, "You ok? What happened there?"
Vex sat up, holding his torso with an arm and wiping the dark colored blood from his jaw. Rustic hues looked up to put a face to the unfamiliar voice talking. He raised a brow upon noticing it was the guy Cerin was fussing with.
Tasuke looked down at him breaking concentration from his book, this guy didn't speak much, well to him at least. Tasuke notices that he had his eyebrow raised and his eyes twitches "What?"
"Sorry..I told you, I don't know what he is thinking anymore, or if he even thinks." Cerin held a hand out to offer help as he asked,"are you ok?"
Layla slowly straightened her posture. Of course, she had an idea where she was headed, but the only problem was deciding when she wanted to go,..Layla took a moment to glance over at Logan standing beside her. Rolling her irises, Layla began walking forward, fixating her gaze to stare at the pattern on the floor beneath her feet whilst she walked.
...†Akira stepped out from the warehouse. He spoke as he walked away, taking off the mask†...

" Damn that was annoying. "
"Yeah I'm fine." She said, walking towards the door and picking it up. "This is just something that happens often." She placed the door back. "I'm...just very lonely right now and I don't have much control over stuff." She sighed and leaned against the door only for it to fall into her room, taking her along for the fall. "Ow."
"That's what I'm thinking." Vex mumbled as he stood up and stretched. He turned his attention to the table, noticing that both Cerin and Yuki were gone. "Damn..."
Elizabeth sighs, wandering around hell aimlessly. She was dead, there was no way to get around that issue. She wonders how she had died, since she wasnt conscious when it happened. Jax sighs, appearing back in his dorm room and bandaging up his bleeding arm.
Mahiro teleports in front of her and grabs her wrist before she can hit the floor, "Be careful will you." He pulled her up and then folded his arms, "Lonely? Why don't you go talk to your friends or something?"

Tasuke sighed and was about to start reading until he heard Vex curse and so looked at him again, "What now? your lack of talk is irritating."
Logan wasn't entirely sure what he had done to warrant her eye roll but he continued to follow her in silence. Wondering what the Hell she was doing. It looked fairly strange to him, she didn't usually walk like this after all.
Luna groaned. Nothing exciting had taken place in days, and it was irritating her. The fact she had yet to catch sight of her sibling and Akira caught her attention, causing her to refrain herself from further observation of the school itself, and trace her attention to fully focus on Akira as well as her sibling. Rolling her irises and teleporting, Luna came to a halt to stand on the corner of a warehouse. She hadn't the slightest idea where she was, but she could clearly tell who a male she saw walking was. "Akira. Where is Layla? You have five seconds or less to explain before I shoot you down."

@Fukushima Akira
"Yeah, I'm ok." Yuki took his hand and used Cerin as a weight to pull himself to his feet. When he was finally standing, he let go of his hand and let out a relieved sigh. "So, I have a question. Earlier to said 'us four' does that mean you have more than one brother??"
"Oh that would be nice..." She said. "If I had any." She added. "...So what's your name huh?" She asked as she stood up straight and bent over to pick up the door and place it back.
Layla sighed, coming to an absolute halt. Grunting, she placed her hand carefully to her side. Something was bothering her, and even she herself was oblivious to the cause. Wincing, Layla slowly straightened her posture, ignoring the event fully. She did well to play it off, shaking her head before trudging forward once more. Upon turning the corner, Layla mentally slapped herself, before retracting her hand from her side and clasping it against her opposite hand, before resting them both at her front.

(Uh, no. My Luna existed ever since this rp first started. It's just that I rarely use her.)
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]
" I don't know. Probably with the Vampire. "

...†Akira spoke as he continued walking without stopping. He was bored, and there was nothing he could do to change that. He soon came to a stop and looked around at her, continuing...


" Why? "
Mahiro shrugged it off and looked away, he wasn't one for affection. He did however answer her question. "Mahiro Fuwa, And you?"
Logan raised an eyebrow as she stopped. He noticed her pain but couldn't see a cause of it. Perhaps he'd screwed up and she was about to keel over from a heart attack or something. He sincerely hoped not, heart failure would probably result in him changing schools like last time.

"Are you okay, Layla?" Logan asked, their was concern there but it was self-centred. Another death would look suspicious to say the least.
Vex wasn't phased by the male's tone, in fact he didn't look at him until he spoke,"did you happen to see a white haired guy about yea tall-" he gestured to his chest," with a gas mask, and a little blonde boy with him?" Vex was in the mood to mess with Cerin already. Knowing what annoys him was a upside to being stuck in his head.

Cerin nodded, "yes, I have three older brothers: Xander, Soren, and vex." He smiled, though it quickly dropped to a frown,"we aren't all exactly buddy buddy with each other, though. Xander is the oldest, Soren second, Vex third, and me last."
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